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Arrow Flash genesys 100%
  • kill time:26.11.657
  • rerecord:2087
  • hi score:876040
"Shmups" that a liver "TASing" becomes "PSYKOSHMUPS" !!!
for entertainment I enjoyed myself so much with the elements of sets (ex:frame 10081), the ability to walk on two different routes (ex:frame 27320 and 81120), followed by frame enemy fire, as well as a nice little glitch that allows you to cross enemy and elements of the scenery (ex:frame 22120), in fact the missile that struck a path element it lacks hitbox for a short time !!
Primary objective = "kill them all"
the small secretive Level 3 is no longer the party for talking (ex:frame 36350) and these six invincible colleagues Level 2 (ex:frame 28130) you know the ones that come from the bottom ... they rest in peace in the cellar !!!
Level 5 second part asked me to kill the enemy quickly to avoid crying counter lag and BOSS has been optimized to make me won 700 frames because his hitbox, although hidden by the green ship that ballad is beautiful and easily accessible !!
For my part, I enjoyed myself to do it "TAS" and hopefully entertain you as much as I wish you good "shmups"

feos: Judging...
feos: Encoded.
feos: Hi zoboner, and welcome to TASVideos!
This is an interesting run! It is very visible how much you cared about making it entertaining, and the viewer support proves it. But it doesn't look like you were trying to optimize it for time to its maximum. Simple menu navigation can be done ~50 frames faster. Also, you have to stop the movie right after the last button press you need to beat the game. That way, the real time this game takes is shown in the file and in the submission.
So I'm rejecting this run for being very improvable by time, but I'm stating that it's a really strong start, and that we all hope to see your full potential applied.