TL;DR: I'm giving talks about TASing as a way to learn reverse engineering skills at
SVLUG in Mountan View, CA on Aug. 3rd,
DEF CON in Las Vegas on Aug. 5th, and
NBLUG in Sebastopol, CA on Aug 9th. I need to borrow a top loading NES with composite / an
NESRGB from someone nearby for a week so I can show off SMB3.
More details: I'll be presenting at DEF CON next week about how learning TASing tools is a great entry point to learning reverse engineering (and generally showing off TASBot and promoting The problem is the only signal type I've been able to arrange is Composite, and my frontloading NES doesn't behave well for the
SMB3 1-second credits glitch because it uses memory chips that clear very slowly. All of the toploaders seem to clear their memory very quickly but only have RF / analog channels 3 or 4 output by default with poor video quality, so I need a toploading NES101 with composite video. The alternative is lugging around a VCR or similar with expected loss of quality or quickly getting my hands on an appropriate
mod kit.
Does anyone in the greater San Francisco bay area or the Las Vegas area have a console I can borrow for a week? If so, please PM me or contact me on Freenode IRC in #tasbot. Thanks!