Post subject: Just watched
Joined: 6/9/2004
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Very nice video there. Well exploited, I was wondering where you'd get the bombchus (I didn't read the first 15 or so pages of this thread), keep up the good work, and I would love to see another video, of completion, or more where it is going. Huge sequence break too, that I love.
Joined: 6/19/2005
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zomg... That's a LOT of skipped stuff. o.o; How do you do the Fire Temple without the hammer? And... how do you skip half of the rest of that crap? O.o
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IMPblackbelt wrote:
zomg... That's a LOT of skipped stuff. o.o; How do you do the Fire Temple without the hammer? And... how do you skip half of the rest of that crap? O.o
You don't do Fire Temple at all. Read the thread.
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
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IMPblackbelt wrote:
zomg... That's a LOT of skipped stuff. o.o; How do you do the Fire Temple without the hammer? And... how do you skip half of the rest of that crap? O.o
You are only required to get very specific items and then glitch through the rest in OoT. For example, you NEED the Fairy Bow and the Light Arrows to even finish the game. But, however, you do not need the Megaton Hammer, as none of the bosses in the game requires for you to use the Hammer to even hurt them. That's what I'm guessing. I don't really have time to read through all 22 pages :P
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Sketchie wrote:
For example, you NEED the Fairy Bow and the Light Arrows to even finish the game. But, however, you do not need the Megaton Hammer, as none of the bosses in the game requires for you to use the Hammer to even hurt them.
You need the Hammer to hurt Volvagia, don't you? ;) Anyway, we're not even getting close to battling Volvagia, so it doesn't matter.
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YautjaElder wrote:
Sketchie wrote:
For example, you NEED the Fairy Bow and the Light Arrows to even finish the game. But, however, you do not need the Megaton Hammer, as none of the bosses in the game requires for you to use the Hammer to even hurt them.
You need the Hammer to hurt Volvagia, don't you? ;) Anyway, we're not even getting close to battling Volvagia, so it doesn't matter.
Oh, d'oh, you're right. I haven't played OoT for ages, so forgive me. XP
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Sketchie wrote:
Oh, d'oh, you're right. I haven't played OoT for ages, so forgive me. XP
Maybe you should read the thread now?
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
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Okay, a bit of a situation. Im up to throwing Princess Funbagg up on the miniboss skip section and need some help. Do I have to go all the way down then back up again for the glitch to work? Ill let you guys help me Im posting it now up to where I am... you have just enough time to pull it off I believe but it has to be fast! My best clue is to get the bomb out as fast as possible, let it zoom around on the platform cause it wont run into you and explode. Then once it hits you, maybe there is enough time to do the 2nd chu and get on there. Anyways M64: Save: Save from beginning of Jabu: EDIT: You can also slice the bomb and make it explode which is much easier.
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hey, no disrespect, just a few comments on the WIP: I'm almost convinced walking diagonal is the slowest form of movement in the game. Slower even than normal walking. Why is there so much of it, even when there are places where rollign is possible. It is understandable that genrally one would think the shortest path is the fastest, but with the wrong form of movement the slightly less linear can be faster by far. Secondly, why jumpslash w/ sword on ghoma? If they don't want to waste a stick they can get farther away from ghoma and do a jumpslash w/ deku (and have it miss) then do the crouch stabs, though in reality, w/ all the time you have for king dodongo before you need to jumpslash, you don't have to extinguish a single stick, and also, the freaking lizalfos fights are gone so what is the point of saving them? you only need to have 1 for when you get to jabujabu, and you can collect that from the jar on the way up if it takes less time than doing 4 stabs on ghoma instead of 2. Another thing that is experimental and may save time would be to test and see if by waiting for a few frames before entering deku tree (aka so the randoms generated are different) if by sacrificing a few frames, you can alter the states of the wallskultulas so that you can get the damage boost up top as well which would cut the time down even further, though that would need to be looked into. Secondly, I don't like jumping as much but I belived it to be alot faster when jumping from corner to corner aka, you jump you land and immediately jump again after climbing the ladder and going to go get the slingshot. then maybe switch to rolls when you approach the flat side where the chest is and up till the door. No savewarp past mido (k I understand, forgot about menu lag...)? I thought someone told me there was a way to manually do that, though I can't remember how. Even so, there is a clearcut backrun path that involves a backflip over the water and goes between the pillars and to the base of that hill that is undoubtably faster. That strat for the bridge setup (cuckoo jump) was brilliant however. when backrunning into the fortress, he should stop backrunning and do a diagonal roll to the backleft because the angle will provide a faster warp than straight back. second room in spirit was very cool. doesn't it take less frames to shoot the switch while you are closer since the bullet doesn't have to travel as far, then you jump over? It might take more time to go sideways while climbing then to do a backflip w/ slingshot after entering the room and shooting the skulltula off the wall in the process (from the side not behind, because you also gain ground in the process which is faster). Very nice bombchu placement. O_O nice trick in the beamos + block room... once again, jumpslash w/ sword for the low stabs? Has anyone tested to see if the cutscene appears if you drop down from the gauntlets room or if it is soley a cutscene that triggers from exiting through that entrance? As for the princess, if you do the bottle trick then you don't even need her. You can get the boomerang, then go back and go up there, then do the switch trick. It is alot faster than grabbing ruto.
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So Acryte, with your recent post, you seem to have many ideas, whatever happened with using them for your run?
Nitrogenesis wrote:
Guys I come from the DidyKnogRacist communite, and you are all wrong, tihs is the run of the mileniun and everyone who says otherwise dosnt know any bater! I found this run vary ease to masturbate too!!!! Don't fuck with me, I know this game so that mean I'm always right!StupedfackincommunityTASVideoz!!!!!!
Arc wrote:
I enjoyed this movie in which hands firmly gripping a shaft lead to balls deep in multiple holes.
natt wrote:
I don't want to get involved in this discussion, but as a point of fact C# is literally the first goddamn thing on that fucking page you linked did you even fucking read it
Cooljay wrote:
Mayor Haggar and Cody are such nice people for the community. Metro City's hospitals reached an all time new record of incoming patients due to their great efforts :P
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Ok now I've seen the run in its entirety I feel I have a lot to say about it and it'll mirror a lot of what Acryte said and perhaps repeat what others have said as well. Ok deep breath... NEVER EVER diagonally back-walk for anything more than 30 frames. Only use it if it is required to minorally change the direction of back-walks. Always favor speed of movement over distance travelled Ok now I've got the main point over. I'll begin from the start --------------- During the startip menu when you are naming yourself. Instead of calling yourself "J" Do A, Start, A and contiually hit A. --------------- Back-walk into the first two ruppees, back-flip onto the ledge and re-aline yourself and back-flip over the fences to get the blue and green ruppee. That is what I roughly do as I can consistently reach the tunnel 2 seconds faster than you. --------------- !!!SCREAM!!! why didn't you reach a grand total of 30 ruppee's in the bushes, this is a TAS for goodness sake so maximise your luck you might even reach 35 ruppees. It saves the unnesccary diversion in the shop. Also did you experiment on trying to sword spin the 2 plants, because I've proved its doable in normal play. I know it may sound stupid but are you using a USB converter? --------------- During all text scene do A,B,A,B,A,B --------------- I'm not even gonna mention the walkway up to the slingshot room, I would use rolling which is acceptable for a human but you should use side-steps --------------- I'll say this now ,as it applies to a lot of what happened during your run. When using your sling shot NEVER lock on (with exeption to Gohma) as it causes an undue delay -------------- Nice deku shrub room I have to say, but why of why did you not use a stick on Gohma, it would of beaten Gohma in less than half the time -------------- Very good up until the lens, I'm probally wrong but I'm sure its possible to do that section in two back-walks instead of three ------------- It doesn't hurt you to collect 20 ruppees after you get the key, it saves from all these other mini diversions that you gonna have to make. Also you lost a stick for no reason, I would be doing everything to conserve it and poor Iron Knuckle battle (because you didn't use the stick you should of conserved) ------------- Thats all I've seen I take it you used the jumpslash into jabu instead of rolling into the corner, which is fine if that method becomes too frustrating to pull off. I don't want any replies lashing out at me, I tried to say it in the best possible way. And none of that "Why don't you do it yourself , The answer to that is I'm doing an SS sub-3 on a console within 3-4 weeks. I've only seen the video up until that point
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AKA wrote:
--------------- During the startip menu when you are naming yourself. Instead of calling yourself "J" Do A, Start, A and contiually hit A.
Because J in entirety is my first name and I would like to put it there for my good reason. Also, I sidestep on some because it helps me angle right and lets me go right into backwalking, yes it was a bad idea in the Forest and yes it will be reduced a lot. And again AKA, because you have been with this post for a while, you could have told these things earlier instead of waiting for someone else to ;)
Acryte wrote:
As for the princess, if you do the bottle trick then you don't even need her. You can get the boomerang, then go back and go up there, then do the switch trick. It is alot faster than grabbing ruto.
Dont you need her to get the boomerang? I thought it takes to people to push down the switch.
Change my sig. again, and I will murder your pet fish.
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mwl wrote:
Which codec does it use?
H.264 via the x264 library
Acryte wrote:
Has anyone tested to see if the cutscene appears if you drop down from the gauntlets room or if it is soley a cutscene that triggers from exiting through that entrance?
I think I went through the child portion before getting the Requiem when the child early trick was just discovered, and the cutscene did not appear. I'll try it again now, as I have a save state somewhere in the temple. EDIT: Well, I tried it again, and the cutscene didn't roll. You need to go in and out the front entrance to get the Requiem.
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I couldn't properly comment on your video because I hadn't seen it in the flesh. Don't worry about these errors, because you or someone else can do another run which erradicates all these errors. Things could change dramaitcally if Acryte or someone else can do the leap of faith to Ganon's castle. If someone could provide a save state on top on the area where you need to do the leap of faith, then I could experiment using slow down. I think it'll require techniques and accuracy's which are only doable with slowdown. I don't know how comfident Acryte is of pulling it off. I only tried a mega jump and fell about ten feet short. Well if you want to call yourself "J" then you do that, its just the next time someone does a run,they'll quite easilly be able to save a heavy dose of frames over you. Yes you absolutley need Ruto to get the bomerang Have you got a fish? Remember to collect it again so you can use it in Dondongo.
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AKA and Acryte, those comments should have been said earlier, not when the run is already 25-30% finished. I guess you two can take the time to make runs that do have all those improvements. The bottle glitch is not used in J-J because it would have required another trip back down the waterfall to catch a fish. That is, unless there's some faster way that I don't know about, and in which case you guys should have spoken up. The bottle glitch will be used in Dodongo's. He can catch a fish on his way down. AKA, why don't you check the route and comment if there's any redundancy. "J" is the entire first name? That's cool!
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mwl wrote:
AKA and Acryte, those comments should have been said earlier, not when the run is already 25-30% finished. I guess you two can take the time to make runs that do have all those improvements.
Wasn't this intended to be a test run? Better late than never, I would think.
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Yeah, for my name, if you ever hear about an OUTLAW of the past named John Wesley Harden I think around late 1700's who I am named after, he is a relative of mine, then which my parents decided to shorten John to just J, so now every single person, including my friends and some family, spell my first name Jay and when I correct them (which I dont waste my breath for anymore) they get confused on the fact that the J doesnt stand for anything and that it is merely just a letter. And AKA and Acryte, just help me with my run please by demonstrating, actually doing some Link action, something. You guys say you know what you are doing so help me
Change my sig. again, and I will murder your pet fish.
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AKA wrote:
During the startip menu when you are naming yourself. Instead of calling yourself "J" Do A, Start, A and contiually hit A.
For a game in which text flows sufficiently slowly to read, sometimes a real name can be more appealing for entertainment purposes. In this case, I think it would be worth giving him a better name than 'A'. This is a point argued on by many people, as its more of a personal preference than anything else. I, for example, like names. BOMF for example likes 'A' over a name. Overall however, in the end this is the authors decision, not ours.
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For some reason, I'd thought you picked "J" because in cutscenes and whatnot when someone says your name "J" is shorter than "A" and it would take less frames to say it. But that's kind of dumb now that I think of it. The font is fixed width and even if it wasn't, it renders letters instantly and not gradually, right? I don't have the 1.2 rom so I wasn't able to watch your M64 properly (interestingly enough it runs perfectly fine up until after you get the Kokiri Sword, then desyncs) so I was finally able to watch it when the AVI was posted in the thread (up to the silver gauntlets). I was very impressed. The new comments added sound like it could be improved much more, though, so I'm really anxious to see what it would look like with such improvements. One question, though. I'm not completely familiar with the pitfalls of different movement types but I did notice that at one point you did that sideways-jumping trick (Been a while since I played it... is it left on the analog stick while holding Z and tapping A?) which seems to be really fast. Does it save time to do this during the long stretches, like across the Hylean Fields before you get to Gerudo Valley?
Joined: 11/24/2005
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Backwalking is faster. And I'm pretty sure Acryte and AKA haven't made these comments sooner because they couldn't watch the video until the .AVI came out. I was also very uneasy about the backwards diagonal walking.... But! It's a great run, and keep it up!
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GuanoBowl wrote:
And AKA and Acryte, just help me with my run please by demonstrating, actually doing some Link action, something. You guys say you know what you are doing so help me
[why do quotes never appear boxed] We are, I have plenty of videos if you check my link and did you watch my best ever Kokiri completion (with the infamous green bars) which I posted several pages back. Your best bet is to sift through that monster 200+ topic at SDA, me, Kazooie, Yautja, fluffy and Acryte(if he put the link in his sig) all have videos which would be of use to you. If you look hard I posted 4 half hour videos of me beating the child adventure in 1:45 during a failed attempt at a SS sub-3.
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AKA wrote:
!!!SCREAM!!! why didn't you reach a grand total of 30 ruppee's in the bushes, this is a TAS for goodness sake so maximise your luck you might even reach 35 ruppees. It saves the unnesccary diversion in the shop.
I just spent about five minutes slashing up bushes around the Z-targeting practice area and they yielded nothing but green rupees and Deku seeds. Same with the weeds near the Kokiri Sword. I doubt it's possible to reach 40 rupees before the shop this way.
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GuanoBowl wrote:
Okay, a bit of a situation. Im up to throwing Princess Funbagg up on the miniboss skip section and need some help. Do I have to go all the way down then back up again for the glitch to work? Ill let you guys help me Im posting it now up to where I am... you have just enough time to pull it off I believe but it has to be fast! My best clue is to get the bomb out as fast as possible, let it zoom around on the platform cause it wont run into you and explode. Then once it hits you, maybe there is enough time to do the 2nd chu and get on there. Anyways M64: Save: Save from beginning of Jabu: EDIT: You can also slice the bomb and make it explode which is much easier.
Sorry for going off topic, but can you rar, gtar, gzip, or zip your m64 movie file? It's about 2.37MB unzipped, and when I zipped it I got it to 20KB! That's probably the best compression I've seen in a long while. Thanks!
<agill> banana banana banana terracotta pie! <Shinryuu> ho-la terracotta barba-ra anal-o~
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Alright guys, I cant get the bomb boost in Jabu so Im going to go drink and have some fun. Ill try again tomorrow.
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Lol, I would have poseted sooner but I was unaware that guanobowl was making a TAS. So, that is why I was so late in responding. But, yeah I have some ideas, I just kind of think of them on the spot when I go through a room. It's like, well how can it be done optimally? How can I do more things than just movement, or how can you take advantage of the fact that you get perfect movement options. AKA: k I think the leap of faith is impossible. It's just that when you short it... you really short it... You would need to roll -> backflip -> bombchu but I can't even get a freaking setup like on the other seam... well I can, but not w/ the correct angle, and when turned I still don't.... bleh.
Wisdom; Power; Courage.