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  • fceu used
  • no warps or passes
  • i abuse hit ranges and wall hits
  • i aim for speed and acrobatics. all powerups in game collected.
  • abadox is a scrolling shooter much like life force. every other level is shot from an overhead view.
  • making the movie wasn't that hard, just time consuming. the game is very fast so it had to be played at an almost crawling framerate. for a relatively short game, the movie making time was hours. it's a very bizarre game, gory and kind of gross. it's entertaining to watch just to see the weird bosses and level progression. plus in the japanese version, the girl you rescue at the end is naked.

Bisqwit: Sorry to judge this submission without watching, but the feedback of those who have watched it reflects that it's not a movie that is suitable to be published on this site.
Again, I recommend digesting the Guidelines.
I want to encourage you to try (which you seem to really do), but I also need to be fair and keep the quality level. I hope you do too.

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This topic is for the purpose of discussing #631: braceyj's NES Abadox: The Deadly Inner War in 16:40.53
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i forgot to mention that no shots fired in the game are missed, and that i use the barrier powerup for as many kills as possible. edit: also, the movie gets interesting and very entertaining once i hit level 2 and have the full speed upgrades and weapons. it's really hard to make the first level interesting =/
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Same procedure as last year...
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ok lock, so what exactly does that mean? or are you just voting no because of re-records without watching it? i wouldn't be suprised. all i'm trying to do here is contribute to this site, and try to add to it. i don't need to be talked down to, that's unnecessary. if i misunderstand, then feel free to correct me. edit: please, for the love of god WATCH the play, don't make judgments on record counts. if someone out there can tell me how i can improve this movie let me know. i have spent some time studying this game and i think this is a great and entertaining run.
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Player (36)
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First Level reflections: Nothing impressive, even though only about 60 enemies come after you the entire level, you let 2 get away. Also, the boss battle can be done far, far faster. Move around more, are there any speed upgrades? Second Level reflections: Kill more enemies. Kill boss faster!!! *faceplant* I gave up here.
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Joined: 5/29/2004
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I must sadly concur... nice attempt... but the second you let enemies escape... ... and as was from the last one... 65.... 65 RE-RECORDS?! Seriously... it's obvious you're trying... but you should really STOP submitting stuff UNTIL you have can take a step back, read what people are telling you and implement.. there's no real excuse for 65 Re-Records.. no matter HOW GOOD you are on a console. You want proof of how things SHOULD be done? Check out SprintGod's new movie.. pay attention to the sickening detail he put into it... a 45 minute movie... and he has 160,000+ re-records to make it absolutely PIXEL PERFECT. Not saying you need 160k for an Abadox run... but 65 isn't enough by a long shot... heck, even "I" learned my lesson after doing a Shinobi time attack. I had only 243 re-records or so... and reflecting on it now... I shoulda had a lot more, especially since 4 hours later, someone beat it by 44 seconds with far more precision and far more re-records to IMPROVE that precision. Can the run be improved...? Who knows.. maybe a second or 2 could be gleamed... but it beat my run by far [save for the Pogo-Ninja Mania ^^] because more time was employed and precision and perfection were a must. If you're wanting to keep going, I'd recommend making threads in the Nes section and allowing others to critique and offer advice on betterment BEFORE you submit... that way you stand a FAR BETTER chance of having it accepted. I'm not trying to be hard on purpose, but the writing's on the wall my friend, and you should really start reading it. Mr. Kelly R. Flewin
Mr. Kelly R. Flewin Just another random gamer ---- <OmnipotentEntity> How do you people get bored in the span of 10 seconds? Worst ADD ever.
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killing all enemies was not one of my goals in the movie.
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Player (177)
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Well, you may as well make some goals like that, now that I've told you you don't have to do a movie in one sitting. ;)
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an auto-scroller needs something impressive to do, just beating it as fast as possible doesnt make much sense
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Voted no. There's some nice dodging in a few places, but you let enemies get away and the bosses can obviously be killed faster. Give it another shot, but next time, do 100% kills and waste the bosses as fast as you can.
Joined: 1/29/2005
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well, me being a big fan of speedruns and the fact that I owned this game, I must say that hitting every single enemy (which I think would be possible) would make a much beter run. I mean, I haven't even looked at it yet and from what I hear, I'd probably get dissapointed after the first enemy you imssed ;/ keep trying though, and keep the whole shoot every enemy in mind mmk?
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om, nom, nom... blech, stale!