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Maybe you should have. And yes, memory addresses can tell you anything about the game, you just need to know how to filter for it and what the address's values mean. Mukki, how did you find the HP values for the bosses, and how accurate are they? I have a HP address for a boss in Mischief Makers, but it seems to randomly have its number change when the boss receives damage, not have a set number that reduces itself to 0. Also, I want to pop this question now that the any% is complete: what are your thoughts on MM 100%?
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I was able to find the boss values because I already knew what the initial HP was eg. I knew Odolwa had 20HP so I searched for all addresses of byte type with a value of 20. I'd then hit him with the gilded sword which I knew did 3 damage and then I'd do a sub-search for all values of 17. It didn't work all the time so I had to experiment quite a lot. I would certainly like to see a 100% run, although I wouldn't personally do it. The amount of planning required would be beyond any route I can presently think of, mainly because of all the events that require very specific arrival times (remember back to a few months ago when I realised I wouldn't make the ranch in time and the resulting redo, that was just one and a 100% would have many more). The brave individual who would take it on would have to be prepared for years of hard work and a lot of redoing. Having said that, if anyone wants to try it please do. I would certainly help out with the route and give support and advice every step of the way. As for myself, I'll stick to my beloved any%.
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For a 100% run, the obvious place to start is Dragorn's run. Still, with all the new tricks, it's unclear what the modified route would be.
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There is the added problem, as with several of the other Zelda threads here, that some people do not see the SDA definition of 100% as the correct one. (I do agree, just thought I would mention it.) At first glance it could be easier or harder to define thanks to the 'loose all consumables every new cycle' thing.
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Well, SDA's definition of 100% for MM is pretty reasonable. All Heart Pieces, all masks, all capacity upgrades, and all non-vanishing items. I don't think Maps and Compasses really need to be included (Unless the other Zelda TASes get them, but it's a small route mod, anyway), although I'm not sure if the area maps are part of SDA's 100%, although they probably should be if they're not. SDA's OoT 100% definition really annoys me, though, as they don't include the Cow. How can you not include the Cow?
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Should 100% include the 37th heart piece? I think so http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=944Z3m8k9ss&search=37th%20heart Should 100% include the extra 3.5 hearts avaible using Kazooie's trick: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sOIT-d-Mmkc I'm not so sure about that because opening the door to bottle glitches would probably be a bad thing. However, seeing 23 (nearly 24) heart containers would be fun :)
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I'd say 37th yes, extra hearts no. If you're going to do extra hearts, you may as well do 255 skulltulas, and that's a little excessive. I'd also say bottle glitches are out for 100%, as they sort of defeat the whole purpose of 100%. But this has nothing to do with MM...
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Is bottle duplication possible in Majora's Mask? If so, would it be of use in the any% route here? I'm guessing it's not possible because it surely would have been implemented by now, but I don't recall seeing it mentioned anywhere.
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No. I wish.
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Here's my list of large improvements to my run (by 'large' I mean 1 second or greater). This only contains known improvements. It does not take into account frame improvements and optimisations or unclarified large improvements. If you have any other ideas please raise them and I'll add them in. I'll put this on the wiki page too. I've tried to credit the suggestions where my memory serves. Pre-Clock Town - Sidehopping in initial area is faster -- Swordless Link 2s First Cycle - Sidehop down Stockpot Inn stairs -- Swordless Link 1s Second Cycle - Jumping the gap in ECT can be done without the jumpslash by jumping towards the wall (see 3rd cycle) 1s - In Termina Field I think a Swordslide could be used (see Skull Kid cutscene skip). 4s - I place the bomb rather than shield drop it twice. 2s Third Cycle - I should Deku Spin over lilly pads outside Deku Palace -- Captain Compost 3s - Dinoflos doesn't need to be stunned -- mwl 2s - Goron Bomb jumps should catch the fence -- Petrie911 4s - Button mashing speeds up ISoT -- mwl 4s - Gekko should be hit with an arrow -- mwl 2s - Catch Ikana fences with GBJ -- Petrie911 8s minimum improvement - 33 seconds
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Mukki wrote:
- In Termina Field I think a Swordslide could be used (see Skull Kid cutscene skip). 4s
What? Is this a different way of skipping the cutscene, or....? What's a swordslide? If you mean superslide, I think that'll activate the cutscene anyway.
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I mean using a bomb to activate the infinite sword glitch and then supersliding using the same bomb. That action was called the swordslide for short. When supersliding to the icicles in Termina Field it would be faster to use this technique rather than take out a separate bomb for the Infinite Sword glitch like I do in the current run.
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Thanks. Also comicalfop mentioned this in the OoT thread: is it possible to backflip while firing a projectile (bow? deku bubble? hookshot?) to shoot above you in this game. if so, is there anywhere that I would save time over C-up aiming?
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stone tower: is it faster to hookshot the very top of the target blocks and climb up on top of them (a very quick motion iirc), then shoot to the next (you'll be higher up and closer to the next target), or is it better to do what you did, which seems slow since you have to fall down, then look back up and have to shoot a farther distance then what I described. I think you need to be on the ground to hookshot. but it should work with the bow. where it'd save time, I dunno, but I also know that you can fire in the middle of a sidehop. The way you do this is by pressing the C button to be in the "aiming" 1st person view, and then you can hold z and backwalk, sidehop, whatever. Hm. Maybe I should actively help out in some way when the v2 starts...
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comicalflop wrote:
stone tower: is it faster to hookshot the very top of the target blocks and climb up on top of them (a very quick motion iirc), then shoot to the next (you'll be higher up and closer to the next target), or is it better to do what you did
I tested that, climbing however is very slow. You can also set angles/pull out bombs etc while you fall which you can't do whilst climbing. To minimise time falling I always hit the lowest possible point of the target.
comicalflop then wrote:
Hm. Maybe I should actively help out in some way when the v2 starts...
:D awesome.
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bkDJ wrote:
Also comicalfop mentioned this in the OoT thread: is it possible to backflip while firing a projectile (bow? deku bubble? hookshot?) to shoot above you in this game. if so, is there anywhere that I would save time over C-up aiming?
I remember testing it in Pirate's Fortress 1 to take out the guards, but I couldn't get it to work. It certainly seems as if it should be possible so I'll certainly investigate that further. Also, a few RAM addresses: X-pos (uns. short) -- 00CEBD38 (i'll probably test this one further. It seems fine, but I won't really know until I start TASing ;D) Y-pos (uns short)-- 00CEC59A HP (byte) -- 00ADB12A (this was pure curiosity) MP (byte) -- 00ADB124 More as they come...
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In the third cycle you forgot to add that you should try to manipulate magic jars in the Lost Woods section, also before you do the boat skip on the giant octorok you climb the small ledge before ascending the ladder, you should go round and onto that wooden walkway and climb the ladders. The other possibilty is doing the beaver race over the ranch.
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The mega flip, in either MM or OoT, can you activate the infinite glitch before hand, then do a megaflip over a huge gap, then mid air drop a bombchu to get you stuck in mid air, where you can continue to bomb/chu hover the rest of the way? HP and MP: I can see MP being helpful. BUt HP is just your health, right? it's visually displayed right there on the screen, even subtracting by 1/4ths if necessary. For those x/y, you really need to know what you are looking for and what x/y pixel in 3D games does to know if you have the right one. X/Y/Z really os funky with 3D games since it's never clear what the frame of reference is or where the axles are aligned, but if you're moving along a straight line and one address shows your pixel position along that line, then yeah. I also had an idea: someone can co-author looking specifically to test new things and create precision benchmarks of temples/areas/what have you, and then make an .avi starting from a savestate of the beginning of that area, whereupon the other author can spend his time assessing the .avi, and work with the actual .m64 and make sure it all synchs up.
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comicalflop wrote:
The mega flip, in either MM or OoT, can you activate the infinite glitch before hand, then do a megaflip over a huge gap, then mid air drop a bombchu to get you stuck in mid air, where you can continue to bomb/chu hover the rest of the way?
You can't Mega Flip in MM, so that's irrelevant. In OoT, it appears you are moving too quickly and end up too far away from the explosion, so it's looking like a no on both accounts. Darn, too, as that would have been really nice...
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Trying to replicate the mega flip technique just causes Link or Zora Link to ground jump, it probally has no use though.
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First off, can't wait for the v2, it's just gonna rock (just one of those feelings). For the 100%, would it be possible to get the bombers notebook AFTER clearing everything in it? This would save a ton of time as all the bombers dialogs would not show up in the run. Tis a thought.
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While it is possible, the notebook would be completely empty.
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Wow, really? So even though you had all the prizes from each character, you'd still have to do those events all over again just so the notebook could record them? And does the notebook have any effect on the scenes that appear in the ending, or is it just based on inventory?
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Just based on the inventory. You don't even need all the masks to get the most complete ending.
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yeah, although for some reason you still get the Ikana scientist's scene even though you don't have the Gibdo Mask. I suspected this might be the case, as Nintendo certainly never expected you to skip the Gibdo Mask, but I would think they would use the same programming as all the other mask-related segments of the ending.