Uses FCE Ultra 0.98.15 Allow Left/Right Up/Down
  • Takes no damage
  • Aims for fastest time
  • Abuses programming errors in the game
  • Manipulates luck (item drops, enemy movement etc.)
  • Uses a game restart sequence
Allright, this is my first TAS. I chose Zelda 2 as it's my favorite game, and I think it makes an interesting video if done fast. If you were following my progress on the forums, you'll know this is my second attempt. It's 1:28 faster than my first test run, mainly due to more precise play and better planning of items dropped from enemies.
The item drops to refill my magic (or get extra points) drop from every sixth large or every sixth small enemy, and they will drop only one of the two randomly. To get the one I wanted, I had to kill the enemy in a certain position. Most enemies were very co-operative, so this wasn't much of an issue.
What I wasn't aware of in my first run though, was that some enemies do not count toward the six count, such as blue ironknuckles, red armoured stalfos, and the fire wizards of palace five, among some others. This led to some major backtracking, and accounts for about thirty seconds of the time saved from the previous run.
To manipulate encounters on the world map, I had to wait a few frames either on the map or in the last sidescroller screen. Some enemy groups were much more co-operative than others. Random encounters I did get into were deliberate, and overwrit a preset action scene on the world map. Each time I do this it saves a couple seconds.
Now, a few notes about my route,
I do palace two before one as there as more enemies there, enough to get an attack level from points. This allowed me to level up quicker had I done the palaces in order.
Though it's faster to take the one attack level at the end of palace three, and I would end the game with levels of 8/8/1 rather than 7/8/1, this caused a ridiculous amount of problems for palace four.
It was a few frames faster (and more interesting) to get the red jar in the lava room of palace four, as opposed to going back to the entrance room.
Manipulating the encounters in Death Valley was awful. I lost at least a second here from waiting for favourable enemy groupings.
Jumping over the large wall in the Dragonhead room of the Great Palace is at least half a minute faster than going through the dungeon the conventional way.
I skip the candle and cross, they only let you see some things and aren't completely necessary. I skip the magic key as well, but with some very careful planning, I was able to get through palace six without much trouble.
For fighting against most enemies I come across, I use one of two main techniques unless the enemy is vulnerable to the sword beam.
The first I have dubbed the _Whirlwind Slash_. While in midair, if you swing the sword an alternate between left and right every other frame, you can hit the enemy three times in one attack provided you're close enough to them. I sometimes open this with a quick crouching stab followed by a whirlwind slash, allowing four hits in one attack. This is how I'm able to kill enemies so quickly even when my attack is very low. This saved a LOT of time, up until I got the downstab and it became somewhat less useful.
The second is the rapid downstab move I have decided to call the _Jackhammer Attack_ (because it sounds cool). Theoretically, you could press down every frame to hit the enemy but every four attacks or so you'll have to thrust for at least two frames to bounce back off the enemy, otherwise you'll fall through. I tried to do this with upward momentum whenever possible to not lose momentum as I strike the enemy.
I use a mix of both of these on the bosses to take them out as quickly as possible.
For those interested, here is how many hits each boss takes for the attack level I have when fighting them:
  • Helmethead (palace 2)- 16
  • Horsehead (palace 1)- 4
  • Mounted IronKnuckle (palace 3)- 5, 4
  • Gooma (palace 5)- 12
  • Mounted IronKnuckle, again (palace 6)- 3, 3
  • Barba (palace 6)-12
  • Thunderbird (great palace)- 12
Both Carock (palace 4) and the Dark Link take 8 hits regardless of level.
I really have no idea how to manipulate Dark Link's actions, if I could get him stuck in the corner, the fight would be about a half second shorter.
Well, enjoy!
ADDENDUM: I have no idea why I named the character El Ninja. Please, do not ask me.

Bisqwit: Accepted (based on test audience response), and will obsolete the Japanese version movie. The differences of the Japanese and USA versions are too minimal to warrant a movie for each of them. Similar issue was with ヒットラーの復活 vs Bionic Commando.

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Player (71)
Joined: 8/24/2004
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OMG! I just watched the WIP earlier today. I will check this baby out tomorrow. Awesome video. I feel like voting yes already. But I gotta watch the entire thing first I beleive. :)
Active player (436)
Joined: 4/21/2004
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"With this, you can jump very high" I've got nothing but good things to say about this run and there are so many things to mention. Loved every boss battle, great luck manipulation etc.. What a way to introduce yourself by submitting a greatly appreciated game! This is a no brainer YES.
Nitrogenesis wrote:
Guys I come from the DidyKnogRacist communite, and you are all wrong, tihs is the run of the mileniun and everyone who says otherwise dosnt know any bater! I found this run vary ease to masturbate too!!!! Don't fuck with me, I know this game so that mean I'm always right!StupedfackincommunityTASVideoz!!!!!!
Arc wrote:
I enjoyed this movie in which hands firmly gripping a shaft lead to balls deep in multiple holes.
natt wrote:
I don't want to get involved in this discussion, but as a point of fact C# is literally the first goddamn thing on that fucking page you linked did you even fucking read it
Cooljay wrote:
Mayor Haggar and Cody are such nice people for the community. Metro City's hospitals reached an all time new record of incoming patients due to their great efforts :P
Experienced player (760)
Joined: 5/6/2005
Posts: 3132
Well this is played very well and I see no reason to vote anything but yes. The real question is if this should obsolete Arc's run. My opinion is that it should. While the games are technically different, the differences are minor, and they almost always favor the US version in terms of making a quicker, less interrupted, less constricted run.
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
Emulator Coder
Joined: 10/9/2004
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Location: Norway
Very nice run, dont think I can see anything that can be improved..
Active player (280)
Joined: 5/29/2004
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What about shortening the name so it doesn't take as long to enter?
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
Player (71)
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Location: Sweden
I can't see why it always have to be about the name. It's just a cosmetic thing almost. :D Sure it will be a couple of frames faster. But when someone last time typed A for a name, that got dizzed as well. Make up your mind people. The run it self is awesome and I will vote YES as soon as I have watched it. :)
Player (105)
Joined: 6/7/2005
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Location: New York
I really like this, very well done. It seems like it'd be a pretty boring game sometimes but I actually watched it through.
Soft Blue Dragon
Player (168)
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I worked a shitload overtime yesterday to get this done as soon as I could,,, I'm glad you guys enjoy it.
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Location: Finland
At last a movie for AoL. I can't believe this hadn't been done yet. The planning seems very good, and I voted yes. Somehow I still feel this is gonna be improved in the near future by using more precise fighting strategies (not to imply yours weren't precise).
Player (25)
Joined: 4/23/2005
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Yes from me too. Looks well planed and well done.
Last TAS finished: Final Fantasy Adventure (4.0 Warp Glitch Run) WIP in the moment: Tail Gator (GB) Matty
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MattyXB wrote:
Yes from me too. Looks well planed and well done.
Have to agree here, voting yes
Player (52)
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I think it's improvable in minor ways, but easily well-executed enough to warrant publication. Very well done. I've been looking forward to this since I found this site. Oh, and yes.
Editor, Experienced player (805)
Joined: 3/8/2004
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First, I voted yes. Now I will mention problems that I see (on my first viewing, usually at 100% speed): Opening: -The name. -Link can walk off of lifts that are going upward faster. His feet can go through the floor. This error persists throughout the movie. Level 2: -Did you absolutely need the P-Bag? Level 3: -Moved backwards after getting the key in the blocks. -Breaking the double blocks does not look perfected (to avoid bouncing backward). -Looks like you could be farther forward when you grab the boss' key. This problem happens elsewhere too. Level 4: -Banged into the key door before going fairy (the one where you had enough magic, not the red ironknuckle one). -Carock fight is obviously not perfect. I watched our level 4s side by side from the moment we get to the bottom of the entrance lift. We finish the level at almost the same time. BUT, lifts move a lot faster in the USA version. And you had the small advantage of not needing an extra key. Yours should be a few seconds faster. Level 5: -Fairy could have gotten off of the upward lift faster. Level 6: -Bumped into a wall in the cave on the way back. -Getting the red magic jar from the statue isn't ideal. Get it from the red ironknuckle later. -Went fairy too early when falling. -Reflect isn't necessary. -You jumped up onto the dragon's head. I fell into his lava pit and hit him on the first possible frame. -Key grab was definitely not optimal. Palace: -Looked like you both briefly stopped and bumped into a wall on the way to the palace. -Too much bounceback on a double block break. -Trap Dark Link in the corner. General: -There are some places (especially the dark caves) where I suspect things were not done with frame perfection. The magic container cave in the level 4 maze is flawed for sure. Overall, it should be published but not obsolete mine. The differences between versions make the Japanese version significantly more difficult. And people will be missing out if the Japanese version completely disappears.
Player (168)
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Hey Arc,, thanks for the critique. I noticed some of those things myself, among a few other things that could be improved,,, some things however, might not be done better,,, Opening: -The name. Eh. -Link can walk off of lifts that are going upward faster. His feet can go through the floor. This error persists throughout the movie. I made sure I started walking forward as soon as possible, any sooner and I lose my forward momentum. This might be different in the Japanese version, but I assure you the upwards elevators are all optimized Level 2: -Did you absolutely need the P-Bag? I could've killed the red ironknuckle in the treasure room,,, but then the second red ironknuckle would drop the 200 point bag instead of the stalfos, and I'd be fifty short. I could of rigged a bot somewhere to drop a 50 bag, but this probably would've lost as much time as grabbing the 100 point bag. Level 3: -Moved backwards after getting the key in the blocks. Didn't even think of that,,, thanks. -Breaking the double blocks does not look perfected (to avoid bouncing backward). I couldn't find anyway to hit them without bouncing back at all,,, that frame led to the least backwards momentum. I could be wrong though. -Looks like you could be farther forward when you grab the boss' key. This problem happens elsewhere too. Probably could've been a few frames ahead, yeah. Level 4: -Banged into the key door before going fairy (the one where you had enough magic, not the red ironknuckle one). I had to stop for a moment so my sword beam would hit the minihorsehead that runs by. You can't fly over them since they bounce. Or, was there some other locked door I'm forgetting? -Carock fight is obviously not perfect. I still killed him in eight of his spells, they just hit him at different times. I thought it might be more interesting to kill him this way then with 8 almost on top of him reflects. I watched our level 4s side by side from the moment we get to the bottom of the entrance lift. We finish the level at almost the same time. BUT, lifts move a lot faster in the USA version. And you had the small advantage of not needing an extra key. Yours should be a few seconds faster. I thought so too, but there was no way to get through the whole thing without going out of my way to refill my magic at least once. Level 5: -Fairy could have gotten off of the upward lift faster. Did you mean the one where I killed the Orange Ironknuckle? I needed to kill him to set the six count for the next palace. This single guy cost me nearly twenty seconds in my test run. If there was some other elevator I messed up on,,, ignore this. Level 6: -Bumped into a wall in the cave on the way back. Oops! -Getting the red magic jar from the statue isn't ideal. Get it from the red ironknuckle later. The six count wouldn't let me. -Went fairy too early when falling. I think,,, I did this when getting the magic container on maze island as well. -Reflect isn't necessary. Had to set up a six count. -You jumped up onto the dragon's head. I fell into his lava pit and hit him on the first possible frame. The mechanics on the dragon may be different than the Japanese version,,, this was as early as I could hit him and keep the upward momentum I needed to stay on top. -Key grab was definitely not optimal. Likely. Palace: -Looked like you both briefly stopped and bumped into a wall on the way to the palace. I stopped three times actually, to manipulate some encounters. I had to bump into that one wall a little, jumping any sooner got me hit by one of those shielded eyes. I couldn't find a way to kill him that was faster than just hitting the wall. It looks sloppy, but I couldn't really wait on the overworld outside to manipulate the placing of the enemies in this cave. I had bad luck in general in Death Valley,,, maybe if I'd gotten there a few frames sooner, the timing of everything wouldn'tve been so messed up. -Too much bounceback on a double block break. Again,,, I'm really not entirely sure how this works. :) -Trap Dark Link in the corner. I spent and hour fighting him and couldn't figure out how. I just got frustrated then, and killed him half a second slower. General: -There are some places (especially the dark caves) where I suspect things were not done with frame perfection. The magic container cave in the level 4 maze is flawed for sure. I frame by framed every enemy that wouldn't die in one attack I came by. Still, I'm nowhere near perfect and probably screwed up in a few spots. I can see 10-15 seconds being knocked off by this, maybe more if someone finds a better route than what I took. If you have any more observations, Arc, I'd love to hear them,,, I really wouldn't mind making a faster version of this sometime in the future,,, but not for a couple months at least,,, I've had enough friggen Zelda for now.
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I was wondering. After the seventh palace (I think) (the one with the dragon coming out of the lava), ain't it possible to cross the bridge with the help from those enemies you encounter randomly in the world map? You do it in several other locations, so is it just possible in "hidden" encounter areas? Hope you understand what I mean? I know this is not possible when going back from the town where you get "The most powerfull magic" though. :) Edit: Voted yes btw! :)
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Highness, Yes, you unfortunately cannot get into a random encounter over a bridge panel.
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Personally, I'd rather trade away a second of time for a few more seconds of humor. I mean, what kind of name is EL NINJA? EL NINJA. I mean, I saw that and I just laughed.
Active player (280)
Joined: 5/29/2004
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Yeah, I mean, is that even a masculine noun?
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
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Arc wrote:
Overall, it should be published but not obsolete mine. The differences between versions make the Japanese version significantly more difficult. And people will be missing out if the Japanese version completely disappears.
They won't be missing out on much, because the differences are so minute that they had to be outlined in detail in your submission text. The Japanese version may indeed be more difficult, but not in an interesting way. It's comparable to increasing hit points of monsters and calling it a new difficulty. SMB2(J) and SMB2(U) are truly different games. This is the Japanese game with a slightly different leveling quirk and a few other minor modifications that often make play smoother and faster. Advantages to the American version:
  • Leveling up isn't arbitrarily constricted, allowing for more effective use of experience (and less "unneeded" leveling). Leveling up also can be declined to use the points for something else; allowing for more varied strategy.
  • Faeries can pick up items, allowing for faster dungeon travel (I think, as it appears the fairy spell can be used in place of a key more often). This is faster, but could be seen as less strategic, I suppose. Definitely smoother (no one will wonder "why wasn't fairy used here?").
  • No "WAIT" screen. That gets rid of 36 screens of non-action. Faster elevators also help this a bit.
  • Um... more colors? Nah I'm just reaching now.. ;)
Other changes don't seem to favor either version as far as I can tell, but I can't find one that favors the Japanese version in terms of making an entertaining movie. I'm guessing most people are indifferent about this since myself and Arc are the only ones who have said anything about it. Hmm, Arc's run is a Famtasia run but it's not in adelikat's "Improving Famtasia Runs" forum list.
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
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JXQ wrote:
They won't be missing out on much, because the differences are so minute that they had to be outlined in detail in your submission text.
I disagree. People who know the game can spot the differences immediately, like how the level upgrades are different, some enemies are in different places, experience points are occasionally different, etc. Since your levels revert back to your lowest level every time you up+a, this changes the route and strategy drastically, which is fairly obvious if you compare Arc's and Rising Tempest's runs. While it's difficult to say which one is more entertaining, I don't think it's necessary to obsolete Arc's. The runs themselves are different enough that watching one won't replace watching the other. And it's cool for the people who haven't played the FDS version (most of us, I imagine) to see what it looks like.
I'm guessing most people are indifferent about this since myself and Arc are the only ones who have said anything about it.
Most people are probably indifferent because Zelda II gets no love. :) But I did post my opinion in the Zelda II thread in the NES forum.
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JXQ wrote:
I'm guessing most people are indifferent about this since myself and Arc are the only ones who have said anything about it.
No Im with you, I definitely think Rising Tempest run should obsolete Arc's .avi run for the reasons you mentioned + the silly balloon looking enemies in Arc's run. But his famtasia file can remain.
Nitrogenesis wrote:
Guys I come from the DidyKnogRacist communite, and you are all wrong, tihs is the run of the mileniun and everyone who says otherwise dosnt know any bater! I found this run vary ease to masturbate too!!!! Don't fuck with me, I know this game so that mean I'm always right!StupedfackincommunityTASVideoz!!!!!!
Arc wrote:
I enjoyed this movie in which hands firmly gripping a shaft lead to balls deep in multiple holes.
natt wrote:
I don't want to get involved in this discussion, but as a point of fact C# is literally the first goddamn thing on that fucking page you linked did you even fucking read it
Cooljay wrote:
Mayor Haggar and Cody are such nice people for the community. Metro City's hospitals reached an all time new record of incoming patients due to their great efforts :P
Joined: 1/23/2006
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Location: Germany
Hm, is there some arbitrary limit to when your "walk on water" boots work? You walk over large stretches of water but later you use a bridge instead of going over the river next to it.
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Yes, you can only walk on certain paths on the water.
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JXQ wrote:
Other changes don't seem to favor either version as far as I can tell, but I can't find one that favors the Japanese version in terms of making an entertaining movie.
If you ask me, the Japanese version has better sound...