Post subject: Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
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Judge Doom did, in the end. . .and you can help prove Roger's innocence by tracking down Marvin Acme's will. It's split in four pieces all around Hollywood and Toontown, not to mention the outlaying areas. But watch out because Judge Doom's sent the Toon Patrol after you! Help Roger Rabbit escape the Weasels and defeat Judge Doom to free Toontown from corporate conglomoration once and for all! Another Rareware game that's bound to be full of glitches and whatnot. Find'em, use'em, make a speed-run of this awesome game with an equally-awesome soundtrack. Pretty please. . .? T_T;
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I would definately like to see a run of this game. I've beaten it myself but only by using a password that gives you all the items except dynamite and sets you up to fight Doom. It's a really fun game overall, especially when Roger gets run over by cars. I also like the jokes the Weasels make you answer when they catch Roger.
Guybrush: "I'm selling these fine leather jackets." Wally: "Really?" Guybrush: "No. I 'm lying." Wally: "In that case, I don't want one!" Currently working on: Nothing at the moment.
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I know for a fact that this game has a lot of item randomization, and items are what you need to win the game, in which I really haven't figured out how that works yet, but I know that the shops and looking in drawers are two good examples of this. Now, looking at an FAQ on GameFAQs, I came up with an item list. I left the original FAQ description intact, but I'm adding in my own thoughts since I've gotten to the end of the game myself. Wallet: Used to purchase items at the store. Useful?: I believe that it's absolutely mandatory to have, plus it's easy to get. You need it to at least buy the detonator at the shop so you can get into Toontown. Fish Bones: Used to lure the cats away from an item. Useful?: Possibly, if you can manage the luck manipulation so that you get a useful item rather than garbage. Meat: Used to lure dogs away from an item. Useful?: See "Fish Bones" Rattle: Used to lure snakes away from an item. Useful?: I believe it's mandatory, since you need it in the cave to get a piece of the will. It's been a while since I've played this. Baseball: Used to distract the weasel at the factory. Useful: Mandatory. You're not goin' anywhere in the factory without it! Bomb: Used as a weapon. Boxing Glove: Used as a weapon. Brick: Used as a weapon. Custard Pie: Used as a weapon. Cigar: Used as a weapon. Six-shooter: Used as a weapon. Useful?: Maybe. I don't know how quick they fight off Psycho (Who randomly appears outside buildings), and they'd be good with Judge Doom. In fact, it might be possible to fix it so that you never run into Psycho and have to fight him, so they'd only be good on Judge Doom. Crowbar: Used as a weapon. Useful?: I believe this has a secondary use of opening doors with locks on them. In a speed run, I don't know how necessary opening locked doors would be. Rose: Used to get tips from Jessica Rabbit. Useful: Not particularly. The only "tip" I remember getting from her is her telling you to find her phone number and give her a call. You can find her phone number, but the item doesn't work anymore, I believe. She used to give some really good beginner hints, but why they cut that out of the game, I have no idea. I'm not sure if I'm wrong about this, but if it works, make a little movie with you calling Jessica and show me. Heart: Used to get tips from lady in hotel room. Useful?: Nope, not in a speed run. Detonator: Used to explode the dynamite. Useful?: Absolutely necessary. Dynamite: Blows up wall to Toontown Useful?: You know you need it. It's lying around in random places if I remember right. If not, it's definitely found in the shop. Spring Shoes: Used to jump holes in the caves. Useful?: Mandatory to get at least one piece of the will in the caves. The Will: Allows entrance to factory. Useful?: Duh. Password: Used to get into Ink & Paint Club. Useful?: Not in a speed run, no. Going in to talk to Jessica isn't needed at all in the game, speed run or not. Whistle Used to hail Benny The Cab. Useful?: In a speed run, absolutely. Benny traverses the roads lightning quick. However, he won't go off the roads, so there's still going to be quite a bit of walking. However, Benny makes the time spent moving around the overworld less. Flashlight: Used in caves to give light. Useful?: I don't know if you can just skip using this or not in the caves, I never tried it. It's a possibility, seeing as how game designers didn't usually think that far ahead back in those days, but I could be wrong. Portable Hole: Makes a quick end to a Psycho fight Useful?: If the Psycho fights absolutely have to happen, then yes, this would be a must-have item for just getting rid of him quickly. (Thanks, Mr. Collins. =D) ---- So anyway, the mandatory items in this game are: -The Whistle -The Will -The Dynamite -The Detonator -The Rattle -The Spring Shoes -The Baseball -The Wallet The possibly mandatory items in this game (In order of likliness) are: -The Flashlight -The Meat -The Fish Bones -The Weapon Items -The Crowbar -The Portable Hole With the meat and fish bones, there may be a way to dodge the dog or cat that guards the item with some possible optimization, and maybe a trick or glitch or two, perhaps involving the Spring Shoes. That would render the meat and fish bones useless if you can get the item and get out of there alive. When you're close enough to a "guarding" animal, when you get close, they'll make an insta-dash towards you, and one hit kills you. Speaking of deaths, they're definitely not anything that is worth using for shortcuts. Deaths should be avoided at all costs, since all it does it make you lose time, and you can leave the screen anywhere via the bottom. For Judge Doom himself, I've never actually beaten him yet. I used a Game Genie to play against him, so that's why the final battle may have been glitchy, but someone give me a different experience if this isn't what happened. I basically punched and pounded on the fellow until he finally fell down. When he was down, I ran over to the dip shooter and grabbed it. Now, as soon as I set foot on the ground, he would basically make an insta-charge at me so fast, and the dip shooter never seemed to hit him, so I'd always die. However, one time I actually dodged him by going up the ladder and he just missed me. He ran off the other side all kamikaze-like and he actually disappeared for about a five or ten minute span...then he came back around from behind and hit me and killed me. I got mad at the game and didn't play it for a while. XD So anyway, that's some of the advice I can offer to anyone doing a speed run of the game, since I can't do it myself. I'll try to get my hands on some more useful info later on if there's further interest in the game.
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I know what the Portable Hole does now. Drop it in front of Psycho if you have to fight him. He'll fall right in and you score an easy 1,000 Points without even breaking a sweat. Crowbars are also used to bust locks off of locked buildings, but it's kind of tricky to do. You have to be at the maximum distances below the lock, then throw upward. That should do it. Also, I've never been able to find the damned dynamite. Is it in Los Angeles? I figure it must be because there aren't any buildings in The Hills, and you can't get too Toontown unless you blast the wall. Finally, here's a trick for dodging the Toon Patrol. When you hear the warning siren and you're in Benny the Cab, hop out and wait.(Or, for time-attack purposes, hop out on the key-frame when the Weasels make their entrance.) They'll walk in instead of driving in using Judge Doom's truck. You can easily run them over or simply drive away instead of having to dodge and weave in and out of roads. However, it might be somewhat advisable to let them chase you in their truck. You go about twice as fast, which means you'll be able to get from Point A to Point B all the easier if you can keep in control. Just make sure to keep the Toon Patrol's truck just off-screen, or even leave it on-screen, but a distance away so when you run head-long into traffic, they don't end up catching you. That's just my six cents and a haypenny.
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I'd like to see a TAS of this game, I used to watch my bro play this all the time (He never beat it though, he did get to toontown). I'm sure you could probably ignore the flashlight, unless it makes the will appear or something. I want to know if there are any major sequence breaks in this game, or any L+R tricks..
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Heh, yeah, I was going to give that suggestion for the weasels when the beeping signal came up. Does anyone know about how long it is between each warning signal? My guess is that it sounds every minute that you're on the map screen (and the time stops when you do business in buildings). Only reason I ask this is because it's good for someone doing a TAS on this game to know so that they know how often they'll have to dodge the weasels. Also, for some reason, holding Left + Right makes you move down in this game. Weird as it is, I haven't found any benefits or hinderances for it yet. I believe they sell the dynamite in the store. There's only one item in there, and it seems to change at random. Sometimes it's the same thing, other times it's not. I don't understand how the randomization works in this game. I'm pretty sure either the dynamite or the detonator can be found lying around. It's one or the two, not both. I also forgot there's a Cheese item in the game. It basically does the same thing as the Meat and Fish Bones...only it works on guard rats. About half the time, there's something like a dog, a cat, or a rat that "guards" an item. It moves up and down when you do and when you get close enough, it'll charge. Touching them is deadly, unlike the other colored ones. That's why I call them "guard dogs", "guard cats", or "guard rats", and perhaps we can use this term as needed, since there are regular dogs, cats, and rats too. Unimportant, I know, but still. XD I also tried looking up where the will pieces are. I believe there's four pieces, and I really didn't find much of anything about them. However, I know for a fact that there's one in the caves north of the city, because I remember getting it.
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I wonder if the randomization continues during the game, or if once you start the game all the items are in a set spot. if its the former, it could be a real pain... maybe one would have to make a list of all the possible places the items can pop up, or if some items are random and others aren't. Like once I found a piece of the will outside the Gag Factory, but when i reset it wasnt there anymore. Also, are there any good walkthroughs of the game? the one on gamefaqs was just mainly an item list.
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The meat, cheese and fishbones might be useless, because I recall using the Spring Shoes to get the item they're guarding. I dunno how I did that, it happened once to me. And I don't even remember if I survived using that trick.
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Yeah, there's something that could save time, as odd as it seems. If you find a Guard animal sitting on an item, you can generally just use the Spring Shoes to get said item. I don't know if it's possible to hop back once you land on the item, but either way, it. . .no, wait. That wouldn't save time at all. Just Wallets and some searching in mouseholes, trash cans, etc. . . There's a good five-second delay between lives, if I recall right, so. . . I dunno. It might save on the overall time, or it might not.
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Well, the Spring Shoes are mandatory, unlike the 3 kill-guards items, that you have to buy/find in trash cans and other places... If you could survive that trick, that would save lots of time.
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I tried repeatedly with the Spring Shoes earlier to get buy a guard animal. No luck, it just tracks your movements and stops right underneath you to kill you.
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Does anyone know what triggers the shop item to change? and does it go in a set cycle, or is it random? I'm also wondering when Psycho appears, because sometimes I go outside a building and he's there, but then i reload the save state and he's not...
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Just a quick note about this game: Jessica Rabbit is definitely unnecessary. The phone number she gives is a real-world phone number and isn't used in game. It was an 800 number, I think it only worked from within the States, and it was disconnected not very long after the game came out. I'm fairly sure someone out there has a recording of what the automated machine was (I KNOW I saw a link to an MP3 of it somewhere), but within the contexts of a speedrun seeing her is completely useless.
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If you find an mp3 of that, send it my way. I'm very much interested in hearing it. ^_^ I also wanted to mention that on a playthrough of the game, I found one of the Will pieces lying around at the Gag Factory. I wanted to have someone else verify this so that perhaps I can plan a route for someone who does want to do a speed run. I also discovered that the dynamite AND detonator are randomly-placed items, as I saw them lying about the street and stuff. So for now, I may as well be fairly useful and list stuff you need to get before you go out of the city: The Caves: -Rattle -Spring Shoes -Flashlight(?) Toontown: -Dynamite -Detonator I'm still playing through the game, so hopefully I'll find out something.
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One item i still havent figured out how to use is the whistle. it doesnt seem to do anything. And the heart as well... From playing w/ judge doom it seems like only the fist is needed to kill him and sometimes if you punch him fast enough he seems to freeze. that might leave for a cheap way out. i think it might also be possible to quickly switch from the fist to spring shoes to dodge, then attack. as for the randomness, it seems that people/enemies are random, whereas the items are in a set place once the game begins. but i could be wrong :)
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What rick wrote 12 posts up: Whistle Used to hail Benny The Cab. Heart: Used to get tips from lady in hotel room.
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You can only use the Whistle when you're on the "World Map"
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I know what people wrote, but can anyone be more specific, like what button to press, and how long it takes for Benny to get there? I selected the whistle, then went to the world map and pushed all the buttons, but nothing seemed to happen, or if something was happening Bennie was really slow getting there.
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what button to press
It's kinda tricky, it only works when you're on the road (I don't know where exactly). You have to select the whistle before going back on the "world map", then press B. The whistle only works on some parts of the road. It doesn't work on some places. When you'll use the whistle, you'll hear it.
and how long it takes for Benny to get there?
Depends if he's close or far from you. He jumps buildings, so I'd say about 3 seconds.
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Thanks DJFozz. I made a movie here of a run up to Doom. i havent actually tried to beat doom with only fists yet, so i dont know if it works or not. But it shows how a run could be made - its pretty straightforward, it just takes a lot of planning. Once the game starts all the items are locked in place, so i went everywhere and found every item, then tried to map out the fastest route. Once i can get the whistle to work it would probably be best to find a game where the whistle is sold first thing in the store, and get it immediately. The driving can probably be cleaned up, and at one point i actually passed a car without hitting it, so maybe its possible to do that with every car. its also hard to plan the quickest route because Benny gets bumped around as soon as you get out of him. In this run I also manage to avoid running into Psycho.
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The run looks really good. I remembered I had one of those old player's guides from Nintendo called "Top Secret Passwords" that has info on WFRR in it. It gives a tip on how to fight Judge Doom, which is why I mentioned it. This is what it says: "Judge Doom is in the Warehouse. You have to use a super Power Punch on him, but keep moving while you hold it. Don't approach--wait for Doom to come to you, then punch. When he tires, knock him down with Cigars and Bombs, then run up the ladder to pick up the Dip Cannon and finish him off." I hope it helps. Good luck, I remember I had to use a Game Genie to beat Doom, but that was before I learned of Luck Manipulation hehe.
Guybrush: "I'm selling these fine leather jackets." Wally: "Really?" Guybrush: "No. I 'm lying." Wally: "In that case, I don't want one!" Currently working on: Nothing at the moment.
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Oh, I did forget to mention this. There's a trick you can use to keep your Power Punch charge. Simply punch, then hit the B button again. Repeat as necessary. It seems like only Power Punches hurt Judge Doom. . .[Spoiler removed] Edit: Was gonna make another post in responce to Evil Food, but for once, I'm just going to crumple like tinfoil.
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nice spoilers there, Joseph
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What? Spoilers? That's the first time I hear that word when Time Attacking a game.
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I meant the movie I watched the movie, but I bet not everybody has
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude