Post subject: Track & Field 2
Player (71)
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I might do this after my Mystic Quest run. Anyone interested in seeing this? I don't know very much glitches. Besides the hammer throw thingie where you throw your hammer at 0 speed and 80 degrees. Does anyone else know more stuff about this? Also I really suck at the high dive and bar events. Any thoughts on this would be greatful.
Emulator Coder
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yes, I'm interested in seeing this. As far as I remember there are some bonus events (paragliding comes to mind), are you going to perform all those? I had the archery thing down to maths, I could calculate where to aim and how powerful to fire and hit top score every time :P No idea how I did that tho now anymore :P
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The archery is not very hard. I even don't need emulator with re-records to pull that off really. But I will use it because it will look cooler. :)
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OMG this game is _TEH_ classic for me. This was the first game that i evah saw, I remember my older brothers always playing that thing back in the old days ^^ The most classic thing of the game is this genius soundeffect zD, everyone that has played the game should know what I mean. and YES, I'm interested in it =p
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Kewl. I will do a bit research before I begin with it. Hmm.. Not realy sure what I should aim for though. I could do it all flawlessly. This could take more time though. I could also choose to do it without flawless stuff and save time perhaps. For instance... Pool vault is easy to jump over 6 meters. But it's not neccessary. I think I would raise it as far up as possible and just jump it once. Otherwise I could just set it one CM over the score needed to grab a gold. This would save time in watching. But woulden't be that cool since it's so simple and easy. What do you guys think?
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Do it flawlessly. I think that would be more entertaining then "pure speed". So go break some world records!
/Walker Boh
Player (71)
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Does that mean that I should try to pull the pole vault as far as I can? =) Allso.. In the taekwondo. There is that kick that takes away a shitload of health from the opponent. Anyone knows how to pull it off? I have basicly always done it with jump + roundhouse kick. I'm not sure that this is correct though. If someone knows how to pull it off it would be great.
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do it like the track and field time attack, where each try of an event is slightly different, like maybe the first being purposely done bad...the second showcasing a funny glitch..and the third being flawless... there are bound to be some glitches and tricks in the game, simply due to the nature of the game
Post subject: Track & Field 2 Time Attack
Joined: 9/14/2004
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Hey I was wondering if anyone could do a whole time attack of Track & Field 2 including training mode.
Player (71)
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Would be boring probably.
Joined: 6/5/2005
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I remember tearing this up with an NES advantage back in the day....Wouldn't make a good speedrun but would make an excellent play around.
I like stuff...
Post subject: Track & Field II (2)
Joined: 6/24/2006
Posts: 3
I got a question, and im sorry if this aint the right place to ask. but why havent you done a timeattack on this game? its one of the coolest games ever, and it gave me 100s of hours of great gameplay back in the day. i would love to see a video of this.
Player (71)
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Who are you referring to Kenny Hell? "but why havent you...."
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those people who does this kind of things. i was just playing this game a few days ago, it took me a while to get to the last day, and on the last event, i didnt even get enough to pass. if i used cheats, and such, i could run through games fast, but i just enjoy seing these speed runs, gives me alot of new ideas, and its just realy entertaining.
Joined: 7/1/2005
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Well, according to this (scroll down to FODA's post, I don't know how to anchor to it) T&F 2 has a never-ending event, so a run for the best highscore would be impossible (and playing until the score is maxed-out would take much too long). Still, you could compete for a fastest completion while getting the highest score (such as barely beating the "never-ending" event just to be able to continue). Anyway, maybe I should make this my new signature line:
<Highness> Who are you referring to Kenny Hell? <Kenny> those people who does this kind of things.
That's what she said!
Joined: 6/24/2006
Posts: 3
ahh yeah i forgot about that one, i was just playing it, and every day, there is 3 events, then you get to the next day, and so on, until the 8th day, thats when you have gone through the events 2 times. but as the link you refered to. if you make it, you can do the event until the sun goes down... ahh well, thanks for the answers anyway, and you should have that as a signature
Joined: 6/5/2005
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I remember abusing the turbo feature on my NES advantage when I rented this years ago. Otherwise i didn't stand a chance!!!
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Experienced player (701)
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i can play this game well. im rediculously fast at button pressing. there is another track and feild type game i cant even beat a lot of the events... i dont know who the game was made for if i cant beat them. the best thing i;ve done in that game is i got 5.7M on pole vaulting oh wait, i beat taekwondo in 19 of those game seconds. would like to see this tool assisted.
Super Mario Bros. console speedrunner - Andrew Gardikis
Post subject: Track & Field II
Joined: 8/24/2005
Posts: 2
I've tried doing a search for this but I'm probably just not doing it right. Is anyone working on, or planning a TAS for this game in Olympic Mode? I remember playing this on the actual cart and I always had lots of fun with my friends with this game... especially on the arm wrestling lol. If this is a redundant thread, please point me to the right forum/section/thread. Thanks!
Experienced player (874)
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I loved this game as a kid too, and figured it would be cool to see it pushed to its limits. I wasn't able to find a whole lot on it either, so I've decided to start creating a TAS myself. This will be a first TAS for me, so we'll see how it goes.
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I merged a couple of threads together. There isn't much useful info, but there has been some interest for this game in the past. Button smashing TASes aren't generally that interesting, since smashing buttons as fast as possible is quite easy with TAS tools. Your best bet is to find some interesting and amusing glitches and other tricks and exploit them as much as possible.
Experienced player (874)
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I put together a video for Track and Field 2 using FCEUX 2.4.1a. the ROM was named TRACKFIE.nes, I think this is the (U) version probably? Since this is my first TAS I figure I should post on the forums for people to take a look before I submit it. You can see it here or in zip format here. You may want to fast forward through some of the pole vault, unfortunately maxing out the height was repetitive and took a lot of time. Here are some notes: Fencing - There may be a few frames to be saved here. I wait a few extra frames at the beginning to get the Korean guy as an Opponant. If I begin soon I get the Russian who seems to run away and takes longer to kill. Triple Jump - I try to max out the distance on the first jump. I foul the other 2 jumps to save time. Swimming - I found the butterfly to be faster, and it seemed that coming up for air at a time that minimized the number of frames at lower power was best. More experimentation might yield a better time here. High Dive - Scoring here seemed very touchy, entering the water at the correct angle seemed critical to a high score. I lucked upon a combination that gave me 10.0 on all 4 dives, though it could be possible to get 10.0 from all judges. Clay Pigeon Shooting - More manipulation of where the clay pigeons are thrown could save some frames here. Hammer Throw - The first throw I max out the distance with a normal throw. The second throw I show off a fairly well known bug where if you max out the angle with low power the hammer goes nowhere, but records a large distance. The third I foul for time. Taekwondo - The roundhouse kick is more effective playing frame by frame than I remember as a kid, three kicks does him in. Pole Vault - Unfortunately you can only start the bar at a max of 6m, and it only goes up at set small amounts when you're successful. This adds a fair amount of length to the movie. I foul out on the one I can't make it over, more experimentation could find a way over the next height. Canoeing - The first run I go for score hitting all gates correctly at high speed, though there may be ways to make the run faster. The second run I speed through, but ignore the gates. Archery - Maxed out score, not much to say here. Hurdles - Strangely a perfect run doesn't get you a win, but manipulating the start by a few frames gets you a tie/win and you keep the same time. Horizontal Bar - Based on always scoring in increments of 1.1 I'd say my score of 9.9 is the max. I didn't try too hard to save frames here, so some time could be saved. Gun Firing - Turns out this glitches out at 200 kills and continues counting at 101, I end up with a total of 202. Hang Gliding - Could save a few frames by waiting slightly longer before slowing down, but I imagine the score is stored in a byte and maxes out at 255. I crash the 2nd run to save time.
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Brushy's pro tip #3829/B77: Don't aim for speed with a game like this. Play around, do amusing stuff, surprise us! Fouling attempts to save time is a bad choice and makes this movie of your's kinda... Well... I'm sorry, but it's quite boring. Don't aim for speed. Get maximum score and the play around with the other attempts and stuff. And try to play around as much as possible while getting the maximum score.
Experienced player (874)
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I did see that tip, but I didn't come across much in the game that would be considered amusing. I don't know of any bird thing like you see in the Track and Field I TAS or anything like that. Speed makes sense in some of the events: Fencing, Swimming, Taekwondo, Canoeing, Hurdles I don't know of any other interesting things in Triple Jump, High Dive, Clay Pigeon Shooting, Pole Vault, Archery, Horizontal Bar, or Hang Gliding. Doing other stuff probably wouldn't be interesting, and would only serve to make a long video longer. I do show the well known glitch in hammer throw, and it is interesting to see the score glitch in gun firing, it is essentially fixed time though. It's a bit unfortunate that the Pole Vault event makes the movie so long, but I think it's important to max out the height. I still think it deserves to be published because it is interesting to see some of the events pushed to the limit.
Post subject: Track & field II
Joined: 8/10/2016
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After lurking on TASvideos for twelve years, I might finally be able to find some time to actually try to make a TAS. Track & field II was one of my favourites as a kid, and it lacks both a TAS and a forum topic here. First question: I cannot find Track & Field II in the game list when I explored the submission page. Does that mean the community does not see it fit for TASing? Second question: Should a TAS of this game aim for A) complete olympic/championship mode as fast as possible, just barely qualifying in some events (Vaultable), or B) complete olympic/championship mode with best possible results as fast as possible (not Vaultable). Third question: Would completing the first four days count as completing the game (as only the difficulty, not the game content, changes on day 5-8), or do day eight need to be beaten? Fourth question: For run type "B" (as defined above), should the exhibition events (Hanggliding and Targetshooting) be part of the run, and if so, after which day? My thoughts were to make a type "B" run, that runs through day 1-4, and finishes by performing the exhibition events after day 4 with best possible results. Would that be "moonable"?