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Emulator: VBA Re-record 9.b
Oracle of Seasons - a game where you change the seasons to get into 8 dungeons so you can get the essences of nature lying behind the evil bosses. You need those essences to destroy a barrier, after that they are useless. The reason for this journey is to save Din, the oracle of seasons, who was kidnapped by Onox. The seasons are in total chaos (yet they are always the same when you enter some place).
The aim is to defeat the game as fast as possible. The game is kinda linear so I can't really choose the order the required things are done. Only the 4 jewels and the 4 golden beasts are things I can choose when to get/defeat.
Pegasus seeds are the most important things to look for. They make you walk a lot faster and jump further. They just run out quickly and you can only have 20 of them. That is why I use gale seeds to get those.
In the beginning I need to talk with everyone to get Din kidnapped. It would be better if Link just slept there so that the cutscene would never be activated.
The Hero's cave is stupid. You need to walk in the middle of an army of weak monsters with no items. And the wooden sword really is a sign of courage. Diagonal movement doesn't slow you down, so I use it a lot.
Alright, Link proved his courage. Then he needed to go into a dungeon with even worse enemies, armed with a wooden sword. How does it kill those skeletons anyway?
The first miniboss is really easy. Well, it should be, it's the first one after all. The bomb may or may not kill them faster (it does hurt them), but it doesn't waste time.
The warp thing is strange, usually it takes you into the beginning of the level. I kill those 2 pink blobs because they are in the way and I'd need to kill them anyway. The hands are stupid, I had to kill a lot of them so they wouldn't grap me.
The first boss looks ugly with all those missing slashes. I'd redo it if it didn't mean redoing the whole game.
I ignore Maple for obvious reasons. Now Link had to go into Subrosia. No way to speed up the hiding game so I tried to dance. Finally I got the rod of seasons to change the current season. Sadly I have to get the powers of the season spirits first...
Nothing special in the 2nd dungeon. The boss is annoying as it has long periods of invunerability. Lots of stupid bats are killed in the game for being in my way.
Digging for money really looks bad. You can't manipulate what comes when you dig, so... it took 3 digs to get something. I'd redo this if possible...
Yay, pegasus seeds. In OoA you can get them after the 4th dungeon... Getting the jewel from the cave is required, so I do it while I'm in the area.
Nothing special about the third dungeon. Roc's feather just is my favorite item after the sword and the roc's cape. And I should've jumped over the trampoline...
First golden beast defeated. Only 3 left for the Red Ring (2x sword damage). The path to the 4th dungeon is really really long. Moosh and the subrosian thieves are annoying.
Still nothing special to say about the dungeon. The path to the next is short, thank god.
I use the restart sequence in 5th level to reset the placement of the carts. The bosses are annoying. Magnetic balls are stupid, they don't move like they should when you're using pegasus seeds.
Yay, got the nobel sword! Defeated the second golden beast! The strange circle-movement in the 6th levels miniboss is 'cause it appeared where you weren't. The boss is extremely annoying when playing normally, but I could tell its movements with save states. Thank god.
Defeated the last 2 golden beasts, got the red ring, entered 7th dungeon. I do some nice jumps here, don't imitate them without save states. The bosses are weaklings.
The strange stupid mistake-looking thing in the ruins of the Temple of Seasons is because I needed to manipulate a spider to not appear at the end of the giant row of pits, so that I could just jump over it.
The 8th dungeon has the crappiest weapon imo (hyper slingshot? Yeah right...) and the crappiest boss. At least the miniboss couldn't be hurt with the sword. I should've gotten some bombs here.
Onox is a weakling. The Dark Dragon is weaker. Losers.
  • Aims for the fastest time
  • Takes damage to save time
  • Uses no passwords
  • Uses a game restart sequence
Working on a better version, cancelled

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Post subject: Re: #672: Ego Buff's GBC The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seas
Editor, Active player (297)
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Ego Buff wrote:
Onox is a weakling. The Dark Dragon is weaker. Losers.
I find this statement chuckling, considering the nickname of the player :)
Joined: 8/3/2004
Posts: 325
woot nice i wanted to see a run of this! ill probably vote yes but i still gotta watch it 1st..
Former player
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Just watched through it. It's pretty good, there's certainly nothing wrong with your route. Though it was mentioned before, I wonder if you'd benefit from actually taking a few Heart Containers from the bosses, especially when it comes to running through explosions. It also looks like there's lots of minor things that can stand to be fixed up, but it's good for a first version. Voting Yes.
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Reminding everyone that comments on should also be considered before deciding this movie's fate...
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a VERY long watch, but entertaining none the less. especially loved the swordplay when you had to wait around and once you got extra abilities (dash, jumping, flying). however, the one thing that haunted me althroughout it was Spoony_Bard noting the heart containers. i kept seeing places in the movie that i wondered whether it would have helped more with a heart container or not. i dont want to make a vote without getting confirmation, so can Ego Buff say for sure whether it would have helped to grab heart containers to later take damage or whether it would cancel out? also... the digging... and the missed slashes... on a time-attack... :( but other than those small qualms, solid run.
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Given how bizarrely LOW the rerecord count is, I'm kinda wary to even watch it... I'll take a look later, I guess. But for as lengthy as the Oracle games are, under 2500 rerecords is... very, very low.
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I thought so too bomb but its pretty flawless nonetheless. i guess he was just good at the game
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The heart containers may or may not help. It is really hard to say before doing the run, so I didn't take any of them. And getting recovery hearts isn't that hard, thought it takes only 1 text box and little walking to get the heart container. I'll look into it when I make the version 2 someday (this has so many small flaws...). Not before the OoA run I'm going to make soon.
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btw i did vote yes but just to make sure you read what others said because i expect a 2nd run of this later : a lot of minor optimisations can be done to dodge monsters without having to fight them or walking around them. I havent played this game in a while but also check different paths around the dungeons to see if they are optimal(most like already done this but meh ) it was still an entertaining movie and i think its good enough the be published but it can definitly be improved by a few minutes
Joined: 12/13/2004
Posts: 103
I voted "Meh" mainly because of that I think you had a little bad planning with your heart-collecting and bomb-collecting in the game but also considering what nitsuja said in the other thread about diagonal movement... I don't know how much time you can save with this, but I hope it's enough for you to make another run. :)
Joined: 1/31/2005
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I just wonder: 1. Why did you save so many times during the game? 2. Is it possible to do a glitch run?
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ramond wrote:
I just wonder: 1. Why did you save so many times during the game?
I think it will save time. When you Save inside in a Stage and quit you start at the entrance from the Stage. So you must not go back all the way. So its faster to run from the Entrance to the next room then trough the place where he Save. Voted yes, because looks clean and good for me. I have not played this Zelda game much, because it was to hard for me. I like Zelda games, but this was different and harder then other Zelda games I think. But the run looks good and has much entertainment in it, so I voted yes.
Last TAS finished: Final Fantasy Adventure (4.0 Warp Glitch Run) WIP in the moment: Tail Gator (GB) Matty
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ramond wrote:
I just wonder: 1. Why did you save so many times during the game? 2. Is it possible to do a glitch run?
1. To "warp" into some places faster than it would take to walk. No point in walking from the depths of the dancing dragon dungeon when you can just save & reset to get to the beginning much faster. 2. I don't know any glitches, if you know please tell me. I already said I'll make version 2 after making a run of OoA, which will be started tomorrow. I'll try to make it so good I don't need to redo it.
I won't give up unless my victory is assured!
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Voted no - This should be sub 2 hour. You're so close - and as pointed out, there are things you could do faster. Not to mention this game is relatively "unknown" - not many people are experts on it to give you advice on strategies or tricks for some things. I am sure there is more to be found...perhaps just publish it to get people out there to get involved. Arg...I seriously thought sub 2 for a regular speed run was possible...oh well.
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I'm working on a better version already, so I'll just cancel this.
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om, nom, nom... blech, stale!