I'm creating a proper submission for this run, with the proper run time. The run is not different from the first submission.
I'll eventually do a proper write up as well.

Samsara: good
that is great haha my lptop is full of gum
Samsara: This is an interesting submission to judge, and not just because I'm secretly the biggest Gummy Bears fan of all time. It's actually gotten a strangely good reception across both of the submissions, even this one which was meant to be the actual "serious" submission has a solid 76% at the time of writing. But part of me still wonders how much of that was due to the gimmick and how much was due to the game itself, because all of the thread feedback points toward the entertainment value being tied to the gimmick and not toward the actual game itself.
We have to classify this as an extreme sports game... Okay, maybe not extreme, but the fact that it is a game of sport means that we can't Vault the run (any currently Vaulted sports games were published before the Vault was implemented, and were auto-tiered there due to their low overall scores). 76% may seem like a decent percentage for a run to make it to Moons, but once again we have to consider that not all of these votes are actually for the game itself, they're for the texture hacking, and even with all of the votes counted it's still about 5-10% shy of what I would consider the lower baseline for a Moon.
This, combined with the game's trivial nature, leads me to rejection. The run itself was good, and the texture hacking was one of this year's AFD highlights in my opinion, but the game itself doesn't exactly lend itself well to publication.
Noxxa: Unrejecting for consideration of publication to the Vault following a rule change regarding sports games.
Samsara: Finally, I can absolve myself of sin.
Samsara: Under the new rules, I think we can safely accept this masterpiece to Vault and showcase it on the site for eternity like it deserves. The golf may be miniature, but the thrills are larger than life! The bears may be gummy, but... Uh... Well... I'll get back to you on that one.