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Interesting thought. So does entering the gyms turn off walk through walls or what? I haven't been able to so any testing yet, so I'm kind of in the dark about lots of stuff. About the Elite Four people: Are you sure that if you go to extreme left or right they'll still block you?
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Yes. Entering or exiting any building, being forced to walk somewhere (e.g. a "the door is locked" push), or having a trainer walk up to you will remove the walk-through-walls status. Whereas with wild pokemon battles, use of teleport/fly, trainer battles initiated by talking, or death, the walk-through-walls status will remain. Being on the far left or far right makes no difference with the badge checks. You should really consider testing some of these things yourself, since there is even the option of playing directly off the sample movie I posted (pokemonred_sequencebreak.vbm). If you need Fly to get to various cities, simply patch it on with 011373D1.
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This may not be practical, but since i beleive your pokemon get damaged by walking if poisoned even if your automatically walking, I.E. Cycling road, hall of fame, Could you have your last pokemon faint from poisoning in the hall of fame? I beleive that it might actually make the credits appear faster. there also some minor glitches such as this.
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Fainted pokemon still appear in the credits, so your poison idea doesn't work. For the image you posted, you should link it instead of trying to embed it. I think I might have seen something like that before (Ash and Prof. Oak positioned as such), but you'll have to remind us how you did it so we can confirm it doesn't waste time. About badge checks, it seems I spoke too soon. You can skip the Earthbadge check by biking on the far right. Now we can skip Viridian Gym altogether, breaking into Saffron Gym has become a viable timesaver (to skip both Pokemon Tower and Silph Co.), and it finally seems possible to complete the game in less than an hour. Demo: pokemonred_skipearthbadge.vbm I also should have mentioned that the Boulderbadge check is easily skipped by not entering the building with the guard, although you'll still need to beat Brock early in the game to get past Pewter City.
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For those of you who can't see Rridgway's image, this should be better. How does THAT work? About HoF poisoning: I don't think it would work, because it would simply send you to the Pokémon Centre.
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@hanzou: i know the hall of fame records fainted pokemon. i was wondering what would happen if all were fainted? would it say ¨joe whoted out¨ and the credits roll? @chamale: No clue. Maybe the glitch resets that bit of programming or somthing.
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Umm, is it YOUR image? Tell us about the circumstances. What time in the game was it? Had the Oak thing happened normally before?
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Rridgway, the answer is still no because you actually don't receive poison damage nor can you faint while walking automatically (Biker's Lane does not count as automatic movement, by the way). I used these GameShark codes to verify: 01006CD1 01006DD1 <-- Set HP of 1st Pokemon to 0 010098D1 010099D1 <-- Set HP of 2nd pokemon to 0 01FF6FD1 <-- Poison 1st pokemon
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I thought of a potential route problem with Primo's run. I think it's impossible for Poison types to become poisoned, and Gengar is Ghost/Poison. So we'll have to use a different pokémon for the run. In fact, that fact blows out Nidoking or Nidoqueen too!
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You need only one pokemon to be poisoned, and it need not be the main battler. For example, you could have a Weedle poison the starter, deposit it in the PC, then retrieve it much later in the game shortly before making a 500th step for the Safari Zone.
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Ah, good point. Plus, the depositing and withdrawing slightly increases stats, thanks to a programming shortcut.
Post subject: the thingy
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Chamale wrote:
Umm, is it YOUR image? Tell us about the circumstances. What time in the game was it? Had the Oak thing happened normally before?
It begins during the middle of hanzou vb file of sequence breaking. Here you go. :P That VBM file shows how to do that.
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Sorry about that Rridgway, I should have written a disclaimer that my demos are usually made from unclean RAM. In this one, I have initialized all vanishable sprites because that allowed me to explore the glitch for making Snorlax disappear. This is the only reason Prof. Oak appears there. You can use these savestates to demonstrate some glitches within reason. However, you cannot, for example, take it as evidence that Abra can actually learn Fly, etc.
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That clears that up. I'm going to actually WATCH the VBM videos now, to clear up confusion.
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I'm so terribly confused. I consider this to be a good thing! So, as I figure, there are two ideal places for this glitch to be performed. Once to enter Saffron gym, and once to bypass Victory road? This would allow skipping of Poké Tower, Silph Co. (and purchasing Fresh Water and Poké Doll in Celedon), and Veridian Gym. Let me make sure my understanding of this glitch is correct: 1. Enter Safari Zone. 2. Go back to the entrance of Safari Zone. When asked if you want to leave, select "No". 3. Save, restart. 4. Go to the entrance of Safari Zone again. The game will think you've already exited and ask you if you want to enter. Select "No". 5. Go / FLY whereever you want. Within the next 500 steps, you may as well do something necessary for completing the game. 6. Shortly before these 500 steps are up, make sure that you only have one Pokémon in your team, and that this Pokémon is poisoned. 7. On exactly the 500th step, make sure you are jumping over a ledge. You will be teleported back to the entrance of the Safari Zone. From this point, you can walk through walls as you please, as long as you don't enter or exit a building. 8. Walk around in the Safari entrance until that Pokémon faints. You will be teleported to the Poké Center where you last saved. You can still walk through walls as you please. This can be used to bypass certain obstacles, such as guards blocking doorways, and the majority of Victory Road! I think that's about all, right? FLYing somewhere does not seem to cancel the effect either, which is excellent. Other than the two locations mentioned above (Saffron Gym and Victory Road), the only other place I can think of where this could potentially save time is Cinnibar Gym, as you demonstrated. However, with the time required to set up the glitch, I'm not sure that it would actually be beneficial. As for using Gengar... Chamale is right, there is a problem. Although I can enter Saffron Gym by letting another Pokémon faint, I still need to fight there, which means that the main battler indeed needs to be the one Poisoned in this particular case. For Victory Road, it does not matter. However, as of yet I have not done anything in way of a Gengar-specific run, so this does not change progress so far. However, I'll need to find a new battler (Mew looks like the best choice). What could invalidate some of my progress is the picture that Ridgeway posted. How and under what circumstances did you get that to occur? Was it right away, and would it save the few steps walking to the patch of grass above? EDIT: Nevermind that last bit. I just watched the VBM that was posted while I was posting.
print reduce(lambda x,p:p/2*x/p+2*10**1000,range(6643,1,-2))
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Your path is a little flawed. In step 2, you have to leave and say "no" twice.
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Chamale wrote:
Your path is a little flawed. In step 2, you have to leave and say "no" twice.
I just tested this, and it works only doing this once (perhaps you're thinking of step 4?). I just had another thought. We need to visit the Safari Zone once anyway. If you teach Surf HM directly after getting it, you still have enough steps to make it back to the entrance. This means that the Fuschia Gym will need to be done before hand, but that's not really a big deal. Also, becuse it's full of Poison-Type Pokémon, this is also an excellent opportunity to inflict the main battler with Poison. Perhaps with enough HP, one could even bike all the way to the Secret Hut, walk a few steps afterwards, and faint conveniently shortly thereafter. This run is going to be awesome.
print reduce(lambda x,p:p/2*x/p+2*10**1000,range(6643,1,-2))
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Surf is unnecessary and, in fact, derogatory because you can simply bike over water. Surf is slower. About the process itself: That's odd, because I always thought you had to go out twice for the bug to work. Huh.
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Chamale wrote:
Surf is unnecessary and, in fact, derogatory because you can simply bike over water. Surf is slower. About the process itself: That's odd, because I always thought you had to go out twice for the bug to work. Huh.
You're right, I wasn't thinking clearly. We don't really need to go to the Safari Zone at all (other than to glitch), because we don't need Strength, or Surf. Craziness. First things first though... I need to plan how and where to get a new main battler.
print reduce(lambda x,p:p/2*x/p+2*10**1000,range(6643,1,-2))
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Well, I must say that none of the pokémon which can be glitched in Mt. Moon are that impressive... Most are slow, part poison, or have long cries. Cubone looked good until I found out its only attack is Growl at start.
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primorial#soup wrote:
we don't need [...] Surf
That's something I hadn't thought of, but it sounds like a great idea. In that case, you'll have to make sure to do the glitch a total of three times: once to get info Saffron Gym, once to quickly bike from Pallet Town into the Cinnabar Gym, and lastly to bike up to Indigo Plateau. That's a total of 1500 bike steps to plan out, but it seems like it'll still save a lot of time. edit: primo, I read your step-by-step description and can see you already completely understand this glitch. Good luck with planning and executing this TAS.
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After thinking a bit, I've come to the conclusion that the best option is Mew. The reason for this is that Mew can learn Fly, which means that I'll only ever need to have one Pokémon in my team, and won't need to be constantly switching them in and out. Here's the two options I've come up with: Play Charmander all the way to Nugget Bridge, and glitch Mew there (like I did in my original Mew run). Glitch a Gyarados in Mt. Moon, and play him all the way down to Veridian, glitching a Mew while performing the first Snorlax skip. The first option necessitates the lengthy process of catching Mew in Cerulean, plus by having to use Charmander, means that the battles in Mt. Moon and across Nugget Bridge will be much slower. The second Option obtains Mew with zero extra effort (barring a random encounter to see a Pokémon with special 21), will have fast battles the whole way, but requires glitching Gyarados. I think the second if these is the better option, and this is my current plan of action. If anyone else has a good idea that I may have neglected, please share.
print reduce(lambda x,p:p/2*x/p+2*10**1000,range(6643,1,-2))
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I think the first option might be better, because Gyarados will be at just level 7, so the glitch might not be worth executing.
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Chamale wrote:
I think the first option might be better, because Gyarados will be at just level 7, so the glitch might not be worth executing.
You may not have seen the currently published run in a while, but even at L7, Gyarados is much stronger than Charmander at L16, mainly due to having Dragon Rage (40 points damage guaranteed). I've done some rough estimates from my previous two runs. Not including the time Gyarados spend at the Gym, Charmander wins across Nugget Bridge by about 1688 frames. However, at this point Mew hasn't been glitched yet. In the Gyarados path, Mew is glitched as a by-product of performing the Snorlax skip, so the only thing accoutable is the 800 or so frames for seeing a random encounter, and running away (for comparison, the 6 times Growl is used is the same for both, so it isn't weighted against one or the other). I'm measuring from when the battle begins with the first Hiker on the way to Bill's. At this point, even though he's finished the entire Gym already, Gyarados is already ahead by 658 frames. However, an Abra has not yet been caught, and there's still the 800 frames from the extra random encounter later. Factoring out Gym time, and adding a gracious 1800 frames for catching an Abra (1600 would probably be sufficient), and the 800 frames for the random encounter, the Gyarados route wins by around 6000 frames (over a minute and a half). Then there is the fact that Mew has a much longer cry than Gyarados, so I think this makes Gyarados the clear winner. So, I just had an awesome Idea. The glitch only needs to be performed twice, and here's why. After performing the glitch, bike down to Cinnibar. Once you're there, you're there, and can Fly back at any time. Now, Fly to Saffron to fight Sabrina. You'd still have to go through the Pokémon Mansion, but this is still years faster than performing the glitch yet another time, and plus, making your way through the Mansion give the appearance that you're actually doing something useful, rather than just biking around for 500 steps. EDIT: Here's the game plan. During the first 500 steps, bike back down to Fuschia Gym, fight Koga, and walk back out. This take 192 steps. While there, be sure to get poisoned, and to take full damage from an Explosion from Koga's Weezing. Then Fly to Celedon and do the Gym there. This take 130 steps. The rest of the steps could be used by burning off hit points biking around below the Gym there. In the meantime, bike down to Cinnibar, and then Fly to fight Sabrina, being sure to pick up poison from Sabrina's Venomoth. During the second 500 steps, do the Cinnibar mansion. This takes 222 steps. Then do Cinnibar Gym, 104 steps. Once again, a little time will need to be wasted afterwards, but I think that this is the best usage of time possible.
print reduce(lambda x,p:p/2*x/p+2*10**1000,range(6643,1,-2))
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Remember how I said that doing Glitch City on route 23 leaves you stuck in a wall right by the entrance to Victory Road, with the potential to skip all badge checks? Does further use of Glitch City after being able to walk through walls allow CD38 to remain set? If so, then just skip all gyms except the first, get Mew when you can (possibly during the same FCBM that makes Snorlax go away), fight some random wild encounter to poison it (this could be done in the 53 EXP fight), get the bike assuming it's faster, go to Fuschia early, set up wall clipping, then do Glitch City again--assuming your escape point is Fuschia, I'd imagine the way to go is Cycling Road uphill, walk through the barrier at the top, get Fly from the secret house, teach it to Mew, and fly to Viridian walking through all the chicanes on 22 and the Boulderbadge check house. Finish on route 23, walk up through Victory Road, profit. Maybe fly to Pallet instead of Viridian depending on how many steps you have left.