
Post subject: bisquik help me
Joined: 7/24/2006
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bisquit how can i no then
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Joined: 7/24/2006
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because i realluy want to do a run of a gba game but cant and no one is gunna tell me how haha -.-
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riid tha FAQ .
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<Spoon feeding mode on> That's because you're breaking the rules. We CAN'T tell you what you wanted to know. <Spoon feeding mode off> I also find your text to be hard on my eyes and Bisqwit (that's how it's spelt) has good reasons for doing what he did. As a result I would never normally reply to a topic like, and neither would a lot of people.
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yea ok np im sorry for acting like a prick etc.. ill just have to browse the tinternet xD haha
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mark wrote:
ill just have to browse the tinternet xD haha
I honestly cannot believe that you do not know how to spell "Internet". You cannot plead to dyslexia or something like that. Please type more carefully.
Joined: 7/24/2006
Posts: 29
o no.. i do know how to spell internet its just i like that word from a comedian peter kay damn iv made such a BIG jerk of myself really sorry and apolligise senserley
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Joined: 6/25/2005
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you're frequently noticing that you're misbehaving, and you even apologize, but you aren't even trying to change. Too bad. This isn't the battlefield. There's no enemy behind the corner that could attack any moment - you don't have to rush your posts. Take your time to re-read your posts before submitting them (use the Preview-Button), and correct any spelling errors you find.
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This topic name made me laugh quite a lot :) Mark, miau advised you to get the emulator you want and start practicing with it. Read about how to use the emulator tools (located in the FAQ), and test out stuff like frame advance and how you want to designate your savestates. Once you feel comfortable with that, you can try some basic luck manipulation in Pokemon or whatever. It probably won't happen in a matter of minutes. Don't worry if it takes a while, as TASing any game isn't a trivial matter. But just posting "bisquik help me" without indicating what you need help with isn't going to get the info you want. Experience with the emulators will. Also I'd highly recommend that you forget everything you ever learned from MMORPGs. They are evil and will be the downfall of society as we know it. That's not a joke.
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
Joined: 7/24/2006
Posts: 29
wow thats pretty strong about the mmorpgs. And i really dont no why i started this topic off -.- i think i was just stressed from life its self. I am now looking at the ways of the vba nad having a bit of trial and error.. um i have read the thing about this luck manipulation on pokemon. i mean i have absolutly no idea of how to do it . post back if you are alowed onto how to use luck manipulation. (yes i have read the faq/rules etc.
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Joined: 7/24/2006
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um.... thanks i guss but some of it was a bit confusing to me and a well im not gunna bother opening my trap because one of you will just schold me for been a begginer in speed runing or schold me about my spelling (which is nt my falt) ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRG im so stressed
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Well, I guess your spelling is really my fault. Just check your post 10 before submitting it just make sure it's fine. And about teaching you how to TAS, that's very hard.
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Here are my two cents: stop asking and start doing. There's a point in everything where you just have to stop studying and start experimenting for youself. The thing is, with TASing, you can't really study anything but how the emulators work. What you need to do is to start experimenting with the emulator and the game you want to TAS. Just try some things out.
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and if you want, go on http://www.spellcheck.net/ also tinternet is t'internet ;)
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mark is my favurit poster. he may not no how 2 hack computars like u guys but he has heart! he is doin it 4 the luv of the game and not for cold perfekshin. i thk some of u hav 4gotten wat video games r about. gl hf mark edit: spelling
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Hooray for Mark, and Bisquick
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
Hooray for Mark, and Bisquick
Yes, yay for Nes-- I mean Bisquik! ^_^
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no no, there's no such thing as Nesquik. It's Tasquik now!
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wow , you did become member after 1 day with just 2 topics :> gz mark edt:whoops just newbie ranking ;/
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Tub wrote:
no no, there's no such thing as Nesquik. It's Tasquik now!
OWWW! ^.^
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Ramzi wrote:
mark is my favurit poster. he may not no how 2 hack computars like u guys but he has heart! he is doin it 4 the luv of the game and not for cold perfekshin. i thk some of u hav 4gotten wat video games r about. gl hf mark edit: spelling
mrk is mai favrit posta he mai knot no hao 2 hax0r putarz lik u gais but he has ♥ hes do-in it 4 the ♥ of teh game & knot 4 cold perfekshin. i thk sum of u have 4gotn wat VID-E-YO games r abowt. gl hf mrk Now really fixed for spelling.
<agill> banana banana banana terracotta pie! <Shinryuu> ho-la terracotta barba-ra anal-o~
Joined: 7/24/2006
Posts: 29
um.... ty guys... :O i do love games and just love the feel of playing them.... i joined tas beacause i loved watching the pros completing games i have struggled to complete.. (although when i was 8 i managed to complete super mario 64 with 120 stars :D) well anyway post back to this if you like.. im looking forward to hearing from you guys. (i no that i talk to much but i like talking to you guys <3
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"Genuine self-esteem, however, consists not of causeless feelings, but of certain knowledge about yourself. It rests on the conviction that you — by your choices, effort and actions — have made yourself into the kind of person able to deal with reality. It is the conviction — based on the evidence of your own volitional functioning — that you are fundamentally able to succeed in life and, therefore, are deserving of that success." - Onkar Ghate
Bisqwit wrote:
Drama, too long, didn't read, lol.
Joined: 7/24/2006
Posts: 29
lo never knew he got horney over britany spears.... im not big fan of her.. (im more kelly clarkson >:D)
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