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  • nitsuja's mupen64 rerecording v8
  • plays on hardest difficulty
  • takes no hits
  • aims for fastest time
  • manipulates luck
  • uses death as a shortcut
Link, Fox, Mario Bros., and Pikachu-- generally uses a combination of dashing and reflector. Because of the very hard difficulty, these characters require edge guarding.
Yoshi, Kirby, and Fighting Polygon teams-- stays close to the ground when attacking so to save time, but sometimes it is advantageous to jump and attack (like say for the last of them). Character and pokemon spawns are manipulated through movement.
Break the Targets and Board the Platforms-- skips so to save time.
Samus-- because the lava rules out bottom vertical KOs (fall through glitch does not occur until around 20 seconds) and top vertical KOs take too long, damage is built up with a combo so to execute a horizontal KO.
Giant DK and Metal Mario-- Giant DK is easy to manipulate and dies relatively fast, but Metal Mario does not suicide, despite what Fox does, until around 15 seconds through the match.
Master Hand-- Uses most damaging and quickest attacks along with lasers when Master Hand is too far away.
Stick around for the credits and post credits.
The toughest measures are comparing jumps, as there are many different ways to jump. Along with that, many of the decisions depended on exact frame timing because the CPU will change their attack path according with the inputs nearly every frame.

Phil: Movie is repetitive and not impressive which is too far from what this site aims for, entertaining movies.
Bisqwit: A dummy edit to enforce a thread lock.
adelikat: A dummy edit to unenforce a thread lock.

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There's a "You earn the genius ness" or something like that message and nothing else after.
Player (177)
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Yep, that's it. After that, the game just resets when you hit a button.
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
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I vote yes, I really like how this game was played. It was very entertaining to me, regardless of if it could be done a little faster or not. Awesomke with the points...I bet most people dream of hitting a score like that, heh.
Soft Blue Dragon
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Need a Captain Falcon run.
Warning: Opinions expressed by Nach or others in this post do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, or position of Nach himself on the matter(s) being discussed therein.
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Phil wrote:
Yes it is a 3d game. Yes it is popular. But seriously it's repetitive and the ending isn't there(?) or is very bad. There's nothing that impresses me. I am voting no.
you're voting now? a half a year late don't you think? i pretty much excepted nobody much liked it then, so i don't see why you need to rub it in. i did it frame by frame. it's improvable, but by only a very tiny few frames. no one's showed kirby (or anyone else) can play it faster. i've tried the suck/suicide kirby trick, and it's still slower than fox b/c of kirby's awful run velocity, not to mention some players like kirby can't do team stages for crap. i get it that no one finds this run entertaining, but i did choose the most logical character and routes (save for 17 frames), and i did it frame perfectly, so please don't bash my work too much just because you don't fancy the gameplay, okay?
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What kind of attitude is that. 1st of all, there's no rule that people can't vote 6 months later. 2nd. The question is "Did you like watching this movie? (Vote after watching!)" I am answering that it is repetitve and not impressive. I didn't like watching the movie. 3rd. Did you preferred me to reject your movie? If that's the case I will do it without any remorse. 4th. I think it is improvable. It doesn't seem perfect.
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Relax Phill, chill man :D I just voted today, I actually watched when it was released but forgot to vote, a YES VOTE from me. Unlike Phil I think it is very good. Seems pretty smooth to me. But, I'm not the one who decides wich movie goes to the Published forum and wich one is eaten by a grue =P
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Phil wrote:
What kind of attitude is that. 1st of all, there's no rule that people can't vote 6 months later. 2nd. The question is "Did you like watching this movie? (Vote after watching!)" I am answering that it is repetitve and not impressive. I didn't like watching the movie. 3rd. Did you preferred me to reject your movie? If that's the case I will do it without any remorse. 4th. I think it is improvable. It doesn't seem perfect.
1. to vote for an otherwise half year stagnant submission is insulting, especially a negative vote. it's uncalled for. 2. it's repetitive and not impressive-- this doesn't add anything to the thread, nor does it help anything. if you've read the thread, then you'd know people have all ready established this complaint. 3. i don't care if you reject the movie. i excepted enough people didn't like it a half year ago. i did this run more for myself than for nesvideos, and even though noone published it, i converted it to video anyway, and i managed to entertain a large amount of ssb players and friends from other forums. 4. i conceded one flaw, which is to fall through the platform on btp rather than run off, which saves like 17 frames. if you've found some other way, please refer to them and not just say "it doesn't seem perfect"-- as optimal play in this game depends on very subtle manuevers you may not be familiar with. a half a year ago i managed to bite my tongue and try to be as pleasant about my submission as possible, despite what some people said-- but the fact that someone had the nerve to dig this thread up again to criticize an all ready dead topic just tipped the iceberg for me.
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If you have problems with people's negative opinion about your movie and you only submit this movie for yoursel without caring about nesvideos community then it will be instantly rejected. Final verdict is clear.
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I wouldn't call five months "instant"...
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
I wouldn't call five months "instant"...
Is there any reasons that you love to post such kind of post? For me it looks sarcasms which is against forum rules.
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I see nothing against sarcasm in the rules...
What's a man like me supposed to do with all this extra savoir-faire?
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From rules: The posting is encouraged to stay civilized. This means that flaming, trolling, insults and acts of retaliation are not allowed. If you are angry to someone, it is recommended to wait for 24 hours before responding. Sarcasm is not really polite attitude.
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What? I'm just saying that five months isn't very instant.
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
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Phil wrote:
From rules: The posting is encouraged to stay civilized. This means that flaming, trolling, insults and acts of retaliation are not allowed. If you are angry to someone, it is recommended to wait for 24 hours before responding. Sarcasm is not really polite attitude.
this is the sort of rigid authoritarianism i see from so many mod-happy forums, which claim to enforce rules to promote civil and intellegent conversation-- but instead really just suck all the emotion and wit out of human dialogue. i don't have problems with negative opinions, and you'd know that if you'd read the whole thread. you know, nesvideos isn't a scholarly resource-- no matter how much you try to make it like one, and a tas isn't a dissertation. we're allowed to act like feeling human beings (or not?).
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Then respect me(or anyone else) when I say that I didn't like watching the movie. If you don't like the forum rules, you know what to do.
nico wrote:
and a tas isn't a dissertation.
False. If you want a perfect movie of Super Smash Bros, I recommend to do it.
Bag of Magic Food wrote:
What? I'm just saying that five months isn't very instant.
Instantly= right now. There's a difference between "it will be instantly" than "it would have been instantly"
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I think Phil meant Instantly after his post. Also, there is nothing wrong with a negative vote 5-6 months later. If it is still in the submissions, then every vote counts. Reviving it with a Positive might encourage publishment, while reviving it with a negative might encourage rejection. 80 submissions is alot, so I think Phil was just trying to get it moves to Published or Rejection to get it out of the way. Please correct me if I am wrong Phil. :)
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Vatchern wrote:
80 submissions is alot, so I think Phil was just trying to get it moves to Published or Rejection to get it out of the way. Please correct me if I am wrong Phil. :)
You aren't wrong. It's part of judges duty. Watching this movie doesn't convinced me that it deserves to be published. I could have rejected the movie instead of posting but I decided to give a chance. Apparently, the author's attitude convinced me that I was wrong.
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Hey nico. Officially: >1. Not really. Any votes which help in judging unjudged submissions are helpful and welcome. >2. It's also helpful if you state the reason for voting like you did. The tone in which you state your opinion is of course important. >3 & 4. That's good to hear. Personally: You're not the only one who is ticked off by Phil's attitude sometimes. (I'm sure he will be angry at me for saying this too, but I can take it.) Best of luck for future projects.
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Truncated: I wish you had quoted nico before commenting on his list ;) (I had to repeatedly go back to page 3 to read what you were referring too)
You're not the only one who is ticked off by Phil's attitude sometimes.
Yes, the longer you post here, the more likely you get upset by Phil at somepoint, but you make it sound like Phil did something wrong here. All he did was post what he felt about the movie. Should he have not commented? So what, if others said the same thing, It is still helpful to know that many people felt this way. He was not insulting:
Phil wrote:
Yes it is a 3d game. Yes it is popular. But seriously it's repetitive and the ending isn't there(?) or is very bad. There's nothing that impresses me. I am voting no.
Where is his attitude here? It is straightfoward but with no intent to insult the author. In fact he was being generous, by posting his opinion rather than just rejected the movie right away. Neco: 5 months is nothing compared to other runs that are in sore need of judging. The problem is people NOT commenting on "dead" threads. More people should look at old runs and give feeback, so they are stuck in submission limbo. (Though it would be nice if 5 months were an long time...)
It's hard to look this good. My TAS projects
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Truncated wrote:
Personally: You're not the only one who is ticked off by Phil's attitude sometimes. (I'm sure he will be angry at me for saying this too, but I can take it.)
From rules: The posting is encouraged to stay civilized. This means that flaming, trolling, insults and acts of retaliation are not allowed. If you are angry to someone, it is recommended to wait for 24 hours before responding. So, since you know it will flame me, why do you wrote that?
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Phil>So, since you know it will flame me, why do you post that? Shouldn't you have waited 24 hours before posting that? :P adelikat: Quoting is for whimps. ;) I wanted to tell nico that Phil was correct in what he was saying, but that he does come across as harsh and unfriendly quite often. (The high horses thing with sarcasm being against the rules (which it isn't (third set of parenthesis (courtesy of JXQ))) didn't help either.)
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Truncated wrote:
adelikat: Quoting is for whimps. ;)
It's hard to look this good. My TAS projects
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I just wanted to say that I think it's good for the site when people go through the submission entries and give their opinion. It can often encourage new discussion, and bumping the topic to the top may show it to some people who didn't know about it before, but would be interested in checking it out, causing more discussion. All this discussion can help the submission head in a conclusive direction instead of still being labeled as "new".
nico wrote:
a half a year ago i managed to bite my tongue and try to be as pleasant about my submission as possible, despite what some people said-- but the fact that someone had the nerve to dig this thread up again to criticize an all ready dead topic just tipped the iceberg for me.
Nico, keep in mind that just because someone does not like the run, doesn't mean they are insulting you as a person. I know it can be tough because a TAS project typically requires a lot of work (so it may feel like you are being attacked), but it's just the nature of the art; something that is entertaining to one person may not be to another. It's good that you were still able to get something out of the project for yourself - I personally think that's the most important part :)
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
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Truncated wrote:
I wanted to tell nico that Phil was correct in what he was saying, but that he does come across as harsh and unfriendly quite often.
Isn't it the way of a judge? ;)