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We used FCEU Ultra.
Programming error.
Use death as a shortcut.
Use restart sequence.
Aim for the fastest time.
Zelda II, the blacksheep of the Zelda series aim more for an RPG style than a Zelda Style. Not a bad game but not a outstanding to.
The movie was, in majority, play by me (Blitzag), Genisto make the glitch with the healer. The movie was hard and give headach. We use mainly two glitches. The first one, mine, the Left+Right trick. This technique allow to pass throught locked door, slide amesingly fast, do long jump and skip almost all of the palace exept the second one and the last one.
And the second glitch, the Genisto one, here how it work; <<How the glitch works in Zelda II ?>>
I don't know how the glitch work exactly, but I have a good idea of it.
To start the glitch, you must go in a town, then talk to a healer several times before she enter in her house.
If you are lucky, she will enter in the wall. If it's true, enter in the opened door, then you will be in the second part of Rauru Town, but with false entrance.
Here is a list of what you can do:
  • If you take the left exit of the part, you will be at the connected location on the map world.
  • If you take the right exit of the part, you will be at the current location on the map world.
  • If you enter at least 2 times in a house, the game will start to glitch like Super Mario Brothers 1 invisible (the background start to appear at the middle of the screen instead of the side).
  • If you enter at least 5 times in a house, the game will start to glitch more (anytime you enter in a location, you will appear on the left side of the part)
  • If you enter at least 9 time in a house, you will fall lol (if you go right in any part, you will fall the right exit doesn't exists).
Each location on the map have a connection like caves: Rauru Town is connected to King's Tomb, Mido Port Town is connected to Bagu's House...
To reverse the effect, you must do a reset.

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Is the graphical confusion tied to just the warping glitch? If so, I would love to see a run that uses the left+right but doesn't glitch the graphics so you can actually follow what's going on. Overall, this is a cute idea, but really only as a novelty since it's so confusing to watch.
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Yeah, scrolling algorithms screw up when going at a higher speed than normally. The first screen's graphics repeat, sort of, instead of showing the new graphics. Megaman 2 has similar glitches. If you know the approximate design of the dungeon you can sort of follow it anyway. I too am hoping for a no-glitches-barred contest between giga and blitz.
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I don't plan on competing with Blitz on this, though. I was simply having fun playing around with the glitch (although admittedly 10,000 re-records seems a bit extreme...)
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I think everything that needs to be said, has been said. But I have a great suggestion for you Bisqwit: A Glitched-Run Section. This would be a great way for people to be able to re-play games at the fastest speed possible using the craziest glitches they can find. I.E., this run, the LttP run that was recently submitted, etc. etc. I don't mean the tiny glitches that some movies take advantage of. I mean a WHOLE GAME glitch run section, where there's some wildly fantastic glitch that allows you to beat the game in an insanely fast time, or just abuses a ton of glitches to skip parts of the game, etc. etc. You get what i'm getting at, anyways.
Joined: 7/28/2004
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I don't know wheter it's a good idea... it would surely be sometimes quite hard to decide in which section a run belongs.... I don't see a problem with the current system, there's short multiglitch versions and usually "full route" versions as well. But that's just MY opinion... sorry for off topic btw.
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I'm agree with M.I only if there is enought movie to do a complete and correct section, if it not the case, the current system is ok.
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guys try watching this video while drunk and upside down... wheeeee
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Fihlvein wrote:
it would surely be sometimes quite hard to decide in which section a run belongs....
If the glitch cuts the time in half, then it should belong in a glitch section, maybe?!
Joined: 8/10/2004
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I want to say 2 things about this run. First, I don't like it at all. Watching feels almost like a bad dream, and its like someone spilt water on the game, and then on the controller... Second, this is one of the most brilliant runs I have ever seen, due to the fact that it cuts 50 minutes, if I recall, off of the previous run, and the fact that you broke a time that, until recently, would have been deemed impossible without second thought. So I would vote that it be published, if there were not another one in the works, but I stand by that I dont like it at all.
Joined: 8/31/2004
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Wierd... I will not vote on this one for two reasons: I don't see this as entertaining. The movie is simply a big blur with messed up grafics. And I know this can be improved.
Bein' away for like five years, and not a single new post in the ZSNES forum... :'-(
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I'm all in favor of exploiting glitches so long as you don't alter the software or hardware in any way. This site doesn't allow movies that alter the software (Game Genie, save states, hacking, hex editing, etc), but I'm opposed to the use of Left+Right or Up+Down because you would have to alter the hardware to perform it. You would have to remove the D-pad (or really screw with a joystick) in order to press opposite directions at the same time, so this run could never be performed on an actual Nintendo. We're supposed to be demonstrating the limits of what is possible if you eliminate human barriers like reaction time and "skill", not hardware barriers like the inability to press opposite directions on the controller. If you want to use the suggestion of having a "Glitch Runs" section where it's okay to tamper with the hardware in order to demonstrate the amazing glitches that are possible if you do, by all means go ahead, but this is the type of run that finally blurs the line of how much of this particular exploit should be allowed. It saves a few milliseconds, maybe even seconds, in runs like Super Mario Bros., but it allows SNES Zelda: A Link to the Past to be beaten in 4 minutes and NES Zelda II to be beaten in 9. If every record can be beaten this badly by exploiting this "hardware exploit", is that going to be allowed?
TASing or playing back a DOS game? Make sure your files match the archive at RGB Classic Games.
Emulator Coder, Skilled player (1312)
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Well, not very many games behave this strangely when you press left+right or up+down. Most of them go by left+right=nothing or pick one of the two arbitrarily. For this particular game, I think it requires superhuman abilities to perform a run as fast or faster than this even if your controller lets you do it. (That's not really the case for the Zelda 3 though.)
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hopper, doesnt Phil use that Left+Right to do backwards jumping forward (err... at the beginning of some levels and when coming out of pipes) in his and Genisto's Warpless SMB run?
Player (36)
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In the warpless run it's used all over the place.
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Yes he does, and we all collectively accepted that because the improvement can be measured in mere seconds. Now there are not one, but two games where huge sections of the game can be skipped by using this technique. It seems like a good time to debate whether or not this is really appropriate.
TASing or playing back a DOS game? Make sure your files match the archive at RGB Classic Games.
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The current Ninja Gaiden 2 run also uses left+right to go through walls.
Emulator Coder, Skilled player (1312)
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Anything the game allows should be appropriate... when it makes for a completely different movie (as it does in the 2nd and 3rd Zelda games), it should go in a separate category, and that's good enough for me. If the resulting movie is boring, that's more an issue of whether boring but fast runs are worth publishing.