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Did you use frame advance, mwl? That should allow you to play one note every frame.
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I tried using frame advance. It looks like you don't get to play a note every frame. Do you want to try it, Yautja? Oh, and as frustrating as it is, the new video still desynchs at the chicken when played from the very beginning. Is anyone here able to play it from the very beginning to the requiem just fine?
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mwl wrote:
Do you want to try it, Yautja?
Hell no! :P
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okay, 1 last try from the chicken. If it desynchs again, I quit.
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Good luck.
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mwl wrote:
Good luck.
I think that can be said from all of us! Wish you all the best luck in the world (apart from the luck keeping me alive, giving me good exam papers, and luck with my girlfriend :P)
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I agree with you, Guano. This random desync crap is pissing me off, too. In fact so much so that I'm almost considering trying to join the development team on mupen so we can get some of this crap fixed (recordable resets, desyncs, etc).
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I don't think 'good luck' will fix a constant desynch problem.
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Andypro wrote:
I agree with you, Guano. This random desync crap is pissing me off, too. In fact so much so that I'm almost considering trying to join the development team on mupen so we can get some of this crap fixed (recordable resets, desyncs, etc).
this version (nitsuja's) is open source. besides, it's not supported by the mupen team. so why not trying to edit the source yourself now ? yeah, this idea is frightening :)
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SXL wrote:
this version (nitsuja's) is open source. besides, it's not supported by the mupen team. so why not trying to edit the source yourself now ? yeah, this idea is frightening :)
Or how about someone contacts team Mupen (if there is such a thing) and ask them for their help.
Nitrogenesis wrote:
Guys I come from the DidyKnogRacist communite, and you are all wrong, tihs is the run of the mileniun and everyone who says otherwise dosnt know any bater! I found this run vary ease to masturbate too!!!! Don't fuck with me, I know this game so that mean I'm always right!StupedfackincommunityTASVideoz!!!!!!
Arc wrote:
I enjoyed this movie in which hands firmly gripping a shaft lead to balls deep in multiple holes.
natt wrote:
I don't want to get involved in this discussion, but as a point of fact C# is literally the first goddamn thing on that fucking page you linked did you even fucking read it
Cooljay wrote:
Mayor Haggar and Cody are such nice people for the community. Metro City's hospitals reached an all time new record of incoming patients due to their great efforts :P
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just for the record, you checked "copy framebuffer to dram" when making your movie, right? If the output of your gfx plugin is allowed to influence the behaviour of the game, you'll run into trouble, because the gfx-plugin's output will be different on different hardware, different CPU loads or between different driver versions. No change in mupen can fix this. Zelda accesses the video ram each time you enter the inventory, and when I tried to play your movie, it always desynced on or shortly after an inventory access. basically, if you aren't lucky enough to have it keep stable, it has to be redone.
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I don't think that was checked for this test run. It supposedly slows down the game a lot. For the final TAS, though, it should be checked.
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mwl wrote:
I played the song in 50 frames, a 30-frame improvement from what you did in your previous run. And it's not really a blur. I don't know. I was a bit exaggerating when I used that word, but it also seems that I can't play songs as quickly in Mupen as I can in Proj64 (by about 10 frames max. depending on the song), even using the same key assignments.
Uh, that's kinda bizarre. It could just be that the input plugin is bad about letting you press a button immediately after loading, or something like that. I don't know.
Tub wrote:
just for the record, you checked "copy framebuffer to dram" when making your movie, right?
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All we need now is the flux capacitor and we're good.
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alright, im back in the game, it ran it back after I did the jump for the 4th damn time. Ill repost once Im back to the same spot. Its funny though, last time I entered the DC, the wolf howled 200 frames earlier when I went in like 60 frames faster. So I wanted to see if it howled at a different location I went in and he does. I dont know how to manipulate the longest to go without the howl but the one I had posted was the longest wait for the howl I had.
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Its funny though, last time I entered the DC, the wolf howled 200 frames earlier when I went in like 60 frames faster. So I wanted to see if it howled at a different location I went in and he does. I dont know how to manipulate the longest to go without the howl but the one I had posted was the longest wait for the howl I had.
Gosh, I hope you're not serious. -______________-
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Well, if you end up waiting a day, then you may as well make it come EARLIER then! And by the way, did we decide whether a save+reset in place of dying would make a difference in the day timing? I haven't been able to look at the movie for a while.
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By the time the Haunted Wasteland sign pops up, im 10 frames faster than my earlier post.
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Please post a new .m64 (no save); I'd like to verify that there are no desynchs before you spend a lot of time in the Wasteland.
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I checked it already and it works. Now, if you can get through the Haunted Wasteland fast post up. Also, if you try, go in at different frames to the Desert Col. to manipulate when the wolf will howl at the latest time. Hopefully he howls right before Link enters the ST or if by luck, he doesnt howl, which means night time will still exist during the cuscenes. Would that be right?
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Sorry, I don't think I can do Haunted Wasteland. :( I've made it through once without the lens, but that was after some fifty frustrating tries. I really suck at certain parts of the game. If the Wolfos doesn't howl, then it would still be day during the Requiem cutscene. No desynchs this time. Good. Others can confirm. * Raw data under Input Settings must be checked * Movie file must be loaded as "Read-Only" EDIT Confirmed: AKA was correct. The attack power of the Deku stick jumpslash can be preserved from the Armos all the way until the Iron Knuckle. You have to take out (but not consume) a Deku Stick to jumpslash across the pit in the room with the Anubis. EDIT 2 Spirit Temple route up: Not much of a difference except preserving the jumpslash attack power. You also need to manipulate luck so that the Anubis drops three easily-obtainable red rupees.
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Hey, you forgot Deku Stick on the Iron Knuckle. Didnt you? Hmm, ill try and do the wasteland now. :(
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Sorry if I was unclear. 1. You jumpslash the Armos with the Deku Stick and preserve the attack power all the way until the Iron Knuckle. 2. Remember how you jumpslashed with your sword to cross a gap in the room with the Anubis? You have to pull out your Deku Stick with C-Left and use that to make it across. Doing this prevents the preserved attack power from being overwritten by a sword jumpslash, which is 2x weaker. 3. When you arrive at the Iron Knuckle, do eight crouching stabs to defeat him. Since the attack power has been preserved since the Armos, you should NOT even need to pull out a Deku Stick or do a "missed jumpslash." Only ONE stick is consumed in the entire Spirit Temple. If any of this is not clear, please let me know.
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Here you go MWL, you got it pretty good last time, try it again, I made a save state for you right when link is about to play. GL again :)
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It didn't desync here either, you're good to go. Just a suggestion, if you don't already, do a savestate after every few rooms and replay the movie file just to make sure you don't desync, although it could be annoying. Edit: This was meant to be before the last few posts, but forgot to send it through till later and all these other posts came.