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I just finished watching the new 35-minute video. Thanks again to bkDJ for converting. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I found some possible improvements: Correction #1 At, 6'59", you have Zora Mask / Arrows / Red Potion on the C-buttons. You put Red Potion on C-Down: Zora Mask / Red Potion / Arrows ...followed by the hookshot on C-Right: Zora Mask / Red Potion / Hookshot Why not simply put hookshot on C-Down? Zora Mask / Hookshot / Red Potion Time lost: a few frames Correction #2 At 21'10", you can fast-forward the ISoT cutscene just as you did for the SoDT cutscenes. Mash A and B. Your ISoT cutscene takes five seconds from selecting Yes until regaining control, while mine only takes three. Same thing at 23'50". Time lost: about 2 seconds each x 2 times = about 4 seconds Correction #3 For phase one of the Gekko battle in Woodfall, you can simply shoot a fire arrow. Gekko only has 4 HP, so a jump slash is unnecessary. Time lost: about 1-2 seconds These probably aren't worth redoing, but they're still good to know. Everything else looks great to me. I wish I could shoot arrows like that... EDIT: Swordless Link, I pointed that out shortly after he posted his Woodfall 1 segment. He said he felt it wasn't worth redoing.
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I actually forgot to point this out earlier, but why did you stun the dinoflos with a nut before getting the bow? You can hit him with a stick without doing this.
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bkDJ - That video (HQ) looked great! Direct64 renders this game pretty well. The only problem was the red flashes after taking damage but that's minor. mwl/Swordless Link - I knew about the Dinoflos improvement but never redid since I was already in Great Bay and had had sync problems. The three corrections listed above I'll admit I never picked up on, although none of them are major and are pretty far back in the movie to be worth redoing at this stage. Besides I have already indicated that I'll be making a second version since I love this game and TASing it. I reckon the first version will be improvable by ~30 seconds since I've had some new ideas. I'll get started on that next year at some point (probably around summer). First things first however is finishing off V1.0. At the moment I'm collecting the Pirate's Fortress eggs, I'll post a WIP when I reach GBT.
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Mukki wrote:
The only problem was the red flashes after taking damage but that's minor.
what red flashes? I was only aware of the missing fog and worse area lighting compared to the way it should look. Not that I can change anything :P
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The red flashes when an enemy takes damage don't show up (most noticable in the Goht battle and Goron race). Like I said, it's minor, but it's the only thing I noticed.
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bkDJ wrote:
Click here for the "high quality" version of the latest progress. it's about 115MB and over half an hour. And now that the "low quality" vid is ready, click here if you so choose (IMO it's pretty much worse than youtube but hey it's a smaller file and I don't care).
Thanks as usual bkDj. The server you're hosting it on is really nice too; I'm able to get my full theoretical 7mbps download speed. ;)
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Just watched this WIP by viewing the latest mkv (syncing it up is such a hassle and I like to rewind to see some things again) and I have to say I am totally impressed. The sneakiness of the getting up to the snow temple and the things done during the alien invasion are just awesome. I absolutely loved where you lined them up. It was sort of a "whats he doing... oh wait theres another going faster, I'll bet he'll get both.. no 3! no 4" moment that made me laugh. I look forward to watching the next WIP and final run.
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Great stuff, Mukki. It's good to see you're back on track.
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Location: United Kingdom I'm inside Great Bay Temple. This is also the final WIP. There's not much left and I want to keep what will be the best of this run until the submission :D Here's what's new this time; The Egg Quest Pirate's Fortress 2 In the Marine lab it's faster to roll to the tank. I can't roll until I'm a certain distance past the tank on the right otherwise Link will 'check' it (ugh, the desync this caused) which explains the delay before the roll. In pirates fortress I enter via the door on the right this time. To do this I need to hookshot from a sentry boat. Inside I skip the first two Pirate battles with jumpslashes . In the third pirate battle I let her hit me. I could hit her a few frames earlier, but then she does the backflip away after taking the damage. I delay my swing so that I hit her on the same frame she hits me, which means she doesn't do the backflip away. By doing this I can get a second shot in to finish off the battle very quickly. Pinnacle Rock I dive low enough so that I'm at the optimal height to swim down to the snake cave at the tightest angle. I therefore navigate the maze from quite a height which is impressive to those that know how difficult it is. I like the snake battles; I managed to get nice variety on how I tackle them each time whilst preserving the optimisation. I then break the pots for rupees at North Bay and then catch a Turtle ride to GBT. Yay! Question: I assume that I'll be using the seam walk Ikana Access strategy. I don't have the bombs nor the funds to do what Petrie posted up here a few months back. Or am I missing something? I guess that covers it. The last 25-30 minutes of this run should be the best considering how awesome the GBT and Stone Tower strats are. Also, the movie will run into the final 6 hours. I'd hoped this would happen from the start as it will mean an intense ending as Link races to the Clock Tower. Anyway, a big thanks to everyone who's given critique, help and support since I started this last November. I'll probably be finished within the next two weeks depending on how co-operative the game is with me. I honestly can't wait to see the final movie :D
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Very tight although make sure you test the possible mega or recoil flip that Petrie showed (and the method I perhaps suggested) as there are a lot of very minor distances to bomb hover in GBT, also when entering the clock tower try to see if its possible to use a Goron boost since you can place a bomb against the door, roll up to it and do a Goron jump. One main comment about the run is how come you don't use the repeated dolphin dive strategy when using Zora Link? Or does it make no difference from normal swimming.
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Excellent work. I didn't think that pirate boat thing had a use. I think I'll use that in my speedrun... Anyways, the seamwalk method will probably be necessary, as that thing I posted was only if you had enough chus, which I don't think you will. I look forward to the Great Bay and Stone Tower temples. They're the pinnacle of the TAS.
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Sorry for the double post, but here's an avi of the latest WIP;8406058;;/fileinfo.html
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I watched the latest segment and haven't found any obvious errors. Thanks, petrie.
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Also wanna thank petrie, heh. I gave up on trying to use mupen a while ago.:/
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Holy shit, the final movie is going to be awesome. Alright, dumb question: what's the projected time of the run?
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Here are my estimates: 1:37 Great Bay Temple entered 1:43 Great Bay Temple cleared 1:50 Stone Tower ascended 1:59 Stone Tower Temple cleared 2:03 Moon landing 2:06 Majora defeated 2:10 Last input By the way, I'd still really like to see regular WIPs, even if it means somewhat ruining the "surprise factor." This is just my personal opinion, though. The Garo Master and Majora battles are very tricky to optimise, and I'm curious to see what you can come up with. For the latter, I have a few pointers, too.
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Well Mukki said he would be doing this again, so it might be better to finish the run to get it over with, and then there will be a reference run that can be improved upon using the mupen that doesn't desync. (I haven't watched the latest progress yet)
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There's a mupen that "shouldn't" desynch when playing back movies, but I don't think there's quite the "doesn't desynch when TASing" mupen yet. I'm also all for another version to be done later. A better synching mupen, better memory watching, increased precision (especially those parts where I keep saying "sidehop up and down hills") would all add nicely to a v2.
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I'm not requesting that that Mukki should upload his latest WIP, but I would be curious to know where he is at the moment :)
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AKA wrote:
I'm not requesting that that Mukki should upload his latest WIP, but I would be curious to know where he is at the moment :)
*seconds motion*
My current project: Something mysterious (oooooh!) My username is all lower-case letters. Please get it right :(
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All in favor? Aye!
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I've just defeated Gomess. So this run should hopefully be finished very soon indeed. Also, has anyone ever managed to hookshot the chest from the ledge outside Gomess' corridor? I've been trying to get it for a while now and just can't.
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It's possible. make sure you go through the door left of center, and then sidehop right an pull out your hookshot as soon as you come into the eyegore's bridge room from gomess' corridor. now, if you look at those two things holding the walkway up, you should just BARELY see the corner of the chest. That is enough to hookshot it. i'll try to get a screenshot/video of it up soon... Also, excellent progress. The only things left are Twinmold and Majora himself. Can't wait to see Twinmold optimized...
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Since you're this close to the end, I'll go ahead and post my pointers for the final battle: Once you're on the moon, either superslide or Goron roll to Majora. Majora's Mask - You will need to experiment a bit with this, as there is no strategy that makes the battle trivial. Most runners in the past started off with Zora boomerangs, but I've found that if you hit Majora at exactly the right angle, you can ground it with an arrow even if your positioning may appear to be way off. Gilded sword jump attacks and Goron pounds deal 6 units of damage each. Try to ignore the other masks if at all possible. Majora's Incarnation - Quickspins a la Odolwa battle. Don't use Goron pounds; they're much slower and probably less damaging now that you have the Gilded Sword. Majora's Wrath - Timed slashes (if you can get in quickspins fast enough to keep it down, then use them instead. I haven't had much success with them, but I didn't use frame advance.)
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Ah, excellent! Now I'm just running a sync check up until the Twinmold battle so there is very little left to do :D mwl - Nice. Phase 1 is what has been concerning me most. If it's possible to floor him quickly with arrows then that'll be faster. The transformations will take up some time as will arranging the masks on my C-buttons. I'll try it out and see just how much faster/slower the boomerangs are. I'll probably go for the superslide to the tree because 1) its faster than rolling and 2) my C-buttons at the time will be bombs, ocarina, arrows. If I can do phase 1 minus zora mask and goron pounds then that won't need to change.