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Rikku wrote:
Wip Rainbow Ride winrar 7zip about 213,13 secs. ahead
Right so submit the run within 2 hours okay? thanks okay thanks have fun, bye.
Nitrogenesis wrote:
Guys I come from the DidyKnogRacist communite, and you are all wrong, tihs is the run of the mileniun and everyone who says otherwise dosnt know any bater! I found this run vary ease to masturbate too!!!! Don't fuck with me, I know this game so that mean I'm always right!StupedfackincommunityTASVideoz!!!!!!
Arc wrote:
I enjoyed this movie in which hands firmly gripping a shaft lead to balls deep in multiple holes.
natt wrote:
I don't want to get involved in this discussion, but as a point of fact C# is literally the first goddamn thing on that fucking page you linked did you even fucking read it
Cooljay wrote:
Mayor Haggar and Cody are such nice people for the community. Metro City's hospitals reached an all time new record of incoming patients due to their great efforts :P
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I'm convinced you have a quantum computer and are just bruteforcing this whole thing. Haven't watched it because I'll just wait for the submission the next time I refresh the page.
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mmbossman wrote:
I'm convinced you have a quantum computer and are just bruteforcing this whole thing.
If only that were possible. Imagine how amazing the fastest TAS possible would look. Anyway, only 2 stars left! I cannot wait to watch this in its entirety.
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Rikku, you are my hero. Incredeble quality at breakneck speed.
Has never colored a dinosaur.
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Looked great. Can't wait to see it when it's all done.
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Sorry, but the .m64 file I get just goes up to the end of TTC; anyone else have this problem?
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The file you downloaded previously is in your browser cache.
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Seriously, Rikku, how much time do you spend daily on this? Sometimes you're working so fast I suspect you finished this long ago and are just slowly revealing parts of it.
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He's probably a 30-something guy living with his parents :P ... j/k But I'm baffled at this rapid pace as well. Better stay up extra late tonight.
Borg Collective wrote:
Negotiation is irrelevant. Self-determination is irrelevant. You will be assimilated.
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To answer the question, here's the excerpt from #nesvideos: <moozooh> compared to how much time it took FODA to make his run, this is insane. <rikku> yes but foda have do it first and this is harder <moozooh> well that's right. <rikku> and he have a real life <moozooh> haha <moozooh> and you don't? :D <rikku> no
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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That looked amazing! The one part that I thought a few frames could be saved on was at the end of the eight red coins star, you could have maybe hit B to dive...? I dunno. good work, and I'm excited for the last two.
Joined: 4/6/2007
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So, I've decided if I keep pressing F5 on this page long enough, You'll be done! Absolutely amazing work.
Joined: 3/22/2006
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Complaint: Why do you fall and lose health en route to Star #2? You can do the fancy flips, but stay on the carpet. Unless I'm mistaken, it appears to cost a few frames in the end (after Mario leaves the level but before the coins are totaled and the option to save appears). Also, people who don't know what's going on might think it looks sloppy. For Bowser in the Sky, refer to AKA and Swordless Link's new submission. They've come up with some good stuff.
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as far as I know, collecting coins less than fifty and losing less than like half health doesn't affect wait time on level end. mario still htakes off his cap and brushes his mustache or whatever.
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I haven't had any comments because my primary computer broke down in January and the backup wasn't really suitable for N64 emulation. But now I've built myself a new computer with a GeForce 8500GT OC, and I've cranked up the AF to 16 and the AA to 8, grabbed a snack and watched the WIP. The good is obvious, so I hope you'll forgive me for focusing on the bad. Some of it is due to route changes in order to reduce time, and the rest is artistic style. Whomp's Fortress: I was really disappointed that the 100 coin run didn't generate both stars at the same time. FODA's 100 coin run was classic: during the star animation for the first star, one of the sliding block guys pushed Mario off of the ledge! The camera stayed with the star, so Mario got a head start on the other one. That was truly cool. Cool, Cool Mountain: The end of the penguin race is way less entertaining. FODA's original WIP had Mario facing the penguin, which could be seen from a distance - barreling down on him, which I thought was brilliant. The final version had the penguin approach from the side, so it lost the cool factor from seeing him coming, but it was still pretty funny that it nailed him from out of the blue. This time Mario just kind of gets nudged out of the way. There's no suspense or flair. It's a small thing to nitpick, but TASing is about perfectionism, so it's easy to get hung up on artistic "perfection" as well as technical perfection. Bowser fights: The rapid camera switching at the end of the Bowser fights is my biggest complaint. It was mildly irritating in Bowser 1, but in Bowser 2 it was unbearable. You can't see a thing while that's happening. The end of B2 is so distracting that it causes me to have evil thoughts. I've wished Mario harm... Bowser 2: I guess the 1-up mushroom didn't appear at the top of the first pole because you jumped off the pole at a lower point. Watching the mushroom chase Mario through the level, and finally sneak up and catch him during his star animation, was one of the funniest things in FODA's run. I miss that. Rainbow Ride: Taking unnecessary damage is a big no-no with me. Getting zapped and taking falling damage during the carpet ride looks really unprofessional. I don't like seeing avoidable damage in a TAS. In general, I'm a fan of secondary goals. It looked like you avoided one of the 1-up mushrooms when you were Koopa shell surfing over an arch in Lethal Lava Land, but it didn't look like it saved any time. I could be wrong: maybe Mario needed to jump to gain speed. You definitely had time to collect a 1-up mushroom during the carpet ride in Rainbow Ride. If it doesn't cost any time, I'd like to see Mario finish with as many lives as possible. In addition to beating Morimoto's time, one of the selling points for the run that obsoleted his famous SM3 run was that Mario collected more coins and scored more points. Those are irrelevant in SM64, but the lives are still a measure of how much ass you're kicking. To beat the game really fast, and collect a lot of lives along the way, rubs it in even harder and makes the run even more impressive. Is one extra mushroom a big deal? No, but it shows off your mastery of the game. Some have voiced support, but I don't really like the fact that the stars are collected in order. I liked trying to guess - and often being wrong - which star FODA was going for. It looks bad to have all of the criticism in one post like this, but I'm late to the party. I don't have a lot to add to the kudos, though I would like to say that the 100 coin star in Hazy Maze Cave is absolutely incredible. Awesome job, man. Also, the camera work and style choices in the last few levels have been anywhere from good to excellent, so I'm certainly not knocking the camera work in the whole run. There were just a few things that jumped out, so I wrote them down. Good luck in the final stars, and lay off the rapid camera switching when you beat Bowser 3.
TASing or playing back a DOS game? Make sure your files match the archive at RGB Classic Games.
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Whoa, almost finished can't wait until its submitted.
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Congratulations Rikku. I haven't really watched anything since WDW. I'd download a WIP just to find that a newer one had been posted, so I stopped :P The work gone into this was great and I eagerly await the submission. Good luck with BitS.
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Is the all coin run still being considered? Just I was thinking how it could be done. Have it as a concept demo. Helpful as it will help the run get accepted I believe, for a start. This being due to the fact it is somewhat of an odd goal for this game, and that we already have 2 runs (3 with CCC-less) in with the 'normal' N64 runs. More importantly Concept demos can start from a save file, (SRAM is it?). Of course there are clear benefits to this. It would help the run keep its focus. All stages, and all acts are open. This would mean you would not need to get side tracked getting stars to access other areas of the castle, nor complete earlier acts in stages to achive optimal coin conditions, getting the Koopa tropper to appear in BBB and have the ship raised for the Red coins in JRB come to mind. You can simply go into the stage, get the coins and move on, which is what the run is about. Less backtracking, for picking up coins in stages that require the caps. Minor I guess as you would be going in the cap stages anyway, but whatever. The best part is I would have thought is that Yoshi would be on the roof. 99 1-ups will not be used of course, but he gives you an enhanced triple jump does he not? Seems to me to be the only opertunity we have to be able to see this enhanced triple jump used in a TAS. That and we can race the Fat super Penguin. Also whilst I am here, loved the run Rikku.
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I agree with the concept demo categorization. I know for a fact that all 2091 coins can be collected without the enhanced triple jump. I don't think it saves time either.
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Is the all coin run still being considered?
Actually, it's already being done, with all 2672 coins.
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Not sure if this is known yet, tried IMing MrRobertZ but it seems like I'm blocked ... don't know if anything useful can come out of it.
Borg Collective wrote:
Negotiation is irrelevant. Self-determination is irrelevant. You will be assimilated.
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Not sure if this is known yet, tried IMing MrRobertZ but it seems like I'm blocked
Sorry about that, I must've been away.. You can try again.
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That's just a black room of death, right? From what I understand, MIPS can be used to move around in the basement, but you can't take him upstairs or outside because it won't load the area unless you open the door.
TASing or playing back a DOS game? Make sure your files match the archive at RGB Classic Games.
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Good lord, the video has been submitted. That was unbelievably fast.
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WIP, with the Lobby finished and Bowser 1 done. Enjoy![/u] Feedback is appreciated. Thanks to Rikku for the hosting.