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Got it fixed. I had deleted the file previously, and it kept doing the same thing, but when I deleted the file, started up the game, and started the movie, it did the desync at the name again. However, I closed the ROM and then reopened it to try again, and now it works without a desync. The spot where I got desynched before is when you're making your way back to the Inn after dancing with Pierre, Deku Link moves a little too far to the left and gets stuck right next to the Clock Tower door. In your run, you barely squeeze by that thing. Anyway, it's fixed now. Awesome run so far!
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Good work on the snowy path. The White Boes seem unavoidable, and your navigation seems good. I don't see any immediate improvements. Can't wait to see the temple. Make sure you post a WIP as soon as you're done with the temple, as Snowhead has a lot of places to lose small amounts of time.
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RattleMan wrote:
Got it fixed. I had deleted the file previously, and it kept doing the same thing, but when I deleted the file, started up the game, and started the movie, it did the desync at the name again. However, I closed the ROM and then reopened it to try again, and now it works without a desync. The spot where I got desynched before is when you're making your way back to the Inn after dancing with Pierre, Deku Link moves a little too far to the left and gets stuck right next to the Clock Tower door. In your run, you barely squeeze by that thing. Anyway, it's fixed now. Awesome run so far!
That's usually fixed by using Rice's plugin, but it sounds like you got it to work without that.
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Sadly, I get a desync at the bomb shop with Rice's 6.1.1 plugin.
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That looked great and you've now offically overcome the greatest obstacle in the game bar desyncs. Is there any predetermined bomb drops in the Temple? or does all have to be manipulated incase anyone is wondering Swordless Link has a YouTube video of what the temple might resemble in a TAS.
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Soulrivers wrote:
Sadly, I get a desync at the bomb shop with Rice's 6.1.1 plugin.
Really? It's been working fine for me. Try restarting the run one more time (I know it's a pain but it might do the trick). Are you using the TAS input plugin for the controller? That could cause it too.
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Yes I'm using the TAS plugin, shouldn't I? D:
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I'm using Rice, TAS Input, etc. and it still desynchs outside the bomb shop, so I'm afraid the only way I can possibly watch this is through an .avi/.mkv. Could this be hardware-dependent?
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For me, it desyncs at the bomb shop with 6.1.1, but it works fine with 6.0.0. Maybe you should try that. That Snowhead "TAS" is imperfect. You can skip the running around sequence with the Wizzrobe, and it looks like the Goht Battle could be improved. Also, the Snowballs will have to be cleared with a different method for obvious reasons. Could anyone post Mukki's Bomb and chu counts at the end of the last WIP? I'd like to make a demo vid of how Snowhead should look.
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I have 1 bomb and 4 chus. I'm in the wizzrobe room now. Minus cutscenes etc I'm quite a bit faster through general optimisation. That TAS is imperfect. The Wizzrobe battle can be faster, the bomb hovers should be sidehops, Goron punch through Snowballs are the main changes that I know of. Am I missing anything?
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1. Saves ~3 seconds 2. I'm testing to see whether it's possible to Goron roll to the platform with the snowballs (after melting the first one, of course) after the second Wizzrobe battle. If it is, it will be very difficult to pull off. 3. I'm not sure Swordless Link's Goht battle is frame-perfect, especially with regards to the arrow-firing. I could be wrong, though.
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I also don't think the Goht fight is quite frame perfect on the arrow shooting. Here's a possible way to get from the top floor to the second wizzrobe and a way to goron roll to the snowball path.
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mwl - Nice. Petrie - I won't have the explosives for the the first one, I don't think. The second should work. Also, since I have to live without RAM watch, is there anywhere I can get a list of boss/miniboss HP and damage strength of all Link's attacks? With so many fights coming up such a thing would be nice :)
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Where's bkDJ's avi?
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Well, let's see here (I think this is right) Gekko (WF)- 4HP first phase, 6HP second phase (arrows only) Lizafos- 4HP (1/2 damage from Fire Arrows) Odolwa- 28 HP Wizzrobe (Ice)- 16HP, Goron punches do 1.5x damage Goht- 60HP (30 arrows or 15 Fire Arrows. Try to come in with a full stock) Gyorg- 5 Zora Barrier hits Twinmold- 20HP each Garo Master- 20 HP Gomess- 28 HP Majora- ??? Kokiri Sword- 1 Deku Stick- 2 Gilded Sword- 4 Jumpslash- 2x Sword damage Goron Punch- 3 Arrow- 2 Fire Arrow- 4 Light Arrow- 4 Please tell me if I've made any errors. EDIT: nvm, I think mwl's got it.
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Off the top of my head... Kokiri Sword - 1 Razor Sword - 2 Gilded Sword - 3 Great Fairy's Sword - 4 (Multipliers) Jump attack - Base attack power x 2 Spin attack - Base attack power x number of contacts with enemy Crouching stab - Base attack power x 1 Deku Nut - 0 (Stuns enemy) Deku Stick - 2 Arrow - 2 Fire/Ice Arrow - 2 Light Arrow - 4 Bomb - 2 Bombchu - 2 Hookshot - 2 Powder Keg - 4 (?) Deku Spin - 1 (?) Deku Bubble - 2 (?) Goron Spike - 1 Goron Punch - 2 Goron Pound - 6 Zora Punch - 1 (?) Zora Boomerang - 2 Fierce Deity's Sword - 4 Gekko - 4 HP + 6 HP Garo Master - 14 HP Odolwa - 20 HP Goht - 30 HP Gyorg - 20 HP Twinmold - 2x20 HP Majora's Mask - 14-16 HP (can't get consistent results) Majora's Incarnation - 30 HP Majora's Wrath - 40 HP
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Sorry I haven't been following this topic at all, could you tell me where you are currently or maybe direct me to which page the latest WIP is on? Also, I don't know if this has been addressed, but I was watching your swamp and palace area, and I noticed you weren't spinning before hopping across the lily pads, which is quite a bit faster than simply hopping across normally. Ok, thanks in advance.
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page 47 has the latest WIP. And even faster than that (in my opinion, from my tests) is sidehopping off of a lilypad; deku Link stays facing sideways, and each water bounce retains slightly faster than normal sidehopping speed.
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So, would I need mupen to watch that?
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comicalflop wrote:
page 47 has the latest WIP. And even faster than that (in my opinion, from my tests) is sidehopping off of a lilypad; deku Link stays facing sideways, and each water bounce retains slightly faster than normal sidehopping speed.
I'm pretty sure Deku Spining would have been more effective, I didn't mention it at the time as it was only a minor improvement, and Compost he just entered Snowhead Temple how far hes into it I don't know, I'm able to capture AVI's with FRAPS but its caused complaints in the past, you'll need Mupen and Possibly a Rice 6.0 or 6.1.1 video pluggin to view the movie.
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Well, I think so, seeing as its .m64 and hasn't been encoded to AVI yet. (will try to get on that, but this week is finals, so may have to wait until I get home which is by the end of the week.) And I'm pretty sure that spinning makes the first hop have spinning speed, but not the rest. Sidehopping made Link have every hop be sidehop speed. lemme check again just to verify...
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I got mupen, but I can't seem to get the file to open, I just keep getting this error message, like "not a valid win32 application". I got the rice plugin too, which didn't seem to work either.
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captain compost wrote:
I got mupen, but I can't seem to get the file to open, I just keep getting this error message, like "not a valid win32 application". I got the rice plugin too, which didn't seem to work either.
Ah, I think I see your problem. Firstly, just to be sure, you need the MM ROM as well as Mupen. Now, to play the movie, open Mupen and open the MM ROM. Now, under the Utilities menu, go to the Movie submenu and select "Start movie playback". When it gives you a dialog box, click browse and find the .m64. Open it, and then click OK on the dialog box. The movie should begin playing automatically.
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Alright, this is stupid, when I go to start movie playback, the .m64 won't even show up! It's saved on my desktop, but when I go there to open it, it's as if it's non-existent. Maybe I'm screwed.
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Try saving it somewhere else. I have a separate folder just for .m64s.
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