Post subject: Final Fantasy Adventure GB
Joined: 7/20/2004
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This was my favorite game for the ol' FatBoy. I think a low-level speedrun could be interesting. Here are some ideas: - After fighting bosses, you'd gain a bunch of level-ups. I would only pick Power and Will for your stats, as Wisdom and Stamina are useless in a TAS. Yes, you do have to use magic a few times (Ice and Nuke), but choosing Will adds one to Wisdom and Ethers are plentiful. - Luck should be able to be abused to get enemies to drop items. During normal play, you get a chest half the time, anyway. Keys, Mattocks, and Ethers should never have to be bought. Some of the spell items (blizzard, frost, etc.) may be useful. - In the US version, the text scrolls slooooooooooowly. Even holding A or B to speed it up slightly is still slow. Maybe the Japanese version is faster in this aspect? - You may have to buy a weapon or two for boss fights. Like the Thunder Spear for Kraken and the Flame Flail for Kary. This could create a money issue, but some enemies drop sellable items (Gold, Opal, etc.) that can be abused. I don't know of any glitches yet. I think this game could be done in an hour or less. Thoughts?
Player (25)
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Still one from my favourite games. I would like to see a Speedrun from this game.
Last TAS finished: Final Fantasy Adventure (4.0 Warp Glitch Run) WIP in the moment: Tail Gator (GB) Matty
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This would definitely be a sweet speedrun, I would take it on if I didn't already have too much to do. On levelups I don't know if I would pick will at all, since it would be faster to simply cut down enemies with a flurry of normal attacks. Picking power every time would give you the highest attack, upping your defense and HP at the same time. For sure, no more wisdom is necessary than what you start out with, I've played through the game easily this way (picking only power or stamina.) You get 6 MP, enough to cast nuke. The ice spell can be replaced by items later on. The various helpers would be useful to kill enemies for some experience without your main guy stopping, though it might be difficult to manipulate this. Item drops would be great, easy money from some monsters. There are quite a few necessary purchases-battleaxe and silver equipment for sure, but thunder spear would probably be worthwhile. Any glitches? I could swear something is possible with the chocobo. Any sequence breakers? I don't know of any.
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TheAxeMan wrote:
Any glitches? I could swear something is possible with the chocobo.
Would it be how you're invincible while riding? I'm look forward to seeing a run of this game. Heck, school will be out before too much longer, so I may start one myself.
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I have start now a run from this game. Its my first run at all, so I now its bad and will maybe not accepted and its not good enough for this site. But then I do it for me just for fun and can play again this great game. Final Fantasy Adventure (U) arrived at Jadd after defeat Medusa (5. Boss) Tell me what you think. But I think the movie will take longer then 1 hour. Under 1 hour is not possible I think. I have make only little errors, but I think not so much that it will cost much time. And I am at 46 minutes and defeat the 5. Boss. And there are 16 more to defeat. So I think it will take over 2 hours maybe. Edit: After the Flying Ship. Arrive in Jadd after defeat Medusa (5. Boss) Time: 46:02 Rerecorded: 1522 Try now better to manipulate luck.
Last TAS finished: Final Fantasy Adventure (4.0 Warp Glitch Run) WIP in the moment: Tail Gator (GB) Matty
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Great, despite the flaws, the route is well planned. I hope to see more so we can find out just what it takes to beat this game. How hard is it to manipulate the item drops? I think you should have manipulated more keys if possible since you'll need them on and off through the whole game. Also, I think it's neat to see the effects of picking all power--even at fairly low levels you are much stronger.
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Thanks. I rerecord always, when I go the wrong way. So this is the best route I think which I take. Only maybe little errors. Its not easy to manipulate item drops (for me its the first time I try a speedrun, so I don't know all tricks). This is the reason, why I reenter one room 3 times, because the skeleton drops a key then. I have try without reenter many things, but he never drop keys then. I hope I will get enough keys later in the game, or I must buy some. Not sure how many do you need? Update now the file the 4. Boss defeated and enter Gaia Cave with Silver equiped. Time 32:39 Minutes Rerecorded: 996x Maybe I start a second run when I have finish this one, then I can see which items I need and how many keys and mattocks I must get. EDIT: I have start a list what you need till you reach Jadd: 18 Mattock's - So you need 3 chests at the moment (21 Mattock's) 5 Key's - 2 Chest (8 Key's) Money = 2417GP Not sure if you must buy all Silver Items from Watt's, but I have done it. You can sell these items for good prices, so you must not defeat so much enemies for the money you need: Crystal (Magic) - Owl's in Kett's House = 500GP Gold (Bag) - Pig's infront of Wendel = 750GP Last Update for today (or yesterday), same file, just download it at the other post from me. Arrived at Jadd after defeat Medusa. Here some nice Glitches or Tricks which I have done in this game yet. Walk trough enemies. Work sometimes after you hit them, but not always. One time it has work without hit the enemie before I think. Not sure why it sometimes work. In the Medusa Cave - Hit the spider with the Ice over the switch which opens the door without lose time (this was luck and a bit manipulation). Looks great I think.
Last TAS finished: Final Fantasy Adventure (4.0 Warp Glitch Run) WIP in the moment: Tail Gator (GB) Matty
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Ah, proceeding nicely. Good call on the items to sell. I'm sure you can see a few spots for improvements, but I'll list a few suggestions. --Have you considered using a crystal when you need a charged chain whip? --You can combine some of your inventory trips by switching weapons and items at the same time. --You can probably buy all the keys you need from the oil shop faster than it would be to get them from drops, and at that point they're pretty cheap. --It looks like you do need that BattleAxe to chop down the trees around Wendel. Perhaps there are some items you could sell instead of killing extra enemies. Even a few candies would cut out quite a few enemies. --Later on, you get less and less out of killing enemies since you can't build up levels as easily. For example, in the medusa cave you see some of the same enemies as in Kett's, so it's not worth fighting them. Maybe you can figure out which enemies are worth the most experience at each point vs how tough they are to kill. In the end, this might be the toughest thing to plan out.
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Yes, I have read about the Crystal in the FAQ, but it was to late, I have finish these parts already and have not know anymore, what a Crystal do. I will add this in the next version of this run I think. Have write it in my to do list for the next version. I have think too yesterday, that I can maybe switch weapons and items at the same time, but I have try and see that this is no time lose. Because you must again press Start to get into the menu. So it will not save much time I think. This is an idea which I have not think about. Buy keys. Maybe I add it too in the second version from this run. But in the first I must find out how much keys I need. Then I can buy so much keys I need at the beginning. Battle Axe is a must have, found out too. And I know I get to much Candy's or useless items at the beginning. Now later in the run I try to get no more useless items, only which I need or can sell for a good price. Its easier to kill these easy enemies then these, which give you more experience points. So it will cost much time, when I kill harder enemies. I try to mix it a bit. Kill not all enemies, but some and which are in my way. And many easy enemies too. Every experience point can be good for level up. And I think the run get better and better. The best part in the moment is in the Medusa Cave. Where I hit the spider with the ice over the switch. That was so great luck (and a bit manipulation) and looks so good. But there are other tricks in these run too like walk through enemies after hit them and push them. So I think the run would be very interesting, when be done. EDIT: Update the File. After beat the Metal Crap (I think 7. Boss). Time: 54.32 Rerecord: 1984x Have not get the Were Axe, because I think the way is to long and it takes to much time. So I beat the Metal Crap with the Battle Axe, because I will not change the weapons to much. Not sure how much faster is another weapon. I read a FAQ and see, that I must use the Mattock only one time after this Stage. So when I have make no error you need 21 Mattock's. 3 chest at all. Then you get the Morning Star which is much better for walls and enemies.
Last TAS finished: Final Fantasy Adventure (4.0 Warp Glitch Run) WIP in the moment: Tail Gator (GB) Matty
Joined: 10/15/2005
Posts: 12
TheAxeMan wrote:
--It looks like you do need that BattleAxe to chop down the trees around Wendel. Perhaps there are some items you could sell instead of killing extra enemies. Even a few candies would cut out quite a few enemies.
One possibility would be to return later, after the Marsh Cave or even Kett's.
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Update the File. Finally its over 1 hour and defeated Cyclop & Golem (I think the 9 or 10. Boss), get the Morning Star, so I need no more Mattock's. You need 3 chest Mattock's then you have 21 Mattock's, all you need. I have use one more to save a bit time. Final Fantasy Adventure (U) WIP Movie Time: 1:02.31 Rerecorded: 2395 Arrive at the Waterfall to enter Glaive Castle. Defeat Chimera. Was a hard fight, but looks good in the movie I think. Hit everytime and without lose much time I think. EDIT: Found now out, that you must not buy all Silver Armors and Weapon to enter Gaia Cave. I have try it only with shield and this work great too. Maybe I buy then in the next version only the shield, is cheap and protect maybe from some shots from enemies. So I don't must sell Crystals.
Last TAS finished: Final Fantasy Adventure (4.0 Warp Glitch Run) WIP in the moment: Tail Gator (GB) Matty
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Ah yes, Chimera probably is your best boss fight. I totally agree with skipping the were axe. However, I think you should consider using swords more on the bosses, since they have the fastest swing rate. You could easily save more than the time required to switch weapons. Morning star is cool, but so slow. As far as getting the BattleAxe later, it is probably be a good idea. You wouldn't have to spend extra time killing rabites and minidemons early on for chump change. I would guess the best time would be after the marsh cave, having the money then shouldn't be a problem and it's not far out of your way from the cave to Kett's.
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Update the file again. Now arrive at Ish. Some nice moves in there again. Like hit one from the soldiers with the ice on the switch without lose much time. And now I try only to kill enemies which in my way and without lose much time. So no long ways anymore to enemies or other things. Not sure about the sword. Its the near first weapon and not so good I think. Maybe faster but too lower attack or I am wrong. In my second version I will skip the Silver Sword too (you need only one Silver item to enter Gaia, so I think I will take the shield only), so I would have only the first sword which is not very good at all. The Morning Star is much stronger then the sword. And when you swing to fast your sword the second attack will fail, because the enemie is invisible a short time. I have see by more Boss-fights and you can see it in my movie too, that I sometimes not hit the Bosses. So its no big problem, that the Morning Star is slower. Then I hit the enemie at the right time when I can hit it again without wait what I must do by the Sword. Update the File. Ice Cave done, defeat Kary and arrive at Lorim. The Ice Cave was hard. You slide most ways and can't do much. So its too not easy to manipulate things like enemies here without lose time. But I think I have done it good without lose too much time. This cost me much from rerecording this time that it looks so good. But as hard this Stage was, so easy was the Boss Fight. Kary is one from the easiest Bosses I think. And again I need more Crystals. So I wait 2 times again till my Will is full. But the Stage at all looks good I think. Update again: Get the Rusty Sword. And again: Defeat more Bosses, Lich and Mantis Ant and open the Dime Tower. Update: Now arrive at the entrance from the Last Area with the 3 Dragons. I think this will be hard fights. I have test them fast with cheat Code and these takes long to defeat. Has someone any tips? Is it better with full WILL and Rusty Sword or is another weapon better. I don't own better Axes or Flails, and I don't own Spears. So the Rusty Sword is the strongest weapon I own in the moment I think. As I look in my Item list I was shocked. One key is missing. I read that there are 2 way in the Stage before and first as I run through the Stage and use not so much keys. Then I look in a FAQ and see that the other way is maybe faster. But there you need one key more. But I have see, that there are a skelton is on the way, so I will get the key there. ;)
Last TAS finished: Final Fantasy Adventure (4.0 Warp Glitch Run) WIP in the moment: Tail Gator (GB) Matty
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Ok, the Speedrun is done, you can't download it in my signatur. I have submit it, but cancel it, because its not good enough like TheAxeMan say. I will try to get faster. But more agressiv by Boss-Fights will be hard. As I say before when you are to fast you miss, because they are invisible a short time. I do a second run soon (maybe today I start) and see how much better I can do it. I think this will take much longer, more rerecordings and will be under 2 hours. OK Start the second run. Use now Frame Advance from the Emulator, this help much. Now its near the fastes as possible I think. Have try near alle moves and go near the Boss and hit so often I can without miss. I kill only enemies which in my way and go the fasted way to all screens now. So it looks much better now and its much faster. By hard screens I use now Frame Advance, so I can test many moves and ways to reach the next screen as fast as possible. Ahhh, found an error. I go one step to far. Corrected now and arrive by Bogard. Was already in Kett, now I must do the Mountain and Cave again. But luck that I found it so early after watched the movie again and again. Now it looks clean till Bogard
Last TAS finished: Final Fantasy Adventure (4.0 Warp Glitch Run) WIP in the moment: Tail Gator (GB) Matty
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Joined: 7/17/2004
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I love how your new version is looking. Movements are highly optimized and the first boss fights looked great. Frame advance is really helping, right? Remember to use frame advance on the menus, that will help you get through them very quickly. It may also be helpful in dialog, though perhaps you could use a turbo button to speed through it. Keep it up and this version will definitely be publishable!
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Thanks. Yes Frame Advance is great for hard screens and Boss Fights, I have use it in the first Boss all time and see when I can hit him or not. So I have make no hit in the air and always hit him near at the right time. So he die much faster as in my first version. And this time I take no hit from him as I run to the exit. And yes I use it too in dialog and menu settings. So this version will much faster and much better then my first one. Not sure how fast this will be, maybe between 1.30 and 1.50 I think. The first one help me now to see the right way or errors which I have done. I hope the later Bosses will be to easy with this Frame Advance. And this will take much longer to record I think.
Last TAS finished: Final Fantasy Adventure (4.0 Warp Glitch Run) WIP in the moment: Tail Gator (GB) Matty
Joined: 8/3/2004
Posts: 325
cool i guess i should check the GB forum more often, good luck with this run, your 2nd WIP is looking good so far
Joined: 8/3/2004
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i knew i had seen this game before.. this is the same game as Sword Of Mana on GBA, except crappier looking and such
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Sword of Mana is a remake of this game. FFA came out in the period where Square was putting "Final Fantasy" on all their Western releases everything in hopes of turning it to gold (this seems to be a cyclic thing...) Anyway, it's actually the first game in the Seiken Densetsu series. For some reason, they later decided this series could stand on its own and the Western release of the sequel was more appropriately named "Secret of Mana".
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I am now in the Marsh Cave get Sickle and a second set of Mattocks. Question is this OK, that I go back some steps for the Mattock? I try to get all items as fast as possible. Have try more times in all rooms and here it has work. Is not much, and I need Mattocks at all. I will not buy Items, which I can get by this way. So is this OK? Or must I try to get these without go back? I think it cost not much time. Bronze Key was hard to get without lose much time I have use here Frame Advance all the time. I have try more way into the screen from the Lizards and this was a good result I think. I go round one time to kill all Lizards and try to kill the last one where the Key will appear. So it cost not much time to get this I think.
Last TAS finished: Final Fantasy Adventure (4.0 Warp Glitch Run) WIP in the moment: Tail Gator (GB) Matty
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Still looking good. I like your lizard fight and you are doing well in the cave. Mattocks and keys are very cheap, I think you should buy them unless you can get them from enemies very easily. One crystal will pay for all the mattocks and keys for the rest of the game. Also, are you still planning on buying silver shield only? The sword may help you beat many of the bosses faster. It might be worthwhile to rerecord on your old run, using silver sword instead of chain to beat Davias, Medusa, the crab thing. You used chain on several of these before, which is much weaker than silver sword.
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I have hard work for the Bronze Key. I like the result too much. I want to get all items which I need from enemies. And I think its not much time lose, because most chests was not so far away and I lose not much time. It takes too time to buy these items in the shop and I don't like it to buy things which I can get by this way. It looks better when get these from enemies for me. And I think its more entertainment, when I get these from enemies. Now I have all Mattocks and the half keys I need. So only 3 more keys and I have all I need. Then I miss only 6 Crystals which I try to get in Kett. So it will take only a bit rerecording and manipulation and I will get these too in the next stages I think. And it looks great, that I get 2 chests from keys in one screen I think. I am not sure how easy it is to get Crystals. Mattocks very easy to get. I get more chests then I need, so I have not take the last one. Keys are much harder to get and you need much more manipulation. Or it was luck with the Mattocks, that I get them so fast. Not sure, will test it maybe later with the Silver Sword. I have look in my old movie and see the Attacks from Silver Sword and Chain. Its only 4 AP more the Sword. Do you think it will be so much faster? I am not sure how much different will 4 AP, but its sound for me not much more Attack Power then the Chain. Maybe I buy the Silver Sword and try it. But I will buy only 1 Silver Item at all. So when I buy the sword I will not buy the shield. You need only one from these items, so it takes only more time to buy all. And when I take no damage from enemies the shield or armor useless at all. So the Sword is maybe a good choise at all for some Boss Fights. So 1st try by the second Boss with Sickle. Hit him first time a soon as possible and as often as possible without lose time. Frames: 43014 when I get the Black Screen. 43884 when I get the 2 chests and exit the stage. Later I will try the Sword and will see what is better. Argg one hit goes in the air, see it now after watch again. By the Frame Advance it looks good, but now I hit one time the air. But lose not much time, because you can only hit him while his mouth are open and there his mouth was close and I hit him as he open it again. So no big problem here I think. I entertainment here too much. Walk in circles and catch the Fire with my Shield from the Dragons. The shield will defend my from these, so I take no hit.
Last TAS finished: Final Fantasy Adventure (4.0 Warp Glitch Run) WIP in the moment: Tail Gator (GB) Matty
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Have see my first version again to watch special points. All Items I need and in which order. So I will use the best way to equip them. And other important things, which I have not notice before so good. 1. Castle with the Spikes around the stairs. There I lose 38 HP points. So I hope I will have enough when I arrive there. But I think I will, because its a long way to this place and I try to Level up good when enemies around my way. 2. Cave where you need the Bone Key to enter. There I lose 69 HP by the Lava. But I think the enemies give me much exp points on the way to this Cave. So when I have not enough HP I will Level Up much before I go into this Cave and will maybe not use the Chocobo there. I think it will take no much extra time. You must too always ask him to break the stones with the Morning Star. So I can walk without the Chocobo too. I must too Level Up inside one time. Because I use 2 times Ice and later again 2 times. So I must level up between these Ice uses. Has work great by my first version, but it was luck, or there are enough enemies which give good exp points. Also I must Level up after finish this Stage. Because I need again MP for Nuke and I will not use Ether again like in my first run. This will again no big problem because I will Level Up again by the enemies on the way back. 3. For Mantis Ant I need ca. 86 HP like in my first run, because I lose much HP from the Spikes around the Boss. And I must Level Up again after defeat the Boss like it has work in my first Version. But there it was only luck. Here must I plan it now. But this will be easy I think. The enemies give me much exp points. And I will stop, when I get enough from the Boss.
Last TAS finished: Final Fantasy Adventure (4.0 Warp Glitch Run) WIP in the moment: Tail Gator (GB) Matty
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Ah, lots of planning to do. Well, in the bone key you can beat some enemies easily for good exp if you use the ice sword. Also, I was wondering if you knew that you could do the snow field later. I don't know if there is any advantage, but as soon as you have chocobo that goes on water you can fight Lich and get Nuke. You can then nuke the crystal and go in there but it's pointless without rusty sword. It probably doesn't matter because you need to get the bone key anyway. I just do this when playing normally so I can get items from that crystal dungeon.
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Sickle by the second Boss is much better. I have done it now with Sword. After some rounds I look at the Frames and there was already over the Sickle Frames and the Boss is still there. I have try to hit him as often as possible. But it takes much longer with sword. Maybe too the equiping is to long for this, because I must count this here too. So my first test with Sickle will be in the finish movie. So now I beat the 2nd Boss with Sickle, get the Mirror, buy the Battle Axe and enter Kett's Mansion. Again one small update. Sound maybe small, but was hard work and I get many items which I need. On the way to the Chain I get 4 Crystal and 2 Keys. So I need only 1 Key and 2 Crystals and I have all I need as soon as possible.
Last TAS finished: Final Fantasy Adventure (4.0 Warp Glitch Run) WIP in the moment: Tail Gator (GB) Matty