Active player (377)
Joined: 9/25/2011
Posts: 652
DrD2k9 wrote:
c-square wrote:
Are you considering a Warcraft run?
I hadn't been, but I'm open to it. Among my seemingly millions of other projects. If you want to do it, have at it! I'll help as I can.
Thanks, but I barely have time to work any TAS stuff recently. And Warcraft would require a lot of research and planning.
Editor, Expert player (2324)
Joined: 5/15/2007
Posts: 3905
Location: Germany
TAS is in mission 5. 5min 35sec ahead of the speedrun. (+- 10 seconds because I'm not sure if I did the comparison right) Rest of the game should be a breeze. All the hard parts of the game are done with.
Editor, Expert player (2324)
Joined: 5/15/2007
Posts: 3905
Location: Germany
TAS is now in mission 6 "That old devil moon". 6min 11sec ahead of the speedrun. --- Found a new trick. When in the ship, sometimes there are messages that will come up in 1 or 2 seconds and you cannot press any keys until then (K, O, N...) as to prevent you from beaming, orbiting, or entering the star map. But you can press F3 to make the cursor able to select people on the screen. This allows you to click on people such as Kirk to beam over, or do other things when you're not supposed to be able to. This saves time at the end of mission 5 and may be useful in earlier missions. But I do not want to start the TAS over, since I can see my motivation for this project is vanishing. I will check for places where it can save time in earlier missions and list them here or in the submission. --- And I found yet another strange "dead end" bug. After mission 5, after getting the Starfleet admirals report message, the game automatically turns black and starts the next mission. But you can press O right before this happens to orbit the planet. If you clear the "entering orbit" message, the game would turn black, but you can prevent that too by opening Kirk's menu and beaming over. This makes your crew and Quetzelcoatl beam over to the trial again (although Quetzecoatl should be dead at this point and the mission is over.) --- In mission 6, you can orbit the planet mere frames before the first Starfleet message shows. The Starfleet message will show after you orbitted the planet. You can bring up Kirk's options before or after. Before: You can beam over. This leads to a dead-end (the skipped message will come up later to haunt you) After: "This isn't our destination".