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Month later bump. Anything new? EDIT: Oh yeah, couple things I've been meaning to ask about. First, is the crouch jump thing I keep seeing. Is it a feature of the game engine, or was it added into this hack? Second, what, if anything, is on the right side of Crocomire's room?
This guy are sick.
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Daniel, Lord Bahamut wrote:
Month later bump. Anything new?
Yes and no. I had to redo a couple of rooms, including the kago refill, which I wasn't very enthusiastic about (that's why it took so much time), since I had to skip taking damage in the last room of Crateria. All in all I lost 10 frames (one of them due to elevator randomness) and then won 3 frames back in the second room of Brinstar due to better optimization. Now I'm in the third, where I need to refill. I also keep a little progress blog at my page here. I post everything that doesn't deserve a personal post on the forum on that page.
Daniel, Lord Bahamut wrote:
the crouch jump thing I keep seeing. Is it a feature of the game engine, or was it added into this hack?
It works in the original game, too: if you'll look at it closely, you'll see that Samus is being "ejected" prior to jump, as if she was jumping from mid-air (it is the thing that allows jumping through one-tile ceilings). It looks a little buggy, but it works to a certain extent — the gain is about half a tile or so (also works underwater). In SMR, it looks clean, and is a fully acknowledged feature which allows somewhat substantial height gain — basically, a bug turned into a feature.
Daniel, Lord Bahamut wrote:
what, if anything, is on the right side of Crocomire's room?
A solid wall and a pool of acid, that's all.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
Player (206)
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Being back again and having more freetime, I decided to continue my old Redesign WIP further. It's a bit slower than moozoohs current one, but I just want to finish this run faster and see what time is possible to get. TASing Redesign is very interesting, especially in later parts (can't wait for HJ Boots and Speed Booster). I did some progress and just got the Bombs. Here the WIP Enjoy!
See my perfect 100% movie-walkthroughs of the best RPG games on http://www.freewebs.com/saturnsmovies/index.htm Current TAS project (with new videos): Super Metroid Redesign, any% speedrun
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Excellent, that will be very useful when I get to that point (and I really hope I will get to it alive, since pipe bugs' unwillingness to cooperate by dropping the right refills is very, very, very daunting; I've got almost half of my rerecord count spent on shitty luck manipulation and its consequences).
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
Player (206)
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Ladies and gentlemen, from now on I will post further WIPs of my Redesign TAS project on youtube, for which I specially created a account there. It's much handier that way, and users can watch it without needing to have our emulator knowledges. And the vid is stored forever unlike in Rapidshare. So here we go, from the last smv which ended after Bomb-Torizo, this WIP goes till the room with a energy tank right before the HJ Boots. It's a new and never before used route, that even though getting HJ Boots is a detour, will save much more time in the later parts because of them. Also a new, never before executed technique in Redesign is used: Midair-Morph IBJ!! Super Metroid Redesign - Any% TAS-speedrun by Saturn - WIP 1 Further WIPs will be posted there as well. Enjoy!
See my perfect 100% movie-walkthroughs of the best RPG games on http://www.freewebs.com/saturnsmovies/index.htm Current TAS project (with new videos): Super Metroid Redesign, any% speedrun
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time to subscribe you @ utube ;)! my youtube nick is the 1234one... i posted my metroid music video preview/beta there.. :D! but the cons of youtube for are.. its very dark for my monitore, i cant frame adv or slowdown your wip and the sound/video quality is not good as emulated^^ ! evilchen edit: plus youtube mostly has a f*cking lag!
Joined: 10/6/2005
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Same for me =p Saturn, could you also upload the smv file please ? ^^ Although makes things easier for everyone, as evilchen said, the video looks very dark and hasn't a full fps display. Anyway, congrats on it ! I just can't wait to see the next part =D
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It's not like WE don't know how to play back an .smv file. Why must you torture us with YouTube?
Joined: 5/13/2006
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Nice work Saturn, I loved what parts I could see through youtube's crappy fps. :) *subscribes*
<Zurreco> if so called professional players cant adapt to every playing field, theyre obviously not that great
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Wow, and it's still improvable by a lot of frames. :D EDIT: Also, I join the forces of .smv-lovers.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
Joined: 10/2/2006
Posts: 52
The only con I see is waiting for it to load. however its not dark at all, and there are no frame rate problems other than its not running at full 30 fps. but there was no lag or choppiness for me
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Drewseph wrote:
The only con I see is waiting for it to load. however its not dark at all, and there are no frame rate problems other than its not running at full 30 fps. but there was no lag or choppiness for me
1. Requires a fast (and preferrably not on pay-per-MB basis) connection, a flash plugin and internet access EVERY time you'd want to watch it, unless you rip the video off the browser cache. 2. Half the normal frame rate. 3. Crappier quality. 4. No free resize (I'm not watching emulator videos in their original resolution, ever). 5. No slowdown/frame advance. 6. No input watch, no memory watch, no frame counts (efficiently making it impossible to compare movies). Note that a standalone .avi would solve at least a half of that problems, and .smv would solve all of them.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
Player (206)
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Posts: 1451
moozooh wrote:
Wow, and it's still improvable by a lot of frames. :D
Giving a example would probably be a more helpful option. :-)
moozooh wrote:
4. No free resize (I'm not watching emulator videos in their original resolution, ever).
You can actually make it fullscreen or change to any desirable size with this button: Everybody: Ok, I will look if I can upload the original AVI somewhere, so you can watch it with a clean 60fps and save on HDD if needed.
See my perfect 100% movie-walkthroughs of the best RPG games on http://www.freewebs.com/saturnsmovies/index.htm Current TAS project (with new videos): Super Metroid Redesign, any% speedrun
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Saturn wrote:
Giving a example would probably be a more helpful option. :-)
Well, I've been producing "the example" for quite some time, and still don't see you somersaulting after doing a corner boost. Then, your Brinstar powerbomb blockade room on the way left could've been at least 3-4 frames faster both times you went through it (I don't even have a chance to stand on that last little block because I'm already falling when the unmorphing animation stops). I also have a feeling that the three-tube room with the loose wall on the way to Spore Spawn can be done faster since you can skip unmorphing until immediately before the knockback, as I demonstrated on my progress blog. I'm sure there are other moments I have overlooked due to being unable to fully view and compare, but you get the general idea.
Saturn wrote:
You can actually make it fullscreen or change to any desirable size with this button
Oh, no, no no no, you won't get me to watch youtube videos in full screen. It's even worse than watching them in the original resolution, since upscaling is primitive and the quality is so bad to begin with that the whole screen turns into a whirling mess. %)
Saturn wrote:
Ok, I will look if I can upload the original AVI somewhere, so you can watch it with a clean 60fps and save on HDD if needed.
I can capture and host the files along my own SMR videos here, or you can do it yourself if you set up an account. It's free, accessible, and doesn't expire after 30 days.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
Joined: 4/7/2005
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See, YouTube is easy. ;)
evilchen wrote:
my youtube nick is the 1234one... i posted my metroid music video preview/beta there.. :D!
http://youtube.com/profile?user=1234one ??
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Saturn wrote:
Giving a example would probably be a more helpful option. :-)
As well as giving us the .smv would be a more helpful option :) Why are you so strongly against releasing the .smv anyway? Are you afraid people will encode it themselves and steal your credit? How often has that happened in the entire history of TASvideos? Not very.
Joined: 6/25/2005
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Saturn wrote:
You can actually make it fullscreen or change to any desirable size with this button:
that button does nothing on linux, because the crappy linux version doesn't support fullscreening. Saturn, while I love watching new WIPs from you every now and then, I'd really like to see a finished run once in a while. What happened to the RBO everyone keeps waiting for?
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Posts: 1451
moozooh wrote:
I also have a feeling that the three-tube room with the loose wall on the way to Spore Spawn can be done faster since you can skip unmorphing until immediately before the knockback, as I demonstrated on my progress blog.
IRC wrote:
[12:18] <Saturn_> I don't understand exactly what you ment there [12:19] <moozooh> http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/3725/brinstar-3rdtubeskiptest.smv -- starting from realtime frame 415. [12:19] <Saturn_> thanks gonna check [12:19] <moozooh> i'm quite sure it's faster than running on that ledge. [12:22] <Saturn_> hmmm [12:22] <Saturn_> I'm not sure [12:22] <Saturn_> because starting a ground-contacting mockball slows you down a bit at the beginning [12:22] <Saturn_> and you also slow down by unmorphing before the bug [12:23] <Saturn_> alot [12:23] <Saturn_> the arm pumps at that ledge would catch up the mockball most likely, and the direct falling would catch up the rest [12:23] <Saturn_> I think [12:23] <Saturn_> unmorphing cancells a very important falling speed gain [12:24] <Saturn_> which wastes alot of frames, I tested this many times in other places [12:24] <moozooh> well, it was only ~13 frames slower overall than doing that part the usual way (skipping the left tube), so i figured the bulk of the loss was on the first tube. [12:24] <Saturn_> possibly
And thanks for the great idea! I will check that webhost out sometime. creaothceann: Nope, it's http://youtube.com/profile?user=1234asd12341234 (wrong nickspelling) Kyrsimys: Not at all. I just think that a AVI is much more simple and handy to watch than a smv. But ok, if you all really want the smv that much, here it is: http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/3771/Saturn_-_SMR_TAS_-_almost_at_HJ-Boots.smv Tub: I know. I just get bored from one run, then start switching to the other. Though this is definitely the last run I will add in my current project list. RBO is currently on hold for almost a half year by now, because it got too tedious in Maridia. Then I started a any% run which is currently at Draygon (or to ~50% finished). Most lately I also got much interest in Redesign again, so I picked my old WIP up, and continue it in this days. Depending of the mood I will switch between any% in original and Redesign for this moment. RBO will most likely be continued after this 2, because it's just too complicated for me for now. Sorry if you all waited for it :-(, I just want to have some fun in TASing, which isn't the case in RBO anymore (in Maridia).
See my perfect 100% movie-walkthroughs of the best RPG games on http://www.freewebs.com/saturnsmovies/index.htm Current TAS project (with new videos): Super Metroid Redesign, any% speedrun
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Great! Thanks for the smv, now I can finally watch it.
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creaothceann wrote:
See, YouTube is easy. ;)
evilchen wrote:
my youtube nick is the 1234one... i posted my metroid music video preview/beta there.. :D!
http://youtube.com/profile?user=1234one ??
i think saturn knows which i meant because he subscribed me back ;)! 1234asd12341234 if you want to know it too.. :P! @saturn, it does look like you dont love to upp your smv's or? uploading a avi or youtube video is much more work for yourself, you have to create the avi file and upload it much longer then the smv files! i dont want to change your mind of something iam still fine with youtube WIPS :) edit: youtube is even usefull if you are at school or work ;)!!! that a big PRO for it :P evilchen
Joined: 4/3/2006
Posts: 269
Saturn wrote:
Kyrsimys: Not at all. I just think that a AVI is much more simple and handy to watch than a smv. But ok, if you all really want the smv that much, here it is: http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/3771/Saturn_-_SMR_TAS_-_almost_at_HJ-Boots.smv
It's true that posting the WIP videos at youtube is helpful for those that doesn't have an emulator to watch it. I am with Kyrsimys on this. Personally, I like to watch the smv file. It's small in size and it's as-clear-as-you-can-get to watch. So, please continue to release smv files if you decide to show WIPs.
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I dont' know why, the smv file doesn't want to work for me. I got the same problem for watching another Super Metroid (original) smv file, from the other topic. I use Snex9x 1.43+ ^^' maybe it's not the right version... It says me "wrong file format" when I try to load the smv <_>
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FAQ is there for a reason. ;)
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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Oh thanks a lot moozooh ^^ I haven't been informed about this new version =p
Joined: 10/2/2006
Posts: 52
There is a new version of SMR, 2.1, I swear to be final. this run fixes 3 really annoying graphical glitches during door transitions, and fixed several save station that displayed the wrong coordinates on loading a save. this run has been tested with Moozooh and satruns WIP and does NOT desync them, so please update the patch and conntinue the run, its safe to do so. I swear on my life I fixed the last of the most annoying bugs and will no longer update any more!@
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