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well.. you can always wonder why the call asian for elite xD all those korean ddr people and gamers.. argh.. so jealous that i can't waste my life gaming all day =\
// ZtanZ
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Therealssjlink wrote:
Deviance wrote:
smb "crazy god technique" video
I just wanted to note that the original fmv of that movie has it called the "SUPER BAKA TECHNIQUE". In other words, the super stupid technique (Baka in Japanese = stupid, idiot)
crazy is a synonim of stupid god=super Well I think it's similar.
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I thought the crazy god technique and the super baka technique were 2 different videos. Awhile ago I saw some SMB tricks video that was much cooler than the super baka technique and I thought it was the crazy god technique, but maybe it was just some other video.
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Michael Fried wrote:
Awhile ago I saw some SMB tricks video that was much cooler than the super baka technique and I thought it was the crazy god technique, but maybe it was just some other video.
I would like to see that cooler video
Post subject: jumping glitch
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You might have noticed this before. Its a glitch in some nes games. I've noticed it in bubble bobble and mighty bomb jack. In games where you start the level in the air, if you press the jump button repeatadly before you can move(it helps to use autofire. If it doesn't work, load and start pressing it at a different time. I think that you just have to press it at the moment that you can start moving, not sure though). You should jump instead of falling down. Has anyone else noticed this? Is this a glitch in all nes games where you start in the air?
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I'm not sure, but I think Genisto used it in Bowser's room in SMB3.
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I started watching Jonas Strandman's SMB3j warpless timeattack movie and so far it's not very good. Not only did he miss a lot of coins, but he got 292 in 1-2. I can get 293 without using save states. Edit: I watched a few more levels. In both world 1 fortress and 1-6, there were minor inaccuracies and he lost a fraction of a second, but at least he matched my non-save state times. He beat my non-save state time by 3 time units in 1-5, but one of the jumps is very hard so I wasn't able to do it correctly. Edit 2: 2-1 only had a minor inaccuracy, but 2-2 was pathetic. He only got 286, and I got 288 without save states.
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That's not very good, but I guess seeing how he was going for playing most of the levels, he probably didn't focus too much time on perfecting each level individually.
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For the past few days, I've been practicing some of the levels without using save states or slow motion. In worlds 1 and 2, I started each level with little Mario, and in world 8, I started each level with fire Mario, and in world 8 fortress, I also started with a star. Here are all my best times: 1-1: 294 1-2: 293 1-3: 294 1-fortress: 273 1-5: 288 1-6: 291 2-1: 292 2-2: 288 2-fortress: 272 2-3: 280 2-desert: 191 2-4: 294 8-1st hand stage: 191 8-2nd hand stage: 192 8-3rd hand stage: 192 8-1: 282 8-2: 290 8-fortress: 373 8-castle: 352 Edit: I practiced 8-1 some more and I improved my time to 282.
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When playing 50+ levels, a fraction of a second is just silly. The movie can probably be made a minute faster, but this is a start, at least.
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Want a speedrun competition? ;) (Is it possible to check if someone did not use 100%speed in a replay?)
Michael Fried wrote:
For the past few days, I've been practicing some of the levels without using save states or slow motion. In worlds 1 and 2, I started each level with little Mario, and in world 8, I started each level with fire Mario, and in world 8 fortress, I also started with a star. Here are all my best times: 1-1: 294 1-2: 293 1-3: 294 1-fortress: 273 1-5: 288 1-6: 291 2-1: 292 2-2: 288 2-fortress: 272 2-3: 280 2-desert: 191 2-4: 294 8-1st hand stage: 191 8-2nd hand stage: 192 8-3rd hand stage: 192 8-1: 282 8-2: 290 8-fortress: 373 8-castle: 352 Edit: I practiced 8-1 some more and I improved my time to 282.
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Michael Fried mentioned starting a speed run challenge thread. Looks like he now has an opponent. :P
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Want a speedrun competition? ;) Yes. I'll make a new topic for it soon.
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I just sent Nintendo an email to try to find out whether the Bowser's Castle shortcut was a glitch or intentional. I think it's obviously intentional, but Twin Galaxies seems to disagree (by their rules, going through walls is a banned glitch). What do you people think?
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The passing through walls glitch was unintentional. It's just like the one in Rockman 2, where you get forced out of a wall that the player getrs trapped in.
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I say it should be allowed. If you go to world 5-1, you will find a long narrow tunnel leading to the music box. The only way to get to the other side, other than using P-wing, is to duck into the entrance and let the whole "moving through walls" thing take you to the music box. It's definitely their intention for you to use it here. Generally, if you slide and duck under some low blocks to hit them, the game still makes you pass through them when you stand up. Anyone who has played through this game has used it all the time and not even noticed. So, if you can use it in these instances, why would it be a problem to use it anywhere else in the game? You can use these examples to argue using the final level shortcut. Personally, I'm not very fond of the rules that the TG people come up with for some games, and it's why I'm hesitant to submit anything to them. My runs always use tricks and glitches that they would probably ban.
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Sleepz wrote:
If you go to world 5-1, you will find a long narrow tunnel leading to the music box. The only way to get to the other side, other than using P-wing, is to duck into the entrance and let the whole "moving through walls" thing take you to the music box.
in fact i think that if u just get in there ducked, hold forward and down, and start jumping, mario will move pixel per pixel for each jump, so u can get there without p-wing and without the glitch. it's very slow.
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NESRocks wrote:
in fact i think that if u just get in there ducked, hold forward and down, and start jumping, mario will move pixel per pixel for each jump, so u can get there without p-wing and without the glitch. it's very slow.
Yes, I know that, but what point are you trying to make? You can also get through the game just by jumping alone with no running. You're obviously not expected to though. They didn't make that long tunnel for you to duck-jump all the way to the end. If they didn't expect you to use the wall glitch(shouldn't even be called a glitch), then they wouldn't have made that long tunnel or any of the low level blocks that you can slide under. The point I'm trying to make is that something so commonly used (and intended to be used) in this game shouldn't be banned in a specific place just because it makes for a good shortcut.
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Nintendo replied to my email and they gave the typical vague response that doesn't help at all in answering the question, so I sent them another email. Does anyone have any suggestions for a good way to word the email in order to try to get an answer out of Nintendo?
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can you paste your emailed question and the reply here? I think that would help in wording the next email.
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Ok, I'll do that. My first email:
mjf314 wrote:
Hi, I have a question about a shortcut in Bowser's Castle, the last level of world 8 in Super Mario Bros. 3. After climbing up the staircase, there's an invisible block containing a 1-up. If you hit the block, there's a small space between the block and the ceiling. If you're Super Mario and you duck and jump on top of the block and then stand up, you get pushed to the right through the wall and skip a small part of the level. I want to know whether this was a glitch that was put into the game by accident, or if Nintendo intentionally put this shortcut into the game and intended for people to be able to discover this shortcut and be able to go through the wall. Thanks for your time and I hope you're able to answer my question.
Nintendo's vague reply:
Nintendo wrote:
Message(#6851-000281-6814\2816814) Hello and thank you for contacting Nintendo, Many of the details about our games remain mysteries. Perhaps some of them will be solved by information revealed on our website ( or in future games or upcoming issues of Nintendo Power. Some answers, however, are left to the active imaginations of our game players. Have fun! Nintendo of America Inc. Joel Nicholson Nintendo's home page: Power Line (Automated Product Info): (425) 885-7529
My second email:
mjf314 wrote:
Yesterday I sent you an email about a shortcut in Bowser's Castle in Super Mario Bros. 3 and I got a vague response, so I'll try to make my question more clear. You said that many details about the games remain mysteries, but I already know exactly how the shortcut works so it's not a mystery. All I want to know is whether the shortcut was put in the game by accident or whether it was put in the game intentionally. You said that some answers are left to the imaginations of the players, but the answer to my question clearly isn't. Would it be possible for you to contact someone who was involved in designing the levels in Super Mario Bros. 3, or give me an email address that I could contact, in order to find out whether the shortcut was intentional or not? Please don't send me another automated response, just give me one of these three answers: intentional, unintentional, or no way to contact someone who knows the answer. I and some other people have been wondering about this for awhile and I want to finally get this settled. If you could find out the answer for me or give me the email address of someone who would know the answer, I would greatly appreciate it.
Post subject: Re: is the shortcut intentional or not
Editor, Active player (297)
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I don't recommend asking them at all. I believe the "shortcut" is just a bug that has been ignored in the "hope nobody notices it and if they do we don't care" way. It's not something they would like to talk about - it's an error in the code, but a very minor one. Fixing it would have been too much problem and would have induced more problems (i.e. more chances to get stuck in the wall so that you have to reset the game to get out). The level designer probably hasn't remembered (or cared) to consider it when making the level.
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Shouldn't you be writing the makers of the game in Japan? I doubt some bean counter at Nintendo USA is going to give two figs about a decade-old game.
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Michael Fried wrote:
I just sent Nintendo an email to try to find out whether the Bowser's Castle shortcut was a glitch or intentional. I think it's obviously intentional, but Twin Galaxies seems to disagree (by their rules, going through walls is a banned glitch). What do you people think?
I first read about that shortcut in the offical strategy/walkthrough book for SMB3. If it is officially accepted, I think it should be accepted in a time attack.
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Shouldn't you be writing the makers of the game in Japan? Do you have their email address? If it is officially accepted, I think it should be accepted in a time attack. If by time attack you mean made with Famtasia, then of course it's accepted, all glitches are. I'm more concerned about whether or not it should be allowed in speed runs done on a real NES.