Well, this is my second TA speedrun on GBA, this time running through Megaman ZERO 3. My previous run was Rockman ZERO 4 (which is the episode just after this one.)
Here is what the movie features :
  • Aim for fastest time
  • Take hits to save time
  • No Death
  • Manipulate Luck (with bosses)
  • Do not use any Cyber-elves
  • Do not care about collecting Secret Disks (except Quick Charge)
Recorded with VBA 1.7.2 re-recording v10... using the US version of the game.
Though the gameplay is pretty much the same, you can experience some little differences :
  • There are ladders in MMZ3 (while there isn't a single one in RMZ4)
  • You CAN'T skip the cutscenes in MMZ3 before having seeing them once (at least...)
  • Mid-bosses have an invincibility period in this game (they hadn't any in RMZ4) which is very annoying
  • It's very personnal, but I find this game a lot harder than RMZ4
  • Some find that MMZ2 is the hardest episode of the series... I think that MMZ3 is harder...
  • It's the longest episode of the series...
In this episode, our dear hero Zero fights against Omega and Dr. Weil (who somehow reminds some people of Dr. Wily). Even if you meet them, you don't have to deal with the three reamining guardians. However you can fight Phantom in the before last level... AS it is optionnal and time-wasting, I have chosen not to fight him. The funny thing in this game is that in most of the levels, I took more time to kill the mid-boss than the boss itself !
I shall describe briefly each level and their boss :
  • Intro Stage (Omega) : 0'42
The intro stage is pretty simple, I try to kill a lot of enemies to get a high rank in order to obtain Hanumachine's EXSkill later in the game. Not much more to say about. Omega is the very first boss and is not so simple. In fact his attack are easy to dodge, however, as he is hovering quite high over the ground, he is very hard to combo...
  • Weapon Regeneration Factory (Hellbat Schilt) : 1'37
This stage is not very hard. I had to get hit to pass rapidly through the first hammer. The only really annoying things are the conveyor belts and the "sticky" floors that slow you. Hellbat schilt is annoying because he flies, making him difficult to combo. Though i dispose of him quite rapidly.
  • Aegis Volcano Base (Blazin Flizard) : 1'52
This stage is not hard either... The Mid-boss is boring and the only difficult part is where you have to jump from block to block over a lava pit... Blazin Flizard is really easy and weak against thunder...
  • Maritime Highway Ruins (Childre Inarabitta) : 1'27
Underwater level... I like this one, I use the recoil rod to go throughout long areas and to go over the high walls, thus preventing me from wallclimbing and saving a lot of time. The mid-boss is not hard but takes time to kill. Childre Inarabitta is incredibly easy...
  • Old Residential Section (Deathtanz Mantisk) : 1'30
In this level you can burn the vines with the fire chip... However, as it makes the game lag i avoid to do that as much as possible. There are 2 "hidden" secret passages in this level, the first one that allows you to skip a small part of the level, and the other one which makes you save a lot of time. The mid-boss is quite tricky and long... Deathtanz Mantisk is quite tricky as well because of his particular shape and his attacks are quite hard to dodge. I dispose of him quite rapidly as well, though...
  • Missile Factory (Crea & Prea) : 1'05
In this level I tend to destroy a lot of enemies to keep a high rank... It's not a hard level... with nothing particularly annoying... Crea & Prea are quite easy even if they have three life bars... They can be attacked alternatively or simultaneously and thus you can deal them a lot of damage rapidly...
  • Anatrey Forest (Hanumachine R) : 0'59
This is an annoying level... I have to pass through the leaves at the beginning of the stage... Then you have to wait on the switches to raise the walls and it's annoying... The wall canon enemies are really annoying as well... Hanumachine R is annoying as he cannot be manipulated at all... Moreover he is invicible while performing the fireball attack... I use the buster to kill him rapidly...
  • Ice Frontline Base (Blizzack Stagroff) : 1'08
Nothing really hard... At a moment a yellow crawling enemy fired small bullets that I dodged unporposedly... (i noticed it afterwards...) Blizzack Stagroff is a piece of cake as i use the newly gained "Split Heavens" Technique...
  • Desert Of Dusk (Anubis Necromancess) : 0'57
This level is annoying... The bombs enemies are a pain and the mid-boss is really hard... I got hit many times against him to combo him. The "sliding" sands are really a hindrance........ Anubis is hard as she hovers high making her hard to combo...
  • Area X-2 (Copy X-2) : 0'57
Not so hard, just slide all the way and then use the recoil rod in the elevators part... I get hit to "spike-abuse" and save time... Copy X-2 can be tricky if you're not careful as he has a regenerative ability... I combo him slowly to prevent him from using it... some of his moves are hard to avoid as well...
  • Snow Field (Glacier Le Cactank) : 1'19
Nothing particular, just a plain level. The only thing is that I collect the Quick charge secret disk, because it's a must. Glacier is not hard at all and was killed pretty quickly.
  • Energy Facility (Cubit foxtar) : 2'13
A very long level and quite difficult as well. Te rotating switches are a boring part of the level. The mid-boss is not particularly hard but can be tricky. I got hit to go through the spikes and to climb the spikewall as well at the end of the level. I took an unnecessary refill pill at a moment. The flying little moths are also a potential danger because of their strange movements. Cubit Foxtar can be hard and dangerous, but as I combo her rapidly she was no threat.
  • Sunken Library (Volteel Biblio) : 1'25
This level is really easy and except noticing that i took hit because of the electrified water to save time, there's nothing really to say. Volteel Biblio is not hard, but i had to manipulate him to make him appear at the good place.
  • Gigantic Elevator (Tretista Kelverian) : 1'58
This level is hard... The elevator part is really really hard and long and I dislike the rest of the level. I somehow managed to do it in less than 2'00 and I killed the mid-boss very rapidly. Tretista Kelverian is from far (in my opinion) the HARDEST boss of the game. He is difficult to hit, he has 3 life bars, and his attacks are pesky. I got hurt a lot against him, in order to combo him rapidly... that was really hard...
  • Sub-Neo-Arcadia (Crea & Prea 2) : 0'46
Not a hard level, but some tricky parts. You can fight Phantom in cyberspace if youwant, but I have chosen not to fight him. The Baby Elves are back with a different pattern of attacks.
  • Underground Laboratory (Omega, Omega Final, Omega ZERO) : 2'58
The last level... With all the bosses to fight again... And some icy ground... Not particularly hard but you have to be cautious... Omega is not hard as it only an upgraded version of the very first boss. Final Omega is not hard with the double-jump and quick charge chips. Omega ZERO is more tricky, but using the shadow dash chip makes him easier...
THE END... Final time (according the clock of the game) : 24'23
Et voila, j'ai fini...
Finally I would like to thank again Mike Uyama and McBain for providing motivation and useful advice... Thank you guys !!
Enjoy the run...
<EDIT> I forgot to thank Zurreco for some useful advice about EXSkills...

Dada: Sorry for the long delay. Publishing this movie now.

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This topic is for the purpose of discussing #850: Xaphan's GBA Mega Man Zero 3 in 1:00:37.75
Joined: 1/9/2005
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Location: The Netherlands
Great run. Once again, when you've aquired the right ex-skills and such, the bosses die really fast. The executing is doen nicely, and you came up with new shortcuts i didn't think of (boo me) so that's definately a plus. On the other side, i did notice some small seemingly flaws. I noticed you keep an A rank all the way to the end. If it would be possible, the next person running this game should see if he could loose his A rank, because you gain 2 more lines saying "you acquired his/her ex-skill! w00t" at the result screen. So, killing less enemies (if possible) could be a minor improvement. But this isn't such a big deal. 2nd thing, i noticed you let Chilldre Inarabitta fly up in the final level. Obviously you should've manipulated him into not doing this, so you can keep hitting him. 3rd thing, in your final fight against Tretista Kelvarian you stay in the corner. This leaves you with 2 more hits on your side... even though Tretista jumped up. This allowed you to dash under him and evade his attacks more. Also, after you're done with the fight, you pick up a small energy capsule, even though you didn't need it. Well, that was about it, the rest was nice. Great work. Yes vote from me. and thanks for the credit ^_^
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I'm also voting for YES (of course) Althou' I also spotted few spots which might have been done a bit faster but they were so minor that they don't matter to me. Maybe to Bisqwit and the others who publishes the runs, but I'm still pretty sure that this will be published (or atleast hope so)
Which run should I encode next? :)
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Voting yes too. Since I know from experience how tough this game is, it would be quite a downer if it wasn't published.
Joined: 12/20/2004
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It took me forever, but I finally got around to watching it. I thought the run was great and your boss fights were quick as always. Most of your movement was optimal and the only reason I know a couple places can be improved (like the intro stage) is because I have played this game too much :P. I didn't know Cubit Foxter and Volteel Biblio could be killed that quickly. However, it seemed like you got lazy with manipulating bosses on the final stage and you let bosses use attacks that slow you down (like Mantisk jumping on the walls and stuff McBAIN mentioned). Other than that I have no complaints and I am voting yes. I have a few questions/comments: In Schilt's stage after you hit the switch for the conveyor belts, I think there is one conveyor belt you dash jumped through that I think would have made you go faster if you ground dashed. In Cactank's stage would it have benefited you to jump on the moving platform right before the mini-boss. It was moving in the same direction you were going, and it was faster. In Foxter's stage when you're shooting the rotating switches, is there any benefit to shooting them on the right side instead of the left? While fighting Tretista Kelverian, wouldn't manipulating him to use the dog attack be a better idea? It makes it easier to hit him, but maybe when the dogs jump around it interrupts your combo. Wouldn't your battle against Omega's first form be slightly faster if you hit with an uncharged buster shot before attacking him? I think that would eliminate the need for the final slash you used (and therefore less waiting for invincibility to go away). I don't understand your final battle against Zero. You used a bunch of attacks without any noticeable pattern or logic. Wouldn't you benefit from using quick charge more in this battle?
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Quick Charge shouldn't be used at "Omega Zero" at all. Just stick with combo hits, like triple-saber or the Gale Attack. Both of them, especially the last one, works effectively.
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The fact is that Bosses cannot be manipulated in that game, the only thing that might change their movements is what you're doing during the fight, and this doesn't work for all the bosses... That's why I wait a few frames before attacking Tretista Kelverian at the beginning of both fights... I got unlucky with Deathtanz Mantisk and Childre in the last level... *My answers to McBain : 1. I misunderstood you, I thought that you were wanting me to kill more enemies to keep the A-rank... sorry... Though I do not kill so much enemies with the saber, so I don't lose so many frames... 2. See explanation above... 3. If I get hit a last time during Tretista's fight it's because he stops blinking before landing from his final jump... If I slided down under him i would have had to wait for him to turn to finish him... Though you're right, the pill was useless... *My answers to Mike : 1. Yeah i should have slided on the conveyor belt, I would have saved a few frames... 2. Strangely enough the platform are moving at the same speed of you're sliding speed when you're on... I have checked it... The thing hat i do not understand is why sometimes enemies are moving faster than you and why sometimes not (when one of them follows me at the beginning he moves at the same speed as me...?? Strange...) 3. You cannot go through the switches without being hit... Or I need this energy to kill Cubit Foxtar... So I'd have to take a refill pill... Moreover I'm not sure the door opens right after the last switch is being pushed (though I did not check that...) 4. See explanation above my McBain's answers... 5. I guess you're right on that point, i should have done so, it would have saved the frames of the final slash... 6. Handling the last battle is pretty tough... The reason why i do not combo him fully every time is because he'd have killed me... And as he did not stop blinking after I dodged his attacks I decided to continue my combo afterwards... Maybe using quick charge more would have been a little faster... Though I shall improved it when I do this time attack again later... And thank again for your advice :D
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More votes! More votes! This should get published :P
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LOL... yeah it's great... hope i'll get more soon :)
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This is a good run, 9 people have voted yes, and none have voted no. Still, seemingly it is not enough to get the run published. So i'll ask anybody who hasn't voted yet to vote, even though it might be a bit on the late side. It's not very encouraging for runners when they make a publish-worthy run, and not get it published. Just my 2 cents.
http://www.megazpeed.com - THE site for the ultimate MegaMan Zero superplay movies.
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Edit: Deleted because I failed to notice here that "lurker" applies to people that have account but haven't posted much. My apologies.
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Voted Yes on this. Excellently played. The combo stuff surprised me, actually. My only qualm is that you could have maybe used the Recoil Rod on the walls for added velocity (say, coming out of ladder climb areas), but I'm probably just being idealistic. Good show. Now do MMZ2 :)
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
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Thanks a lot for those who voted for me... it's still very encouraging to see that people enjoyed your run... thx a lot...
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a bit late, but easily a yes vote for this. Nicely planned and pulled off.
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Why on earth hasn't this run been published yet!? It's more than just "good enough to be published". It's very fast and entertaining enough. And as McBAIN said: "It's not very encouraging for runners when they make a publish-worthy run, and not get it published." Is it because of the lach of voters? There's already 16 'yes' votes and none 'meh' or 'no' votes. I'd really like to hear atleast one reason for not publishing Xaphan's beautiful run.
Which run should I encode next? :)
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The 2 last published movies (plok and FF) both had 16 yes votes and 1 meh vote. I'd say publish this. :)
http://www.megazpeed.com - THE site for the ultimate MegaMan Zero superplay movies.
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Thank you guys... At least it's really encouraging to see that one's run is appreciated... Your support is really something I appreciate... I just have to wait...
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Maza wrote:
Why on earth hasn't this run been published yet!? It's more than just "good enough to be published". It's very fast and entertaining enough. And as McBAIN said: "It's not very encouraging for runners when they make a publish-worthy run, and not get it published." Is it because of the lach of voters? There's already 16 'yes' votes and none 'meh' or 'no' votes. I'd really like to hear atleast one reason for not publishing Xaphan's beautiful run.
I'd be guessing a lack of encoders, given it does actually take a while to do. Still, I have no doubt that this will be published soon, along with that one in the submission queue that says 'next to be published' :P
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Then I guess I'll have to encode one myself :) Thou' I'd still prefer DeHackEd or Bisqwit encoding it because they know what they are doing (unlike me). And thus can compress the size of the file to the very minimum while stille keeping the quality very high.
Which run should I encode next? :)
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Perhaps contact them about advice and encoding settings?
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Encoding a movie is really something hard... I tried myself to encode some small sequences but i only managed to obtain insanely huge files, with a good quality though... Iriasu already made an avi version of my previous run which was good and had a reasonable size... Maybe you could ask him if you DeHackEd or Bisqwit are too busy... I really would appreciate an avi version of this run... it was a hard job to do it (harder than RMZ4) and I think it's better... By the way I'm currently working slowly on a greatly improved version of MMZ4 (EU version of the game)... so i may need your help again guys ;).... See ya soon... Thx
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It's been 3 months now since this run has been submitted, and it's still not published. :/
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I agree, this has taken a very long time. EDIT: I'm encoding it. Pos:1185.7s 71141f (31%) 769fps Trem: 3min 17mb A-V:0.000 [1:37]]
Post subject: Movie published
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This movie has been published. The posts before this message apply to the submission, and posts after this message apply to the published movie. ---- [458] GBA Mega Man Zero 3 by Xaphan in 1:00:37.75
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YEAH....... Thank you very much... I'm very happy... Once again i'd like to thank every one for having cheered me and supporting this run... And a very big thank to Omega for having published it :) THANK YOU!!! I shall of course do my best to make good and entertaining runs...
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