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recorded on Snes9x v1.43 WIP 1
-no warps or passwords used
-no programming errors or glitches used
-aimed for the fastest time no matter how it will look
-Super Street Fighter 2 - The New Challengers is a Head to Head Fighting game, the best of the Street Fighter series on SNES and also one of the best beat em up games ever made.
-This is a Time Challenge movie that shows how to beat your opponent in awesome 05.902 seconds!!! and breaking the Capcom Staff record by almost 1 second with a character you would never expect he has potential to do that. Enjoy!
-It's the fastest single-fight timeattack ever done in this mode so brave guys are welcome to challenge me and try breaking this time.

Bisqwit: Because of the weak votes this submission has received, rejecting it.