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Thank you mugg, for doing (and hopefully completing) this 100% run. Now I may be able to actually beat this game XD
adelikat wrote:
I very much agree with this post.
Bobmario511 wrote:
Forget party hats, Christmas tree hats all the way man.
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Is it actually possible to get 100% in single-player? I have 97% on my cartridge and I havn't found a way to get more.
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Yeah... I have 100% on my cartridge... Look at Sir VG's Word document, that should help you.
See Youtube page (GIRfanaticTAS) for all runs and stuff.
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Yes, you can easily get 100% by yourself. The only spot where you need other Kirbys is the large block in Area 2, and you can do that even on a console w/ computer help only.
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Here's now another problem that annoys me, concerning route planning. Since there are so many dead-ends where I'll sacrifice wheel (for example in order to get treasures that are behind grey blocks), the spots where to get wheel easily in beginnings of routes are important now. For instance: -> You can take routes, sacrifice your wheel ability and get a new wheel ability at said spots where to get wheel easily in the beginning of a route (for example at the Cabbage Cavern, Carrot Castle or Peppermint Palace switches). -> Up till now, I ensured having wheel at all costs at the end of all the routes I took till now. Now there's plenty of routes where I have to sacrifice wheel. With the thoughts above in mind it will be faster ... than having to go to Rainbow Route switch 1 all the time and getting the wheel there... I realised this a bit late - the current route will change after pressing the switch at Cabage Cavern, maybe even before entering Olive Ocean...
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WoW, VG, nice runs! Figured I could catch you in this topic, so here it is! [/off topic] Any updates on the run otherwise?
adelikat wrote:
I very much agree with this post.
Bobmario511 wrote:
Forget party hats, Christmas tree hats all the way man.
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Ok, it's been some time since I posted something. It's not much, but TASing Kirby with the goal of achieving 100% can be tedious with all the route planning and luck-manipulation stuff... And it's also been some time because I accidently deleted progress. This happens frequently, no matter how careful I act >.> I finally found a good way to continue after beating the first boss. In my previous WIPs, I went directly to Olive Ocean - in this one, I sacrifice a few frames in order to keep the wheel ability and went towards Mustard Mountain and finish other rooms before going there. This WIP ends somewhere in Candy Constellations. I plan to go to the area boss and beat him, so I end up next to the Rainbow Route main gate (I don't know a better term) and then I get the opportunity to take a new wheel ability before going to Olive Ocean. (Again, when taking a route it's always the best to already have the wheel ability (or missile depending on the circumstances). So, If I had continued my previous attempt, there would have been more routes without the opportunity of getting wheel. I would have had to get it from room 8 in Rainbow Route or somewhere which would cost time!) The WIP doesn't require further explanations and comments. Only one thing: frame 31050: The original plan was to visit this room so the other room refreshes and I can continue my way. I planned to later take a warpstar from Mustard Mountain to Candy Constellations (room 3) to get the treasure in room 4 (then I would warp out and re-enter for the route to room 8 ...). However, I discovered that straightly getting the treasure in room 4 is faster. Getting this treasure requires getting stone ability, so it'd have been quite a mess (I don't want to explain, why - It's really (!) complicated.) I kept my original route, the margin isn't that big (about 100 frames), and I save a wheel ability. http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/1609730876/MUGG-KAM%20v3%2C1002.vbm Hope I didn't forget something. I may add / post a "newly discovered tricks"-section.
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Okay, I was wondering just what the version differences were, and here are my results: There was one change: Missile does less damage in the English version. All other abilities do the same amount of damage, and all bosses have the same HP, weaknesses and resistences. I updated my earlier post, and cleaned it up a little. The current run does not ever attack anything with Missile that has enough HP to make a difference. So I don't see any reason why any follow-up movie shouldn't use the English version. Perhaps there are other version differences (less lag, etc.), but unless a new run actually attacks bosses or tough enemies with Missile (unlikely), the claim that attacks are stronger isn't valid. Of course, two heads are better than one. If anyone else could verify my results, I'd be grateful. On a side note, reducing Missile's strength was a stupid move. If anything, they should have made it stronger. It's by-far the lowest-tier ability, at least for fighting bosses. I've soloed the arena (unassisted) with every ability except for that one. The ability should have been this game's Ball ability: hard to use, but insanely powerful to make up for it. It's really too bad, as I otherwise really like this move.
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The current run does not ever attack anything with Missile that has enough HP to make a difference. So I don't see any reason why any follow-up movie shouldn't use the English version. Perhaps there are other version differences (less lag, etc.), but unless a new run actually attacks bosses or tough enemies with Missile (unlikely), the claim that attacks are stronger isn't valid.
Hm I was always under the impression that the Japanese version has bosses with less HP or all attacks have more AP... Good thing you investigated this. About the 100% run: I can't say for sure if Missile is of use since I create the route while making the movie, but there are some spots where it will be probably. I really can't say much other than it shouldn't be that much of a matter which game version is being used. It's only the ending that is written in Japanese which is the only negative difference between the versions. I apologize if people are angry about it, but I can't just start from scratch now. About the any% run: Atm, I only remember a spot in a very old WIP of mine in which I attempted to fly through a passage with Missile, and 2 Sparkies and a Sword Knight were blocking the way (in Candy Constellations). I had to boost Missile an additional time in the English version than in the Japanese version (This is not the case in the current run, though). But you see, it's not only a matter of boss fights alone. Maybe, I'll take a look at game differences later, too.
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MUGG wrote:
I apologize if people are angry about it, but I can't just start from scratch now.
I wasn't so much angry, as annoyed that people switched versions without properly researching it. For all we knew, the Japanese-to-English conversion could have made some abilities weaker, and others stronger. But, on further reflection, the statement I made last post doesn't make sense. As far as we know, the Japanese version is 100% superior to the English version, so we might as well use it in case you need to attack with Missile. Unless, of course, there may be some odd situation where you want to blast yourself past an enemy without defeating it, thereby making the English version better....
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So you're not supposed to pick the version that's MORE difficult in order to demonstrate perfect victory against the greatest amount of resistance?
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If the only difference between a game is HP levels, then you're suppose to take the lower HP version, BoMF. See Kick Master.
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Yeah, it's not a matter of difficulty here. It's a matter of how fast enemies are beaten.
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But if enemies have higher HP, then that makes playing more difficult because they get more strikes at you before you can finish them off. That's the whole point of HP! I mean, most movies that play a game with difficulty settings pick the highest difficulty, right? So why should we work against that by picking an easier ROM?
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
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In the end, really, it just depends on how enemy HP plays into the game. In some games, enemies with lots of HP are dealt with exactly like enemies with little HP; it just takes longer before the player can move on. In others, being unable to rapidly dispatch enemies creates more complicated battle scenarios which are more entertaining. However, the latter scenario is pretty dang rare, so since we're so fond of hard-and-fast rules around here, the accepted wisdom is "if higher difficulty levels only result in more enemy HP, then don't bother."
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Just to notify you, I'm still working on the 100% run. I postponed the project a few times to work on other projects, so progress was a little slow. But now that I'm back, I'm making good progress everyday. If I didn't already state it, I'm using the US version in the new any% run, but I'll stick to the Japanese version in the 100% run for the reasons I already mentioned. Missile might be of use in a boss fight (which means, I'm dealing more damage than in the US version) and I don't want to restart from the beginning. Also, I found a neat glitch today that might be of use: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s9mKahNekhU
Post subject: added link to the new boss endurance TAS
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The run is nearing its completion. The only problem preventing me from finishing it up is a flaw that forced me to redo some thousands of frames and this stupid CPU player part. This part needs some crazy luck-manipulation and I haven't been lucky yet... Anyway, look forward to it :) Edit: Also, here is a new TAS of the boss endurance. I'm rather surprised that I could make such a big improvement over my old version. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PoeQAQs2S0A Enjoy!
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I just thought I'd make you aware in case you already haven't figured it out that the levers need to be pulled on both sides of those tunnel areas (like from Area 5 to Area 8). Those count towards 100%. Can't wait to see a finished product!
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I just thought I'd make you aware in case you already haven't figured it out that the levers need to be pulled on both sides of those tunnel areas (like from Area 5 to Area 8). Those count towards 100%.
That was taken care of. I recently managed to get the outcome I wanted concerning the part with the CPU-controlled kirbys, but I had to invest some idle frames. The movie might be completed by the end of the week. But no promises :)
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Just in time for me to steal your ideas improve what I'm working on for my SS 1P 100% speed run.
Taking over the world, one game at a time. Currently TASing: Nothing
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Just so you know, I have a high-quality single segment youtube video of MUGG's 100% and any% runs on my account. Here's the 100% run: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PGS9NFwJhOQ For those of you that care : Recorded with VBA-rr v21, 1454 - Hoshi no Kirby Kagami no Daimeikyuu (J) (V1.1).gba in my Windows XP Virtual machine in completely uncompressed AVI. Then I used the linux tool ffmpeg to encode the video as follows: 600kb/ps average x264 Video, 2 pass, HQ profile, 60FPS, native GBA resolution(240xSomething, it's tiny anyway...) 160kb/ps AAC audio, 44100hz(GBAs audio probably has lower hz but I wanted to make sure) MP4 format
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It looks good quality, but does it agree with the Encoder Guidelines?
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He isn't encoding this for the publication of the movie, so it doesn't have to agree with the encoder guidelines.
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Kyman wrote:
He isn't encoding this for the publication of the movie, so it doesn't have to agree with the encoder guidelines.
I didn't know there were Encoder guidlines, I might just check those out for next time. Though indeed, I was not going for any publication. Just an easy way for people to view the video. The encoding settings were some of my own I've gotten by playing around with FFMPEG for a while.
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It's okay, but you need to credit the player and the site. When you make an encode for download or youtube, it's just as imporant as it is for public consumption. Here's the official youtube TASvideos channel. http://www.youtube.com/user/OfficialTASVideos Gotta do credits.
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