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This is my first ever submission.
I use snes9x-1.43-win32 as my emulator
The settings i use for the saound quality is:
  • Sound Driver: Snes9x DirectSound
  • Playback Rate: 48 KHz
  • Mix Interval: 10 ms
  • Buffer Length: 10 ms
  • 16-Bit playback: Check
  • Stereo: Check
  • Reverse Stereo: Uncheck
  • Linear Interp. of S.Data: Check
  • Generate sample data in sync with sound CPU: Uncheck
The settings i use for sound emulation is:
  • Volume envelope height reading: Check
  • Echo Effects: Check
  • Master volume control: Check
  • Mute Sound: Uncheck
  • Anti-Resonance's sample decoding method: Uncheck
  • Enable saound CPU emulation: Check
The Emulation settings are these:
  • Auto-Save S-RAM: 30
  • Skip at most: 1
  • Skip Rendering: 15
  • Tab Toggles Turbo: Uncheck
Cameltry is a game kinda like pinball but without the flaps and instead of the ball going around it is the board thats moving. The point of the game is to get from start to finish (naturaly) in the fastest time possible, and that is hard. This game may look kinda easy to just zoom through but it is not. The key to fast completian of the game is the bouncing. Generaly it goes faster to avoid all kind of contakt to the walls but that is simply impossible. Sometimes it is even faster and required to bounce for a faster run.
I try to make this movie interesting to look at and in the same time comlete it as fast as possible. The hardest part of this game is to control the bounce. If you press down near a wall the ball will shoot of and speed increasing. This is not just hard to do in the right direction it is also very unreliable since the ball can go in any kind of direction.
The aims I had for this run were these:
  • Fastest time
  • Playing at hardest level
  • Takes no damage (not hitting any timereducing marks)

Truncated: Rejected in favor of this submission which is faster. When you submit a faster version, you should cancel your older one to make life easier for the judges.

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This topic is for the purpose of discussing #685: hadock's SNES On the Ball "First Plane" in 05:46.52
Player (25)
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Which Emulator settings have you use? Because it desync after some Stages by me.
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Editor, Active player (297)
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I didn't try watching this movie, but those "Skip" settings look very dangerous (for movie consistency) to me...
Player (246)
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actually, bisqwit, those settings are default. the only setting that wasnt default to me was the sound Playback Rate: 48 KHz (mine was at 22). So, apart from default settings, use these to watch: Playback Rate: 48 KHz USE WIP1 timing = no allow left+right = no volume envolope height reading = yes fake mute desync workaround = no About the movie, i was expecting to see more bouncing off walls instead of whole 180° turns. Maybe it was faster the way it was done, but it doesnt look so. Some curves werent too convincing either. It was a very nice attempt, i think. But still can be better by using the jump button (isnt there one?) i'm voting meh now
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Waah, not bad at all, I think... It's well played in my opinion, so i voted yes for it... Though it gives me headache after a while :p
Not dead yet... still very busy... damn...
Player (86)
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Hmm.. Not a bad game.... it kinda boreded me seeing the same thing over and over. but.. it was a great movie. I think that IMO that it would be better if like FODA said there was a jump button.. to maybe find shortcuts? (Im not very fimiliar with the game) but im sure some rounds could have been quicker for touching the goal. Im sure you will make a improvement soon.. Look forward to it! I'll hold my vote.
Player (246)
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i'm pretty sure theres a bump button, kinda like tilting a pinball table
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Three is a bounce button... i wrote it in the submission and it is the down button. the thing to it is that when you press it it can bounce almost anywhere and is really hard to control. The only way to control it somwhat is if you pount directly at the spot you want it to bounce and that takes to much time... It will turn out like this: First the ball goes to a wall. Then when the ball is touching it you need to press down. but for the ball to gain speed you allso need to turn a 180 degrees turn so that the ball still goes the way you want it to go. but when you turn that turn the ball will slam into walls and chance directions. So I figured that the fastest way is not hitting the wall to much.
Player (246)
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Location: Rio, Brazil
if you know how to make it faster, then you should do it, because as it is its imperfect (making these movies IS slow and worksome)
Player (86)
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Location: Newfoundland, Canada
Have you tried jumping over those blocks you need to destroy?
Joined: 11/28/2004
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Voting no because i couldnt see that you used the turbo (holding b button) and why dont you do a full game run? The difficulities dont adjust the overall difficulity, but how the maps are made. Easy is almost straightforward maps with no real challanges, the harder det difficulity the harder maps.
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I didnt even know you could speed up by holding B (will improve that)... but i dont know what you meen when you say i dont do a run on the hardest level... i am choosing the hardest rank so i dont really get it why you say i dont play at the hardest level.
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What i meant was that you start at the easiest difficulity, then after thats done you choose the next one and so on.
The best time you have is the time you share with other people.
Joined: 8/11/2004
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Ok i get what you meen... and the reason i did not do a 100% run is that i never thought about it haha... i might as well do that =) and since i didnt use the "boost" button in this run it is obviusly an incomplete run. so ill just have to make one that has the booster in it =) thanks for the critics
Joined: 11/28/2004
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No problem, this is one of the runs i would want to see get done:).
The best time you have is the time you share with other people.
Joined: 1/31/2005
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It goes bad in the middle. Can the author explain for it?
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I wonder why the author hasn't cancelled this submission. How about someone just reject this due to it being incomplete and very suboptimal?
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om, nom, nom... blech, stale!