Post subject: New Emulators needed for TAS movies
Player (25)
Joined: 4/23/2005
Posts: 435
Location: Germany
Here some consoles which I like to see some TAS in the future: Atari 2600 VCS Lynx Master System PC-Engine There exist some great games for these consoles, so it would be great to see Emulators, which can make TAS movies. So the Emulators need SaveState (I think many already have this) and Frame Advance or Slow Down. Games where I like to see a TAS are: Dracula (Lynx) [Point and Click Adventure] Golden Axe Warrior (Master System) [Zelda like game] Neutopia (PC-Engine) [Zelda like game] Neutopia 2 (PC-Engine) [Zelda like game] And I think there exist some more games which are interesting for TAS movies. Ok, Atari 2600 VCS has no great graphics, but I like some games. Raiders of the Lost Ark is a great Adventure game.
Last TAS finished: Final Fantasy Adventure (4.0 Warp Glitch Run) WIP in the moment: Tail Gator (GB) Matty
Player (71)
Joined: 8/24/2004
Posts: 2562
Location: Sweden
Perhaps someone should make a list of the biggest features in all the other emulators that needs to be in upcoming emus? Such as recording, re-recording, save states, configurable hotkeys, etc etc?
Former player
Joined: 9/1/2005
Posts: 803
Actually, Gens+ could possibly be a good consideration for a rerecording emulator, it supports genesis, sms, sega cd, and game gear. However it still has that problem with sega cd that is it doesn't save -everything- in a save state, hence if you're playing say sonic cd, and have a savestate in the third act second zone in a good future, and load it from the beginning, it wont do shit all except just sit there stupidly and play music while the game is frozen. I didn't try gamegear emulation, but at the least the sms emulation seemed a little laggy. The rest I have no idea on.