• emulator used: fceu-0.98.12-blip.win
  • aims for fastest completion
  • takes damage to save time
  • manipulates ramdomness
1st level: I waited before killing some enemies so that they would release biggest experience points for my early sliding tackle level up.
The strongest moves are the knee drop (because of its damage+speed) and the double flying kick (because of strength), so i dont need any kind of magic attacks. The flying magic would also be useless, so i skip the magic power ups and rush to the end. The only magic items i take are used to "warp" ahead on the stage, saving some time.
I take damage at some places to be able to move further where it isn't possible to use the tackle (because of holes in the ground, the sliding tackle is unstopabble).
There was a lot of hexediting here so the re-record count may be a little smaller than what it really was.
PS.: At the end of the ending sequence the game says "press start for a more difficult quest". This only adds HP to all enemies, like this: if the enemy has X hp, he will now have 2X. at the end of the second quest, the game will say the same thing again, and this time that enemy will have 3X HP. I have tested it and there's a 4th quest with 4X HP. My guess is it never stops. So i did it on quest #1.

Bisqwit: Processing...

Joined: 8/3/2004
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This topic is for the purpose of discussing #801: nesrocks's NES Kick Master in 08:58.48
Player (246)
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That was really nice. I like how you attacked most of the bosses so that they barely even moved during the fights.
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That's definitely a Taito game. It looks like Ninja Gaiden, only slower. It doesn't look like a really exciting game, but you made the most of what Taito gave you to work with, so I vote Yes. I don't know this game at all, so just out of curiousity: you collect a lot of the stuff that comes out of enemies and gain levels. Does that affect the completion time, or is it just for show? You beat the bosses pretty quickly, but do you beat them even faster by having a higher level? I assume you can also take more damage, but you never get very close to running out of energy.
TASing or playing back a DOS game? Make sure your files match the archive at RGB Classic Games.
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you acquire new moves in this game by going level up: level 1 = knee drop level 2 = sliding tackle <-- considerable speed increase level 3 = double flying kick level 4 = double standing kick level 5 = i don't remember, not used in the run, might be the flying sliding tackle there's no "defense" or "attack" status change on level up, it only adds +1 health box
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very well done foda, good movie to put on the website since this is fast and not boring to watch even for who hasnt played it^^ voting yes ps. why dont u answered my last pm?! ;_;~~
<small>My big signature was cleared by admin; i should read <a href="http://tasvideos.org/ForumRules.html">forum rules</a>. But... who does?</small>
Experienced player (760)
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Holy multiple scrolling backgrounds Batman! It was pretty entertaining, and not too long to get old. I'll vote yes.
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
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Heh, Something Awful reviewed this game recently in their "Rom Pit" section <link removed>
Active player (280)
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Ohhh, no linking to roms!
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
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Oh crap, did they put a link to the rom in the article? Sorry, I'll edit
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Offtopic, but there is another link to site containing ROMs in this same topic.
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Fihlvein wrote:
Offtopic, but there is another link to site containing ROMs in this same topic.
It's not advertised as such, and I can't say what people are allowed to put on their own webpages. It's not offensive, so I ignore it.
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Having trouble with AVI, bisqwit? it's been processing for over 2 weeks how heh nm take your time ;)
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he is creating some stars for your movie XD
<small>My big signature was cleared by admin; i should read <a href="http://tasvideos.org/ForumRules.html">forum rules</a>. But... who does?</small>
Post subject: Movie published
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This movie has been published. The posts before this message apply to the submission, and posts after this message apply to the published movie. ---- [431] NES Kick Master by nesrocks in 08:58.48
Joined: 11/14/2005
Posts: 13
why can't I play the movie?? I can successfully play earlier FCEU movies,but this movie can not be played by FCEU,is the movie broken??? The "chip'n dale" movie cannot be played,too. please help me. Excuse me.I don't come from an Englishspeaking country,so my English is poor.
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What kind of error do you get? Just saying "I can't play it" doesn't help someone if they are going to figure out what the problem is.
Player (246)
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try using the correct rom. Kick Master (U).nes
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Yes,I have used the correct rom and strated the game. Then I click"File--Replay Movie" and choose the movie file "foda-kickmaster[1].fcm", but I can't click OK to start the movie. I have successfully played a lot of FCEU movies. If everything is correct,I should have seen the informations about the movie and click OK to start the movie.But now I can't see the information and the "OK" button can't be clicked My English is so poor.It took me more than 10 minutes to type these words!!!
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Probably related to this topic.
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Thanks to Bisqwit.I have seen the link you gave to me. But I can't completely understand. It seems that there's something wrong with the zip file. How to solve the problem??
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By passing me a broken file, for example. So I can diagnose it. Along with the headers given by the server would be nice.
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Haha,I have solved the problem. Download the movie file from the submission page http://tasvideos.org/801S.html download the zip file and get a "submission801", change filename to submission801.zip and then get the correct movie file.
Post subject: Quest #X...
Joined: 1/1/2022
Posts: 1716
Hi ! Quests #1 and #2 are identical - after #3 one there is a demonstration of kicks of kickmaster (besides the normal ending), and same applies to #4 quest. #5 quest is identical to #1 - you start from beggining.
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all quests start from beggining... the difference is the HP change, and now that kicks demonstration you mentioned. (which is available at the options screen)