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spezzafer wrote:
I think I'll wait until after the final Bowser fight to do the extras because, like Spoony_Bard said, I won't have to switch back and forth between maps as much if I just choose a straight path from map to map. The order will be 6-E to 1-E, first to last.
I think this is a bad idea because it would ruin the pacing of the movie. It would also probably be slower, too. I had no problem with the fact that the extra was done right after 1-8. What's wrong with that? Oh, BTW, this and the last movie are incredible. Please continue on.
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Ouzo wrote:
I think this is a bad idea because it would ruin the pacing of the movie. It would also probably be slower, too.
How would it be slower? It was explained above how it would be slightly faster overall due to less map switches. The only question I have with pacing is about the end of the run...since you are exiting 6-8 in order to play 6-E, will you be going back into 6-8 again after all the levels are complete? This way the run would end with the ending as is the trend around here.
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
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Player1 wrote:
If you finish the final stage(Bowser's castle) with 100 points, can you play the final "secret" level without reseting the game? If I remember it correctly, you can't. Correct me if I am wrong.
kotetsu213 wrote:
There is no reset code for this game.
Player1 wrote:
So I guess there is no way to make a movie of playing all the levels with 100 points since you can't play the final extra level, right?
Boco wrote:
For this reason, Twin Galaxies rules say that you have to use a savefile that already has all the levels unlocked, and you do Bowser's level last.
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spezzafer wrote:
This run will include 6-E Masterpiece Set. You can hit start immediately before Bowser's defeat (ie.one frame before you can no longer bring up the pause screen), close the pause screen and hit start+select at exactly the same time as soon as the screen starts to reappear. You'll exit the last castle and appear on the world map, with the Extra 6 and Bonus 6 unlocked (based on the assumption that you have 100 score on the levels).
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Ahh, I musta missed that explanation. That's pretty nifty... but does that mean the movie will have no ending? Or will you go back into the castle and beat Bowser a second time? At any rate, it's up to you whether or not to do the Extra stages one at a time as they appear, or all at once in the end. While it would be faster to do the latter, it may look better to do the former. We're all gauging this run based on what you do in the stages, anyway, I doubt someone would try and mimic your performance just to cut down on the map time for a faster run. Sometimes aesthetics are worth a sacrifice in speed, but it's up to you. I was just making sure you were aware it would be faster. (And I'm sure we'd understand if you didn't want to throw away the work you've done so far on 1-E :>) Whatever you decide this is certainly going to be a fantastic run.
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Bag of Magic Food why don't you READ THE FORUM blah blah insert unnecessary asinine comment here that too many people around here do to someone who happens to miss something on the message boards or FAQs. Heaven forbid we post anything without reading and double checking every bit of content on these forums. This run is going to be awesome. Soooooo glad that the autoscrolling was eliminated in 1-E. That level is boring otherwise.
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
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I've decided to do the extras last, but how many people would prefer the order of 1-E to 6-E (first to last) or vice versa? I ask because playing the extras backwards is the fastest way to do it. When exiting Bowser's Castle using that pause/start+select trick the cursor will be at 6-8 right next to 6-E, and I won't have to return to World 6 map (contrary to doing them in the more practical order of 1-E to 6-E). However, it looks better to do them in the order they were intended, although I would lose a couple of seconds. I hope it won't be required that I repeat Bowser's Castle to officially beat the game, because of that autoscrolling crap right before the fight. I suppose I could attempt to hex it in there but with the odds of a desync happening I don't see the possibility.
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I'm not so sure about that, actually. You might have to ask one of the admin on official policy. If you do have to replay Bowser'S Castle then doing the special stages 1E-6E would be good, since you'll have to make an extra move back to World 6 anyway. If not, then 6E-1E is fine. If you have to replay the Castle, then you can always try different things, perhaps. But, if you COULD just hex it in place, then that might just be better for you.
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Do you get a special ending after 100ing all the levels?
Build a man a fire, warm him for a day, Set a man on fire, warm him for the rest of his life.
Joined: 4/23/2004
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Nope. For every Extra level with a 100 score, you will get a star on the title screen, and that's it. Back in the day, I was hoping you'd get to play a few extra levels, but there was not much other than completion satisfaction as a reward. Andreas
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Oh, I must have stopped paying much attention in April...
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
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I have not been able to watch your videos until now, spezzafer, and I'll comment on them individually. Full run For a run that skips a lot of the exploring that the game lends itself to, it is still very creative, entertaining and exciting. The video really shows how well you know the game and that you know how to apply this knowledge effectively. A lot of neat stunts I didn't know were possible. I didn't know there was so much to do in terms of gaming physics. One thing I thought of: Towards the end of 4-7, you launch an egg diagonally that recochets to a lone flower, the only one you collect in the stage. Was there any reason for this shot other than obtaining the flower? (Might be something I overlooked.) I guess you wanted variety in 1-4 when you didn't run up top all the way through? 100 pts. WIP upto 2-6 Absolutely phenomenal! I don't know what to say. A real jawdropper! For pretty much the entire run, I was amazed by the collection speed, and how well you managed to progress forward. I kept thinking: "How is he going to collect this and this..", and it wasn't long before I found out. Quick creative solutions. Two things: In 1-4, you shot open the ceiling, and then had to stop for longer at the egg block to collect more eggs. Again, was there any other reason for destroying one of these blocks at the expense of one egg? In 1-7, in the hidden area, is it necessary to roll the rock to reveal the hidden cloud? Otherwise, I have no questions, just praise and Godspeed for the rest of the 100 pts. run. Andreas
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the block in 1-4 just happened to be in the way of a ricocheting egg that eventually hit a flower under the platform I recommend turning the sound on for this (100%) game to be able to hear some items (flowers hit w/an egg) because it may be a little confusing otherwise if one just sees Yoshi pitch an egg into the open. there was no other way of getting the cloud to appear in 1-7 in the any% run for 1-4 I couldn't run all the way to the pipe because the very next block is right above it, and I'd lose a good 20 frames just falling straight down to the pipe instead of keeping a full foward momentum right to the point of entering it for 4-7, I had to destroy the flower because it was in the way; the 'flipper' doors had to be opened from an egg coming from the other side so I wouldn't have to pass through all of those individual walls where the game pauses if you enter them thank you for the appreciative remarks!
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I suspected you wouldn't let anything like that slip through, I was mostly curious. Thanks for your input. I couldn't play it with sound at the time. Andreas
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spezzafer wrote:
I've decided to do the extras last, but how many people would prefer the order of 1-E to 6-E (first to last) or vice versa? I ask because playing the extras backwards is the fastest way to do it. When exiting Bowser's Castle using that pause/start+select trick the cursor will be at 6-8 right next to 6-E, and I won't have to return to World 6 map (contrary to doing them in the more practical order of 1-E to 6-E). However, it looks better to do them in the order they were intended, although I would lose a couple of seconds. I hope it won't be required that I repeat Bowser's Castle to officially beat the game, because of that autoscrolling crap right before the fight. I suppose I could attempt to hex it in there but with the odds of a desync happening I don't see the possibility.
Mm... I'd be fine with seeing the bonus levels completed backwards, just for something different. It would probably be best to end the game by beating Bowser, so I think you should exit the castle immediately after you've unlocked the bonus so you have the least stuff to redo.
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
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Dumb Question: What version of Snes9x do you need to get this rom to work?
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What version of Snes9x do you need to get this rom to work? If you have a question, please read the FAQ first to see if your question has already been answered.[/bisqwit] Try looking here for the answer: http://tasvideos.org/EmulatorHomepages.html#snes9x_
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If the ROM doesn't run in whatever version of Snes9x you have, it's probably the ROM that is broken and not the emulator. If you meant the movie, see Michael's link.
Post subject: I'd like to see a 100% run.
Joined: 4/29/2005
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I know, you probably think I'm insane for saying this, but I like TAs more when they go for 100% runs. I might try a TA on this myself, just to see how it goes. But my attention span has been short lately, so I'm going to hold off for now. Mine wouldn't be a 100% run, I know that much..
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Any update on this since this topic has been inactive for about 4 months? I'd like to see a 100% run, of course... and like the previous poster said, I like TA's when they are 100% runs.
Post subject: New trick?
Joined: 2/13/2006
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I just remembered one thing about this game. I remember that ten years ago when I got this game I encountered a glitch or bug, whatever. It is the same trick that is used in the published run in level 2-1. The difference is that while playing bored I did it in level 1-1. I'm not sure if it is already discussed here or in the SDA, but anyway I'm going to explain it a little. I think this would shorten level 1-1 or perhaps someone finds out what causes the glitch and therefore it could be used in other levels too. My own cart was bought in 1995 and it is PAL version. I know there are versions 1.0 and 1.1 around, and I think mine is 1.0. Not to mention: I have pulled off this trick more than once. If I recall right, I did it another time because it was so much fun. I took a shot to reduce the amount of writing: http://koti.mbnet.fi/jsp_/yoshi.png The thing is that if I remember correctly, I stomp-jumped (press down in air) many times on the stones under the arrow sign. I'm only sure that the glitch happened when I landed on the area made by those two blocks. The enemies were propably killed, because I was doing this weird thing. What happened next was that Yoshi was taken to the sky (same, long room as in the movie), I always died there, because the room has really wide pit. I tried to hover to the far right, but I couldn't back then. I'm pretty sure it is the same room as in the currently published movie, and if Yoshi could hover to the far right, Yoshi would end near the end of level 1-1. I tried to reproduce this glitch with Zsnes, but I failed (didn't try long though). I tried it also tool-assisted, but I don't have a clue how you people do it :) I hope someone would try this, and I also hope this would prove to be useful.
Post subject: Re: New trick?
Joined: 7/21/2005
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Turambar wrote:
I just remembered one thing about this game. I remember that ten years ago when I got this game I encountered a glitch or bug, whatever. It is the same trick that is used in the published run in level 2-1. The difference is that while playing bored I did it in level 1-1. I'm not sure if it is already discussed here or in the SDA, but anyway I'm going to explain it a little. I think this would shorten level 1-1 or perhaps someone finds out what causes the glitch and therefore it could be used in other levels too. My own cart was bought in 1995 and it is PAL version. I know there are versions 1.0 and 1.1 around, and I think mine is 1.0. Not to mention: I have pulled off this trick more than once. If I recall right, I did it another time because it was so much fun. I took a shot to reduce the amount of writing: http://koti.mbnet.fi/jsp_/yoshi.png The thing is that if I remember correctly, I stomp-jumped (press down in air) many times on the stones under the arrow sign. I'm only sure that the glitch happened when I landed on the area made by those two blocks. The enemies were propably killed, because I was doing this weird thing. What happened next was that Yoshi was taken to the sky (same, long room as in the movie), I always died there, because the room has really wide pit. I tried to hover to the far right, but I couldn't back then. I'm pretty sure it is the same room as in the currently published movie, and if Yoshi could hover to the far right, Yoshi would end near the end of level 1-1. I tried to reproduce this glitch with Zsnes, but I failed (didn't try long though). I tried it also tool-assisted, but I don't have a clue how you people do it :) I hope someone would try this, and I also hope this would prove to be useful.
There are easier ways to pull that off, and I doubt that's faster in 1-1 anyway. I've managed to do that with the pipe to the right of what your picture shows, by grabbing the above shy guy simulteneously as I press down to go into the pipe. I'm sure spezzafer knows of this, and realized it's not faster to do this. By the way, spezzafer, I've checked out your 100% progress so far, much of what you're doing is helping me along with my progress towards speedrunning individual 100%'s. Thanks man, and this is an example of the TAS community helping the SDA community. ;) EDIT: Also, you said it's possible to skip the outro completely on 6-8, I understand that's easy to manage on a TAS, but for my future 100% SS speedrun, what do I do exactly? After the final shot is fired, then makes contact on Big Bowser, but BEFORE the 5 colored ring explosion happens .. press start + select? If you can tell me, then I can easily save 5+ minutes on the run whenever I get around to it.
Joined: 2/13/2006
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Okay, so this "wide room" propably appears when the game is going to crash i.e. a bug occurs. Perhaps something similar to Zelda's Chris Houlihan Room. Anyway, this bug could propably be used in other levels than 1-1 and 2-1. That would shorten the game a lot, but would result a really boring movie. I wonder if it would be possible to skip boss levels this way.
Joined: 7/21/2005
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Turambar wrote:
Okay, so this "wide room" propably appears when the game is going to crash i.e. a bug occurs. Perhaps something similar to Zelda's Chris Houlihan Room. Anyway, this bug could propably be used in other levels than 1-1 and 2-1. That would shorten the game a lot, but would result a really boring movie. I wonder if it would be possible to skip boss levels this way.
Only certain levels are interlinked by the "wide room." But any level that is makes it possible to do what Spez did in his 2-1 100%.
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If anyone wants to do an any% run of this, you should probably know that more than half of 1-2 can be skipped: http://rapidshare.com/files/30211035/skipLV2.avi.html http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/5496/skipl2.smv when you jump off of the pillar you have to make sure there is no "floating" sprite (where Yoshi kicks his legs) in between falling and jumping in order to keep the boost from the shy guy
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