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Joined: 9/13/2018
Posts: 9
Do you know where the door data is stored? I can’t experiment with this because I’m away from my computer for a week, but I was thinking that it may be possible to overflow something into the ID value for a skip exploit. If that’s not possible, maybe something could overflow into a warp star? Of course, if the ID is stored too far from anything modifiable then the whole idea is moot. Just shooting in the dark since I can’t test this at the moment. if it’s possible, then i can avoid the tasing roadblock i’m at lol i’ve been stuck doing area 2 for weeks
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Joined: 5/15/2007
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Location: Germany
@karashiiro, I will investigate. When I'm in the first tutorial room (803), and the door leading to room 804, the IWRAM and EWRAM memory does not contain instances of "804" at all. So it must be a pointer to ROM or something. That said, active doors are stored in IWRAM along with trigger/hitbox data. My lua will show doors as red rectangles. Try looking for Hex: 44 43 in IWRAM. If you change it to 44 44, the door will damage Kirby and fly away. If you change it to 33 43, the door will fly down offscreen. What did you mean by "skip exploit"?
Joined: 9/13/2018
Posts: 9
That’s pretty cool, I’ll make sure to try that later! By skip exploit I meant setting the door ID to a boss room to “skip” all of the rooms before it, which would obviously save a ton of time. I don’t know what that’s officially called, though. I was referring to something like the Dokokashira door glitch in the Gen 1 Pokemon games. e: Dealing with pointers is going to be a little messier, but it may still be possible to change the pointer contained by the door to something different... if we knew where the pointers were.
Editor, Expert player (2324)
Joined: 5/15/2007
Posts: 3857
Location: Germany
@karashiiro Your use of words "skip exploit" and "I could avoid the tasing roadblock I'm having" has me thinking that you know of a glitch in the game to change a door's destination. But I think you are really talking about manually changing the door's destination (via memory editing or hacking). Is this correct?
Joined: 9/13/2018
Posts: 9
I don’t know of any new glitches, no. But I wasn’t referring to performing a manual edit of the data, either (though that would be a useful thing to be able to do to test sequence breaking). I was just guessing that because overflow glitches are possible in other games, that it may be possible to perform them in KatAM. I was trying to figure out if there was something that could be used in an actual run. Researching that would require, of course, knowing where the room ID pointer is so that something else could be inserted there. The more I think about it, however, the more it seems like something requiring ACE, which would put this firmly in the realm of improbability since there are no known ACE exploits in KatAM. ...And by “tasing roadblock”, I was just making a tongue-in-cheek joke. I’ve been stuck on an early Area 2 room and I’ve consistently been 10 frames behind your framecount for it. I was considering just copying your inputs because I think they’re optimal in this case, but I don’t know how to read a movie’s input sequence in VBA. So instead, I’ve spent weeks trying to replicate it and failing. tl;dr I was trying to figure out if there may be a glitch but I honestly don’t know, the roadblock thing was me making fun of myself
Editor, Expert player (2324)
Joined: 5/15/2007
Posts: 3857
Location: Germany
Slope clip, found by swordsmankirby Link to video There is a similar trick in Squeak Squad, found by waddledxsp
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