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Comicalflop wrote:
If you're going to construct a route, you might want to take a stab at the newly found 15 banana route: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YTlwRFHs9kg and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mlIIbz1cK_g
A 15 Golden Banana route?! Good grief! I suppose somebody will be looking for a 0 Golden Banana route...
Why, oh, why do I even <i>try</i> to understand my own species?
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Wow, that's amazing!
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Don't you still need to collect various other stuff in order to complete Hideout Helm?
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Nope, #13 in this video says otherwise. (that's skipping the Nintendo coin, so no need to play DK arcade twice.) Anyone who wants to see the progress of these new discoveries may want to keep an eye on the DK64 thread at SDA.
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You'll still need to obtain various abilities in order to overcome bosses and King K Rool
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You're right, but it should be done with human skills in 2 - 3 hours. With TAS skills should be 1 - 2 hours (with the glitches that are known by now, not to mention any further new ones)
Joined: 11/7/2007
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Fungi Forest Early K. Rool Early Hideout Helm Lobby Early In my K.Rool early video I captured keys 1,2,3,4,5, and 8. Right now we are trying to figure if key 4 really is needed. Manocheese over at SDA did a test run and captured keys 1,2,4,5 and 8....Only to figure out that the ship did not appear. He then grabbed key 3 and the ship appeared. So key 3 seems to be the trigger for the ship to appear right now. But now we need to test if key 4 is a trigger as well. If it is not then my Fungi Forest Early trick stands as useful and will shave some time. Here is the thread. http://speeddemosarchive.com/forum/index.php/topic,5098.705.html edit: Crystal Caves Early Through some testing, Manocheese has figured out that we only need to collect keys 1,2,3, and 8 for K.Rool's ship to appear. Fungi Forest is now skipped along with Gloomy Galleon.
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OMG, that is so unreal.... Pun not intended.
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I found some quite good routes for the first jungle japes and angry aztec, even though they could be freshed up, Im still working on them. These are taking forever :O But still, Im a huge fan of Donkey Kong, and I think I will be finished soon with the jungle japes and angry aztec routes. EDIT: I forgot to tell one more thing, Im very busy with my work (for keeping my appartment lol :P), and Im afraid I cant work everyday with this, so I need some time to get some other routes for the other levels, if you can. Please post ur ideas or someone elses idea/video on how to make some routes for the levels. THIS IS MEANT TO BE AN 100% RUN
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Is this game even TASable yet with Mupen? If it is, then where is the fix for Gauntlet Legends? On a more related note, I am looking forward to seeing a 100% TAS of this game, since it's bound to be much shorter than the SDA run.
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Same here. I really want to see a TAS of this game. There are too many places in this game for horrible mistakes and time-wasting. I.E.: Banana Balloons and those freaking Banana Fairies.
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Lol, It isnt TASable yet but I bet it will come soon, and btw, I dont think it should be all to hard to get the banana balloons and the fairies as when you TAS everything comes in precision and slowdown so I will aim with accuracy
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I hope so. The banana balloons are hard to hit. The banana fairies, however, can cause people to pull their hair out. They apparently love to move out of frame the instant before you can catch them. That part of this game annoyed me the most.
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I've heard that the J version of DK64 is TASable but I was unable to get beyond the the opening intro. There is a lot of emulation errors, but is it acceptable enough? Anyway, recent developments means that only 5 golden bananas are needed. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wAD8UQveSjg&feature=channel_page
Post subject: New route: Zero bananas and zero percent!
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Hey, I've been experimenting with this game recently and I just discovered a new fastest route to complete the game with zero bananas and zero percent! For the purposes of a TAS, it requires loading from a save state, but the run itself is from start to finish. Anyway here's how: - You need a game in which two save slots are complete, but the third one is new. To make things easier, load this new file and save after Squawk has spoken to you outside Donkey's hut. - Perform the intro cutscene glitch. When you arrive back at the Mystery menu with no music, load the new file and save and quit immediately. - You'll notice that the DK Ilses theme is playing during the Game Over cutscene. Keep pressing start until you arrive back at the main menu, which will feature the DK Rap. - Wait a while, and eventually the intro cutscene will play again. If for some reason the cutscene hasn't started by the time it reaches Lanky's verse, try selecting the Options. - When you regain control of Donkey, step outside the hut. If a cutscene doesn't start playing, you're golden. You should notice that you still have zero bananas, but all the characters are unlocked and K. Rool's ship is available! What's happened here is that the game has combined the data from the new file and one of the other two files. It will keep the golden banana count of the new file, but it will copy the characters, keys and blueprints of one of the other files. You'll also notice that you're invincible and the pause menu is disabled, and any golden bananas that were not obtained in the copied file will still be available to collect in the game. Now all you need to beat the game is to get the abilities required to defeat K. Rool. For some reason, Donkey and Diddy already possess the necessary skills, but you still need to buy what's required for Lanky, Tiny and Chunky. With this method, it's possible to beat the game with zero bananas AND zero percent! Now here's the catch: the game won't save this combined file after you complete the game. It will be as if it never happened. The only way to restore the pause function and save normally is if the game copies data from a save file in which all the blueprints have already been collected. Playing one of Snide's minigames allows you to pause again. But beware! If you save the game, it will not save over the new file, it will save over the file the game copied data from. Here's an interesting variation: If you play a 101% file and use the intro cutscene glitch to copy data from a blank file, you'll only have 161 golden bananas. Why? Because the blank file doesn't have any blueprints, which totals 40 golden bananas. However, since none of the golden bananas were collected in the blank file, you can still obtain them in the game. As long as you collect all the blueprints and play one of Snide's minigames to make the pause function available, you can save your progress and collect far more than 201 bananas. Just remember that no Kong should have more than seven golden bananas in any particular level, otherwise the counter will roll back to zero after you save. This gives you a total limit of 280 golden bananas in a save file. I still haven't been able to determine WHICH save file the game copies data from. It appears to be completely random. But here's the thing: instead of waiting for the intro cutscene to interrupt the main menu, highlight the file you want to copy data from, but only go so far as to display the data for that file (i.e. percent and bananas). Don't actually play the file. Now press B twice to go back to the main menu and wait for the intro cutscene to start playing. After it's finished. The save file the game copied data from is guaranteed to be the one you highlighted, but it will also copy all abilities and golden bananas, thus making it worthless for a 0GB/percent run. Still, I just thought I'd point this out. Anyway, it took me a while to figure this all out and I hope you appreciate it. As far as I know, this method is now the fastest way to complete the game. :) EDIT: I've just discovered that the reason the game substracts 40 bananas from a 101% game is not because the blueprints are missing, but because all the bananas Lanky obtained are missing - even the ones he got from blueprints! I have no idea why only Lanky's bananas are missing, but this makes it impossible to reach a total of 280 bananas because Lanky can't get more than 5 bananas per level. The new limit is 264 bananas in a save file.
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as I can see, this game is still unTASable yet?
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Glitcher, while you've come up with an interesting approach, pre-recorded SRAM data generally means a rejected run. In my eyes all this run would really do is 'half copy a completed game and walk to the ending', which doesn't really seem worthwhile. That's some shady area between starting a new game and walking to the end of an already completed save file. It is novel for percentage and banana purposes, but I would probably vote no because it starts with data in SRAM which generally (in my opinion) doesn't make for a logical run in TAS. This game doesn't even work in the emulator, so of course this is all speculation.
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Aren't there runs on this site that begin from a save state?
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There are a few, but it's kind of hard to justify starting from a save state while not completing the game as fast as possible. For example why not just start with a completed save file and go beat the final boss. It's a bit arbitrary. Why not directly copy the completed file to a new file and go beat the final boss. Your guidelines are "Starts from SRAM, but does not directly copy SRAM to new file, but essentially accomplishes the same thing anyway."
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Kirkq wrote:
This game doesn't even work in the emulator, so of course this is all speculation.
Oh really...? Works for me, and it always has. Not sure who started the whole "this game doesn't work" stuff, but it isn't true for everyone.
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On mupen it's work? I agree it work on project, I can play it. However, for TASing?
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It does for me, the J rom works better than the U. It doesn't play like it does on console though, so I don't see a TAS being accepted because the physics aren't really the same.
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True, I saw sometime my ape being stretched..... And falling "in" a tree(I was trying to climb, then something wrong occured: The camera went "drunk" for a moment, then, I felt trought the map.)
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niamek wrote:
True, I saw sometime my ape being stretched..... And falling "in" a tree(I was trying to climb, then something wrong occured: The camera went "drunk" for a moment, then, I felt trought the map.)
Happens to me all the time. It's an annoying and unavoidable emulation glitch.
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I recall I saw a TAS of this game on youtube for some golden banana. However it's was slower than usual. Still impressive..
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