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I think This is a good MC4 time.
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comicalflop wrote:
I think This is a good MC4 time.
Wow, impressive! I wonder if this can be used in a regular TAS to cut down the lap times even more...
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Yes, I saw this when it was posted by Michael Fried. I think he improved it a bit further, even. It wouldn't be as efficient for the first four laps, since you drive more or less straight into the barrier, and setting up the next lap from this position might take long enough that it ultimately isn't quite as helpful as it seems. For the last lap, it's all good, and will save easy time. I wouldn't count on even the last lap being this fast during a 5-lap attempt, but I've been surprised before. Andreas
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Interesting. I'll have to modify my "circle-skip" bot to do this... it might end up being best to do little "V" shapes bouncing back and forth off the wall rather than circles. Status of the bot for Mario Circuit 1: I've made a tool for drawing out routes for my bot (click to add waypoints, click on a red waypoint then click somewhere else to move it, to restart hit enter in the browsers URL bar), and the kart will then follow them quite nicely. After genetically-optimising some waypoints for 1 day on my CPU, it got a time of 67.69 seconds... which I think isn't bad considering I haven't taught it how to hop, skid, boost or get items yet.
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I wonder if you could bounce across to the left again and keep going back and forth across the line while bouncing against the wall. Here he does one jump to the left to skip the line, then one jump to the right to pass over. His angle is more sevre after going to the right so it might take more than 1 jump to go back to the left again. But even if it takes 2 or 3 jumps both ways that still would be a lot faster. You do 10 jumps with the circle method; the wall way could be as low as 2.
"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence."
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Huffers wrote:
it might end up being best to do little "V" shapes bouncing back and forth off the wall rather than circles.
Spider-Waffle wrote:
I wonder if you could bounce across to the left again and keep going back and forth across the line while bouncing against the wall. Here he does one jump to the left to skip the line, then one jump to the right to pass over. His angle is more sevre after going to the right so it might take more than 1 jump to go back to the left again. But even if it takes 2 or 3 jumps both ways that still would be a lot faster. You do 10 jumps with the circle method; the wall way could be as low as 2.
I said the same thing in five times fewer words than you ;P Also, I've discovered that bouncing as you hit the wall isn't necessary to skip laps. Edit: The bot is coming along. After tweaking its genetic algorithm a bit, it was able to get a time of 61.53 seconds on Mario Circuit 1 (after I left it running all night). I still haven't taught it to hop, use items, boost or anything yet though. Edit: Taught the bot to do basic mini-boosts. It now gets a time of 58.93 seconds as Mario on MC1, after being left for one night to optimise its route. EDIT: left it overnight doing a second pass on the last route, and it now gets a time of 52.67 seconds. Without using any items. Next up I'm going to teach it how to get mushrooms.
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Oh yes, I totally like this Super Mario Kart much better than any other Mari Kart Game I've played.
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You may want to start by reading this thread. It has a number of tricks in it. Also, I'd recommend watching the published run.
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Didn't even remember I once started a Mario Kart topic...
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Hey guys, I've been playing Super Mario Kart a lot lately and came up with a few ideas for a fun tool-assisted demonstration: - 2-player GP. In fact, there may well be tricks to allow 2-player GP to finish faster than 1-player, if we're looking for a pure speedrun; if not, then at least you have the interest of having two players. - Perhaps see how much you can mess with the placement of the computers. You know how when the 2nd place computer gets knocked back, how he furiously rushes to get back to 2nd and the other computers oblige. That means that most of the time it's the same four people getting points each race. But with a TAS (especially with 2-player) we can harass the computers with so many items and so much bad luck that we could totally change the order. - Along those lines, at the end of the GP we could go for some numerically interesting results. For instance, it's possible to have a seven-way tie at 12 points (with the last person at 11).
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Great new run, does everything I could think of. Using ideal character for each cup, totally sweet!
"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence."
Post subject: Super Mario Kart get last challenge
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I haven't really tested this yet too much, but I really think it's possible and would look really fun for a fool around TAS. Not meant to be serious but I bet some people would like to see it done. The goal? Finish a cup 8th. Seems pretty easy right? Go play Super Mario Kart, you'll realize very quickly that the place of all the computers is set nearly in stone and set based on the character you use. The computer also tries it's best to return to that position in the race if hit. If by some off chance that a computer goes up or down a rank, that is the rank they are set to stay in the next race. In fact it's not uncommon at all to only have four players, including the human player with points and all having gotten the same place in each race. This is also especially hard because you have to finish at least 4th in every race to continue to the next one. This is my theory: I think it's possible to get all the other computer players enough points so that 5 points (the absolute minimum the human player can have to even finish the cup) is also 8th place. There are five races and if a computer player finishes first(9 points) one time, second(6 points) one time, or third place twice(3+3) they will have more than 5 points obviously and outrank the human player. There are 5 races and 7 computers. Seems like plenty of time, but remember all the computers fight to return to their predetermined place. I think the best I did on console was 5th final. It's not easy.
Soft Blue Dragon
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I seem to remember that CPU karts can get stuck once in a while. If that could be manipulated, then this would be trivial.
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Sounds like a really fun challenge, especially if you want to do it as fast as possible (i.e. still be a speedrun) good luck if anybody is giving it a go
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Some guy named Hue Le made a video of that. I'm sadly out of a link right now, but he made it. That wasn't TASed or anything. The player has to carefully manipulate the CPU's finishing order. Very hard to do.
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Nightwatch wrote:
I seem to remember that CPU karts can get stuck once in a while. If that could be manipulated, then this would be trivial.
If you can show that to me, that would be awesome. o-o
zdude255 wrote:
Found the link. http://www.angelfire.com/linux/hue21692/smk.html
Oh awesome. I knew I couldn't have been the only one to come up with this idea. Well I decided to go through with it. This is TASed and I think it's a lot cleaner and faster and hopefully more entertaining. This isn't by any means a cleaned up TAS, just a concept. Any ideas on how to make it better? http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/1078495449/SMK-Donamer-finish8th.smv
Soft Blue Dragon
Post subject: Re: Super Mario Kart get last challenge
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DonamerDragon wrote:
I think the best I did on console was 5th final. It's not easy.
I got down to 6th place once, about a year after the game came out, and I didn't try to go lower because I figured out the pattern for all "below-bronze" finishes. wait that was Mario Kart 64...I think I only went down to 4th in SMK, never mind
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Hmmm looks a whole lot different than i expected :P I realize it'd be very hard to but I thought there would be more manipulation Also one example ... would it be possible to race to the finish like a regular TAS (don't finish), then start laying about bananas in a pattern that will result in the order you want/need? I believe this way the CPUs will arrive earlier due to the 'if you drive fast we drive fast' code? edit: Also, how about trying for a more equally distributed score? :D (I think the best possible is 12,12,12,9,9,9,9,4) edit2: oh actually you dont have to have 4.... so even low variance in the scores can be gotten with 12,10,10,9,9,9,9,8 edit3: ok wait i assumed 4 races instead of 5 :P let me re-do that edit4: so I think 13,12,12,12,12,12,12,10 is best? :D
TASes: [URL=http://tasvideos.org/Movies-298up-Obs.html]Mr. Nutz (SNES), Young Merlin 100% (SNES), Animaniacs 100% (SNES)[/URL]
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DaTeL237 wrote:
Hmmm looks a whole lot different than i expected :P I realize it'd be very hard to but I thought there would be more manipulation Also one example ... would it be possible to race to the finish like a regular TAS (don't finish), then start laying about bananas in a pattern that will result in the order you want/need? I believe this way the CPUs will arrive earlier due to the 'if you drive fast we drive fast' code? edit: Also, how about trying for a more equally distributed score? :D (I think the best possible is 12,12,12,9,9,9,9,4) edit2: oh actually you dont have to have 4.... so even low variance in the scores can be gotten with 12,10,10,9,9,9,9,8 edit3: ok wait i assumed 4 races instead of 5 :P let me re-do that edit4: so I think 13,12,12,12,12,12,12,10 is best? :D
Heh, well first before anything I'd like to note again that this was just a "quick" TAS to get something out there, to prove it was possible and maybe a few funny things to see. I am absolutely sure now with some effort I could do a lot of that. The only thing with the bananas is, you can only get one at a time and after like 3 they start disappearing so it might be hard to do that. Thanks for your input I will remember this if I start a good TAS of it...
Soft Blue Dragon
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Too bad the best you can do is 2nd for one race, otherwise you could finish one of the tracks in 15 seconds.
"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence."
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Anyone have the link the hacked rom where you can use infinite mushroom boosts?
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Donamer, please post in the existing Super Mario Kart topic (found here: http://tasvideos.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2488&start=500 ) from now on, locking this.
Nitrogenesis wrote:
Guys I come from the DidyKnogRacist communite, and you are all wrong, tihs is the run of the mileniun and everyone who says otherwise dosnt know any bater! I found this run vary ease to masturbate too!!!! Don't fuck with me, I know this game so that mean I'm always right!StupedfackincommunityTASVideoz!!!!!!
Arc wrote:
I enjoyed this movie in which hands firmly gripping a shaft lead to balls deep in multiple holes.
natt wrote:
I don't want to get involved in this discussion, but as a point of fact C# is literally the first goddamn thing on that fucking page you linked did you even fucking read it
Cooljay wrote:
Mayor Haggar and Cody are such nice people for the community. Metro City's hospitals reached an all time new record of incoming patients due to their great efforts :P
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So I'm looking to get huffers' attention. I'm hoping he'd be interested in being part of the team working on a HL TAS. Anyone know how I could contact him besides PM? EDIT: well he responded to PM right away and is really interested so all is well! :)
"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence."
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Incidentally, there's a trick to play the GP with the 2nd player (on the starting screen, hold L and R and press Start to go through the menus) and I imagine it would save a fair bit of time on the initial race of each cup because you start in the seventh position, not the eighth. EDIT: actually it's probably better just to use two players anyways; even if the other player never races seriously, it's faster for him to Give Up during the winner's fanfare than to listen to the whole thing.