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monotoli was down for about an hour earlier today, sorry about that. Should be fine now barring any power outages or something over at Dreamhost. Other than that I have nothing of importance to add, other than I'm lurking around and watching the WIPs with great interest :)
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mukki: good explanations except for the last one. I know you side hopped but that's because you were backwalking at optimal angles. I was suggesting supersliding early at perhaps an angle that doesn't seem optimal because you'll be spending a bit of it against a wall, but once past the wall, the angle would allow the sidehop to be avoided, and then you could kill the slide, rolljump over the gap at the earliest moment and then backwalk to the exit or something :/
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I can see what you're getting at. It sounds like a perfectly valid idea, however, it would be a very deep angle to make the exit from a superslide and pushing into the wall at such an angle would slow Link right down so there may not be any frame-profit at the end of it. It's worth looking into. It's at the very end of the file so it won't take too much effort to investigate :) Yautja -- I couldn't backwalk and shield drop because I never had time before the bomb explodes. If I remember correctly I took out the bomb at the earliest point (after the backflip, i think?) which meant that I wouldn't lose any time by placing the bomb down normally.
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The only thing I have to say is that the second 2 superslides both place the bomb instead of shield dropping it. Otherwise, the video looked very good.
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In both instances I had already taken out the bomb at its earliest point. Both points left me with slightly too much time and so placing the bomb doesn't really matter. bkDJ -- I remembered that your method won't work. You can't superslide on ice.
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That's the first two cycles absolutely done. Finished. Done. Over. I'm happy to start the third cycle now. I'm about 13 seconds faster than my previous attempt, which is much more than I thought I would get. So I'm guessing that this section of the run is about as awesome as it's ever going to be. EDIT -- Also, this is what I have for the Clock Town Section at the start of the third cycle (What I am doing next). Clocktown/3rd cycle - ECT chest (99) -- Same chest as last time. - Deposit (bank: 247), get adult wallet - Withdraw 200, buy 20 bombchus & 20 bombs (-140, you: 60, bank: 47) - Scarecrow song -- I'll have a think about this. I've got a few ideas... - Leave via South Clock Town towards Southern Swamp. Is this right, yeah?
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You can get the chest from central clock town since you can use a Goron pound to get on the market stall roof tops, I'm not sure if 20 bombs in nesscary since you need to buy them twice IIRC they cost 50 each as opposed to bombchus costing 40. I think buying ten bombs is better and then manipulating bomb drops in Termina since you could simply Goron Roll through the grass and get bombs and magic jars. You also want to leave by the same exit as last time since you want to get the Zora Mask next.
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Right. OK. Zora's Mask? My route is ancient then. It has me going to woodfall next... Where is the most recent version of Petrie's route? EDIT -- Here is what I am working from.
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the .fla file I was mentioning in IRC is more of a problem on my side, not as much for Linux viewers. This is specifically for me (when watching from the very beginning): I have to delete the .fla file in the mupen save directory beforehand, play the movie, and let it desynch at the menu. after it desynchs, replay the .m64 again, letting a .fla file be generated. This is probably because I use windows and not Linux. it probably works differently for Mac and Linux users. DeHackEd's mention of rejecting it has been mostly resolved, since it was more concerning if the movie started with SRAM. I think that's the gist of it. AKA's currently trying to hex everything to make it work, today I might try and review the entire thing from scratch to see if everything synchs up from the beginning. keep up the good work!
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Bombs are 30 for ten, and Bombachus are 40 for ten. Why do you even need to buy bombs at all? Can't you just get them by chopping down grass? You don't need to buy them before they appear in the grass, all you need is a bomb bag.
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Mukki wrote:
Right. OK. Zora's Mask? My route is ancient then. It has me going to woodfall next... Where is the most recent version of Petrie's route? EDIT -- Here is what I am working from.
If someone posts the new route, I will most certainly update it there.
<agill> banana banana banana terracotta pie! <Shinryuu> ho-la terracotta barba-ra anal-o~
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Use Petrie's route for now, but don't play the Inverted Song of Time until further notice. AKA, we need bow & arrows in the Pirates' Fortress to shoot down that hive and skip the cutscene about the Zora eggs. (Deku bubbles cannot reach it.) This is why we do Woodfall first, then warp back to Clock Town and then proceed to Great Bay Coast.
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Here's the current route just copy what it says for now it turns out that would head for Woodfall next Use Petrie's trick for skipping the skullkid scene. EDIT:
mwl wrote:
AKA, we need bow & arrows in the Pirates' Fortress to shoot down that hive and skip the cutscene about the Zora eggs. (Deku bubbles cannot reach it.) This is why we do Woodfall first, then warp back to Clock Town and then proceed to Great Bay Coast.
That is completely wrong since I've done it several times on a console. Its very difficult though since you need a precise angle though the bars and hope that the bubble hits the cage when it spins through the air, I'll guess I'll make a video to proove it.
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That IS the updated route. We need Woodfall next for the Song of Soaring.
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Wasn't there a way to avoid shooting the nest in the first place? Or did I just imagine hearing about that? Invalid Session. Please resubmit the form. Invalid Session. Please resubmit the form. Invalid Session. Please resubmit the form. Invalid Session. Please resubmit the form. Invalid Session. Please resubmit the form.
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Here's the video;6521729;;/fileinfo.html It also proves that bomerang is possible.
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Mukki wrote:
That's the first two cycles absolutely done. Finished. Done. Over. I'm happy to start the third cycle now.
Hold up there; Desyncs for me when you're climbing the invisible ladders >_<
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I'll check that. I never had a chance to look at it before posting it up here and it had never desynced before so I assumed all would be fine. EDIT -- Fixed Going to bed now...
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AKA wrote:
Here's the video;6521729;;/fileinfo.html It also proves that bomerang is possible.
Nice. However, using arrows (which we will have by that point) is still the fastest. Deku bubbles take time to charge up, and I'm pretty sure you cannot stand this far away:
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Location: United Kingdom This is up until leaving Clock Town. I'm sure I did this as well as it can be done and after so many more desyncs I don't really fancy doing it again. I followed Petrie's route and for the scarecrow song I chose to (attempt) to play the Scottish national anthem. Not that I'm even slightly patriotic at all, I just thought it'd be cool to have a little bit of the author in there. Anyway, as always, get back to me :)
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oh whew, so the invisible ladder problem wasn't on my end. that's why there hasn't been an avi yet.
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some of us are getting desynchs in town... myself right after getting the adult wallet, others a little while thereafter.
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I'm retarded and thought being able to see the blue arrow underneath text indicated a desync so I stopped recording. but then the m64 continue playing fine and I guess you just couldn't press A right away. sooo the video is a bit short, but you wip works fine. Obviously whenever you do the next wip I'll resume from where this left off, and not from termina.
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I guess that you stopped when talking to the bomb shop man. That is a longer text box because I have to wait for him to sit down on the counter. If you got to Termina then that's great. It means that everything's working fine. I'll progress tomorrow :)
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What's with all those sidehops on the path between Mountain Village and Goron Village? You do not change direction, so what's preventing you from supersliding there? Instead, you superslide for under two seconds to cover that short distance near the end... A superslide takes four seconds to set up, so keep this mind when calculating tradeoffs. Good job scaling the cliff to Goron Graveyard without the Lens. Have you tried backwalking as opposed to rolling when 1. entering the graveyard entrance 2. heading towards Darmani Also, did you play the SoH at the farthest possible distance from Darmani? If I recall correctly, you can Z-target him from pretty far away once you have the Lens equipped. Clock Town (so far) was nicely done.