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Darnit! I can't program a lick! Who do I need to cajole to get ANY kind of TG-16 emu, even if it's Hucard only, that supports rerecords? There are SO many TG-16 games that would not only rock for TAS purposes but would be new to many of the viewers here.
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Emulated runs can be done on PCs if you use a virtual machine. You can use savestates, but not anything else.
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Yeah, see, and that just wouldn't cut it.
Post subject: Ootake actually is pretty decent
Joined: 3/28/2005
Posts: 216
So, the PC-Engine emulator Ootake is no Magic Engine, but it's pretty decent, at least for HuCards (haven't tested CDs yet). And HuCard TAS is the most logical place to start. Can you imagine a TAS of Bonk's Adventure or of Devil's Crush? Dude! Ootake also has source available through the web page. Any enterprising programmers want to please bring the PCE into the world of TAS? It's a completely logical step, really. It NEEDS to be there with the SNES and Genesis. It was my favorite console of the generation, and IMO better than the Genny even without the CD attachment. Help us out, somebody! Give us PCE TAS!
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Reese_Kaine wrote:
Unless I'm missing something, in terms of CDs, it only seems to support actual discs (No ISOs).
Well.. It could indirectly support ISOs by mounting them with daemon-tools (for windows), or with 'mount -t iso9660 -o loop <filename.iso> </mnt/isodrive>' in linux. (Yeah, I use a folder called isodrive in my computer, and not the /mnt/cdrom since I want to keep them appart). :)
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well i'm reading through the ootoke source right now, it's definitely a lot closer to having the features we want than HuGo!...I'm gunna see if i can get it to compile tonight, if so I'll post the proposal for the TG-16 movie file format i was working on and get some feedback and then change the built in recording feature of ootake to use that.
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meh, after further review, a lot of work should be done on this emulator before adding rerecord support i'm going to port the gui to wxWidgets so it can be cross platform. i'll update my progress in this thread.
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ok i've read through most of the code and while it's a bummer that all the comments are in japanese, the code is written well enough that it shouldn't be much of a chore to handle. I've applied for a sourceforge project account and will know in the next two days if it has been accepted, until then I will be poking around and working on porting the interface to wxwidgets. cheers!
What would Mr Belvedere do? Probably eat some butter.
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Sounds great. I wish you the best of luck. :)
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Wow, this is great news. Ootake sees rapid improvement anyway, but having another pair of eyes working on trying to add better recording support is great. I hope we get TG-16 re-recording working before too long. I'm betting a Bonk's Revenge speedrun would be great fun to watch.
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Hippo, have you got any progress updates for those of us who are drooling over the possibilities?
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sorry i've been tanking on this, between work and summer activities i haven't really touched this much except i decided to change over to using HuGo! again as the codebase because i'd have to change all of the ootake movie code anyways in order to get it working as a viable tas tool and honestly ootake is a mess source wise and gui-wise not to mention it's written using native win32 api, so porting it to other oses would take longer. So far i've only prototyped the functions i need to add and worked added all of the gui elements i'll need in glade as well as drawn up the file format for the movie files. this is a considerable time saver thanks to the original hugo developer sending me his original glade project files so i don't have to rebuild the whole thing in wxwidgets (though i'd like to eventually). i have to travel for work in about a week and while i'm out and about i should have some time to work on it then, i'll keep the status updated in this thread. again, sorry for the delay, but it'll get here sometime =)
What would Mr Belvedere do? Probably eat some butter.
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Posts: 216
Are you trying to say that life is more important than video games? Oh, such blasphemy! That would mean I've been living a lie! Naw, it's all good. Sure, I'm chomping at the bit, but I can't program a lick, so all I can do is post in a forum and make a bit of noise here and there. Hippo, thanks much for your efforts. I hope things bear fruit eventually.
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they will, i think about it a lot while i'm actually doing life, so at least there's that. i won't be able to keep my integrity in tact if i don't end up following through with this, i'm a conceited bastard and my ego comes first, so that'll be my motivation since i'm so cool and smart and i want people to know that. </drunk> anyways, yes, i will get a preliminary build up sometime this summer i promise, just glad to know at least one person will care if i do, other than myself anyways =)
What would Mr Belvedere do? Probably eat some butter.
Player (73)
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I want to see it :-). Of course, only dracula x probably won't get TAS support :-(.
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Hippo, if your ego gets me some tg-16 TAS-ing, it will be more than deserved.
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i should've replaced </drunk> with </sarcasm> there
What would Mr Belvedere do? Probably eat some butter.
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So, anybody have any suggestions for what we should TAS once Hippo generates a working TAS tool for us? Keep in mind that CD games may have problems, so HuCards/TurboChips should be the initial targets. I'm thinking Bloody Wolf. (Sorry, Hippo, didn't mean to misunderstand.)
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Monthly ping. Anything new or any way I (or anyone else here) can help?
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I hope this project didn't die. I was looking foward to a working rerecording emulator :(
It's hard to look this good. My TAS projects
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This is about the only system I'd be interested in TASing for, as most people don't appreciate the game library the way I do. But with three excellent emus out there with source available (HuGo, Ootake, and Mednafen) you'd think someone would have managed to have nailed this one by now.
Joined: 2/23/2008
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I registered just to say I'd love to see this done. I owned the console long ago and there are a lot of games that would make really entertaining TASes. So I hope the project is alive. Games: I'll second Castlevania. There are a lot of nominations for bonk. I remember that with the attack button on turbo you could simply do rapid-fire air flips and skip through a lot of the level. Maybe that'd be slower than the direct route, dunno, but it'd be neat to find out. Legendary axe 1 and 2... bloody wolf... various bomberman games (unless they're already TASed on other consoles)... ninja spirits, which has the feel of ninja gaiden... fighting street... kieth courage... Devil's Crush... I dunno, maybe this would turn out to be dull and it'd be better as a playaround that shows off all the bonus levels etc.. You need to play for an awfully long time to get the score maxed out, but maybe someone can find some combination of multipliers and bonus levels that makes it quick. One of the best - JJ and Jeff. I remember this game as being very fast, and having levels where the only way to get through a series of tough jumps is to simply ram forward at full speed, and everything seems to time itself. Even some of the shooters would be pretty entertaining. There's a lot of room for playing around in games like Blazing Lazers, which had lots of weaponry and some easter eggs.
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Well, hippo's last post to this forum was the last one posted here, so I can only assume he's got other priorities. Damn! I wanted so badly to start working with some PCE games.
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Calling Hu-Go "excellent" is a bit of a stretch. Both Ootake and (my personal favorite) Mednafen have savestate and movie recording/playback, and, more importantly, run more than 2 or 3 games, and run them without significant graphics and sound errors. A lot of the best PCE games are shooters, but there are quite a few platformers or other genre games that it would be very nice to see attacks of (like the Wonderboy series).
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Yeah, Hugo isn't so hot these days, but Mednafen is extremely accurate if a bit unfriendly due to a lack of a GUI. And Ootake is almost as accurate as Mednafen and has a GUI.