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Although this is not a real game for SNES, it is definitely the greatest hack I have ever played. I chose this game because this is simply a great game made even better, and because the standard SMW 11-exit run opened my eyes to how great of a run this game could make. I'm extremely happy with how this run turned out.
Emulator used: SNES9X-144 Improvement 7
Many Rom sites have this ROM specifically, but if you can't find it, you can apply the patch found at to the "Super Mario World (U).smc" ROM.
  • Completes game as fast as possible
Speed is occasionally sacrificed for something entertaining, but only because lag is caused. There is a good amount of lag in this game because of the large number of objects in most of the levels.
  • Abuses programming errors
Several flying techniques are not possible in real time, including frame-precise diving to gain maximum altitude.
Jumping at maximum speed into the bottom of a mid-level pipe allows you to begin flying after exiting the top.
Hopping along the ground at perfectly timed frames will keep your speed after falling out of flight. This is handy to keep speed when flying is no longer possible.
  • Manipulates Luck
During flight, pressing X or Y will result in spinning and then flying in a random direction. I manipulate luck to make sure that I face the way I want to be facing.
Sometimes I grab stars at the end of the level, sometimes I don't. I tried both to see which reduced the fadeout lag at the end of the level.
  • Takes damage to save time
  • Uses warps
I don't specifically go for a high score, or high lives, or coins - just speed and entertainment.

Highlights, questions, nitpicks:
  • Misty Isle 1
Nothing special here.
  • Misty Isle 2
I couldn't match the current WIP in the forums on this level, so I tried an idea out of Spezzafer's SMW2 run and it worked wonderfully. I also drop the shell on the Chuck in order to avoid a bit of lag.
  • Misty Isle 3
Near the end of this level, I press left for one frame to bounce off a goomba at a higher position, which lets me bounce to the yellow koopa at the final stretch. This didn't cost me any frames when comparing the completed frame in both cases.
  • Misty Isle 4
Super Mario 3 throwback! Only highlight here is that I get the cape, and the fun with flying begins.
  • Iggy's Castle
I wasn't able to fly at the beginning of this level to gain a few frames without losing many more trying to rebuild up flying speed.
  • Misty Star Road
There is so much to this level (plus it's an auto-scroller), so I was able to do some very entertaining stuff. The only way to control the speed of this level is to switch between firepower and cape as little as possible. Taking the upper path with the munchers allowed me to avoid a lot of that, and to get that first star, I couldn't take the upper path at the beginning with the flying koopas.
  • Desert Star Road
The breaking of the bricks, while causing lag, is necessary to keep my dive "charged" so that I can get a large lift after the bricks. Although staying at the top of this level and flying over the bricks would have saved around 90 frames in lag, the entire level would have consisted of me flying at the top of the screen with less enemy stomping. Boring.
  • Water Star Road
Another auto-scroller, though not nearly as long as the last one. My goal was to kill as many fish as possible while keeping the P-switch and kicking it all over the place. Wheeeee.
  • Crystal Star Road
I don't know how or why the glitch at the beginning works, but it does. Also, by jumping at the exact frames, the speed of flight is kept, even though I am not flying. This trick is used in several other levels as well. Running up to flight speed again is slower than completing the level in the way I did. There is some avoidable lag at the expense of entertainment - spinning and stomping the bats caused around 90 frames of lag, as opposed to avoiding them. I also had to wait one frame on one of the later jumps - this causes the screen to scroll up to me so that I am able to pass over the tallest columns.
  • Sky Star Road
Nothing special about this level. The flying had to be precise to hit the flying koopas and to make it through the area with the hidden coin blocks without having to run on the triangle.
  • Ice Star Road
Lag, lag, lag, caused by the over-active graphics in this level. Even if you avoid the enemies vertically (as I do), the lag is still quite bad.
  • Pipe Star Road
A fun level to watch. This level took a long time to try all the possibilites I could think of and find which path and what methods were the fastest. Then I came up with the shortcut trick with the key and shaved off four more seconds.
  • Bowser's Star Road
Aagh!! The only frustrating part of the run for me. It is possible to fly at the beginning of this level, and I thought I'd be skipping the slow boring skull raft! However, the screen scrolling glitch stops me from flying over a giant mountain of lava. Check the short movie linked off the "SDW: 15 exits" forum for a demonstration of what ALMOST happened. Luckily, I can still fly through part of the level.
  • BackDoor Star Road
This level has a lot of stuff to it, so there is lag at some points. I have to take the key with me, so when I fly with it, I kick it away and regrab it so that I am able to fly in the faster mode and still carry an object. Unfortunately, because of the speed of the spiked pillars, flying through them is just not possible.
  • Bowser's Back Door
Not much to this level. I'm just glad I was able to keep flying speed for the entire thing. Taking a hit at the end at the right time allows me to keep speed by hopping until the pipe. The battle with Bowser is also pretty entertaining, although I do a lot of the same stuff that was done on the SMW run.

Thanks to many: To VIPer7 for introducing this game and his 120-exit run on the forums. To Bisqwit for allowing this hacked game on the site. To Gorling and GWing_02 for their WIPs on the forum that gave me something to aim for when I was just learning this game.
Enjoy the run!

Bisqwit: Replaced the submission ID with the doublepost's ID.

JXQ: This run has gotten an overwhelmingly positive response, so I think it will be published. Thus, I'll add a good description of this movie to be used here:
This is the first run of Super Demo World, the first accepted hack, done as fast as possible, by warping through the star world.
This game is a very well done and thorough hack of Super Mario World, adding an entire new set of levels, a new world map, and even ASM-coded several other interesting features into the game's engine, such as a blue block that can only be broken with firepower. The layout of the game takes full advantage of both the mechanics of Super Mario World and the additions of Super Demo World, and the levels can get extremely complicated.
More details can be found in the author's comments.
Also, a good screenshot would probably come from either Misty Isle 2's shell boost or Misty Star World's juggling.

DeHackEd: Encoding.

JXQ: Canceled, see new faster submission at #806: JXQ's SNES Super Demo World in 19:38.48

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This topic is for the purpose of discussing #797: JXQ's SNES Super Demo World: The Legend Continues in 20:33.85
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FYI, you can edit submissions for formatting. You don't have to resubmit.
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Sorry about that. Browser messed up the first time so I didn't think it submitted, and then I also fixed my word wrap and re-submitted, only to find that both submissions went through.
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
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Misty Star Road was awesome, one of the best uses of fooling with forced scrolling I've seen in a while. And while it makes absolutely no difference, I like how you 'played' along with the music during waiting periods. :) Anyway, voted yes.
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Spacecow wrote:
I like how you 'played' along with the music during waiting periods.
Hey somebody noticed! I got my wife and my friend to help me during the part inside the pipe.
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
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It's a pretty impressive hack, and you played it very well. I'm concerned about the precedent it would set if a game that isn't "real" gets accepted. No matter how much work went into it, it's still a hack.
TASing or playing back a DOS game? Make sure your files match the archive at RGB Classic Games.
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hopper wrote:
it's still a hack.
But it's an officially accepted one at this site.
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Super Demo World is a hack that meets or even possibly exceeds the quality of Super Mario World itself. I believe that only 100% complete hacks of incredible quality should ever be accepted on to this site but this one definitely falls in to that category. I want to see a no warps or all exits finish of this soon. I think it'd be great. Definite yes (if I could vote).
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You solved that annoying jump in Misty Isle 2 a lot better than Gorling and I! Great work overall.
Zoey Ridin' High <Fabian_> I prett much never drunk
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Kles wrote:
Super Demo World is a hack that meets or even possibly exceeds the quality of Super Mario World itself. I believe that only 100% complete hacks of incredible quality should ever be accepted on to this site but this one definitely falls in to that category. I want to see a no warps or all exits finish of this soon. I think it'd be great. Definite yes (if I could vote).
Viper7 did an all-exits playthrough of SDW and posted it in the SNES forum a while back. He did it to show off all the exits and secrets, so it's not really a timeattack (e.g. it could be made much much faster if someone wanted to spend the time). Based on how long it took him to do the 96-exit SMW run, I don't forsee that happening anytime soon :) Edit: here is the link to the aforementioned thread in the SNES forum.
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I was pretty bored watching this video. It just doesn't compare to the existing SMW minimal exits run in terms of accuracy and entertainment. Plus, the autoscrollers were really boring.
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I was really impressed with some of the techniques used (especially the misty isle 2 shell jump). Yes vote from me.
Joined: 11/28/2004
Posts: 138
Looking good:), liked the juggling of items in the slower moving lvls. Voting yes.
The best time you have is the time you share with other people.
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Very nice. Couple of things to point out though... First, you dove a lot while flying - isn't diving slower than flying which is slower than fast flight? Second, there were some points where you could've easily gotten more coins/points with only minor adjustments, but you didn't, which I think is detracting. The first level comes to mind. I was impressed with the jump-off shell trick on the second level, hadn't thought of using that, and I thought the bowser battle was the most entertaining I've seen with juggling 3 items. I also liked the key glitch on pipe star world, mind explaining it? Also again the controversy with last frame timing or last hit timing... since both of the previous movies went for timing the last hit instead of the last frame, that's what I would recommend, but as it is, it is your choice. It's a yes from me, but I expect that this movie can be beaten.
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GWing_02 wrote:
First, you dove a lot while flying - isn't diving slower than flying which is slower than fast flight?
I just did a little testing, and unfortunately this is true, which I was unaware of. Much of the diving is necessary anyway in order to get a high enough lift, but not all of it is. For example, it's avoidable in the first half of Desert Star World, but the level would be very boring. It's necessary in the second half to regain altitude after the bricks. On the other hand, a level like Sky Star World used the dive more than necessary. However, based on my tests, I would estimate the total improvement from this would be a maximum of about two seconds. Still, something to improve upon next time. Is there anything else I should know about the specifics of flying? Also, to Xebra, is the flying what you meant by inaccuracy? I wasn't sure exactly what you were refering to, so if you could elaborate it would help me on future improvement runs of this game. Thanks.
GWing_02 wrote:
Second, there were some points where you could've easily gotten more coins/points with only minor adjustments, but you didn't, which I think is detracting. The first level comes to mind.
This is just a personal preference of mine that I just don't care about coins or score. Sometimes if a coin or maneuver was hard to avoid, I did that instead (like jumping through the green winged koopas in Misty Isle 2 without hitting any of them). Maybe in a future version I will focus on this more since I know the game better.
GWing_02 wrote:
I also liked the key glitch on pipe star world, mind explaining it?
First of all, to those who have not played this game much, the real way to get through this portion is to jump below to reveal hidden coin blocks that form a bridge, and then enter the nearby pipe to loop back around and walk across. I hit one of these coin blocks when jumping onto the key - they go all the way across. I tried lots of ways around this, trying to bounce off of enemies, or bringing a shell and kicking it and bouncing off of it, but nothing kept me high enough off the ground to escape the hidden blocks. Mario can stand on a key without it moving from underneath him (so long as you don't pick it up), but the "key" to this was throwing the key at the ceiling so that when it lands, it bounces twice. Standing on the key during that first bounce and jumping at its peak is just enough height to clear the blocks. I grabbed the key while jumping just for show.
GWing_02 wrote:
Also again the controversy with last frame timing or last hit timing
I decided this as follows: I wanted to end the input as early as possible, while still getting Mario to the middle so that the feather would float through him after Bowser was defeated, but I only wanted to do this if it didn't cause a huge delay in the final hit. Bowser can only be hit 6 frames earlier than he is at the end of this run, so I figured it was fine.
GWing_02 wrote:
I expect that this movie can be beaten
Me too :) Thanks to everyone who voted and commented!
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
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This game was FUN.. i IPS patched my Super Mario World ROM This hack is awesome.. :) i like it
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jxq2000 wrote:
Much of the diving is necessary anyway in order to get a high enough lift, but not all of it is. For example, it's avoidable in the first half of Desert Star World, but the level would be very boring.
Keep in mind there is a glitch to get extra height while flying, which flag used in the ghost house during his run.
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BoltR wrote:
Keep in mind there is a glitch to get extra height while flying, which flag used in the ghost house during his run.
I actually used that glitch almost every time I dove. In Desert Star World however, the repeated presses of right moved me down enough that the lift gained still didn't make it over the hill.
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
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Posts: 141
Wow, I didn't know that SDW:TLC is now an accepted hack on this website - but I'm glad it is anyway. :) I'd vote YES on this one if I could. Maybe a 100% speedrun of all levels would be nice - but it would be one heck of a long speedrun, since in many levels you can't just fly to the end due to invisible blocks blocking your way. But it would be interesting nonetheless.
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Sketchie wrote:
Maybe a 100% speedrun of all levels would be nice
There is talk about starting one up at the Super Demo World forum here. Although if that ends up happening it may get moved to its own topic.
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
Player (201)
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Posts: 511
Holy crap, a submission for this, I somehow missed all progress on it, sorry for not being up to date, I'll watch it now :)
g,o,p,i=1e4,a[10001];main(x){for(;p?g=g/x*p+a[p]*i+2*!o: 53^(printf("%.4d",o+g/i),p=i,o=g%i);a[p--]=g%x)x=p*2-1;}
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We want to hear all about the new glitch too flagitious :)
Zoey Ridin' High <Fabian_> I prett much never drunk
Player (201)
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Posts: 511
Ah where did you hear about this new glitch. I guess it is time I reveal it since it has been a several months since and I have not made any progress in redoing the run with it. I'll do that soon. Anyways very nice run, congratulations. I admit my lack of knowledge about this game prevents me from making any intelligent critique. Infact I feel guilty for not having played this game through because it looks very good.
g,o,p,i=1e4,a[10001];main(x){for(;p?g=g/x*p+a[p]*i+2*!o: 53^(printf("%.4d",o+g/i),p=i,o=g%i);a[p--]=g%x)x=p*2-1;}
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flagitious wrote:
I somehow missed all progress on it
I did this run in six days and didn't post until the end of the third day or so, so that's probably why.
Ah where did you hear about this new glitch.
VIPer7 mentioned that I may want to hold off on my run because there was a new glitch you had discovered, but that he was waiting for you to present it. But I already had most of the run done by that point so I just finished it.
I guess it is time I reveal it since it has been a several months since and I have not made any progress in redoing the run with it. I'll do that soon.
Anyways very nice run, congratulations. I admit my lack of knowledge about this game prevents me from making any intelligent critique. Infact I feel guilty for not having played this game through because it looks very good.
Thanks! I'm glad you like it, being one of the experts on Super Mario World around here. And yes, this game is great. I suggest giving it a shot, it uses Super Mario World's engine to its full potential.
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
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jxq2000 wrote:
I suggest giving it a shot, it uses Super Mario World's engine to its full potential.
Actually the author added additional ASM code. So it's phsyically more advanced than vanilla SMW.