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Dacicus wrote:
Okay, guys, here's an AVI of the WIP up through getting the Silver Gauntlets (and then desynching :( ). I recommend watching it with VLC, as the audio and video will be horribly out of synch otherwise. I think that the encoding process made them somewhat out of synch even in VLC, but it's nowhere near as bad as what I experienced in WMP.
Thanks for the video! At least we can watch the run properly. Please post some more vids as the run continues, to show the progress of the run.
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Actually what I said was slightly wrong about the spirit. You used the stick on the armos which was correct, but you then went on and cancelled the out the power crouch with a jump slash later on. You should keep in mind for later on Does anyone know where I can buy A Gamecube USB converter, but it must have an option of being purchased by text message.
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I dont know what you mean by 'can be purchased by text message', but here is a good looking one that works for all 3 systems (PS2, xbox, and gamecube).
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It looks like I need a half second to get the boost. My strategy is either: 1. Run backwards when I get in the room, get right to the ledge and jump on the platform. Once on the platform I push (R) to let her go then immediately bring out a chu, but you cant let it go right away otherwise it will explode. So I wait some frames and let it go at an angle to where it explodes by itself, while that is happening I pick up the princess and throw her on the ledge, then I get hit by the tip of the blast and try to do the boost from there. 2. Other strategy is run backwards then then at a good time, throw her onto the platform and while I am in mid air, pull out a chu and let it go when I get on the platform, (I need to be on the left side of the princess) then I pick up the princess and do the same as mentioned above. If the bomb doesnt explode I need to stab it with my sword fast enough then jump off for the boost. These are the best strats I came up with. EDIT: ARRRRG! Im like a fraction of a hair away from it! EDIT: I DID IT! 1 min after updating, I DID IT!!!! YAYAYAYAY!
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I've downloaded the latest version of the run and it desyncs once the sword has been collected. I have both Euro and USA versions 1.1.. It's strange Mario 16 min and current 120 star run, runs perfectly.
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AKA wrote:
I've downloaded the latest version of the run and it desyncs once the sword has been collected. I have both Euro and USA versions 1.1.. It's strange Mario 16 min and current 120 star run, runs perfectly.
That's probably because the run uses V1.0
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Do you have to climb the vines and such to boomerang the switch our could you do it from a position on the ground level.
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Zurreco wrote:
That's probably because the run uses V1.0
Yeah, its USA ver 1.0
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Sorry for the mistake I do have both Euro and USA 1.0. version, it still doesn't explain why.
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GuanoBowl wrote:
Do you have to climb the vines and such to boomerang the switch our could you do it from a position on the ground level.
You could try aiming at the switch with your slingshot and then throwing the boomerang. It's the only way you can "target" your boomerang throw (that I know of). If that doesn't work, you'll have to climb the vine. In this case, after the boomerang hits the switch, side-hop off the platform as TSA did in his 5 hr. run. Please post another .m64 after Barinade so that we can give feedback.
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Whats the best strat. on beating the boss.....
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You can target the boomerang by just holding down the C-button. iirc.
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Yeah, just hold the C button you assigned the boomerang to. Sorry. Barinade strategies (from SDA):
When you hit the body with the boomerang a second time (like TSA did-- right before it started moving around) nail the boomerang in there again and THE MOMENT it connects, pull out a deku seed and aim it at the center of the body. For some reason, this causes all the other electrical whatevers to be instantly destroyed. When it starts firing electricity, purposely get struck by one blast so it comes out of the ground faster (tested this). Do a side jump or something into it so it doesn't look as bad. I tried a lot of things but at best, you have to kill it it 3 rounds because the best I did was manage to leave it with a single point left when it comes out of the ground for the last time.
After he goes completely underground, get hit and he'll come up faster. Taking damage does make barinade rise quicker in the last stage.
After beating phase one, QUICKLY Boomerange the body to stun it, otherwise you will have whirling jellyfish to contend with. Ignore the first wave of jellyfish and attack the body. For phase two, it's possible to take out all four jellyfish in a single stun cycle. For phase three, two Deku Stick jump-attacks and one regular jump-attack ought to finish the job.
Of course, there's also TSA's video. He did a pretty good job on this battle IIRC.
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Well, Im up to the boss and Ill re-download TSA's because I deleted it on accident the other day. Ill see what he does and repost tomorrow with my results. Here you go, up to the boss: I dont know if you guys have WINRAR so I made a .zip for you all. It includes the m64 and save file.
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GuanoBowl wrote:
I made a .zip for you all. It includes the m64 and save file.
That defeats the purpose of zipping it, since the save file is huge and barely compresses at all. They should be separate downloads, with only the .m64 file being zipped.
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*cries* Can someone help me? I can't figure out what settings/plugin I should use to get this to work properly. Jabo's Direct3D8 1.6 runs without lag, but the ground is invisible or black, and certain walls are invisible, too. Most everything else works perfectly. Does anyone else have this problem? x_x;
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nitsuja wrote:
That defeats the purpose of zipping it, since the save file is huge and barely compresses at all. They should be separate downloads, with only the .m64 file being zipped.
Hey, I made it more convienent, if you have a slow internet connection then upgrade.
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I posted the correct plugins a few pages ago in this topic. EDIT - I just tested out my route after Barinade and you reach Hyrule Castle at midday under fairly optimal conditions. w00t! Btw, what's the point of unloading that Bombchu in the first phase of the Barinade battle? I take it that it's not part of the final run. Bombchus cannot damage the boss in any way. So we're looking at a one hour target for the end of segment two. Excellent.
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I'm using the same plugins. I don't know why, my game is screwed up. Some things work just fine, others are totally messed up, or even invisible. Does anyone have some advice to help? o.o; Oh, by the way, excellent WIP. Totally worth publishing once done.
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AKA wrote:
Sorry for the mistake I do have both Euro and USA 1.0. version, it still doesn't explain why.
Do you use the same settings? If you for example use another video plugin that could make it desync.
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Is it me or does just about every other page of this thread have the same Q & A about how to correctly load and play the movie? If you really care enough to watch the movie before it's done, take the time to read the thread first. That way the posts here can be mainly for discussion of the run.
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mwl wrote:
EDIT - I just tested out my route after Barinade and you reach Hyrule Castle at midday under fairly optimal conditions. w00t!
Sweet, that is awesome, did you take the owl?
mwl wrote:
Btw, what's the point of unloading that Bombchu in the first phase of the Barinade battle? I take it that it's not part of the final run. Bombchus cannot damage the boss in any way.
Haha, I was just pressing buttons, my last save was when I entered. So what happened to the Wiki test run route site? It stopped showing up
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Ah runs much better now, I'll probally have a lot to say by the end of it. Edit: It desynced during the fishing game. I have a question and that is did you get the deku nut on the way to King Zora? My Barinade strategy courtousy of Mano and Acryte 1. Pretty obvious what to do in first phase 2. Bomerang core and use crouch stabs, no need to to jump slash 3. Hit core early and use nut to instantly kill all jellyfish 4. Move so that you can corner Barinade and jumpslash with stick 5. Take damage to rise quicker 6. Crouch stab when Barinade is stunned 7. Repeat stages 5 and 6 I would definitley get the heart piece here as you have to wait for Ruto to rise.
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Yes, I used the same route as posted on my site. It's up for me right now. In case you can't see it, the rest of segment two is planned as follows: Zora's Fountain (Receive Zora's Sapphire) Zora's Domain (Catch fish in bottle) Lake Hylia (Owl warp to Hyrule Castle) Hyrule Castle (Seamwalk/Bombchu boost) Castle Courtyard (Roll past guards) Hyrule Field (Die*) * Climb the chain, then get the 20 Rupees and fall down to die. AKA, what Deku Nut? No, he didn't, and once again you should have brought this up earlier. The Wiki can be edited by anyone, and that includes you. If you don't see "Collect Deku Nut" on the route, that means Guano didn't do it. No heart pieces. Since there's no save and reset he has to die each time. Recovering any health whatsoever will slow the process.
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The owl is definitley not faster because of the long conversation and flight sequence, so take the river and get the bean so you can plant it once you get into Kakariko via owl. When you appear outside the castle with impa its always day, so you have to use the bridge to kill yourself. I'd rather Guano just completed it, I'm still wondering if he can break 2:15. Shadow Temple is gonna be really hard with three hearts when you consider all these damage related tricks. If you're getting deku nuts then it would probally be best to kill the giamnt mad plant in Forest so you can get 3 deku nuts.