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i don't know if i'll finish it. i have some projects on my list: --Genesis Chaotix EWJ 2 Journey from darkness: Strider returns --NES Contra forces Salamander --SNES Kirby's dream land Dkc 2
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ok. well, ill finish this up then. even now im iffy about a submission even though ive put in a LOT to it. dont let rerecords fool ya, i generally stop the movie after a level and play through the next at 50-33% (or less if needed) to get a feel for it. so there should be a LOT more rerecords. FINAL EDIT: FINISHED! let me know whether i should submit this or leave it as a WiP. also, im deleting all OLD links as well.
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hmm... I'dve rathered you collected the blue dots in Andy Asteroids. Mostly because you showoff by flying between them, and it's not hard to fly between them. It's hard to collect them. And some parts need some work, (but I only counted one missed shot, kudos) And I'm rather sure that you can keep Pete moving during the asteroid storm. He isn't affected by it. A good start, but I wouldn't submit it just yet. ^_^
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Actually, collecting too many blue dots awards you a bonus continue, which I think takes up a few frames to receive. However, collecting and using the barriers would be nice. You can plow through asteroids/Psycrow without slowing down at all. Also, I would prefer you just tried to launch Pete over the asteroid showers. If he does take damage, it would cut a lot of the level in half (just run in front of him and make some good time before he catches up and eats you). It isn't like there are no health powerups along the way...
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awesome! u guys watched it! YAH!! anyhow, in the asteroid levels i was more focused on going between asteroids than anything. so the blue... things... were secondary and not really a big concern. but too many can cause a 1-up. its kind of tough to know what would be entertaining there. Pete is a bit tough. the asteroids do varying damage (the large ones do 10+ and the medium ones do something below that). so keeping that up would require more knowledge than i had time for. ill try that in the future... but at the time, this was much safer. the only place i saw id really have trouble with was with the very short platforms and 2 tentacles. the shots are also hard as hell to get right. barely tapping the button usually results in 2 shots fired unless doing it frame by frame. finals week is coming up, so ill have to cut back a bit on doing these (Road Runner i SHOULD be working on though). but, its prolly better considering im sure someone will come in and make a boatload of suggestions and errors i made. thank you for your comments! im glad to know ppl actually got it to work.
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The big pile of random thoughts made while watching; 1) Do you switch to hard difficulty? 2) I think there's a lot of things you can do sooner, mostly to do with whipping, falling, etc. 3) The random stuff you do while waiting is increasingly annoying, and some looks *really* bad. For example, you jump and whip the phonograph things twice during the first boss. This is really an opinion thing, but it just seems like you lack focus. 3.5) The first boss can be done faster because you can shoot the box after you whip it twice. I'm not quite sure how the aiming works but if you shoot right and then down+right you'll hit it. It's possible to get a box every single time this way (you only get phonographs if there's a box out there). 4) Andy Asteroids: Pick up all the blue things if you can, imo. Think of it like the absurd time bonuses in Sonic and Kid Chameleon. 5) The gates of Heck, I think can be handled much better. Try jumping while whipping them so you can move forward as soon as you hit them instead of waiting for the animation to end while standing. 6) Your handling of the ghost cats looks pretty sloppy. I think you can get them much faster. 7) Avoiding the big cats in the tubes, it seems like you wait longer than is really necessary. Do you move forward on the first possible frame? 8) You get hit driving the bubbles. Why? 9) Can you kill the snot guy in the first two rounds as fast as you do in round three? 10) Why do you jump off the conveyor belts that are moving your way? It seems like running on them is faster than jumping. 11) The thing with Pete and the meteor showers was already mentioned (Can you whip them?), but there's also a 1-up you skip even though you obviously have a lot of waiting time on your hands. 12) Is gliding as fast, horizontally, as running? There might be a few more places you can use it to your advantage. 13) But also make sure you aren't gliding too much if you don't have to. In the narrow passage right before the second warp, it seems you don't need to be gliding as much as you are.
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-played on normal. -ill try that out... somewhere... -random stuff... yeah... well, any suggestions on what to do here? i was just doing it for fun. -thanks for the 1st boss advice... thought i had to whip everything -too many blue things = bonus = wasted time. its not necessary, but i guess ppl wanna see it. -found the whipping animation thing out around LEVEL 5... id completely disregarded earlier levels by then. -ghost cats, really? thought it was ok... Evil has a set distance. so if i move left, he'd have moved left as much as me. i cant shoot and jump so maybe whipping but everytime i attempted to it wouldnt hit him... dunno why. -big cats... i estimated. im not a frame advance user but that would be the few places id actually use it. they do have a WIDE range to grab you in. -sometimes not getting hit required slowdown. and sometimes, the hits bounced me so it was a nice trade off. but no hits is prolly gonna be more wanted. -Major Mucus i DID manage to kill once i thought in 15 seconds... but then i could never get it back and had no idea what i did right or wrong then. ill test things. the 3rd round is much different since he starts coming at you. -conveyor belts... i think enemies were a problem here... and i was gonna run low on health. im trying to think of a way to get around the BRAINs and such... its prolly possible and faster, im just not sure I can do it. -meteors move quick. whipping i never tested since i always got hit by one while i was trying it (stationary, no jumping). 1-up... aesthetic... maybe... -im thinking about the gliding thing. jumping pretty much = running. jumping+whip is slower than running and so is jumping+gliding (i take it you mean helicopter here, right?). -actually, i did. if i let go, id of hit a thorn. its a VERY narrow path.
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I had started a run of this a while ago but gave up due to desync issues, so I'll just note the couple things I noticed (I only made it as far as the end of heck) 1) At the very beginning, it's faster to take a hit on the spikes and bounce to the right than grab the chain and walk right 2) As nifboy said, the first boss can be done faster. If you position yourself just right, you can whip the boxes three times in a row without have to move forward, or at least shoot it for the third hit. 3) For Andy Asteroids, I say either grab *all* of the blue dots, or none. When you grab just a few, it looks really half-assed. 4) You miss some *huge* shortcuts in Heck. Here's a movie of up to the end of the gems in Heck, there's no "record from now" so everything up to Heck is still yours. 5) When you have nothing to do, do nothing. At most, just get yourself into position so you're ready to do the next thing quickest. All of the jumping and whipping randomly makes it look like you're having a seizure. 6) I haven't watched anything past Heck, but since there's already those big of issues, I wouldn't suggest submitting it.
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hey, im gonna continue working on this as best i can BUT i would encourage someone else to do this as well. why? because i make no guarantees ill get this done. i do like this game, and maybe ive just had a bad hour trying to record 17 seconds, but im just not feeling the way i did before about the game. ill keep trying, but id also encourage someone else because i did miss that HUGE time saver in WhatTheHeck. who knows what else i missed. that little spike thing... it was slower. i dont know if i was doing it wrong or what, but actually grabbing the chain was like half a second or so faster. i prolly did it wrong. either way, while this one is improved, you'll see why i DONT want to get those blue orbs in A.A. if u want me to, ok. the musics kind of... catchy (Buttville's still my favorite though). EDIT: level 2 up to Evil done, shortcuts used. i used the shortcuts provided by Cheez, which felt really familiar once i saw the gmv. anyhow, its a minute faster now... and SHOULD be more, but i left in the bonus. and since NO ONE objected, i went on. let me know what you think of this one. ill prolly wait a day or so as finals rapidly approach. i may get in something sooner, but i wont start progress for a day or so.
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UPDATE: at the beginning of Tube Race let me know what you think. ill try and continue progress in the next day or so if no on says anything (finals almost over).
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I am digging the levels and A.A. is fairly watchable now. I'm pretty sure the first boss can still be done faster (Like I said, without any phonographs) and you still play on Normal, but those are my only qualms.
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the movie seems to desync for me at around the lawyer guy on "what the heck". i'm using Earthworm Jim (U) [!].bin are there any settings that i should be aware of?
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if you're using Gens 9c, it should work fine... just change the button settings to 3 on the controller 1 and leave 6 on controller 2. and as far as the Boss in the Junkyard boss, ill go back through and retry it on a different file and see if i can get it to work out.
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update: tuberace done. id sound happier, but im not feeling well. anyhow, no "bumps" this time around. also, tell me what u think. ends in Snot a Problem round 1 (i forgot to hit STOP, thats why it takes a bit).
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I like it, and I thought of another possible improvement: Is it possible to keep the super gun through heck and use it on the big cat(s) in the tubes?
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hmm... perhaps. there are some extra ones near the beginning of the stage and when the bomb goes off i miss one. i suppose going a bit out of my way there and using them later on would save some time. ill experiment, but im sure this one will save more time than it will deduce. thanks nifboy! :) EDIT: ok... redid heck and am up to EVIL trying to manipulate his first form. anyhow, it only wasted 8 seconds which is about the length of 3 of those cats... and i got 8 PLASMA blasts from the deal... so this should go MUCH quicker. EDIT2: scratch that... it doesnt let me keep the BLASTS after a level is cleared. it sounded like a very nice idea, but it looks like i cant keep em... dammit. oh well... anyhow, keep the suggestions coming. :)
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update: went a little ahead, Pete's Sake' i went ahead and beat Level 5. Snot a Problem went MUCH faster this time around, every round but the last (equal to last). also, i'd go further, but i just want to make sure... if only for the last Andy's Asteroids (sorry, i COULDNT get those and i damn well tried... perhaps they were extras?). so i can either redo it and not get any Blue Sphere/Bubbles or leave it as it is. im not sure if it looks sloppy or not. anyhow, im VERY happy with the results so far (much quicker and not so much damage taken). also, if i dont get back to this in a bit, its because of internet problems (im home now). ill try and get on in the next day or so, just to let you know that im not giving up or anything.
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For A.A. if you can't get all 60 I'd focus on getting the rockets instead. Digging the bungee battle, and level 5 is pretty good. Side note: on For Pete's Sake, if he dies, Pete drags you back to before where he died, so it's not a viable shortcut under normal circumstances. If there's a continue in that level you might try letting Pete die, run and hit the continue, die (preferably from Pete), and start from the continue?
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alright, ill redo the last AA and get the rockets and try and get as many of those shields as possible. im not quite sure what you mean about Pete's Sakes, but ill test it out. i know he drags you quite a way sometimes (he damn near took me to the beginning of the level once after we passed our 3rd meteor storm). ill look into it because i think how he dies affects it as well. im not sure if death as a shortcut would work well, but ill try and put it in and see how it works. thanks once again, nifboy :) EDIT: strange glitch? while testing out the "let petey kill ya" (unofficial name) i found something strange. right before a pit, a UFO snagged me and a meteor storm was about to come in. HOWEVER, petey went in the pit, grabbed me and drug me JUST before the meteor shower and when we advanced... NO METEORS! im hoping this doesnt cause some insane bug glitch later on, but this will definitely save more time if i can get it all right. kudos once again to nifboy for pointing something like this out. i just hope it works all the way through.
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Just checked, there's no checkpoint. Ah well. edit: Well, there are, but they're based on where Pete is, not Jim.
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UPDATE: complete i apologize... i actually finished this the same night i showed the last update. however, due to internet troubles and other things im not going into detail about, i couldnt get back here for a while. anyhow, its done. much faster than before. one qualm in FOR PETES SAKE may be the brief slowdown. i tried to avoid that and ended up getting killed a bit before the life-ups. i hope this is good enough now. the only part i REALLY hate at this point is the TUBE RACEs. everything else i am fairly fine with. also, i missed another of those BLUE SPHERES near the end (i dont really see these as a big thing still, but it would have looked half-assed if i only got so many out of the whole). also notice, at one point, i go over 60 and the numbers disappear. anyhow, if this is good enough, i will submit it. i dont really have time right now because i am between dental appointments (root canal and plenty of fillings). i will TRY to check on this tomorrow and get feedback. i thank Cheez and nifboy the most with help in making this.
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Sorry for bringing up such an old topic. I could improve this movie by about 48 seconds (in-game excluding Andy Asteroids) so would it be publish-worthy?
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maTO wrote:
Sorry for bringing up such an old topic. I could improve this movie by about 48 seconds (in-game excluding Andy Asteroids) so would it be publish-worthy?
First, unlike other boards, we like to have old topics brought back from the dead, just so that there aren't 4 or 5 different threads on the same topic, so cheers for that:) Second, hell yes a 45+ second improvement would certainly be considered publish worthy! Just make it a clean looking run, with no obvious, glaring improvements, and there won't be any issues, I'm sure. Good luck if you decide to start it!
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Location: Finland edit: Improved every area of level 1 (compared to published run) and gained 8:47 :) And sub-levels with all blue orbs or aiming fastest time?
Projects: Warlock, Ren & Stimpy (impr) / Generations Lost (impr.)
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Fastest time, they're really tedious no matter what you do, so you may as well make them fast.