Post subject: Survival Kids 2
Editor, Expert player (2324)
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I'd like to get familiar with this game more. I already found a bug: Pressing Left+Right or Up+Down makes the game glitch heavily. This can lead to a crash. If it doesn't crash, you can usually walk through boulders; loading zones won't work anymore, you walk right through them and can walk out of bounds. Sometimes they can be made to work again if you press Left+Right again and you can proceed in the game. But quicksaving and saving will not work at all, after doing the glitch, it seems. --- This bug can on rare occasion be made so that it allows saving. It seems extremely useful for bypassing boulders and other stuff. You can get access to the lighthouse very early. I'm not sure about this game's ending conditions but it seems promising. --- Link to video Bizhawk 2.2 movie: (English patched game) English Patch (IPS):
Editor, Expert player (2324)
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It looks like only Van ("Lil bro" in the patch) can glitch through stuff. The other boy will usually crash the game. --- When glitching through towards the lighthouse, you have to cross a river. The river apparently normally needs to be dried before you can go on. The flag for this seems to be at $C3AB. When this value is 0x80, the river is full (in the beginning of the game). It seems the glitch has a potential to turn this value to 0xC0 (dried). Are there maps of this game? The 3 common endings all seem to require an extended list of items that you need to get. The other 2 endings are "sleep to day 100". I don't know yet if the glitch can change the day counter.
=== Ending 1 (Lighthouse) ===

- Find 2 Ivy, 1 stick
Make rope ladder

- Go to nearby hut, enter and read the code

- Go to the nearby cliff side and make friends with the parrot

- Go to the lighthouse:
	--- Towards the top:
	Ask parrot for favor to hang up the rope ladder
	Get the broken engine and break it (= magnet and wire)

	--- Basement: 
	Enter code
	get the light bulb
	get the rotor fan
	Use wire on controls
	Use rotor fan on water
	--- Top:
	Use light bulb on empty spot
	Use good motor on empty spot

- Leave lighthouse, cutscene

- Sleep 4 days in the lighthouse
Open questions:
== Where is the "good motor"?

== What can possibly happen if you decide to start in the prison instead of the beach?
These items can be found in the prison: 
Weak ladder
egg timer (can be broken into timer parts and battery)
Screw tack
Bent nail

== Go for other endings?
===Ending 2 (Warpship lifeboat)===

These items can be found in the warship:

There is a switch on the top floor and a lever in the basement floor,
one is for opening a wall and the other is for dropping the anchor so you can climb down the ship.

There is an area you can only access if you have the flashlight.
You cannot glitch into it.

The area with the lifeboat (right side of the ship) is inaccessible,
but there are is a trigger that can lead to the ending. 
Maybe it is possible to glitch there.
Joined: 1/12/2018
Posts: 2
This is cool. I also ran into the l+r/u+d glitch while playing the English translation casually. I also found a weird thing where a spoiled nut would cause glitched text. I think it was probably a bug in the translation patch.
Editor, Expert player (2324)
Joined: 5/15/2007
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Location: Germany
This completes ending 2 (lifeboat ending) on the English patched ROM. For demonstration. Movie file Link to video I'm getting a better understanding of the bug, but it's still very unreliable to use. Depends a lot on trial and error. I will need to look into memory more to understand why boulders and triggers are disabled or re-enabled. Btw, there might be a faster path to the ship (go right side of the first hut, instead of through the riverside). Optimized run should be low 3:00 and should be done on the unpatched version. Note that the game doesn't save the fact that you completed the ending, likely due to saving being screwed by the glitch. @MegaLuxray Yes, in the ship there is also an item that looks like a grenade and its name makes no sense. It's a good translation patch though, without it I would be lost.
Joined: 10/2/2005
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Does the L+R/U+D glitch work the same way without the translation patch?
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Editor, Expert player (2324)
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Patashu wrote:
Does the L+R/U+D glitch work the same way without the translation patch?
Editor, Expert player (2324)
Joined: 5/15/2007
Posts: 3905
Location: Germany
Ok I understand what's going on. When you do the glitch, 0xC1 is added to the X-position and 0x82 is added to the Y-position. You basicly stay in the room and get displaced a little but some objects such as boulders, fruits, triggers won't work. If you do the glitch 4 times, you will roughly end up where you started and everything is "working" again. I'm working on a serious run now.
Joined: 1/12/2018
Posts: 2
There are 2 items on the ship that could fit that description: 16oz H2O2 and 8oz MnO2. These are a 16 ounce container of hydrogen peroxide and an 8 ounce container of manganese dioxide, respectively, and an be combined to form bottled air.
Joined: 3/26/2018
Posts: 17
oh wow I was working on this game but hadn't found anything, this is my favorite game in the franchise I was routing it already but maybe I should hold off for now. I know the endings well to so if you have any questions I know a lot about the game I guess. I really like the video I never knew that could be possible before The items are not that hard to find most of them involve having to go to the prison though, I think it would be cool if a tas got the special ending of the game though. By grenade do you mean ほうだん? the shell idk I would have to play the English patch again to figure it out but I have been playing the Japanese one recently. You use the bottle air to get through the cave you can't breath in. This cave leads to the small island for any one wondering. I guess I may as well post this here too but I posted it in SK1 thread, I am currently translating the survival kids 2 items it shares a document with survival kids hut glitch stuff though but just ignore that. and I am making maps but probably won't help a tas at all. Anyway don't know if I can help at all but I am very excited.