• this movie should have the right frame-count/input
recorded with nitsuja's mupen64 rerecording v8 found here: Forum/Topics/2934
16-minute 16-star playthrough of the first and one of the most versatile, action oriented 3-D games for the N64.
This tool-assisted movie is over a minute faster than the original test run, and takes many shortcuts favorable over the original ones. Most of the saved time is an accumulation of bits and pieces of optimization through Mario's movement and straighter paths to whatever destination.
What was very fortunate was that I was able to record with an analog stick, thus making radial positioning much more precise and ultimately making many pathways faster.
Thanks to Micheal Fried, Weatherton, nitsuja, Atma, and GeminiSaint for the useful strategies.
Abuses glitches. Takes damage to save time.

Bisqwit: Updated this submission as well (the movie length was calculated in wrong way).

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