This is actually a hex-editing question, but I didn't find any information on it in any of the faq's/guides, so here goes.
In an .smv file, where in the "header" (the first 100~200 bytes, before the frame input begins) is the movie's length stored? It might be different for each movie file 'cause I know the size of the "header" changes dependant on the game, but if that is the case could someone explain to me how I can find it?
(I'm asking because I recently discovered that when you record over an earlier part of a movie, the file isn't actually cropped to the point where you stop recording, the movie is simply designated to end at the frame you stopped recording. Since I can still use most of the rest of the run, it would help a lot if I can just hex in a later end frame.)
If life were an RPG, I'd be an NPC.