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Don't worry, the movie isn't worth watching anyway since it just zooms through walls and straight to the exit.
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Well... I can think of two Zelda movies that fit that description and were praised for it.
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Yeah, but that wasn't a complete description. At least the Zelda movies didn't have such horrible pacing and repetitiveness problems for their length. In a game with dozens of maze levels that have 12 seconds of waiting in-between, it's not entertaining to go in a straight line from the start to the exit in ~4 seconds for all of those levels in a row. Oh, one other movie that should be easy to judge is NES Big Nose the Caveman in 26:10. It got 2 "this is really boring" comments and no further attention.
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Sorry to say this, but it seems like things haven't improved at all in this area. Did y'all give up on this? Truncated's been doing a good job cleaning out and approving some of the old submissions, but it hardly does any good if the people doing the actual encoding are going to ignore his approvals and continue publishing the same few movies they feel like publishing. The El Viento TAS is the only decent thing I submitted here.
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If Bisqwit publish one workbench by day, we whait more than one year to publish all submitions (over than 500)...
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Neofix wrote:
If Bisqwit publish one workbench by day, we whait more than one year to publish all submitions (over than 500)...
I wonder, where are 500 Pending submissions? These are probably new Anyway... I want to ask, why Bisqwit only? Some more peoples got fast internet connection. They should work in publishing, there should be more judges. And a suggestion: There should be a topic for --> Submission which should be publish (where people can point out the sumissions)
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Neofix wrote:
If Bisqwit publish one workbench by day, we whait more than one year to publish all submitions (over than 500)...
There are 61 pending submissions, not 500. > it hardly does any good if the people doing the actual encoding are going to ignore his approvals and continue publishing the same few movies they feel like publishing. I am not ignoring his approvals. However, I have a “let's see what's in the queue” day only so often, which means that I'm generally much more likely to encode a “hot topic of day” movie than “Sega movie from last autumn that has been accepted”. > Anyway... I want to ask, why Bisqwit only? I am not the only one. Also, fast internet connection is not a necessary component. To be honest I’m quite satisfied with the current pace we’re publishing movies. I did some database analysis. * There have been 303 days in total where a movie has been published. * A total of 491 movies has been published (currently, 293 of them are not obsoleted). * The biggest amount of movies published in a single day so far is 7 (at 2004-06-25). * The first movie was published in 2004-02-09 (movies before that are not in database), and the latest was 2006-03-14. * This range covers a 764 days. * By average, we have a release day every 2.5 days. When we have a release day, we publish 1-7 movies at the same, with average in 1.6. * By average, we publish a movie every 1.5 days. My intention, with the maintainment of this site, has been to keep the pace between releaseless days in 1-3 days max. Although there have been individual pauses of about a week in length, by average we have succeeded excellently. With these numbers, we can choose which movies we publish and when, and thus we do. > And a suggestion: There should be a topic for --> Submission which should be publish (where people can point out the sumissions) I am against this idea. Such a board/topic would not serve additional purpose, considering that publication-related discussion can already be conducted in the threads of the particular submissions in Workbench. At worst, it’d just be a spam board for people like Neofix with “please publish my movie!” pleads. [Edit: Added "max"]
Joined: 11/11/2005
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I won't complain, so long as the Wario Land 4 run is finally accepted. It has nothing but positive votes (12 I think), it has been there for long over a year, and it is very good. Please consider it.
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Bisqwit> My intention, with the maintainment of this site, has been to keep the pace between releaseless days in 1-3 days. I don't have any statistics to back it up, but I think that we on average receive more submissions now than we did in the past. If we want to keep that number (releaseless days) constant, either the rate of rejection must go up, or we will build up a backlog of movies that are not encoded/judged. Is either of those really desirable? I would rather publish movies more often, as long as they are all good quality movies. As it is, there seems to be a big frustration and dissatisfaction over movies stuck in the queue (which should really be called something else, because it's not a queue). Not just josh, a lot of people have said this, me included. >... I'm generally much more likely to encode a "hot topic of day" movie than "Sega movie from last autumn that has been accepted". Something bothers me with this statement. Probably mostly that you said "Sega movie" (why should this be a factor?), but also that it's "from last autumn" should be a factor towards getting it encoded faster rather than the other way around. How is delaying it even more possibly a good idea? >The biggest amount of movies published in a single day so far is 7 (at 2004-06-25). Doesn't have anything to do with this discussion, but I couldn't see any published movies this day. Pweisger> Please consider it. (WL4) As I wrote in that topic, I would consider it if only I could watch it. I'm open to suggestions. Shakespeare> And a suggestion: There should be a topic for --> Submission which should be publish (where people can point out the sumissions) Judges decide which submissions to publish, not people. There is however a topic for "Sumissions which Truncated should judge", and it's exactly the one you're currently looking at.
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Truncated wrote:
Judges decide which submissions to publish, not people.
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
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Hehe. I can't quite figure out if that was mocking me or not. But since JXQ is such a swell guy, and also for the sake of my own ego, I'm guessing the latter. Perhaps I should have said "regular users" instead of people, but meh. Shakeyspear said people and I wanted to make the comparison clear.
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josh l. wrote:
Sorry to say this, but it seems like things haven't improved at all in this area.
Actually things have improved greatly in this area. Lately we've been getting more publishers and encoders and the pace at which movies are published seems a lot faster to me than it was a while ago. Currently we have 6 publishers and 7 judges, not to mention people who just voluntarily encode .avis for the publishers, such as Maza. So it's not just Bisqwit. The quality of the site itself has also improved as editors are becoming more active and fixing and adding stuff to the site. I think NESvideos is doing better than ever in every aspect.
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Maybe Kyrsi is right and I'm just finding the improvements harder to notice 'cause I'm all antsy about my El Viento improvement sitting in the queue forever FOR THE LOVE OF GOD SOMEBODY ENCODE IT ALREADY... or not, I dunno. =) I did mention this in the WL4 thread too, but I'd love to encode stuff myself, but whenever I try to use the AVI recording built into the emulators, I pick one of the recommended compression methods and end up with 200 meg files, which I know is too big. Trying other passes and chaging the settings and all doesn't seem to do anything. I just don't get it. Is there an "Encoding for Dummies" tutorial somewhere? The El Viento TAS is the only decent thing I submitted here.
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Pweisger wrote:
I won't complain, so long as the Wario Land 4 run is finally accepted. It has nothing but positive votes (12 I think), it has been there for long over a year, and it is very good. Please consider it.
I'll be looking over WL4 later today (I hope I have the right ROM).
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Actually I find it quite a good idea to have some private board for encoders where they can look for accepted movies to encode. Because like what happend currently with my Legend of Toki run, it's going down the bottom again, even though it's accepted. I'm just probably as lazy as everyone else, so I'm not looking at the bottom very frequent, as I don't want to look through every single thread there is. It would be good for the judges to have a board they can edit (where no regular user could post) when they have accepted a submission and pointing directly towards it. That would speed up the work slightly for the encoders as they won't have to dig through a big heap of submissions.
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Actually now that I'm setup, the most annoying part about encoding is that I keep forgetting a few steps; and the instructions are burried in the site docs.
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Perhaps, an automatically calculated table would help. It's like a list of submissions, automatically updated and sorted by: priority I: accepted (waiting for publishing)/new (unjudged); priority II: 'yes' vote coefficient; priority III: something else. Guessing from Nesvideos site statistics page, it won't be that hard to do. At least I hope so. Even if it won't help much, it'll still be handy to have it within easy reach.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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JXQ, "ALSO, CAPS LOCK" Very nice :)
Zoey Ridin' High <Fabian_> I prett much never drunk
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Truncated wrote:
Hehe. I can't quite figure out if that was mocking me or not. But since JXQ is such a swell guy, and also for the sake of my own ego, I'm guessing the latter.
Yay I'm swell :) I was just picking on your choice of word. Personally I think this site is greatly improving in the area of processing submissions. Kyrsimys said every point I had thought of, so my post ends now.
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
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@Highness: Accepted movies are listed on the submissions page, so if it's at the bottom of the Workbench forum doesn't matter that much. I don't think a new board or anything is necessary, but perhaps it would be nice to only list accepted submissions ( ?type=accepted perhaps ) or only submissions with whatever status really (type delayed would also be nice). At the moment only new, own, all and unfinished are available. @JXQ: But it was Shakespeare's choice of words originally so I'm home free, yay.
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I don't use the submission page. I think it's more cluttered than the workbench some how. :D
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I was looking at the games floating around near the bottom of the submissions pile, and it seems they all have one thing in common - they're played well, but the game just doesn't make for a good TAS. I was wondering if we could find a home for these somewhere other than the Eaten by a Grue list, because that list has boring games played well mixed in with games played poorly, and isn't easy to sift through. For any given game one would have to go through and read all the comments to find out if the game just wasn't played well, or if the game is boring, or what.
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I like tool's suggestion. But the headache is that some games were boring and played badly. or worse yet, played badly but unsure if the game is a publishable game. Categorizing them will be very difficult.
It's hard to look this good. My TAS projects
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Are you suggesting a thread called "Games that didn't quite make it to the top" or something in that direction?
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you could just mark instead of REJECTED one of the other options adelikat or tool23 noted. no need to make an entirely separate area for them. just a suggestion.