(deleted previous effort)
I'm making a real speedrun of this, so its a little easier for me. This is about 8 seconds faster than you did it I think.
First, my boss battle SUCKS. Test this, idk what to do against him optimally.
Other things I did bad: Traveling up stairs, you can get some acceleration. I didn't. I also stopped at one point in the very first room, don't do that.
My AIM SN is nineallday00 if you would like to discuss anything further. I can suggest optimal playing for most situations I would bet, as I've run into them all. Also can stop in on irc, I idle there a lot.
edit: i redid this a bit, and did it up to the boss battle. I missed one hit on the first sub boss though which was dumb and idk how it happened. Wastes about 10 frames and looks dumb. The first boss is a nightmare to manipulate, so i gave up.
Oh, and i'm not monitoring RAM at all. You should do this at least for the enemies. You can also manipulate that enemy that I killed in 1.7 to jump into the pit, i got sick of trying (i think its based on when you enter that area), but i've had it happen in real play.
Edit 2: actually, here is the full movie improvement:
I'm begging someone that actually knows how to TAS to do this. It honestly is not that hard of a game to TAS besides boss battles.