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I plan on doing a speed run for Kung Fu soon. I already did the first floor and I got 1544 but the movie got messed up when I played it so I have to do the first floor all over again. [edited by Bisqwit - added the subject line because the message was moved to the an existing thread in the right forum]
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There are two movies of Kung Fu, they are pretty good. Right now i'm working on Blaster Master but this game is really long, i think "Shadow of the Ninja" would be a really good video to make, this game is good, i think it should be considered.
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Everyone thought Morimoto's SMB3 video was pretty good, but apparently they were wrong. Hopefully the same will be true for Kung Fu. Actually, I already beat Deviance by 4 time units in the first floor, so his time can be improved (though I don't know yet how much).
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Yeah, you're right, those times can be improved, but remember that our first priority is entertainment, it is not a competition to see who makes the fastest video, it's just a video that entertaing people, to have fun. In some cases is good to break a time record but remember that time alone doesn't make video look good. Please, don't misunderstand, i am not saying that you can't make a cool video, your SMB1 and SMB3 videos are really cool, and i know you can do a cool video of Kung Fu.
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It's quite true that Kung Fu can be improved. My third run was a few time units faster than my second run posted on Arc's site. However, It got damaged somehow in the re-recording process. I'm planning to redo the run within the next week or so.
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I'm working on Shadow of the Ninja now, it can be done in about 11-12 minutes and may improved later.
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I started my Kung Fu speed run and I did the first two floors so far. I got 1544 on floor 1 and 1540 on floor 2, so now I'm a total of 7 time units ahead of Deviance. By the way, it seems that Kung Fu has quite a bit of luck in it, so it's hard to tell what the perfect times are. Edit: I just finished floor 3 and I got 1543, so now I'm a total of 13 time units ahead of Deviance :) .
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I highly anticipate that Blaster Master video. If I can make a suggestion, someone running Bionic Commando would be really enjoyable to watch. The last time I played Blaster Master I got stuck on the bubble shooting crab boss. Of course, I went up against him with a weakly powered gun and not many lives left. It's cool to hear that someone is mid-run on Blaster Master, because outside of Bionic Commando, that was the game that I wanted to watch the most.
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The short guy at the end of the fourth floor is really annoying me. He always dissappears after I punch him about two times and then reappears, which wastes too much time. Does anyone have any tips for me? He also sometimes backs up instead of staying in one place which is also pretty annoying.
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I figured out how to kill the short guy that keeps dissappearing, but it was too slow and I only got 1530. It was probably because of bad luck, so I'll have to do the level over again. Edit: It's getting late so I'll stop now and I'll try to finish the Kung Fu video tommorow.
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I finished my Shadow of the Ninja movie, look for it at my site tomorrow when i upload it... i'm going to finish my Blaster Master movie too, i was working on it but my pc betrayed me and got a virus, but now i am back in action. Don't forget to watch the Shadow of the Ninja movie tomorrow, it is really cool to see some enemies being fooled. Snowden, we really take a lot of trouble, trust me, althought you don't see it in the movie.
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the 4th level has always been the hardest one for me to do. The trick is to get to the boss at a certain time. Kung fo is strange, pausing for a split-second changes the number of enemies you'll face later the in the level, making it easier at times. If you can hit him right after he throws his first projectile, he won't be able to move backwards. Thirteen time units...the improvements are becoming smaller and smaller which each video meaning that we are reaching (or have reached) the fastest time possible for this game. Good job so far Micheal, can't wait to see it. :P I've started my run of Megaman 3 and I think it's going very well. The key presses from the vmv got messed up when I got to the Snake Man level: Megaman started doing some really weird things. Somehow he was able to slide right through those giant snake things! A new glitch perhaps? I'll probably finish it in a couple of weeks cause I have exams starting on monday... Edit: I think we should split this topic up and have a separate topic for each of the games to avoid confusion.
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These are the times from my second run. Let it be said that this run isn't perfect, I've completed them faster before and apparently so has Michael Fried. I don't remember the exact details of my third run that got damaged so i'll post the results from the 2nd run: Level 1: 1540 Level 2: 1537 Level 3: 1537 Level 4: 1533 Level 5: 1542 This game is pretty straight forward, no real glitches to exploit (except for maybe the collision detection). However, post any comments here so that we can work on optimizing the preceding times. I'll be starting the fourth run hopefully by tomorrow. EDIT: 4th run in production.
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What do you mean by collision detection? Anyway, the reason I haven't finished my Kung Fu video yet is because I've been so busy playing Mario Kart Double Dash, trying to become US champion (I'm ranked 14th in the world and the current US champion is 12th). I'll probably finish the Kung Fu video sometime within the next week.
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kung fu has terrible detection. You can kill an enemy long before they even come close to you with the jump kick. It's only really noticeable in slow motion...not really a glitch i know, probably found in many games, but it's all i could think of :P
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finished the fourth run, i'll produce it soon.
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What were your completion times for each floor?
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I took a break from Mario Kart Double Dash today to finish up my Kung Fu video, which beats Deviance's second run by 3 seconds and 22 time units. The video length is 3:46. These are the completion times for each floor. Floor 1: 1544 Floor 2: 1540 Floor 3: 1543 Floor 4: 1542 Floor 5: 1542
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well done, but it is not the fastest run. My fourth run beats it by 3 time units. I have it hosted here: Details: Level 1: 1544 Level 2: 1542 Level 3: 1543 Level 4: 1543 Level 5: 1542
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[offensive link removed - Bisqwit]
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Here are my statics: Level 1 = 1544 Level 2 = 1543 Level 3 = 1542 Level 4 = 1540 Level 5 = 1544 Need to improve level 4...
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level 4 is the one that takes me the longest to do...pretty good how you improved level 5 though.
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I played this game again today trying to improve Level 4, and here's what i got: Level 1 = 1544 Level 2 = 1550 Level 3 = 1543 Level 4 = 1543 Level 5 = 1546 The video is at the site...
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Hey Lezard, can I make that into a wmv and put it on my site?
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Sure you can, but if you'll have to record it from the window because i use the version 0.78 of VirtuaNES and it doesn't have .avi convert. If you try to .avi convert it from version 0.91, the video will start making nonsense things, you know the deal.
G1MM3 4 BR34|C!