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are you going for a full 100 % run? including the proto shield and all rush adapters? and ofcourse auto's bolt and beat? since you got the rush search? icon in burstman's level
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Actually, I got the Rush Search because I figured I was going to get Rocket Punch, but in retrospect that's not such a spectacular idea for pure speed. Also, since I've already skipped Protoman in Cloud Man's level, I don't think I'll be able to rescue what I've got. But, that's all right. There's still plenty of little errors to fix here and there, and the main reason I haven't gone back to fix them is to see how to time attack different parts of the game (since I only vaguely remember any of it.) Once I feel I've got a handle on that, I'll either go through for pure speed or for a fastest 100%. I have to say, a fastest 100% sounds appealing...
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Nice movie idd!
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Whoever does this movie, make sure you use the code for the Ghouls 'n' Ghosts 'n' Goblins song if it doesn't take any time (like the birdie code from Megaman 2).
You know, I had no clue what you were talking about until I read about it on Gamefaqs the other day. It really suprised me and my brothers! Anyways, here's the latest version... http://www.kraftfam.org/~erk/Megaman7-Gigafrost-V2.zip Completed: Intro level Freeze Man Burst Man Cloud Man Junk Man *Mid-boss thingy* Slash Man Spring Man Shade Man I have to admit that I didn't test Spring Man's level out without the Rush Adaptor. To make things even more complex, I didn't even test out if it's faster to switch out of the Rush Adaptor at certain parts. I suspect that leaving the Rush Adaptor on is faster, but I can't guarantee that. Likewise, I can't guarantee that the Outer-Shell path in Shade Man's level is definately the faster of the two, but I suspect it is because... -I'd have to wait for the Pumpkin to open -The elevator along that path is self-paced I experimented with Shade Man a bit and much to my suprise he appears to be weak to the Rush Adaptor. I had no clue, heh. I think I'm probably going to try and redo the battle, though. Watching me get hit that one time is painful... Turbo Man's level might take a while to do. The problem is the Rocket Punch...although I do have doubts that it'd be faster, I also now have doubts as to whether it'd be slower. I have to go through all of the Wily levels to have any sort of idea. :\
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o/~ Tobaseee~ tekken, Roketto Panchi~~~ *ahem* Sorry, had to get that outta my system. <3 New versions, yay. You just gave me something extra to watch tonight. Which is very good since Mondays are evil and dumb. o_ov
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I'll watch it when it's full complete and comment it then! ;>
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i didn't read all this thread but you get the Rush Search for what? i cant urdestood hehe
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I got it to obtain the Rocket Punch, however I've certainly had my doubts of getting it. Well, I'll have a pretty good idea after this run whether it's useful or not. Problem is, a next version would definately take longer to make (classes start august 25th, it's also possible I'll have a job to fill in my extra time).
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This timeattack looks really great so far! Looking forward to seeing the completed run!
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Well, I ran into a snag so I figured I'd complain about it a bit and update y'all. First off, the complaining. I was expecting the second battle against Bass to provide some challenges, but not to be so problematic. In my current version, it's definately faster to take damage at a point in the battle, hence the damage in the current version, but I think it'd be faster to take damage at a previous part of the battle as well. I'll also have to fight him without using the Adaptor to see how much faster\slower it is. But, feeling like you have to take damage in a boss fight is just bleh. Anyways, here's the latest version of the run: http://www.kraftfam.org/~erk/Megaman7-Gigafrost-V3.zip Completed: Intro Stage Freeze Man Burst Man Cloud Man Junk Man Clown Mid-Boss Slash Man Spring Man Shade Man Turbo Man Wily Stage 1 Wily Stage 2 up to Bass Version 1 of Bass+Treble battle Naturally, I'm going to work on the Bass+Treble battle some more before going on. Things I'd like to mention: Shade Man's battle was improved so that, not only do I not take any damage, the battle has been improved 42 frames. I also discovered that you do not need to bounce the Noise Crush off of walls to charge it and I've already abused that quite a bit. It'll make the boss of Wily Level 3 easier, I think. Although I haven't tried using the Rush Adaptor against Turbo Man, since it takes roughly 200 frames to equip it I'm pretty sure that the total time gained per charge won't make up for the delay to change into the suit. I've also gone ahead with getting the Rocket Punch, even though it's looking to be a total waste of time. But then again, not getting it makes getting the Rush Search a total waste of time anyways. But, I do use it (although I don't think it's needed).
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Gigafrost wrote:
I also discovered that you do not need to bounce the Noise Crush off of walls to charge it and I've already abused that quite a bit.
So what do you do instead???
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
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If you shoot the noise coil and slide at the same time, after about 7 frames you absorb the shot as if it had bounced. I know you can absorb the shot even if you slide 1 or 2 frames after shooting, but I haven't checked to see the maximum. Anyways, I can't believe I forgot to provide that information in the first place! D'oh!
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And this does ur run how much faster?
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The noise coil instant-charge? It shaves off a few frames every now and then. Sometimes it doesn't even shave off any time, but it still adds more entertainment to the video.
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Ok, nice :> To do funny stuff with the character if u have time over is the best thing to watch imo :>
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Just FYI, I've finished it. I think I found a very good solution to the Bass problem I experienced earlier, hehehe. Rocket Punch turned out to be completely useless, but I guess that's not too big a suprise, heh. Now that that's over, I have to say that I don't feel relieved since I now have to start working on version 2... Now all I have to do is wonder whether or not it should be submitted. It needs far too many improvements, imo. But, anyways, here it is for download\viewing: http://www.kraftfam.org/~erk/Megaman7-Gigafrost-V4.zip Also, in case anybody else is working on their own version or want to try and complete an improved version before I finish version 2, here's the list of improvements I'm going to make:
***Planned improvements*** Intro Stage: -Remove that rogue shot -Falling straight out of a slide is faster -Crash into Met instead of jump? -Experiment with Bass a bit more Freeze Man Stage: -Hit vs Jump for first flying enemy? -Etc for another one of them? -Skip Rush Search -One or two shots done better against Freeze Man Burst Man Stage: -Crash into first enemy? -Crash into second enemy more efficiently? -(Possibly get Rush Coil out after mid-boss?) -Improve second block-appearing room? -Slide towards Burst Man after firing first shot Cloud Man Stage: -Rush Coil's first use...how efficient is it? -Should have shot a specific flying enemy -Optimize a couple enemy fights? -Might be able to kill blowing enemies a few frames later? -Make sure Cloud Man's fight can't be faster Junk Man Stage: -Make second elevator ride more entertaining Mid-way Stage: -N\A Slash Man Stage: -Do after Shade Man and Turbo Man -Kill first dinosaur -Double-check to make sure Rush Adapator is really faster. -Make sure both Rush Coil parts are efficient -Kill mid-boss faster (charged Noise, etc...) -Bee-trees done faster (charged Noise) -Crash into all four eggs? No jumping? -Slash Man battle will be fully optimized Spring Man Stage: -Make sure Rush Adaptor really is faster -Oops! Forgot to use Rush Adaptor at the top of a ladder! -Should I use it at the top of the last ladder as well? -First hit against Spring Man done more efficiently Shade Man Stage: -Done before Slash Man Stage, still before Turbo Man -Manipulate luck on second screen - avoid damage? -Use something other than Slash Claw against 3rd bird -Manipulate luck on werewolf screen? -Use something other than Slash Claw against flying shield Turbo Man Stage: -Done before Slash Man Stage and after Shade Man Stage -Not use Slash Claw against tire enemy -Skip Rocket Punch -Manipulate luck to make Turbo Man "squeel" shorter? Wily Stage 1: -Use Junk Shield against jumping bots? -Optimize first Rush Coil jump? -Might be able to kill blowing enemies a few frames later? -Better position to put on Rush Adaptor? -Kill enemies w/o Rocket Punch -Bass battle slightly faster w/o Rocket Punch? -Make sure Rush Adaptor is right to against Bass Wily Stage 2: -Use a 6th ability against Bass -2nd path through spring room really slower? -Not faster to put on Rush Adaptor in spring room? -Attacking with the bubble was a good thing, right? Wily Stage 3: -Make sure Rush Adaptor put on at good time? -Use Noise Crush and completely replace Slash Claw? Wily Stage 4: -Starting jump to get to Slash and Freeze teleporters -No rogue shots against Slash Man? -Implement improvements to Cloud Man fight found earlier -Implement improvements to Turbo Man fight found earlier -Rush Adaptor slower than recharging spring? (Most likely) -Manipulate luck against Wily #2: make him appear sooner?
Oh, and I ran into a glitch while playing, although not only is it useless but it's counter-productive to speed running. Basically, while I was going through Wily Level 3, I first killed the two Sniper Joes with Danger Wrap. For some reason, after that I couldn't switch weapons with L and R! Well, I changed that part a bit (speeding it up in the process) and that glitch is avoided, fortunately.
Joined: 8/24/2004
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congratulations for your speed run Gigafrost.
I am a Mega Man fan that hates Megaman X8.
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From Beddoe at SDA's forum: "I'd love to smack that smiley off your face. Don't you just love how these smug cheaters think they are doing legit gamers some kind of favor? With few exceptions, you're actually discouraging legit speed runs. Don't kid yourself. You're just a low life, scumbag cheater, just like the rest of the cheaters at Bisqwit's site" This is a reply to Gigafrost's timeattack on Megaman7. Sorry for my language but what an asshole. And Gigafrost never bother these kind of people.
Nitrogenesis wrote:
Guys I come from the DidyKnogRacist communite, and you are all wrong, tihs is the run of the mileniun and everyone who says otherwise dosnt know any bater! I found this run vary ease to masturbate too!!!! Don't fuck with me, I know this game so that mean I'm always right!StupedfackincommunityTASVideoz!!!!!!
Arc wrote:
I enjoyed this movie in which hands firmly gripping a shaft lead to balls deep in multiple holes.
natt wrote:
I don't want to get involved in this discussion, but as a point of fact C# is literally the first goddamn thing on that fucking page you linked did you even fucking read it
Cooljay wrote:
Mayor Haggar and Cody are such nice people for the community. Metro City's hospitals reached an all time new record of incoming patients due to their great efforts :P
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It was music from Super Ghouls n Ghosts in Shade Mans stage!! Lovely ;) Nice run indeed.
/Walker Boh
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Well, I was posting in that thread, of course, but I feel justified since the author wanted a Mega Man 7 run and this site was brought up (after which the thread author mentioned that we didn't have any of the Mega Man runs that he had listed). I think it was almost ironic how he wanted to "smack that smiley" off my face when it was there expressing that I wanted a legit speed run, and he then turns around and accusses us of discouraging legit speed runs. Thanks for the positive comments. :) About the Shade Man music...I think in a 100% run (assuming that collecting involves digging everything up) Shade Man's stage should be interesting because you'd have to enter it twice and the second time you would have to hear the normal music. Oh yeah, I'm not working on the 100% run...at least not for a good while. If somebody else wants to pick up that project it'd be good. You might want to check GameFaqs for the location of every item and decide whether you're also going to collect the super bolts (you dig them up, they give you 100, they're not Auto's bolt). As for the route, the boss order from my video should be optimal for a 100% run (if you're going to dig stuff up and not buy anything). There are a few modifications... Intro Level Freeze Man **Grab Rush Search **Dig up Escape Unit just before Freeze Man's door Burst Man Cloud Man **Visit Protoman Junk Man **Which is faster? Getting Rush Jet or the S? Test! **Re-enter level, get remaining item, Escape Unit Mid Level Shade Man **Kill pumpkin outer shell - obtain Energy Balancer Turbo Man **Obtain Rocket Punch **Visit Proto Man Return to Shade Man Stage **Kill pumpkin inner shell - fight Proto Man Slash Man **Burn trees, free Beat Spring Man **Obtain Auto's Bolt Wily Stages
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Hehe, I think your movie could be very helpful to a speedrunner actually. For instance, you said that you could slide up to 2 frames after firing Noise Crush for that glitch to work, right? That's doable for someone who's dedicated enough...top fighting game players consistently perform tricks which require similar or even stricter timings. Bahness to that guy. -Josh
but then you take my 75 perchance chance of winning, if we was to go one-on-one, and then add 66 and two-thirds ch...percents...i got a 141 and two-thirds chance of winning at sacrifice
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You can get both of Junk Man's items (Rush Jet and S) in one trip. Just kill yourself after getting one of the items. :p
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4matsy - Oh! I hadn't considered that. Very interesting... Josh - Actually, I've gotten used to doing it real-time on an emulator so I'm very sure you're right! :) http://www.kraftfam.org/~erk/misc/mm7nc.smv Although you'll notice that I messed up the first one. ^.^;;
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I get a file not found for the run, and I was looking forward to watching it too :(
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Well, if it's that Noise Crush demonstration you're talking about...you're not missing much. After all, it's just a demonstration that you can do it in real-time rather easily... But, yeah, I checked the file path by making sure I could download it so it should be right...
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