1 2
14 15 16
23 24
Editor, Player (95)
Joined: 5/27/2006
Posts: 240
Oh whoops, I got the formula wrong. I didn't understand my notes. I think it's this: ((BrotherPow * BrotherPowMod * 0.4) - (EnemyDef * EnemyDefMod * 0.2)) * AttackMult So the attack type does apply to the whole thing. For example, Mario's jump is x1.2 and a weak jump is x0.6. I think the pow mod is for stuff like red pepper. I'll post more when I've looked into it more.
Editor, Expert player (2324)
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I'm kind of curious now, so I think I'll try to disassemble it more and make a damage prediction script
I will look forward to this. That will be very helpful. Feel free to edit the wiki as well if you want.
Editor, Player (95)
Joined: 5/27/2006
Posts: 240
It will probably take me a very long time, since there is a lot to disassemble. If you have any battle-specific memory addresses that you know, that may be helpful.
Editor, Expert player (2324)
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Sorry, I have no in-battle addresses yet. I only know when the bros go into battle, the stats/HP/BP are written to somewhere else. You can edit your Pow before entering a battle and it will carry over into the battle. If you edit your stats and level up, the edits will get reverted (because the game uses hard coded stat progression). When I find any addresses I'll post here.
Editor, Expert player (2324)
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Here is my luascript I was working on MLSS Script Pre-v0.1 Feel free to play around with it and tell me what you like and what you don't like and how badly written my code is. I recommend you use Bizhawk 1.11.1 or 1.11.2, turn off the doube-click fullscreen (Config>Display>Window tab) and use mGBA core since it appears to be faster than VBA-Next.
Editor, Player (95)
Joined: 5/27/2006
Posts: 240
I found the code that calculates mush badge damage. Here's the exact calculation: (Normal * 0x33 + Super * 0x33 + Ultra * 0x40 + Max * 0x4C) / 0x100 So if you want to make your calculations more precise, here are the exact values: Normal: 51/256 Super: 51/256 Ultra: 64/256 Max: 76/256
Editor, Expert player (2324)
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BioSpark wrote:
I found the code that calculates mush badge damage. Here's the exact calculation: (Normal * 0x33 + Super * 0x33 + Ultra * 0x40 + Max * 0x4C) / 0x100 So if you want to make your calculations more precise, here are the exact values: Normal: 51/256 Super: 51/256 Ultra: 64/256 Max: 76/256
That's nice, can you find the values for the Japanese version as well? Are they Normal: 20/256 Super: 25/256 Ultra: 30/256 Max: 51/256 ? MLSS Script v0.1 Newer version of the script, now with a little game where the objective is to get 100 fruits without dying. Let me know what you think. You can also find my TODO in the download to get an idea of what's left to do.
Editor, Player (95)
Joined: 5/27/2006
Posts: 240
Yeah I was fairly certain Japanese had those values, but I checked just in case. Good thing I was able to use my US save file. (Normal * 0x14 + Super * 0x19 + Ultra * 0x1E + Max * 0x33) / 0x100 Normal: 20/256 Super: 25/256 Ultra: 30/256 Max: 51/256 So that is correct.
Editor, Expert player (2324)
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Location: Germany
MLSS Script v0.2
- Snake Game: Fixed that loading a savestate while playing would mess up the game.
- Snake Game: Fixed that the winning condition depended on the snake's length rather than the number of fruits collected.
- Snake Game: Fixed that collecting a fruit while holding into the other direction would cause the fruit to vanish without spawning another one.
- Snake Game: Input is now buffered.
- Snake Game: Sped up the beginning speed by 1.
- Mush Calculator: Replaced old Mush power values with the new ones.
- Leading zeroes are now applied by string.format(), to speed up the script some.
Sorry, release date inside the lua file is wrong lol. (I'm not used to this kind of release-information keeping but it's fun) Edit: Found another bug in my snake game, expect some sort of fix later. :)
Editor, Expert player (2324)
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MLSS Script v0.3
Note: This makes use of new Bizhawk lua function SetClientExtraPadding. Please update to Bizhawk 1.11.3 before using this script.

- Console Notifications: When you are on the title screen and turn on certain displays, you will now get notified that it will not be shown on the title screen.
- Snake Game: Fixed that you could move into your own body without dying when you held the opposite direction.
- Menu: Function drawMenu() has been rewritten, improving performance.
- Menu: Displays from the menus "Edit" and "Other" now also have an indicator if they are active or not.
- Menu: Functionality that hasn't been added yet is now noted in the menu as "N/A".
- Mush Calculator: The game version currently running is now indicated by a ^.
- Information: The script now automatically makes space. You do not have to stretch the client window down to make space anymore.
- You can now choose the GUI's font from a list. You can also install an 8p font of your choice and edit line 68 accordingly to use your own font.
- Edit Position: Fixed that the color of Mario's buttons was white instead of red when Luigi was in front.
- GUI Settings are now saved to a file config.cfg. This includes display's position, font setting and whether a display is active or not. When you reload the script, the settings are loaded from the file.
The file is saved every time you interact with the menu. When event.onext() stops being buggy in Bizhawk, I will make it so it saves onexit instead.

Editor, Expert player (2324)
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Info dump about event pointers:

--- Layer2 
4b6c     4byte    What should happen with the event. 
	          1 when event active 
                          0 when not active
                          11 when timer 
                          3 when searching for next valid event
                          5 waiting for a brother to reach a certain position
4b68  4byte      timer
4acc  4byte   pointer to the event

--- Layer1 
4ac4  4byte  active?
4ac0  4byte  timer 
4a24  4byte pointer to the event

#### JP:

- dragohoho
- get hammers
- get run away icon (battle)
- larry

2:0822de50 Panty Mario runs out the house

2:0820aec5 cruiser takes off

2:0820bf52 taking photo mario (too glitchy)

2:0820cc74 tutorial battle (goombas) #1   (pointless. Koopa tutor gone)

2:0820d51a tutorial battle (goombas #2 (pointless ". Game freezes after.)

2:0822edcf  rope game

2:0822f963 tolstar (spawn where you came from after battle, may try to run dialogue. May crash in some rooms?)

2:08230339  stardust field bros jump tutorial (fadein)

2:0823397f  orb game (broken. crashes emu)

2:08233c60 hohooros

1:dragohoho todo

1:hammers get todo

2:08234b4c fly onto the mountain / bowsers castle 

2:0826246b cartgame

2:0820da50 hammer tutorial battle  (pointless. Must have hammers otherwise softlocks.)

2:0823AA52 Bean Bean town Clothes shop (Buy)
2:0823AA8B Bean Bean town Clothes shop (Sell)

2:0823a9Ac Bean Bean town Item shop (Buy)
2:0823a9d8 Bean Bean town Item shop (Sell)

2:0823b1de Coffee screen

2:0823f7b5 enter sewers

1:0823fce4  queen bean   (spawns you where you were after, glitchy and may crash.)
2:0823e59c  badge tutorial   (freezes after)

1:08235a9f  popple and rookie battle (chuckola. freezes after)

1:08239192  chuckolator fight  (strange clip after, but otherwise ok. You are where you were after.)

2:08237227  barrel swim to castle and cure queen bean lol (after chuckola)

1:08243695  fade into university cackletta cutscene (when you open the gate. You spawn before the gate after.)

1:08244fee  cackletta fight (1st)  (you are where you were after. Messes up the room and may freeze depending on your position in the room.)
1:08244ffb   win

2:08246535   popple and rookie fight (university)   (you are where you were after. glitches the room but seems ok)

2:08246815   starbean flies out of university cutscene. you are at oasis after. functional

1:0825c7eb   university (starbean flies out)

fade into stardust field cutscene cackletta becomes bowletta:
  does not seem to work. Maybe depending on if you had watched it already
2:0826616c  (fade into)
1:0825cfdd   (blue text)

Prince Peasly did not appear after travelling to main land (after watching bowletta cutscene).

2:0824787b  mom piranha fight  (you are where you were after. functional)

2:082472bb   peach arrives in plane  
the throne room door may be closed depending how far you are in the game.

2:08225a6b   fade into beginning of peach escort (does not trigger the peach escort)

2:0826398e   enter yellow pipe towards peach prison chamber (upper exit is where you were.. may be glitchy)

2:5ec00548  <-- Peach Speech Glitch in VBA v24 svn391 but what really happens does not depend on the event pointer alone.
2:5ec01283 <-- Peach Speech Glitch in VBA v24 svn391 map screen right before clicking into the credits
2:5ec012bd (0) <-- fade
in VBA, a glitch event occurs immediately 
in VBA-Next, the event pointer is incremented until an event pointer that the game deems valid is set.

1:08226a2a  trunkle fight  (you are where you were after. May glitch up the room or crash depending on your position)

1:08226e39  lift to fungitown 

2:082239c1  fungitown item shop (Buy)
2:08223a00  fungitown item shop (Sell)

2:08224c32  fungitown clothes shop (Buy)
2:08224c71  fungitown clothes shop (Sell)

2:082238f8  yellow pipe into fungitown

2:0822482a   fungitown minigame
2:08224815 (11) fade
you are where you were after.
if it is the first time playing and you win, may cause glitchy behavior.

2:08224aa6  fade into mario is sick cutscene

2:08221463  fungitown room (peach kidnap cutscene)

2:08223b2d  mario room (where he is sick)

1:08224705  return to castle after fungitown (after peach kidnap)

2:08248d82  barreling game. (spawns you in the ship)

2:082492d5  ship going off shore (spawns you in the sea)

2:0821c0ef   fade into lagoons hand tutorial
untested what happens if already watched

1:0821ec4e  hermie 3 fight (freezes after)

1:0821ee8f  starbean piece get  (May glitch up or freeze.)

1:082125e5  fade from designer to caged starbean piece
(needs to set position after fading back:
   mario    luigi
x 33000 27000
y 74000 74000 )

2:08215263  piranha bean fight. may glitch up or softlock after. you are where you were after.

2:0824a0b7  popple fight (alone). freezes.

2:0824c8c4  jojora and girlfriend fight. you are where you were. softlocked but fine otherwise?

2:0824dc23   fade into luigi cruiser

2:0824eb4c   fade into luigi parachute. softlocks if you are controlling both bros. otherwise functional

2:082279d6  popple and birdo fight. freezes after

2:08211a55   enter bean bean town from the right

1:0823a517   trigger endgame (town broken down by bullet bills)

1:0823ef33   bowsers castle shoots bullet bills cutscene. spawns you in the castle, functional

1:0825ccf9   entering bowsers castle. functional

2:0824f426  leave bowsers castle. functional

2:0824f55f   watch koopalings getting released. spawns you in bowsers castle at the start (in wall but easy to get out)

2:0824fc0b   iggy fight  (may or may not crash)

2:0824fd68   spawn in front of iggy's room. may only work as both bros.

2:08250218  morton fight (may or may not crash)

2:08250372  spawn in front of morton room. may only work as both bros.

2:08251226  lemmy fight

2:0825134f   spawn in front of lemmy room

2:082525ca   ludwig fight

2:082526e0  spawn in front of ludwig room

2:0825356f   spawn in front of roy room

2:082536bb roy fight 

2:082542dd  wendy fight

2:082543cc spawn in front of wendy room

2:08254f8f  spawn in front of larry

2:08255423  fawful fight (bowsers castle)

2:08255fce  bowletta fight  (you go to cackletta soul after. you are where you were after cackletta soul. glitchy after.)

1:082563c5   fade into ending (bowsers castle crumbling)

1:0825d3b1   fade into plane cutscene (ending)

1:0825d496  fade into staff credits

2:0825d4ba  save game anywhere
2:0825c874  fadeout

2:08235071  make mario be full of water

2:08259403 enter green pipe map screen 
(needs to set the index to a previously visited green pipe
needs to do so about a second later.)

Trigger a battle anywhere:
Frame n:   2:FFFFFFFF(1) 
Frame n+1:   2:FFFFFFFF(3) 00000019
During the star animation, a valid event pointer for the battle
should be set. This works only for boss battles and some event
battles, since all other normal battles seem treated differently.

#### US:

to prevent crash after battle, use 2:08274bad
disable other layer.

2:08245870 Panty mario running out the house

1:08245f73  peach castle bomb voice boom

2:08222942  cruiser takes off

2:08223674   inventory tutorial  (crashes after)

1:08224694   battle tutorial (cruiser #1). may crash

1:08224f23   battle tutorial (crusier #2). may crash

2:0822732c   fade into on top of cruiser

1:08227c7c   fawful fight (cruiser)

1:082463d9   arriving in stardust fields

2:082467c7   rope game

2:08247d28   stardust fields tutorial

2:08248a29   return from stardust fields tutorial

2:08247357   tolstar

2:0824b625   hohooros

1:0824a797  dragohoho

2:08279498  cart game

2:08279b52  losing cart game

2:08228989  enter bean town from left

2:08252b46  coffee screen

2:082570f2   enter sewers

1:08257621  queenbean

2:082524bd bean item shop Buy  (cant move)
2:082524e9 bean item shop Sell

2:082523ba  bean cloth shop Buy (cant move)
2:082523f3   bean cloth shop Sell

1:0824d44a  popple and rookie (chuckola)

2:08250b03   chuckolator

2:0824ebd2   barrel swim back to castle

1:08255d41   queenbean gets cured

1:0825c8fb   cackletta (university)

2:0825de3a   popple and rookie (university)

2:0825e11a  starbean flies out of the house

2:08232ae2  make luigi into surfboard (not reliable at all)

2:082296ea  yellow pipe into sea (from main land)

2:0824ca2b  makes mario full of water

2:0825f180  mom piranha

2:0825ebc0  peach arrives in plane

2:0823d4df   peach escort start (does not trigger the escort unless peach is ready for the escort)

2:0827a9bb  enter yellow pipe to peach prison (upper exit is where you came from)

1:0823e49e  trunkle

1:0823e8ad   lift to fungitown 

2:0823b46f   fungitown item shop Buy (cant move)
2:0823b4ae   fungitown itemshop Sell

2:0823c6ae  fungitown cloth shop Buy (cant move)
2:0823c6ed  fungitown cloth shop Sell

2:0823b3a6   yellow pipe into fungitown

2:0823c2b0   fungitown minigame
you are where you were after.
if it is the first time playing and you win, may cause glitchy behavior.

2:0823c52b  fade to mario is sick room (cutscene)

2:08238f2f   bridge towards fungitown hospital

2:0823b5db   enter mario is sick room

1:0823c19d   to castle (cutscene after peach kidnapped)

2:08260674  barreling game

2:08231844  yellow pipe from sea to lagoons

2:08233bbb  hands tutorial (lagoons)

1:0823671a   hermie 3

2:08270aeb   green pipe screen (may be glitchy)

2:08274b9e  save anywhere

#### EU:

- not tested. May be the same as US or with an offset. 
1:234567 means layer 1. So the active?-address of layer 1 has to be 01 to start the event. And the event pointer address has to be the value. Then the event starts on the spot. Make sure that the active?-address for the other layer is not active. notes: - When an event is "active" and you are on the pause screen or in battle, it will not run until you unpause or finish the battle (win the battle). - When jumping to a boss battle, you are technically still in the room where you were. After the boss battle, you will be in that same room and the game may try to run a post-battle event which may glitch up if not in the room you're supposed to be. To fix this, make the event pointer address be certain value. This value is 0825d4c9 in JP (savescreen but does nothing when applied like this) so you effectively cancel all subsequent events. - I found European text relating to minigames in the Japanese and US version. (worthy of noting on tcrf?) - You can see the luigi changing from his peach outfit animation by moving his position. You can not normally see this animation otherwise (worthy of noting on tcrf?) - Iggy: You can clip into the wall and skip his spinning around and you losing your controls. Is a timesaver in speedruns, in case nobody knew. - Lemmy: He seems to be always fail first time you pound him or his clones. The 2nd time is RNG. 3rd and other times I didn't test but is probably RNG too. - Roy: You can skip him jumping away and touch him, but you will fight Morton instead of him. After beating him, you will be in the center of the room and softlocked.
Editor, Expert player (2324)
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Posts: 3905
Location: Germany
MLSS Script v0.4
- Config file: Improved all config-related code.
- Config file: Fixed that the Position Display and Snake Game would sometimes be placed in the top left when they're not supposed to.
- Mush Calculator: Fixed that the mushroom counts in the calculator would not default to the game's mushroom counts when the calculator was inactive.
- Change Font: Improved the look.
- Item Display: Added a close button.
- Position Display: Added a close button.
- Edit Position Display: Added a Moon jump option.
- Edit Position Display: Added a Walk through walls option.
- Bros Follow Path Display: Added a close button.
- Bros Follow Bath Display: Added option to connect both brothers with a line.
- Bros Follow Path Display: Added option to connect Follow path pixels with the back brother. This enables you to see the direction of offscreen follow path pixels when entering a new room.
- Edit Action Commands: You can now type in action command IDs and apply them directly, or reset action commands to zero, or set back-Mario to "hop on barrel" directly. Note: The latter may not work in VBA because of its console-inaccurate emulation.
- Snake Game: Fixed that the ending screen text was off screen with certain fonts. It should be good enough now with most fonts of sizes 8p to 10p.
Sorry, "Run event" isn't in the script yet. I had to push this update because I'm forced onto a hiatus and I won't be able to finish it in time. Will be in 0.5.
Editor, Player (95)
Joined: 5/27/2006
Posts: 240
Finally decided to try the script. The UI is pretty nice. The warp to room feature will be useful if I decide to hack this game more in the future. Also, Display > Basic Info crashes the script:
LuaInterface.LuaScriptException: [string "main"]:310: attempt to call field 'SetClientExtraPadding' (a nil value)
Encoder, Player (35)
Joined: 10/22/2014
Posts: 425
BioSpark wrote:
Finally decided to try the script. The UI is pretty nice. The warp to room feature will be useful if I decide to hack this game more in the future. Also, Display > Basic Info crashes the script:
LuaInterface.LuaScriptException: [string "main"]:310: attempt to call field 'SetClientExtraPadding' (a nil value)
You're using an old version of Bizhawk. client.SetClientExtraPadding is new to 1.11.3
Just a Mew! 〜 It/She ΘΔ 〜
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Alternatively you can edit out those Setclientextrapadding instances. I have not looked into how to get "warp to room" to work yet, those non-started N/A things are just wishful thinking that I would like to add but can't really promise. I will try. But "run event" will be similarly useful to you since you can also jump to certain points in the game with it.
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Location: New Donk City
OK, after stepping through a bunch of assembly (first time using VBA-SDL-H), I figured out how STACHE discounts work. Here's a link to a text file with some C-ish pseudo-code and the relevant constants (let me know I need to clarify something): https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/64507723/mlss_stache_discount_code.txt The constants in this are from the (U) version, and the STACHE discount groups are in the stat guide linked on the Resources page, also from the (U) version. I can confirm the constants are the same in (E)/(J); not sure about the Discount Groups, but that should be easily testable in-game.
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Posts: 240
Turns out there's this forum that has a lot of info: http://s3.zetaboards.com/Lighthouse_of_Yoshi/forum/56810/ Unfortunately it's not organized and a lot of it is incomplete, but I know they had stache discounts disassembled already.
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That's a lot of information to take in...
Attack formula wrote:
[max(1,greatforce*typeresist*[mushbonus + max(1,MovePower*[max(1,[2*pow-def/10])])])]]
What is greatforce (is it the coffee item? what does it do?)? What is typeresist? I assume mushbonus is the mushpower which is rounded down. pow is your pow? def is the enemy's def? I know that there must be a difference here between JP and English, since minimum damage in JP seems to be 2 instead of 1 - maybe that's the case only when doing Chopper Bros? I don't know. @jdaster As for the Stache thing, do I understand this right? There are 6 possible discount groups - it depends on the item. Then, there are 5 possible sell/buy constants - it depends on your stache. Right? While I think I could probably apply your code as is into lua, I would appreciate some elaborations. What do you mean "until next threshold"? What does the game do? I don't think there is a difference between US and EU but there might be between US/EU and JP. If possible, please do check for differences. @BioSpark: Where in the ROM (US version) is the calculation for mushpower? (what address)
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I'm not sure where the item data is in (J), but I can probably find it pretty easily. I could have probably clarified things a bit better in that file. In broad strokes, your STACHE discount starts at the item's DG's value in k_StartingDiscounts, and remains at that until your STACHE hits the item's DG's minimum value for discount to start increasing (k_LowestStacheForDiscount). Once your STACHE is higher than that, your discount counts up by the first value for the DG in k_DiscountRates, once per STACHE point, until the total discount hits the DG's first value in k_RateChangeThresholds (roughly, there's a bit of weirdness in how it calculates when to switch to the next rate I'll explain further down). Then it switches to the second value for the DG in k_DiscountRates until the total discount hits the DG's second value in k_RateChangeThresholds. This continues until the discount hits its max (0x3200, or 50%), or you run out of STACHE points. Here's an example: Say Mario & Luigi have an average of 31 STACHE, and are trying to buy a Bean B. Badge (78 coins, DG 1). The discount starts at 0x0400 for DG 1, and starts increasing at 19 STACHE, so the Bros. have 12 STACHE remaining. The first discount increase rate for DG 1 is 0x2CC, and it switches to the next at a total discount of 0xF33. Rather than counting until the discount exceeds 0xF33, the game divides the difference between 0x400 and 0xF33 (0xB33) by 0x2CC, and determine it takes 4 steps to get there. However, it determines that since 0xF33 isn't divisible evenly by 0x2CC, it adds an extra step, for a total of 5. (No idea why it checks that specifically, but that's indeed what it does.) So, after stepping up by 0x2CC 5 times, the total discount is 0x11FC, and the Bros. have 7 STACHE remaining. The next discount rate increment is 0x066, and it wants to switch to the next at 0x10CC. Dividing (0x10CC - 0x0F33) by 0x066 gives 4, and since 0x10CC isn't divisible by 0x066, it increases to 5. Stepping up by 0x066 5 times, the total discount is 0x13FA and the Bros. have 2 STACHE left. The next discount rate increment is 0x200, and it wants to switch at 0x24CC. Since (0x24CC - 0x10CC) / 0x200 is more than 2, we just increment twice. 0x13FA + 2 * 0x200 = 0x17FA, so the final discount is 0x17 = 23%. The buy price is then ceil(0.77 * 78) = 61, and the sell price is floor(1.46 * floor(78 / 4)) = floor(1.46 * 19) = 27. Hopefully this makes a bit more sense. Edit: Hm, the constants are definitely different in (J). I thought (E) and (J) were the same; I'll get those values and the items' DGs in a bit. Edit again: Added (J) constants to the file above. Here's the DG differences (should be all of them): - Max Nuts are in DG 4 in (J), 3 in the others. - 1-up Mushrooms are in DG 3 in (J), 4 in the others. - Red/Green Peppers are in DG 3 in (J), 5 in the others. - First-visit Fungitown gear / badges are in DG 2 in (J), 0 in the others. - #1 Trousers and Beanstar Pants are DG 5 in (J) rather than 2 and 4, respectively. (Apparently they realized 1st Strike is super good). - All non-shop gear / badges (excluding starting badge / gear) are DG 5 in (J).
Editor, Player (95)
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Posts: 240
I'm not so sure I would trust that damage formula. If you give me some time, I can find the full and accurate damage formula and put it in a lua script. The mush calculation seems to be part of a larger routine, but the mush part specifically starts at 0x810E104
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Location: New Donk City
Attack formula wrote:
[max(1,greatforce*typeresist*[mushbonus + max(1,MovePower*[max(1,[2*pow-def/10])])])]]
That looks like a misunderstanding of and extrapolation from a simplified version of the damage formula I used in the guide accompanying my "Superstar Saga+" hack. Definitely not trustworthy for accurate values, at any rate. Also, from the "Item Editing" thread, the STACHE calculation is in a function starting at 0812EF44 in (U).
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Location: Germany
Pow and Def bonuses differences of gear and badges are listed on themushroomkingdom.net but as for special effects (weight, healing etc) there doesnt seem to be a comprehensive list. Your guide lists them https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/64507723/mlss_statguide.txt but I don't know what those terms mean "HP-Up Jump" or "Power-D" etc. I'm curious if those special effects have version differences too.
Joined: 12/1/2012
Posts: 103
Location: New Donk City
Those are just the in-game names of the effects in The American version. It probably wouldn't be too hard to compile a list of their effects. I had no idea the values were different in the Japanese version, but I'm not really surprised.
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Posts: 3905
Location: Germany
I did not say that they are different. I'm just curious if they are.
Joined: 12/1/2012
Posts: 103
Location: New Donk City
Here's an Excel doc with all the item, gear, and badge stats for U and J versions (I left out the StarBeans items, since they appear to be identical). https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/64507723/mlss_uj_itemstats.xlsx I found a small data table that appears to be related to bonus effects (the pointers in the raw data end up pointing to their names), but changing the values doesn't seem to do anything in-game. Maybe they were used at some point, but I imagine all of that stuff is in unrelated scripts instead. On a random note, I seem to remember someone on the YL forums posting about the strength of Lucky Mushroom effect in terms of STACHE points, but it was probably for the American version only.
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