Here is a new version of my Blaster Master run.
Old Time: 34:11
New Time: 33:18
Quick Info:
  • Aims for the fastest time
  • No warps (none are available)
  • Collects only necessary items (and a few stray powerups left by enemies)
  • Manipulates luck
    • Manipulates enemy spawns and their powerup drops
    • Manipulates attack patterns of enemies and bosses
  • Abuses glitches
  • Dungeon Map Glitches
    • Walks over instant death tiles by abusing invulnerability caused by taking damage
    • Walks "behind" (north) of walls that appear to have damage causing spikes but don't due to poor map design
  • Pause Abuse
    • Pauses to skip the scrolling animation between rooms
    • Pauses to activate the infamous grenade pause glitch during boss fights where bosses are still damaged even though the game is paused
  • Takes damage to save time
  • Uses death as a shortcut
  • Uses continues as a shortcut
  • Accurate shooting
Overview of the Game: Blaster Master follows Jason as he searches the underground for his lost pet Fred. Game play is divided into 8 levels, and each level consists of the overworld and dungeons. In the overworld you use your tank (and sometimes Jason) to find the correct dungeon entrance that leads to that level's boss. After defeating the boss you collect a powerup for the tank that allows you reach the next level. Here's an overview of the levels...
Description of Powerups:
  • Hyber Beam - Allows you to destroy the miniboss on the wall guarding level 2.
  • Crusher Beam - Allows you to destroy blocks that are blocking level 3.
  • Hover Mechanics - Allows you to fly above the start of the game to level 4.
  • Key - Allows you to unlock a wall to level 5.
  • Dive Part - Allows the tank to swim to level 6.
  • Wall 1 - Allows the tank to climb the sides of walls to level 7.
  • Wall 2- Allows the tank to walk on the ceilings of rooms to level 8.
Wall 2 Note: Once you get Wall 2 it makes controlling the tank more difficult. Once getting Wall 2 if you walk off an edge you will cling to it instead of simply falling down. This can be avoided by drifting off an edge instead of holding either right or left to walk off of it.
Continues: In order to save time and aleviate the boredom of having to watch a lot of backtracking I use continues as a shortcut. When you continue you are warped to the start of the current level (and thus the entrance to the previous level). I use my four continues after defeating the bosses of levels 3, 4, 5, and 7.
Pausing Between Rooms: If you pause while the game is scrolling from one room to the next it will skip the scrolling animation and put you in the next room. I use frame advance to pause/unpause at the earliest possible frame.
Grenade Pause Glitch: Bosses 2, 4, 6, and 7 can be defeated by this infamous glitch. When you pause while fighting a boss the game doesn't go to the pause screen. If you pause it while a grenade is hitting certain bosses the grenade will continue to hit the boss while the game is paused. This makes defeating bosses 2, 4, 6, and 7 quite simple.
  • (Improvement) - Uses frame advance to pause at the earliest possible frame to skip the scrolling animation inbetween rooms
  • (Improvement) - Uses frame advance to shoot backwards without turning around or losing momentum
  • (Improvement) - Uses frame advance to select weapons while paused
  • (Improvement) - Better use of special weapons
  • Shoots as many enemies as possible with accurate shots to make the run more entertaining. Doesn't destroy enemies that would cause slowdown or affect randomness in an undesirable way.
Level 1:
  • (Improvement) - Destroys more enemies in the first room to avoid slowdown
  • (Improvement) - Doesn't get hit by the miniboss guarding level 2. I don't shoot the enemy near the miniboss because doing so would cause his projectiles to hit me.
  • Swims to the dungeon entrance as Jason because Jason swims much faster than the tank.
  • I glitch a few frames up the ladder by jumping off the ladder into the wall and back onto the ladder again.
  • I glitch up to the top of the ladder by jumping.
  • (Improvement) - Faster route through the dungeon by destroying blocks in the second room to move north while walking west
  • (Improvement) - Faster and flashier boss fight by using frame advance to shoot behind me as I walk south, allowing me to constantly fire grenades at the boss.
Level 2:
  • I destroy (or don't destroy) mines depending on if doing so would cause particles that would get in my way.
  • I walk over spikes, which causes damage, but allows me to reach the door to the next room faster.
  • Uses the grenade pause glitch on the boss.
Level 3:
  • (Improvement) - Manipulates randomness in the second room so I don't have to jump to avoid landing on the worm.
  • (Improvement) - Destroys more enemies
  • (Improvement) - I demonstrate the glitch that I still have control of Jason when he bounces after taking lethal damage from a fall.
  • I kill myself by jumping to my death as Jason after defeating the boss to use a continue to warp myself back to the start of level 3.
  • (Improvement) - I improved the speed of the boss fight by beginning to walk to the location of the next spawn of the boss as soon as I fire the last grenade necessary to destroy the current spawn.
  • (Improvement) - I improved the room before the boss by destroying the blocks much more accurately.
Level 2 to Level 1:
  • Takes a shortcut to the entrance of level 1 by destroying blocks with the powerup from the second boss.
Level 1 to Level 4:
  • (Improvement) - Manipulated randomness to improve the collection of hover points
  • (Improvement) - Started the flight to the entrance of level 4 earlier.
  • (Improvement) - Used frame advance to improve jumping up the platforms in the first room back from level 3. This room looks a lot better.
Level 4:
  • (Improvement) - Faster route through the sewers.
  • (Improvement) - Faster route in the second room by falling down on the left side instead of the right.
  • (Improvement) - I activate hover earlier to fly over the wall before the dungeon entrance. I am able to do this because I have more hover points left over from flying to level 4. In the previous version I *JUST* had enough hover points to make it over this wall, thus I had to jump from the highest ground level.
  • Jumps up the two ladders in this level to save time.
  • I kill myself by jumping out of the tank as Jason to use one of my lives. This is in order to use a continue at the end of level 5. Level 5 doesn't have a very convenient way to kill yourself after defeating the boss so I use one of my lives here.
  • In order to unlock the door to the next level I must leave the tank, climb up a ladder as Jason, and then work my way down to unlock the door. To save time I jump down to unlock the door. This kills me, thus using the second of my three lives. This saves time because I don't want to safely work my way back down to the keyhole, and it saves time killing myself after the level 5 boss.
  • Uses the grenade pause glitch on the boss.
  • Takes damage to trigger unvurnurability to walk accross instant death water tiles. I use this to both take shortcuts and collect a powerup on an island which would otherwise be impossible to get to.
Level 5:
  • (Improvement) - Takes damage by getting hit by the bullets in the small corridor right before the second room. This looks messy but getting hit jumps you ahead a few frames, plus you don't seem to lose that much momentum. In my old run I actually stopped, landed, and ducked to avoid getting hit which, in retrospect, looks worse than getting hit.
  • Destroys enemies to avoid slowdown.
  • (Improvement) - Improved boss fight. I take damage by standing in the boss, which allows me to hit him easier than if I fought him from the south. I also end the boss fight with one health left, which saves time when killing myself after the fight.
Level 6:
  • (Improvement) - Uses frame advance to destroy blocks in many rooms faster and more accurately, which allows for faster movement through the room.
  • Jumps at the beginning of each room to gain momemtum on the ice.
  • (Improvement) - Uses frame advance for better destruction of the blocks. The third room looks a LOT better as I manage to continually move west while gradually heading south.
  • Walks on damage causing spikes to take shortcuts through the dungeon.
  • Uses the grenade pause glitch on the boss.
Level 6 -> Level 5, Level 5 -> Level 4, Level 4 -> Level 1:
  • Nothing special
Level 1 -> Level 2:
  • (Improvement) - More accurate jumping in the room with the entrance to level 4.
Level 2 -> Level 7:
  • Nothing special
Level 7:
  • Overworld
  • (Improvement) - Destroys blocks more efficiently.
  • Dungeon
  • (Improvement) - Walks over lava more efficiently
  • Absues invurnability caused by taking damage to walk over instant death tiles.
  • Uses the grenade pause glitch on the boss.
Level 8:
  • Overworld
  • (Improvement) - Better path in many rooms
  • (Improvement) - Better destruction of blocks
  • Goes through spikes that causes damage to save time.
  • Dungeon
  • (Improvement) - Better destruction of blocks in the room before the boss
  • (Improvement) - Only gets hit by the plutonium boss once. I get hit to continually attack the boss with grenades instead of taking the time to avoid taking damage.
Why this speedrun should be published:
  • This game demonstrates a number of glitches, accurate shootingg, and is a great improvement (both in speed and in aesthetics) from the currently published run.
That's about it, thanks for watching!

Bisqwit: Editing to update the changed submission ID to the forum post...

Bisqwit: Processing...

Joined: 8/3/2004
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This topic is for the purpose of discussing #724: namflow's NES Blaster Master (USA) in 33:17.52
Editor, Active player (297)
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Please repair the markup of your submission comments. Instructions:
Joined: 6/4/2004
Posts: 284
This is...incredibly detailed, and while I understand the request for detailing what has been done/improved, is it necessary to this extent?
Emulator Coder
Joined: 10/9/2004
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if you put half the work into the run as you did in the submission details this is gonna rock! :D
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Sorry about the formatting problems with my submission description, I'm working on fixing it now. Edit: Ok, the submission description is legible now, again sorry about that. I'll fix it up even more tomorrow by adding bold, etc. but right now I need some sleep. Sorry for the problems Bisqwit, stupid spaces at the beginning of each line fouled me up. I swear I read the instructions but the "NO SPACES AT THE BEGINNING OF THE LINE" didn't register. Please forgive my noobishness :(
Editor, Active player (297)
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After the 16th edit, much better than the 15th time! As for the movie result, 1 minute better than the previous version can't be anything but good. But only watching it will confirm ;)
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Ah, I was worried you had disappeared. This movie was excellent. I don't think I saw a single place where it could be improved. It's too bad the awesome music for this game is sometimes drowned out by the sound effects. Thank you for making this on fceu. I couldn't stand watching the old one on famtasia.
Experienced player (760)
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This is one of the only games of its kind that has never been sequence broken. I guess you could count skipping the after-boss portion of area 5, but that's due to death....anyway, chalk it up to good map design, I suppose. Ahhh the eternal battle against lag!! Which you handled very well. Great run, a definite improvement. Sentence fragment. And yes, AWESOME MUSIC!! Areas 2, 6, and 7 are the "jamz". One question: I wasn't aware you could shoot multi-warhead missles up. Does this require up+down? P.S. Voting yes.
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
Joined: 8/31/2004
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A YES from me. I know to little of this game to make any bigger coments but the movie seams well planed and played with presicion.
Bein' away for like five years, and not a single new post in the ZSNES forum... :'-(
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I'm glad you finished this. I started a version of my own and I was something like 90 frames ahead of your WIP (in the Blaster Master thread) at the beginning of stage 2, but I couldn't do the climbing part in stage 2 nearly as fast as you and I didn't have the patience that you obviously do.
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This gets a yes from me too. Awesome boss battles! ^^
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Hey all, thanks for all the positive feedback. jxq2000: You don't need to press up+down to fire the multi-warheads upwards. You need to hold up for 9 frames to get your tank to fire normal shots upwards. Once your aiming upwards you simply need to hit down+fire to trigger the multi-warheads to fire upwards. This might be difficult to do while playing normally but doesn't require pressing up and down simultaneously. As far as breaking the sequence of the game goes, you would need to complete at least level 3 in order to get the crusher beam to destroy the blocks in level 8 to reach the boss dungeon. However, I haven't found a way to skip any of the levels. The closest I came was a shortcut for level 7 by enterting an earlier dungeon in the first overworld room and using invulnurability to walk over lava to the boss's room, but there just isn't enough invulnurability time to walk over the lava. I spent 3 days trying to make it and I came was this: I noticed that if you pause the game it resets you from invurnurability state to normal state. Thus, to get that far, I began to walk on the lava and paused it while I was on the lava, but still in the hit box of an enemey on the ledge. Even this didn't give me enough time to safely reach the ledge on the right. You can't get hit by a bullet mid-lava to extend your invulnurability time (even by pausing) because if you are in a bullet's hit box but invulnurabable the bullet will disappear. Thus it is impossible to pause the game while getting hit by a bullet to reset your invurnurability buffer because the bullet will disappear before you pause it. yrsimys: I'm glad I finished this too. Just by watching it I knew my previous run could be improved, and I think this run is a lot better looking (not to mention faster.) I'd love for some competition though if you want to try another go at it! :)
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I don't think I'm up to finishing anything right now. I'm starting to lose interest in both making these videos and even watching them. They just don't feel that special anymore. Anyway, in case you are interested and perhaps someday plan on making a new version, the biggest reason for me being ahead of your wip was that I killed the level 1 miniboss with the tri-missiles I (and you) got from the iron head enemies before the level 1 boss. It is considerably faster to use them (and only them) on the miniboss.
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Hm. I went back and looked at the topic for this game, I noticed I had forgot posting my suggestions for this game not once, but twice (once to namflow and once to Kyrsimys). Sorry guys... :/ Anyway, this is good enough to be published, especially since there is an old version that it beats. I voted Yes. Perhaps, if someone has the stamina, it can be updated again, but this seems unlikely at the moment.
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namflow wrote:
I noticed that if you pause the game it resets you from invurnurability state to normal state. Thus, to get that far, I began to walk on the lava and paused it while I was on the lava, but still in the hit box of an enemey on the ledge. Even this didn't give me enough time to safely reach the ledge on the right. You can't get hit by a bullet mid-lava to extend your invulnurability time (even by pausing) because if you are in a bullet's hit box but invulnurabable the bullet will disappear. Thus it is impossible to pause the game while getting hit by a bullet to reset your invurnurability buffer because the bullet will disappear before you pause it.
And I suppose it doesn't work to pause just before the bullet enters your hitbox because you'll immediately fall into the lava when you unpause, right?
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
Post subject: Movie published
Joined: 8/3/2004
Posts: 15445
This movie has been published. The posts before this message apply to the submission, and posts after this message apply to the published movie. ---- [365] NES Blaster Master (USA) "all bosses" by namflow in 33:17.52
Joined: 4/11/2004
Posts: 104
Okay, I'm asking for assistance again. Like the Rad Racer movie, I have FDDShow installed and am running Media Player Classic. Despite the file type, however, I can't view this one either. Could someone please help me?
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I have VLC. It has worked with every media type I have tried.
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The problem is, I really don't want to switch from MPlayer Classic. It's played every media file I've thrown at it, except this Blaster Master movie and the OGM and MKV files for the Rad Racer movie -- and it should be able to play all three of them. Do I maybe have an outdated or wrong version of FFDShow?
Active player (436)
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This is the best site to be updated with the lastet ffdshow: Also, you certainly cannot expect to play ogm and mkv when you have windows classic media player.
Nitrogenesis wrote:
Guys I come from the DidyKnogRacist communite, and you are all wrong, tihs is the run of the mileniun and everyone who says otherwise dosnt know any bater! I found this run vary ease to masturbate too!!!! Don't fuck with me, I know this game so that mean I'm always right!StupedfackincommunityTASVideoz!!!!!!
Arc wrote:
I enjoyed this movie in which hands firmly gripping a shaft lead to balls deep in multiple holes.
natt wrote:
I don't want to get involved in this discussion, but as a point of fact C# is literally the first goddamn thing on that fucking page you linked did you even fucking read it
Cooljay wrote:
Mayor Haggar and Cody are such nice people for the community. Metro City's hospitals reached an all time new record of incoming patients due to their great efforts :P
Joined: 4/11/2004
Posts: 104
It's not Microsoft's old mplayer.exe, you goofball, it's Media Player Classic. :P Your help is extremely appreciated. Thank you very much.
Active player (436)
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Makou wrote: It's not Microsoft's old mplayer.exe, you goofball
yes, Bladegash can confirm that Im a goofball ^_^
Nitrogenesis wrote:
Guys I come from the DidyKnogRacist communite, and you are all wrong, tihs is the run of the mileniun and everyone who says otherwise dosnt know any bater! I found this run vary ease to masturbate too!!!! Don't fuck with me, I know this game so that mean I'm always right!StupedfackincommunityTASVideoz!!!!!!
Arc wrote:
I enjoyed this movie in which hands firmly gripping a shaft lead to balls deep in multiple holes.
natt wrote:
I don't want to get involved in this discussion, but as a point of fact C# is literally the first goddamn thing on that fucking page you linked did you even fucking read it
Cooljay wrote:
Mayor Haggar and Cody are such nice people for the community. Metro City's hospitals reached an all time new record of incoming patients due to their great efforts :P
Player (177)
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MPlayer and Media Player aren't the same thing, are they? Does the M stand for Media?
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
MPlayer and Media Player aren't the same thing, are they? Does the M stand for Media?
When I refer to MPlayer, I'm talking about this project:
Player (177)
Joined: 5/29/2004
Posts: 5712
Hmm, maybe it stands for Movies, because it's a movie player.
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude