Plays as Rockman
   100 CD collection
   Manipulates Luck
   Abuses programming errors in game
   Takes no damage
   Emulator Used: SNES9x 1.43 +v9
   Use WIP1 Timing - on
   Allow Left+Right/Up+Down - off
   Volume Envelope Height Reading - on
   Fake Mute desync Workaround - off
   Sync samples with sound CPU - on
Usually You think you will need both characters to collect all 100 CD
However, By using Ice Wall and Lightninging Bolt Rockman can collect all cds himself This movie will prove it.
The CD hidden underground need Rush Searsh which only appear in the shop when you finished three boss. In another word, there are at least four states (include intro) you will need to revisit.
To get all BurnerMan's stage's CD you will need Wave Burner therefore this state must revisit
Meanwhile, GroundMan's stage and TenguMan's stage have two road for each Both way have CDs While GroundMan's stage can use death to collect all CD, TenguMan's stage need to revisit.
For Personal reason, I decided to do a No Damage run
Walkthrough: Intro → ColdMan → BurnerMan → GroundMan → Shop( Rush search & Exit ) → TenguMan → MagicMan → PirateMan → Shop( Energy saver & High speed charge) → revisit( Intro & ColdMan ) → AstroMan → DynamoMan → Gateway → revisit( Burner & Ground & Tengu ) → King stage 1 → King stage 2 → Willy stage
There are many place similar to Forte run by Gigafrost, thereofore I will pass.
I found a bug in reColdMan battle,although it's no help for time,but looks interesting.
And I am bad luck in reAstroMan battle,so it looks not very good. After reBurnerMan battle,it seems I stoped for a while,but in fact, I am in music loading that time.

adelikat: I guess this fits into the %100 category. Due to popular demand, I am setting this to accepted.

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This topic is for the purpose of discussing #1102: vsmk3's SNES Rockman & Forte "100 CDs" in 48:26.92
Joined: 4/11/2006
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Cool ^^ I always wanted to have all 100 CDs but never could find 'em all =) And No damage runs are my favorite, so first Yes comes from me ^^ However run is improvable a little, I noticed something strange in second stage... jumping too high on breaking platforms sometimes, so that you are too high when they break...
Joined: 1/23/2006
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Good, good. Personally I'd prefer a run with damage taken (since it allows for some fun abuses of the level design) but this is still a lot of fun to watch. I haven't seen the final run yet but I've seen the WIPs and I'll most likely vote yes after a pro-forma watching of the whole thing. After watching: I'm not sure, did you use the zipping glitch in the Burnerman refight (being inside the bridge to the next room when it appears)? It seemed like you were pretty fast there but I'm not sure if it was zipping or just a fast movement.
Post subject: You're the man, vsmk3!
Joined: 5/27/2005
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Wow! I had already watched the WIP (beating all boss stages), but the movie definitely didn't end there like I thought. The King Stages and Wily stage were very entertaining. To mention a few, I raelly liked your "colordash" in second King stage. Plus that ColdMan glitch was hillarious :D. Only mistake (or possible improvement) I was able to spot was the usage of Tengu Dash. There were few stages where you could have used it instead of sliding (which is a bit slower, isn't it?). In my oppinion, this is more entertaining than the currently published Rockman & Forte run which aims for only fast completion. Though it has few interesting tricks which this one doesn't (for example the death trick in King Stage). One more good thing in this run: now we can have both, Rockman and Forte runs (that is if this gets published, which I don't doubt at all). Since in my oppinion we don't need two playing-fast-through runs of the same game only with different characters. But this and the fast-through run with Forte are different enough (besides the character change) so we can have them both. Only possible choise in voting is YES!
Which run should I encode next? :)
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Nice work! Yes
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Agreed, that was a good watch
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Why is it that the balls MeggerMan sucks out of the walls seem to aim directly at his briefs?
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
Player (71)
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please refrain from referring to mega man sucking balls in his briefs, you've traumatized me!
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Whoa, sorry for calling this unoptimized. I really liked how you used Ice Wall to gain a slight boost when jumping. Although I'd like to see a taking damage+death run too. Btw, I guess I have a faster strategy for climbing in Astroman stage. I'll try to record it after work. Edit: Also voted yes.
<adelikat> I've been quoted with worse
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
Why is it that the balls MeggerMan sucks out of the walls seem to aim directly at his briefs?
I guess he's saving some of that weapon energy for his special mega-weapon. Heh. :p
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Hey, we'll be fine as long as the jokes don't touch on Megaman's ability in this game with his huge drill--wh-shoot
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Looks decent enough, yes. Wondering why you didn't pull off the reTenguman glitch though, unless that's not possible with an Ice Wall.
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Bablo wrote:
Whoa, sorry for calling this unoptimized. I really liked how you used Ice Wall to gain a slight boost when jumping. Although I'd like to see a taking damage+death run too. Btw, I guess I have a faster strategy for climbing in Astroman stage. I'll try to record it after work. Edit: Also voted yes.
Thank you and good luck. I am very looking forward your aims for the fastest time run. I think you can do much bettet than mine.
AnotherGamer wrote:
Looks decent enough, yes. Wondering why you didn't pull off the reTenguman glitch though, unless that's not possible with an Ice Wall.
But there are two problems. First,I cannot change weapon at that time. Even if you cannot see the drill on the sceen, but still have to wait a while for weapon change. It's waste time if I pause the game and change weapon...... Second,even if you want to using Ice Wall,you still have to wait about 25 frames then you can stand on it. But in my movie,TenguMan deid in frame 170873,and the shutter show up in frame 170885,I don't know whether I have enough time to do it.
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Right, nevermind then.
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Cool, I never thought I would ever see all 100 CD's collected. My favorite part of this movie was how you used a wide variety of weapons to keep it interesting.
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Apart from speed stuff, I liked all the aesthetic choices you made; the things that don't affect the overall gametime. The rainbow dashes in King 2 stood out to me, since you showed restraint to only do it in that one stage. I'm glad you did, because though it looks cool, it would probably get old if you did it in every level. It's definitely better looking than some 30fps wobbling, at least. I noticed you didn't purchase a spike protector to use for CD collection in the stage with a spike floor near the roof; the part where you need two lightning jumps to get past. I don't remember if you still take damage with a protector or not, but it would have helped you save some time if you had bought one. I'll understand if you opted not to get it because of your no-damage rule though, even if you wouldn't actually lose health from it.
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I'd been watching the WIPs, I just had to make sure that the final stages checked out. They did indeed. Very fun movie.
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Pretty cool. Really like the ice jumping trick, and the cool rainbow dashing. Definate yes here. It even worked fine on my translation hack!
I am just a silhouette, a silhouette of a memory of a solitary night .. nothing more.
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Great run, never seen megaman move so fast (I've only ever played as Forte due to how hard megaman is to control non-TAS). Voting yes.
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Never played the game but the movie sure was entertaining, voted yes.
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Why is it always Megaman and Forte? Why not Rock man and Bass?
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
Joined: 1/24/2005
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What does 100CD get you?
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Information! Knowledge is power.
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This run is really nice. It's much better than the current R&F run. Yes.
"Genuine self-esteem, however, consists not of causeless feelings, but of certain knowledge about yourself. It rests on the conviction that you — by your choices, effort and actions — have made yourself into the kind of person able to deal with reality. It is the conviction — based on the evidence of your own volitional functioning — that you are fundamentally able to succeed in life and, therefore, are deserving of that success." - Onkar Ghate
Bisqwit wrote:
Drama, too long, didn't read, lol.
Joined: 6/20/2006
Posts: 142
Bag of Magic Food wrote:
Why is it always Megaman and Forte? Why not Rock man and Bass?
Well most people know of megaman as megaman whereas Forte isn't as popular a character in America, therefore people refer to him as Forte (the name appearing in the title of the thread) rather than Bass (his American name) I was aware of the conflict as I was writing the post but I figured no one would complain. Guess I was wrong. =P