Post subject: Allow more than 8 sprites only on certain scanlines
Player (171)
Joined: 7/1/2016
Posts: 263
Allow more than 8 sprites on scanline. I really like this option, but in some games it makes sprites visible when they have to be invisible. Is it possible to make an option in BizHawk where you can choose certain scanlines for this feature? With this it would be possible to go around this problem in some games. For example in Legend of Zelda. On this picture, if "Allow more than 8 sprites on scanline" only works between blue lines then when Link go trough the door it will look properly. Really bad English
Editor, Emulator Coder, Expert player (3794)
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Well, sure it's possible. But I don't know enough of the other parts of BizHawk to do it, and am busy with other things. So I'll add it to the list and save it for later. (By the way, I tried that chinese translation of TMNT 3 but couldn't make it work. I tried the obvious extension to CHR ROM size but nothing happened, so the game must be expecting something else for CHR mapping but I don't know what.)
Editor, Expert player (2324)
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For Zelda 1, you can probably use video editing to achieve this.
Joined: 6/22/2011
Posts: 4
Might make more sense to disallow more than 8 sprites on lines that have at least 8 sprites with the same x and y coordinates.
Player (13)
Joined: 9/12/2009
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I know another NES game that has this weird effect in the opening of Operation Wolf with the sprite limit disabled. Classic NES Super Mario Bros. on the GBA has no sprite flicker with Mario and four Goombas in the same scanline compared to the original. NO$GMB has different sprite options as the Game Boy has 10 sprites per scanline. The options are Flicker Sprites, Display Anyway, Hide Some Sprites, Halt Gameplay. Genesis is 20 per line, SNES is 32 per line. On Ninja Turtles on the NES, the life meter flickers because there's 9 sprites in that scanline. There's like 29 or 30 sprites on the rightmost column. This only happens on the overhead as the life meter doesn't flicker during the action. Double Dragon III always flickers regardless of hardware settings as it's a software feature. One more thing, glitched sprites can be seen on status bars with sprite limits disabled as seen in Mario Adventure.
Player (171)
Joined: 7/1/2016
Posts: 263
PikachuMan wrote:
Classic NES Super Mario Bros. on the GBA has no sprite flicker with Mario and four Goombas in the same scanline compared to the original. disabled as seen in Mario Adventure.
This is a port and not like NES emulator. So it doesn't deal with NES limitations
PikachuMan wrote:
This only happens on the overhead as the life meter doesn't flicker during the action.
Because during the action life meter is part of background Here is more examples: