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Stone ability is very effective when used with a TAS precision. And it allows you to travel vertical distances fast (in down direction). also it can be used to avoid hit from mines. Is tornado not as effective in this game as in others?.. You can get Smash attack pretty close to the beginning by eating two enemies with abilities ^^ It has rock in it, and King golem can be killed really fast: http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/3248/Kirby_bosses.vbm (it's boss rush, but Golem is first in it) ROM used: "1716 - Kirby And The Amazing Mirror (U)(Rising Sun).gba"
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Or you can get Smash by eating Master Hand in the Mini Boss fight. Either way it looks useful. Can be used to slay multiple foes at once. I'm going to try this game later since I downloaded the Speed Run from SDA just now. :3
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Kitsune wrote:
Or you can get Smash by eating Master Hand in the Mini Boss fight. Either way it looks useful. Can be used to slay multiple foes at once. I'm going to try this game later since I downloaded the Speed Run from SDA just now. :3
I think the only way that my speed run would contribute to the TAS is in the proof-of-concept of Smash pwnage. Otherwise... ... Otherwise I am seriously starting to doubt the efficiency of missile and whether or not it's really a good idea to get that going to the Area 2 boss. I tried downloading the movie posted in the first post of this thread with the hope of some time trying to compare it with a TAS I started a couple of months ago. On that note, does anybody have a working version of that movie I can compare against?
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はじめまして。 Kirby And The Amazing Mirror のTAS動画を作っているLuckyStarです。 色々話すと長くなるので要点だけを簡潔にまとめました。 私は様々な試行錯誤の末に0:30:08でゲームクリアする事ができました。 しかし、最適化に欠ける所が何ヵ所もあり、まだまだ洗練されてるとは言えません。 そこで私は、ここの皆様にこの動画を見てもらい改善策や感想を聞きたいと思ってここに来ました。 ↓Kirby and the Amazing Mirror any% 0:30:08(日本語版のROMを使用している為再生できない方もいると思います。そういう方はyoutubeで閲覧するといいでしょう。) http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/3922/Kirby%20Amazing%20Mirror%20%28TAS%29%20any%25%20%2030%81F08.vbm youtubePreview Part.1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EFWs-LakP8k Part.2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-DLT54AwnUY Part.3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQRXDwwAW2c Part.4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ypOwEooaZLA I can not speak English very much. Is there the person who can translate my sentence into English? [Translation by Bisqwit: Hello. I am LuckyStar, who has made a TAS of Kirby And The Amazing Mirror. Because it would be very long if I talked about everything related, I have reduced it to main points. After numerous attempts and errors, I managed to get 0:30:08 as the clear time. However, there still being lots of places lacking optimization, I am not yet speaking of making an improved version. Thus, I am presenting this movie for everyone to watch, and I want to hear if you have ideas about improvement and other thoughts. Below is Kirby and the Amazing Mirror any% 0:30:08 (Japanese ROM was used. If you don't have it, watch the youtube movies instead.)]
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LuckyStar wrote:
Hello. I'm LuckyStar, and I'm making a Kirby and the Amazing Mirror TAS. There's a lot to say but it's very long, so I summarised the main parts of it. After many trials, I finally reached a completion time of 0:30:08. However, there are a lot of places which are unoptimised, so I'm not claiming this is a finished product. So I'm posting my work and I'd dearly love for everyone to help with plans and suggestions for improvement. Below is my Kirby and the Amazing Mirror any% run, at 0:30:08. (I used the Japanese version ROM, so there will be playback errors if you dont have it. In that case I also provided Youtube links for you to watch.)
Edit: Bisqwit was faster..
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Thanks, Bisqwit and Boco ^^ Gotta take a look at this run as soon as microstorage is up...
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You don't have to call buddies in the very first level, see it here: Http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/3744/1716kirby.vbm around frame 1180 (sorry, it uses (u) rom) dashing is somewhat faster than running as I checked. Firebelling is even faster than that. I happened to jump over button that turned out to be important one and hex-editing it results in desyncing after letting go of rocket ability. Otherwise it would be my WIP to the first boss, including betaing him. Further is just getting wrong way and rushing somewhere...
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Actually, LuckyStar was making Kirby And The Amazing Mirror TAS, I think. He is now working on Ganbare Goemon 2 (Japanese SNES game). Does he have a plan to optimize the run more? I'm not sure. Anyway, I have encoded videos of LuckyStar's run and zefiris's WIP for reference: kam-luckystar-3922.avi kam-zefiris-wip-3744.avi I have no idea about optimization of this game, also I don't know what was discussed here. I'm looking forward to the submission of more optimized run. btw, BisqwitさんもBocoさんも日本語がお上手でうらやましいです。
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gocha wrote:
btw, BisqwitさんもBocoさんも日本語がお上手でうらやましいです。
いいえ、それほどではないです :) But, I'm envious to you about your remixes :)
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gocha wrote:
btw, BisqwitさんもBocoさんも日本語がお上手でうらやましいです。
gochaさんだってブログに日本語を書いてあるんでしょ?日本に住んでいるでしょ?何でうらやましいの? あたし、漢字読めないから日本語ムズいの。上手なんて全然ない。 that there are so many errors in the above only proves my point
someone is out there who will like you. take off your mask so they can find you faster. I support the new Nekketsu Kouha Kunio-kun.
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羨ましいのは外国語が上手なことでしょ? 漢字マズイね・・・ (Probably he's envious that you speak a foreign langauage so well. But who knows, maybe gocha's first language isn't Japanese either?) On topic: Yeah, that's one amazing mirror.
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Truncated wrote:
Probably he's envious that you speak a foreign langauage so well.
Yes, うらやましいのは外国語が上手なことです。日本語に限らず。
Bisqwit wrote:
I'm envious to you about your remixes :)
Thank you. でも、それほどでもないです :) Anyway, I understand that we should have these conversations on Off Topic. Sorry.
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I don't know if this could be important for a good TAS but I noticed that the other kirbys sometimes get abilities they actually shouldn't get in the areas in which they are (in my TAS which I'm working on, the yellow kirby got spark just when I left the first section of the intro stage! This could be used to call a Rocket kirby and manage that he lose his ability so that you can get his one very early ...) I'll check this ... edit; My English sucks...
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At the end, in the credits there is a minigame which you don't need to play. What would you prefer? Not playing it or playing it? On the one hand, not playing it would shorten the movie length, on the other hand, it would be less entertaining.
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Don't play it. It doesn't subtract from entertainment value as the movie would've ended by then anyway.
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Okay, my movie is done now! It's 101.000 frames long, 7.000 less than LuckyStar's one. I'm afraid because I actually wanted a 25-minutes-movie. Now it's ~28 v_v' Should I submit or post it first? EDIT: Wow my post, what great English skill ! XD EDIT: NOO! My movie... desynched -.- Why is this desynched? (frame 96.000) I didn't change any settings and did just play frame advance. omg
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Did you ever look through the movie when recording it? Sometimes it's actually possible even for VBA to have desyncs from simple re-recording, I've stumbled across it a few times. It's really too bad you got one either way. :/
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Yes, everytime after 10.000 frames or so, I play-back it to check. I already had a desync in my TAS and corrected it. But this time, it's much harder. I'm at Dark Mind, the final boss. But one of my buddies was in the "world-selection room", so he came with me. Now I have to watch out (once again v.v'') that he doesn't luck-manipulate Dark Mind falsely ^_^ I have to rework ~ 5.000 frames. Shouldn't be a great deal... My submission follows tomorrow^^
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Well I guess if it does desync the only thing you can do is redo it. Fixing desyncs with hex-edit is very tedious and I'm sure you'd be able to redo that part in less time. On the bright side, you'll surely improve a few frames by redoing.
My published movies [03:45:05] <Naohiro19> Soulrivers: ... [03:45:19] <Soulrivers> ? [03:46:35] <Naohiro19> <Soulrivers> No! <Naohiro19> So? <Soulrivers> Yes! [03:46:48] <Naohiro19> joke
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I cancel my current run because of bad optimization at some boss fights. I start a new run on the japanese version on which attacks make more damage. The small but smart preview: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_I_pDKxyOlE
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If you can do more damage in the Japanese version, use it. Not like there's really any dialog to read.
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MUGG wrote:
japanese version on which attacks make more damage
How can I confirm this?
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gocha wrote:
MUGG wrote:
japanese version on which attacks make more damage
How can I confirm this?
By finding the memory adress for health and see which version does more damage?
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I found it out while TASing KAM on (U) and when I came to a certain point I could not copy the movements of LuckyStar's run, soon I found out that the energy bars of bosses in his run got empty much faster than in my earlier mentioned (U) attempt. KAM TAS's should only be made on (J). That's why I pm'd LuckyStar on Youtube and told him better not to use (U). He used the (U) Rom in some of his Boss Endurance runs. Btw, is there any interest in a boss Endurance TAS to be submitted on this site?
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MUGG wrote:
when I came to a certain point I could not copy the movements of LuckyStar's run
I'd like to know where is the 'certain point'.
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