
Post subject: My 3 for this week
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1.Kid Icarus - Around half done already. Wanted to do one of the classics before they are all taken. 2.River City Ransom - Already done several run throughs. Still deciding if grandslam is the way to go. 3.Either that Tiny Toon Adventures (fun game btw) or another one of the classics. Need to see which ones are left.
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> Wanted to do one of the classics before they are all taken.. No hurry. If you can do better than anyone else, it's kept no matter when it comes :) I'd most like to see Wizards & Warriors.
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The Megaman man games are all classics ;)
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Hey Bisqwit, did you disable smilies?
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Post subject: Re: smilies
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Think so.
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I thank you for that. Quikte a bundle there... I'd like to see the tinytoon speedrun, it's a really fun game to play.
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Ok, finished River City Ransom, play time is just under 8 min I believe, so watch for it. You guys are gonna like the fights. I spent most of the time trying to make the fights look fancy while finishing the enemy as fast as I can. Kid Icarus - Looks like its gonna end up around 25 min. Probably gonna start over, I think I might be able to save a few seconds by doing some things different. Zelda 2 - Im gonna see if this fix works and if it does Ill finish it in a bit. Tiny Toons - Might finish it this weekend if I have time, Ill see. >I'd most like to see Wizards & Warriors. The only W&W I played and finished is 2, Ironsword. Ill see if I can still remember how to get through the game.
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Sleepz wrote:
River City Ransom Kid Icarus Zelda 2 Tiny Toons
yam interesting to see these ones!
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River City Ransom in 8 minutes!?! Wow. I can't wait for that one. Kid Icarus sounds fun too. I tried playing a little bit of that recently and I couldn't even pass the first stage. I kept falling.
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Don't forget sleepz just walk on the elevator.Jumping on it cause the game to crash.
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Why does Famtasia say that the River City Ransom movie is 8 minutes long when it is actually 9
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Wow. This River City Ransom was awesome. Especially those fights. This was my favourite game when I was kid and it is more entertaining in 2 players-mode. btw. RCR is known as 'Street Gangs' in Europe Why wasn't it played in advanced level?
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>Why does Famtasia say that the River City Ransom movie is 8 minutes long when it is actually 9 Yea, thats pretty weird. I just noticed that too. Thats why I thought my run would be well under 8 min. >Why wasn't it played in advanced level? I didnt really give that much thought when I started making it. I would assume the boss fights would take a little longer, and Id probably buy grandslam for the last two fights to save time.
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How's the Kid Icarus movie coming? Really look forward to it.
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I started Kid Icarus over again because I thought I could save time at a few places. Im at the half way point again and it looks like I only shaved about 3-4 sec off :| . Kinda a waste of time. Anyways, Im jumping between 3 recordings right now: Kid Icarus, Tiny Toons, and Megaman 3. My Megaman 3 looks like its gonna be the fastest MM3 run yet. From the start of the game to the second I kill the 8th robot = 16 min 40 sec. Its also got some tricks and plays that probably no one has seen before. No passwords or controller 2 are used btw. Coming real soon. Kid Icarus and Tiny Toons will be finished about the same time.
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Now i'm working on: Conquest of the Crystal Palace(cool game, good music, and can go through the walls with a jump) Double Dragon III: The Sacred Stones(2 player mode played alone) Ninja Gaiden 3: The Ancient Ship of Doom(Improvement)
G1MM3 4 BR34|C!
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lol I just watched your Double Dragon II. I thought it was funny and neat seeing both players being controlled by one for the first time. Looking forward to DD III since I havent finished it yet.
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Since DD III is harder, longer and has more fights than II, it'll take more time to make it, i think it'll be finished by the weekend.
G1MM3 4 BR34|C!
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Hey, I'm also working on kid icarus. How fast has it taken you? And are you going for just speed, or 100% speed? I'm going for 100% speed.
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Well I put Kid Icarus on hold so I can finish Megaman. I left off at the world 2 temple. Im not sure what you mean by just speed or 100% speed. If you mean taking no hits, my run takes no hits, but it doesnt slow me down one bit. I timed my world 1. From the start of the recording to the second I finish the world 1 boss = 6:45 flat (I used a stopwatch for this one). Let me know what your time is for world 1 so we can compare.
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I dont get hit either, but thats not what I mean. I mean are you getting the best ending(5 strength, 999 hearts,all 3 weapons,and 200000 experience)? Mine is a bit slower than yours because I go to the trial chambers, and some of the chambers where those guys fly around to get the skillm to get the strength upgrade. I'll time it though.
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I went and timed it, and its a bit less than a minute slower. However, mine is not a pure speed run, because I stop in several chambers as I said before, and i kill several enemies and that sometimes takes off half a second. I need these though to get the best ending.
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Alright, finally finished Megaman 3. I made it just under 34:00. I was hoping to reach for under 30 min, but it looks like it just cant be done. Just checking it over before I submit it. The one that Ill probably be finished next is Tiny Toons. Bob, I never really thought about which ending to get. My guess is that a straight run through of the game will take at least 25 min. Getting all the requirements for the best ending could make the video very lengthy. I know you would have to kill each set of enemies more than once.
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It actually doesnt take that much longer. Im at 4-1 at just under 30 minutes. I'll probably have to do it twice to get enough experience though. You dont actually have to kill all that enemies, because the fortresses always give lots of experience.
